U.S. Ladies [#23]: Triple Axels? What a Novice Idea!

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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Bradie absolutely should be ahead of Medev. Really pissed about that.
I am not pissed, always happy for Russian girls to be on top... But i do like Bradie, and am also VERY surprised why she is not ahead of Med, given it is SP a tech programme and Med made big mistake on 2A while Bradie was not just clean but had very good entries and exits and executions of the jumps + the rest was very good too.


Bradie's 3Lz+3Lo (eta: 10.80 base value) was called clean with + GOE and she received 12.57 points, BUT her 3F in 2nd half was called < and she got only 4.14 points for it. She had the highest TES (37.38) in the field and was 2+ points behind Medvedeva in PCS.
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Well-Known Member
I honestly thought Med's triple toe looked more questionable on rotation than Bradie's flip and felt that on the night, Bradie actually had more polished performance quality. Her step sequence in particular was outstanding, as she hit the musical highlights perfectly. And I have not been a fan of Bradie's skating up until this point! She'll win me over quickly if she keeps up like this.


Well-Known Member
funny that kalyan had the highest score but the lowest placement of her , Izzo and Cui.

But Kalyan & Izzo both finished next behind the same girl: Jihun To. Plus Scherbakova, Russia #2, and Young You. Fortunately for Izzo, Yi Christy Leung was booked for the U.S. Classic.


Active Member
I think it's highly likely that Pooja is getting a Challenger. She has a top 10 summer score, and if the fed is sending Ashley Lin to Nebelhorn (genuinely not trying to be shady), Pooja will most definitely get a CS. She wasn't going to make the JGPF in the first place with an 8th place, so why not give her some WS points in a senior competition? Even better, assign her to the one in Austria or Tallinn and she gets a bye to her first senior nationals. Plus, if you think about, who else is there to send that is age-eligible that doesn't already have one? Ting will probably be assigned to one as well, but then you get Hannah Miller (who you'd be giving a bye to Nationals because of the proximities of AUT and EST to Nats). You kill 2 (or maybe 3) birds with one stone. Start progressively moving your junior ladies through the ranks: inch by inch raise their PCS and GOE, and covering for the absences of Ashley and Mirai. This really is a developmental period and the fed (imo) has nothing to lose with experimentation, so why not start moving the senior-eligible ladies up through the ranks?

Sorry for the rant...


Banned Member
Stellar Bradie Tennell, in both freakin' programs at AC. Arguably Bradie should have been first in sp, edging Med. But I wasn't surprised they placed Bradie behind favored Med. I like Med and I will be interested in her progress with Orser and Wilson. Already we can see evidence of the work that Wilson and Orser are doing with Med. But Bradie has improved so much! What a great outing. The judges better stop with their microscoping to manipulate placements. They did it to Bradie at 2018 Worlds too, to keep her down in the standings. Give credit where credit is due. Go Bradie Tennell!!!

I'm not just homering for a U.S. skater either. Med still has a lot to work on, and the judges consistently have over-credited Med in part because of Russian-cred rep and fs politics. Bradie's fp marks just in (206+ with 137+ in fp and 69.20 in sp). The judges are still tempering Bradie's scoring. Just keep going Bradie. Tenacious Tennell, indeed! This is going to be a long season with the judges holding back scoring and placements for certain skaters and over-rewarding others.

ETA (after Med's fp scores came up):

Okay, as the commentator said: "Mistakes cost..." Sometimes for those who are favored. The judges simply couldn't ignore that Med fell out of a double axel, and fell on another jump in the fp, and Bradie skated clean, even if they tried to microscope Bradie again and keep down her PCS. I'll have to check the full scores and protocols to see where the PCS shaped up in the fp. Obviously, the sp was tight and Bradie arguably could have been placed first there too, but rep politics was against that happening. But Bradie weren't giving an inch. She means business, and I love seeing that. Stay within yourself and compete your best regardless of anything the judges decide!
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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Stellar Bradie Tennell, in both freakin' programs at AC. Arguably Bradie should have been first in sp, edging Med. But I wasn't surprised they placed Bradie behind favored Med. I like Med and I will be interested in her progress with Orser and Wilson. Already we can see evidence of the work that Wilson and Orser are doing with Med. But Bradie has improved so much! What a great outing. The judges better stop with their microscoping to manipulate placements. They did it to Bradie at 2018 Worlds too, to keep her down in the standings. Give credit where credit is due. Go Bradie Tennell!!!

