This Is Us, Season 6: The Final Chapter


Well-Known Member
I’m still processing the episode. I do feel that an Emmy should be given to everyone on this show including writers etc.
I'm really hoping that the show gets a bunch of Emmy awards this year. It was previously second to the Handmaid's Tale, always, and last year, behind The Crown.


Well-Known Member
I am so sad. So good. Annie was my moment for me.

How Rebecca waited for Kate really got me. Both my grandfathers passed before I was born (well, I was barely one when my maternal grandfather passed). Both my grandmothers lived far away when they died so my parents weren’t there. For my mom, the death was kinda unexpected. For my dad, he was planning the trip but she died before he could get there. I think my dad still regrets that.
You don’t always make it even if you’re living in the same city. 😔


Well-Known Member
I liked the episode a lot, too, although I was scratching my head over the whole Marcus diversion, which I really thought was unnecessary. Otherwise, it was fabulous. I wondered if they shot some of the scenes a long time ago, since kids do grow up! But maybe they worked magic with makeup, set design, and lighting.


A bitch from Canada
I wondered if they shot some of the scenes a long time ago, since kids do grow up! But maybe they worked magic with makeup, set design, and lighting.
I actually just read an article this morning that confirmed they shot some of the scenes three years ago in order to capture the kids at a specific moment in time (this is from an EW article, in case anyone is curious).


I actually just read an article this morning that confirmed they shot some of the scenes three years ago in order to capture the kids at a specific moment in time
In the second video (you can watch it below), Fogelman speaks about This Is Us’ upcoming series finale next week, “Us,” which he also wrote.
He teases the storyline for the final episode and explains how the new material was blended with footage he had famously filmed four years ago.
Fogelman calls the last two hours of This Is Us “very different episodes that speak to each other.”
“In the last episode, we will try to capture something simple which, while sad, is kind of a day in the life, which is so much of what the show is about, set against Rebecca’s funeral,” he said.
Interview with Ken Olin who directed "The Train":

Mandy Moore Q&A:


Well-Known Member
Is this a different article than those above?
This is interesting too -
Last edited:


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....

I liked the episode a lot, too, although I was scratching my head over the whole Marcus diversion, which I really thought was unnecessary. Otherwise, it was fabulous. I wondered if they shot some of the scenes a long time ago, since kids do grow up! But maybe they worked magic with makeup, set design, and lighting.
The scene with Marcus & his family reminded me of an episode a few years ago that seemed unconnected at the time. It was about the man who invented the processes to send images thru the internet. I was scratching my head too at the time but I trusted it would be brought all together eventually & of course it was. I loved the grown up Marcus family. That type of sibling ribbing is very much like my family. The writers on this show are genius & deserve many Emmys.


Well-Known Member
Loved the episode.

I thought it weird there was no teen Kate. Because there was young Kate.

I don’t remember what Malik’s dream was for a career. Was it a chef?

And I think regarding the Marcus family, has there been talk of a spin off?

I think I heard or read something like that?


Well-Known Member
I don’t remember what Malik’s dream was for a career. Was it a chef?

Certainly not. He went to either Harvard or some equally prestigious university.

Though he might have expressed interest in being a chef at some point in the show. As I recall, he was a good cook and made a whole dinner for the Piersons. On the night he announced plans with Deja that didn't quite work for her parents.


Well-Known Member
When he was interning at Randall’s office, he mentioned wanting to open his own restaurant. Yeah, that’s why going to Harvard didn’t make a ton of sense.

I would like to understand the intentions of having Teen and Adult Randall and Kevin in the train, but no Teen or Adult Kate. Mothers only see their daughters as young girls? Maybe that’s why Rebecca continued calling her Bug.


Well-Known Member
My only guess of the lack of teen Kate was because adult Kate got there at the last minute and she was closer to death? Young Kate was the only child she saw in the caboose.

Not sure

As regards Malik and his dream of opening a restaurant and going to Harvard; at first I thought it odd, but they have a great business school.

And if you don’t know how to run a business, you will definitely fail as a restaurant owner.

Also not all restaurant owners are chefs.

My partner wasn’t a chef.

But he was a great manager and a business owner.


Searching for Sanity
I think it was here where I saw a fantastic article about Bec and the theory of what she saw in that train (maybe it was here, maybe it was on another site, now I'm not sure, LOL :D) which could kind of explain why teen Kate wasn't there. Bec was deep in the battle with her Alzheimer's by this point and this disease really robs you of your recent memories so most of the stuff she was seeing in the train were things from the distant past and not the more recent stuff. The fact that Kevin and Randall were in the room talking about some of their teenage year adventures and other family memories while she was going through that train could be why she saw them as teenagers and not Kate (she wasn't there yet so Bec's subconscious wouldn't have had anything to draw from at that time for Kate). Just a theory but it kind of makes sense especially since she only saw Kate that one brief time in the caboose when she came into the room and Kate called herself "Bug" when she finally arrived which is what Bec always called Kate as a young girl.


