Bradie Tennell announced her coaching change on Instagram today. Bradie's head coach will now be Benoit Richaud and Cedric Tour will be her jump specialist. Bradie will also relocate to Nice, France.
Instagram caption:
It's time to set our sight toward 2021 and put the last thread title out of its misery.
Will there even be any competitions open to any U.S. Ladies this year? Or this season, for that matter? 🤨
Inquiring minds want to know.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to kiss, and a time to cry;
A time to train, and a time to do that which is trained;
A time to jump, and a time to spin;
A time to splat, and a time to rise;
A time to gripe, and a time to laugh;
A time to...
Bradie and the Bunch
If I Had a Harrell, If I Had a Bell
Alysa in Wonderland
This thread title was brought to you by Mark and Peter, and by William Shakespeare. :)
The various possibilities also include possible alternate thread titles, such as:
Starr Trek: The Next Generation (Queue @Sylvia going all :soapbox: on me about using a skater's name in the thread title.) :watch:
Bradie and the Bunch (Ditto)
For Quad's Sake!
Lifestyles of the Rich and...
BOWs are so boring. :yawn: Cinderella has been to the ball. :glamor:
It's time for our U.S. Ladies to rotate their jumps and go mano Amano. :kickass:
No more carrots! :soapbox:
It's been a week or two. Stars have been made. And, for those with the right Body of Work ("BOW"), Taipei, Sofia, Pyeongchang (Gangneung, actually), and Milan beckon.
Years turn into weeks. How quick they pass
And all the stars that are gonna be
Are training hard and skating fast.
I've got lots of friends in San Jose
Do you know the way to San Jose?
Can't wait to get back to San Jose!
I've been away so long
I may go wrong
And lose my way.
Who will find fame and fortune? :glamor:
Who will find peace of mind? :summer:
And whose dreams will turn to dust? :fragile:
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