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Well-Known Member
As Starr will be attending her first Champs Camp in a week, I think it fairly likely that she(along with other first timers) gets advice on how to deal with growing attention, both positive and negative. I think both her programs show promise and hope to see them in better shape at her next outing.


Well-Known Member
Ignore is your friend. Ignore the trash talkers here. And ignore Trashy Skating Lesson. All this discussion is doing is giving trolls publicity
Eys. I am casting about for titles for the next thread, and I don't want it to be "Made by Trolls in Trollhättan."

Possibilities so far:
"Bradie and the Bunch"
"Time to Reboot"
"Triple Axels? What a Novice Idea!"
"Waiting for Two Years from Now"


Well-Known Member
Now that she's been noticed by the public, that's a bad idea. But I'm sure USFS and others around her will be telling her that. (It's pretty common advice to young skaters starting to get noticed.)

I wish I thought that would work. Ashley, Mirai, and Gracie are pretty active on social media even when they were being slammed. In fact, Nathan spent his entire time in the green room on social media. He was following Jackie Wong on Twitter to see the results of the skaters before him just before he went into the ice at worlds. You can tell these youngsters to stop using the internet and social media, but it’s hard to put down the phone when it’s been your right hand for years.


Well-Known Member
I've had that poster and a few others on ignore for a while now. It makes the conversation s little confusing but it's much classier now.

I do occasionally have trouble following because people can’t resist engaging posters who don’t deserve the attention. But I prefer that to reading trash.


Well-Known Member
I wish I thought that would work. Ashley, Mirai, and Gracie are pretty active on social media even when they were being slammed. In fact, Nathan spent his entire time in the green room on social media. He was following Jackie Wong on Twitter to see the results of the skaters before him just before he went into the ice at worlds. You can tell these youngsters to stop using the internet and social media, but it’s hard to put down the phone when it’s been your right hand for years.

I think the skaters have to be active on social media to promote their brand and for endorsements. They make a good amount of money from their instagram accounts. Bradie probably has the right idea in forgoing the social media distraction for competition but it probably isn't helping her with endorsements or public recognition.

Now skaters have to be entertaining on social media. They are not going to get work on the basis of their titles.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Now skaters have to be entertaining on social media. They are not going to get work on the basis of their titles.

Not sure if it is true. Zagitova posts on IG (that is all she has) less then 1x per month and only if it is something interesting (last 2 posts June 20 and July 30). It did not prevent her from getting Shiseido, SberBank, etc.

Kostner's best sponsors came before she even started her IG/TW accounts (in 2014)..
2006 Lancia -
2007 Cookies GB:
2013 Tee:


Tanning one day, then wearing a winter coat today.
Not sure if it is true. Zagitova posts on IG (that is all she has) less then 1x per month and only if it is something interesting (last 2 posts June 20 and July 30). It did not prevent her from getting Shiseido, SberBank, etc.
Are you actually comparing the Olympic Gold Medalist getting endorsements/media attention to an unproven and rising American skater?

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Are you actually comparing the Olympic Gold Medalist getting endorsements/media attention to an unproven American skater?
I was responding to this phrase, which suggests that titles are not enough.
"They are not going to get work on the basis of their titles".


Doing all the things
Celebrities use social media to help with their brand and to have some interactions with fans but they do it in a controlled way. They often have people who curate and monitor their social media accounts. They learn what to interact with and what to ignore. What to post to maximize their brand. What not to touch.

They aren't 10-12 year olds wandering around the internet at will seeing things said about themselves that 10-12 year olds shouldn't have to see.


Well-Known Member
Nathan rarely posts on social media either, and he had scads of sponsors because of his skating.

Nathan posts a lot on his Instagram. He doesn't post the same amount as Adam Rippon or Sean Rabbit, but he's fairly active.

In terms of public awareness, more people are aware of Adam Rippon from the Olympic coverage and his subsequent appearances than Nathan's world championship.


Well-Known Member
I was responding to this phrase, which suggests that titles are not enough.
"They are not going to get work on the basis of their titles".

Titles help but Adam squeezed more out of his team bronze medal than Nathan out of his world championship.

I also guess that based on followers and coverage, Karen, Mirai and even Ashley made more money than Bradie.
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