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Antique member
I‘d be very happy to see Gracie competitive again.
She will have to go through Sectionals etc this year?
Is she assigned any Senior Bs?


Gracie hasn't competed yet this summer and with her not being listed in USFS' International Selection Pool, it looks like she is planning to take the Nationals qualifying route starting with the South Atlantic Regional Singles Challenge, which will be held in her home rink in Aston, PA, Oct. 2-6, 2019. If she places in the top 4 there, next would be the Eastern Sectional Singles Final (Nov. 12-16 in Hyannis, Mass.) and if she places in the top 4 there, she will advance to Nationals.


Rotating while Russian!
And she has to register for those by September 1st, right?


Well-Known Member
Gracie hasn't competed yet this summer and with her not being listed in USFS' International Selection Pool, it looks like she is planning to take the Nationals qualifying route starting with the South Atlantic Regional Singles Challenge, which will be held in her home rink in Aston, PA, Oct. 2-6, 2019. If she places in the top 4 there, next would be the Eastern Sectional Singles Final (Nov. 12-16 in Hyannis, Mass.) and if she places in the top 4 there, she will advance to Nationals.

Thanks for the info!

I always thought the USFSA could give her a bye to Nationals?

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
And she has to register for those by September 1st, right?
I always thought the USFSA could give her a bye to Nationals?
No, byes are only given to the top 5 in Senior the previous year, to those qualifying for the JGPF/GPF or those with an int'l comp that conflicts with their Sectional. Gracie will have to qualify via Regionals and Sectionals.


Well-Known Member
No, byes are only given to the top 5 in Senior the previous year, to those qualifying for the JGPF/GPF or those with an int'l comp that conflicts with their Sectional. Gracie will have to qualify via Regionals and Sectionals.

Thanks for the clarification. I thought the USFSA could give a bye at their discretion.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the clarification. I thought the USFSA could give a bye at their discretion.

Well if Gracie competes well in the fall perhaps she could be assigned to some international right around Sectionals time. Not sure if she is ready yet. She probably used her one off come back skater GP slot too early.


Well-Known Member
Thus far, we have 9 ladies on the Junior Grand Prix. That leaves us with 6 more spots. Harrell, Liu, and Izzo will probably each receive one more assignment. That leaves us with 3 spots left. I’m certain the federation will give Lindsay Thorngren a spot, so let’s say 2 spots are left. If a lady who was not already given a second spot surprises and does well at her first event, I’m sure she’ll be taking one of the two remaining spots. Thus, for the last on or two spots, depending on the circumstance, they’ll probably choose from the top scoring junior ladies: Sarah, Ellen, and Elsa.
I am not so sure that Lindsay will get a spot. Her Philly QR long program had a lot of unders (at least that was the rumor). She is very precise on her jumps but is slow and needs more work on SS. And my guess is that if a JGP was a definate 'go," USFS would have had her compete in the Philly international competition not domestic.


In the past, USFS could be helpful in connecting sponsors with skaters but I don't know if that kind of money is still attracted to the sport.


Well-Known Member
But at novice level? When there might be dozens of promising skaters with no guarantee of which ones will succeed in living up to that promise?

Some of them may already be working with top coaches, others may be happy with the coaching they're currently getting from up-and-coming coaches and not want to dilute that with coaching from federation-chosen specialists, and yet others may feel held back by financial constraints or location and would welcome more expert input if there were support to make it available to them.


Well-Known Member
But at novice level? When there might be dozens of promising skaters with no guarantee of which ones will succeed in living up to that promise?

Some of them may already be working with top coaches, others may be happy with the coaching they're currently getting from up-and-coming coaches and not want to dilute that with coaching from federation-chosen specialists, and yet others may feel held back by financial constraints or location and would welcome more expert input if there were support to make it available to them.

Im thinking yes at the Novice level. The federation identifies promising skaters. They meet with the skater, their parents, and their coaches and discuss the skater's goals, ie do they want to compete at a higher level or skating for fun,etc. Depending on the skater's goals, they come up with a plan and quantifiable benchmarks. The federation can also assist financially and help with technical assistance for both the skater and coach.