I'm not just homering for a U.S. skater either. Med still has a lot to work on, and the judges consistently have over-credited Med in part because of Russian-cred rep and fs politics. Bradie's fp marks just in (206+ with 137+ in fp and 69.20 in sp). The judges are still tempering Bradie's scoring. Just keep going Bradie. Tenacious Tennell, indeed! This is going to be a long season with the judges holding back scoring and placements for certain skaters and over-rewarding others.


Okay, as the commentator said: "Mistakes cost..." Sometimes for those who are favored. The judges simply couldn't ignore that Med fell out of a double axel, and fell on another jump in the fp, and Bradie skated clean, even if they tried to microscope Bradie again and keep down her PCS. I'll have to check the full scores and protocols to see where the PCS shaped up in the fp. Obviously, the sp was tight and Bradie arguably could have been placed first there too, but rep politics was against that happening. But Bradie weren't giving an inch. She means business, and I love seeing that. Stay within yourself and compete your best regardless of anything the judges decide!

YAYYYY just got home.. Will watch our girl Bradie, now!!

This woman has nerves of steel!!!!!


Banned Member
Bradie's 3Lz+3Lo (eta: 10.80 base value) was called clean with + GOE and she received 12.57 points, BUT her 3F in 2nd half was called < and she got only 4.14 points for it. She had the highest TES (37.38) in the field and was 2+ points behind Medvedeva in PCS.

Are you condoning and enabling the judging, or just reporting what the judges did? This sport is notorious for political scoring and pecking order placements, I don't care what performance and scoring excuses are made. PCS are highly manipulable and manipulated all the time (Look at the lowballing on PCS for Tim Dolensky at Lombardia Trophy :rolleyes:). I suspect the judging, because there is clear conflict of interest and fs rep/preference bias, and its endemic. Yes, it's a judged sport and the skaters simply have to not take it personally, stay within themselves and keep their noses to the grindstone. As a fan, it's harder to swallow when the scoring simply doesn't make sense, and is obviously random, manipulable, and politics/preference-based.

At AC, Wakaba Higuchi was dumped on in the sp on PCS, when she is clearly a very dynamic, high-quality skater who was simply not quite over her skates technically at this event in either program. I do not argue Higuchi's overall placement at AC. Wakaba did not help herself at this event, and it is early yet. Still, clearly Wakaba is an overall higher quality skater than Kailani Crane, in terms of power, speed, skating skills, posture and presentation skills. I do say kudos to Kailani and I'm happy to see her fine effort rewarded at AC. More power to Kailani and thumbs-up, but Wakaba should receive more credit due in some PCS categories, even with technical miscues. Unfortunately, even when Wakaba is perfect, the judges do not favor her. Wakaba hit her fp out the wazoo at 2018 Worlds and others unexpectedly performed poorly, which aided in Wakaba medalling at that event. Sadly, I think some skaters are dissed, especially when they make mistakes, partly due to the way they may be perceived in terms of body image preferences. And that's wrong, and I will call it out. Whether it's figure skating politics preferences or body image bias. Just sayin'...


Well-Known Member
Um, did you actually watch the skating? Because Wakaba did not skate well in any way today, and I'm saying this as a fan, while Kailani killed it, and I normally don't care for her. Kailaini is very expressive and can sell snow to an Eskimo. Wakba's program was also very labored and there honestly isn't that much choreography yet. She did not look like the Wakaba of last year. You can't argue and say that some skaters get judged on politics and then argue that one skater should always get better PCS than another, even when the second skater out skates the first. :rolleyes:

ETA: And Wakaba beat Kailani on PCS by like 6 points so do you even know what you're going on about? Wakaba lost due to the technical mark. She had the 3rd highest PCS after Evgeni and Bradie.

