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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Titles help but Adam squeezed more out of his team bronze medal than Nathan out of his world championship.
Adam chose to stop competing and become media personality for a living. Nathan is still competing and going to college. They have different marketability.

I also guess that based on followers and coverage, Karen, Mirai and even Ashley made more money than Bradie.
The first 3 girls have been around for over 10 years. Bradie is new to the circuit. I don't think Karen has too many big sponsors. Mirai got the DWTS reality TV gig, but i don't see major sponsors. Wagner has hers from previous times but not sure for how long. They all do ice shows, including Bradie.. So, all make some money.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but it’s all about perception. Having more followers, real or no, leads to more opportunities. Anyway there’s no one formula. Every person has their own way of marketing themselves and it’s really up to the skater to take advantage as much as they can. Some are just better at it than others. Plus, titles and success do help welcome opportunities.

Deleted member 53443

I quit facebook three weeks ago, and I have not regretted it for a single second. If Bradie doesn't do social media...I am an even bigger fan of her than before.

"Look, I think my smartest decision in life was not to use social media," Klopp said. "I don't read it if people criticize me on social media. They can write whatever they want and it never would faze me because I don't know it. I don't read it, so I don't feel it.

"I never really thought it right if you listen to people, they don't show you their face -- if you want to tell me you're not happy with me, tell me now, but don't go out and write it on your smartphone and put it on Facebook, Instagram, whatever.


Well-Known Member
Adam chose to stop competing and become media personality for a living. Nathan is still competing and going to college. They have different marketability.

The first 3 girls have been around for over 10 years. Bradie is new to the circuit. I don't think Karen has too many big sponsors. Mirai got the DWTS reality TV gig, but i don't see major sponsors. Wagner has hers from previous times but not sure for how long. They all do ice shows, including Bradie.. So, all make some money.

Karen is only 18. She has not been around for over 10 years. She has not been around the circuit all that much longer than Bradie. She was actually only on the international team for one year ahead of Bradie.


Well-Known Member
Any news on Diva Wagner? All I know is she has 'decided to skip the GPs' even though she might not have been guaranteed one to begin with. She seems to be posting lots on IG but not much are related to skating. Has she moved on? Is she coaching / choreographing? Resting?


All we are saying, is give peace a chance
Eys. I am casting about for titles for the next thread, and I don't want it to be "Made by Trolls in Trollhättan."
Possibilities so far: "Bradie and the Bunch"

"All I hear all day long is how great Michelle Kwan was at this, and how Michelle Kwan did that. Michelle, Michelle, MICHELLE!!!!"

Sorry, beyond my control...


Well-Known Member
With apologies to Talk Talk

All you say to me is Sasha
Sasha, Sasha
All you say to me is Sasha
Sasha, Sasha
All you say to me is Sasha

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