USFS has an Athlete High Performance Development Pool (AHPDP) for skaters not in the ISP and these younger skaters can attend either the High Performance Singles Camp that took place after the Broadmoor Open or one of the 3 held after the major summer competitions (Glacier Falls, Detroit, Philadelphia) where they and their coaches receive on ice technical feedback, etc.


Well-Known Member
Mia’s 3Lz+3T+Eu+3S

Recently, she started working on a 3A.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
I guess this step is coming a little too late, but hope it works out for her.

Hicks may have already reached her peak. But I wish she would give get more credit for what she did achieve: She finished in the top 6 twice at Junior Worlds, which is a higher placement than every US lady since her except for Cui. She's won 2 medals on the Grand Prix, which is more than Bell, Chen, Andrews, Glenn, Wessenberg, or any of the current generation except Tennell has won. Yeah, she never reached the very top, but she made it a lot higher than most of the American ladies.


Well-Known Member
Not that she’s a currentskater but I was surprised Ashley Wagner mentioned today on her Instastory she has two torn hip labrums.

I don’t think it’s terribly surprising. This sport is brutal on the hips. Many have torn labrum and just don’t know it (because they are not always accompanied by pain).


FWIW, I've been told that hip labrum tears are a very common injury among skaters and that many can still train/compete/skate without having surgery. They focus on doing physical therapy and regular strengthening exercises instead.

ETA that honey beat me to it!


New Member
FWIW, I've been told that hip labrum tears are a very common injury among skaters and that many can still train/compete/skate without having surgery. They focus on doing physical therapy and regular strengthening exercises instead.

ETA that honey beat me to it!

Ashley mentioned something like this in her instagram story. While she was competing, she had access to trainers who worked with her daily to strengthen the muscles in that area to support her hips. Now that she is not skating competitively, she doesn’t have access to those trainers anymore and skating is more painful. Her post was a pitch for some workout videos she uses, but I thought it was an interesting reminder of just how much effort these skaters, particularly at the elite level, are putting into their training.


Well-Known Member
I was just shocked because I’m used to hearing hip labrum tears as a career ending injury ex. Lipinski, Kwan, Yagudin and Czisny.


Active Member
I was just shocked because I’m used to hearing hip labrum tears as a career ending injury ex. Lipinski, Kwan, Yagudin and Czisny.

I agree, it was surprising how she just mentioned it like it wasn't that big a deal. I guess we'll see what kind of shape she's in this weekend at the Aurora Games which will be on ESPN U for anyone who has that channel.


Well-Known Member
According to Sylvia on Twitter, Polina Edmunds competed at Skate San Francisco and came in second place. Hopefully, she continues to improve and makes it to Nationals alongside Gracie Gold.


The Junior Grand Prix season begins this week in Courchevel, France and Calista Choi (N1) and Hanna Harrell (S4) will be competing. This marks Choi's Junior Grand Prix debut. Best of luck to both ladies.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
According to Sylvia on Twitter, Polina Edmunds competed at Skate San Francisco and came in second place. Hopefully, she continues to improve and makes it to Nationals alongside Gracie Gold.

Was not expecting to hear the words Polina, Edmunds and competition in the same sentence....

Good for her!!!!

Wouldn't it be great of GG and Polina could create 2014...longshot...but they seem to be out there!


Well-Known Member
Polina Edmunds has all her jumps, but not a clean triple-triple... yet. I think she's showcased a 3F+3T, 2A+3T, 3Lz+2T, 3Lo, and 3S on her Instagram. Best of luck to her. Imagine having Karen, Bradie, Mariah, Alysa, Hanna, Ting, Gracie, and Polina at Nationals in 2020. Talent overload.


Polina Edmunds has all her jumps, but not a clean triple-triple... yet. I think she's showcased a 3F+3T, 2A+3T, 3Lz+2T, 3Lo, and 3S on her Instagram. Best of luck to her. Imagine having Karen, Bradie, Mariah, Alysa, Hanna, Ting, Gracie, and Polina at Nationals in 2020. Talent overload.

SUPER fun & wildly exciting! Realistically, they see the void, too. Until the 3A/quad generation can solidify itself, there's certainly room for ladies of the past (and present) to resurface & shine.
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