Since this is the US Ladies thread, I'll say kudos to Bradie. Starr was my favorite of the US ladies today, though, and I think her program will kill at nationals.
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Banned Member
The PCS were very close to Medvedeva this time. Strangely they went up by a bit from SP.

Yep, as I said in Bradie's fan thread in Trash Can, Bradie just has to keep on keeping on and staying within herself with fierce determination, no matter what, and have a 'take no prisoners' 'tude. That same fierceness is partly what gave Med her rep status, in addition to the Russian cred scoring and fs politics. The PCS went up because Bradie gave no quarter and she did not back down. When a skater goes out there fiercely and consistently and improves from competition-to-competition without backing down or giving in to self-doubt, the judges have to recognize talent when it's smack in their faces! Bradie has definitely improved her fp interpretation since her last outing, with especially improving control of her arm movements. And her costumes look great too.

Just watched Starr Andrews, great athlete and i love her new look!

Starr is quite lovely and entertaining to watch. She just needs to keep working hard. I absolutely love her look on the ice in both her programs. She obviously is an up-and-coming skater who still needs to improve overall, but I love her grit and go-for-it determination.

DL of TSL is so wrong and so off-base in dissing Starr and making ignorant claims about Starr's mother's preferences (old off-season news for those who don't know what I'm referencing). Starr's Summertime sp is music by Gershwin, as interpreted by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, while Starr's fp music is a compilation by various artists, with an African rhythm theme. Starr looks great and I hope to see her build stamina and improve her speed, skating skills, and technical consistency. She still has work to do on fully interpreting her fp music, while still managing the tech elements. But with continued hard work, everything is possible.
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Banned Member
Um, did you actually watch the skating? Because Wakaba did not skate well in any way today, and I'm saying this as a fan, while Kailani killed it, and I normally don't care for her. Kailaini is very expressive and can sell snow to an Eskimo. Wakba's program was also very labored and there honestly isn't that much choreography yet. She did not look like the Wakaba of last year. You can't argue and say that some skaters get judged on politics and then argue that one skater should always get better PCS than another, even when the second skater out skates the first. :rolleyes:

ETA: And Wakaba beat Kailani on PCS by like 6 points so do you even know what you're going on about? Wakaba lost due to the technical mark. She had the 3rd highest PCS after Evgeni and Bradie.

Since this is the US Ladies thread, I'll say kudos to Bradie. Starr was my favorite of the US ladies today, though, and I think her program will kill at nationals.

If you read what I said, I am not arguing placements. Wakaba obviously did herself no favors, and she definitely did not skate well. The judges had to take her down technically. But I still think Wakaba performed overall very well in the sp, without the judges giving her appropriate credit for her CO and IN in that segment. Clearly, Wakaba let herself down and the actual placement behind Kailani in fp and overall is fair in that respect, because Kailani performed well and she's a quite lovely skater who has not always been given full credit for her performance abilities. That's why I give Kailani kudos for her fine effort, and as I already said, 'More power to Kailani.' I'm still calling out the judges' tendency to lowball Wakaba, even when she skates better than she did at this event. We can see some of the keeping down of Wakaba's marks on the GP last season. So it's a learning curve for skaters. You've got to stay within yourself and do your best and don't allow yourself to have self-doubts, no matter what the judges do. Wakaba is still a young skater in the midst of a steep learning curve, but she's also tremendously talented despite her showing at AC.

If there's a general ladies thread in Trash Can, this conversation should be taken there. Sorry for too much OT on skaters other than U.S. ladies. ETA: And please, the PCS marks for AC fp were not in yet (I was speaking of the sp PCS for Wakaba, chiefly on CO and IN, not comparing fp PCS between Kailani and Wakaba which was in process of being posted). I did not argue nor go on about the actual placement for Wakaba. She's lucky where she did place with her miscues, especially in the fp, which does not negate my observations. But yeah, carry on, if you will please in a general ladies thread.
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Banned Member
You can't argue and say that some skaters get judged on politics and then argue that one skater should always get better PCS than another, even when the second skater out skates the first. :rolleyes:

I didn't argue that @oleada. Not even close. But par for the course with how you misinterpret my posts apparently on purpose. :watch:
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