Searching for Sanity
I thought I was ready to say goodbye tonight but it turns out that I'm not at all. No more Pearsons on Tuesday nights now....what am I gonna do?! :( That said, I thought this ep was a wonderful bookend to the last ep and a beautiful picture of how life continues on even after those sad moments of loss. I think I'm still processing everything at the moment but I am never going to forget this show and the weekly tears and emotions that it always gave me. I SOOO hope the Emmys do the right thing this year and shower this show with awards because the actors, producers, writers, directors, casting people....everyone involved with this show really deserve them after this special last season. 💖

And now I'm gonna go curl up in my corner with my feelings for a while and be thankful that I work from home tomorrow because no one needs to see the emo mess results that I'm sure aren't gonna be pretty tomorrow morning. :eek: :fragile:


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I was kinda disappointed in the finale after the amazing piece of art that was last week’s episode. I figured they would give us lots of Milo this week, but I wanted less past and more future. I also didn’t think we needed more William after last week. I would have rather found out what Annie is up to in the future, get more than two lines from Tess (those girls got thrown by the wayside for Deja), see more of Kate’s kids etc. My favorite moments from the episode were with the Big Three as adults. Still one of my favorite shows of all time, but this wasn’t one of my favorite episodes! Hoping we get a reboot one day with the Big Three offspring.


Well-Known Member
Wow - I waited and watched last week's and this week's episodes together, and I was not disappointed. A series finale is never going to make everyone happy, but I think these last two episodes combined come very, very close.

I agree with those who have said that a lot of Emmy love should come this show's way later this year. A boatload of Emmys would certainly encourage the big 3 TV networks to not give up on high-quality dramas like this. It seems the direction is to go towards either reboots or formulaic shows and leave the quality or imagination to streaming.


Well-Known Member
What a great last line for Uncle Nicky!

I miss those OG Big Three kids.

This show is the first show I would say I loved as a fully fledged adult. Lost may count as I was out of school but I was still living at home, etc. It made me reconsider how I need to conduct myself as a son, brother, and uncle. I moved away from my family this past year, so the sixth season really hit hard for me.

In terms of spin-off, I think the three Pearson Daughters is my big one, even though I have no desire to watch Randall’s political aspirations.


Well-Known Member
I was kinda disappointed in the finale after the amazing piece of art that was last week’s episode. I figured they would give us lots of Milo this week, but I wanted less past and more future. I also didn’t think we needed more William after last week.

Agreed. IMO it would have been better if the show had ended last week - nothing new was added this week.

I would have rather found out what Annie is up to in the future, get more than two lines from Tess (those girls got thrown by the wayside for Deja), see more of Kate’s kids etc. My favorite moments from the episode were with the Big Three as adults. Still one of my favorite shows of all time, but this wasn’t one of my favorite episodes! Hoping we get a reboot one day with the Big Three offspring.

This show is the first show I would say I loved as a fully fledged adult. Lost may count as I was out of school but I was still living at home, etc. It made me reconsider how I need to conduct myself as a son, brother, and uncle. I moved away from my family this past year, so the sixth season really hit hard for me.
The other one that stood out for me was 'Orphan Black'.

I feel a bit depressed now that This is Us is over. I only started watching it last fall, when we binged the previous five seasons.

I'll miss it.

We are also watching 'Ozark' now. It is good, but just doesn't compare.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I was rolling my eyes at most of that.

Rebecca recounting that while her dad was pushing her in the swing, ALL she could think about was that she didn't want it to end. No kid thinks like that.

Randall saying it was all pointless to his daughters. So what's his solution to people eventually dying?

Too much Deja. One of his biological daughters should have been the one making him a grandfather.

How many years was Rebecca sick anyway? How far in the future was the funeral? I would think they would be relieved that she wasn't suffering anymore. It's not like she was giving them advice and playing games with them the day before she died.

And that forced Saturday. Didn't those kids have any friends? I'm an only child, but I had plenty of relatives and friends who had multiple siblings who didn't spend a whole day playing games with their parents (even before it rained) when they were that age. I guess it was all for dramatic effect to show how perfect they were when Jack was alive. But they did all go on with their self-centered lives. They'll just do it again.


Well-Known Member
Too much Deja. One of his biological daughters should have been the one making him a grandfather.


How many years was Rebecca sick anyway? How far in the future was the funeral?

That was indeed confusing. Confusing timeline. Given that Madison's and Kevin's twins were 8 or 9 (I'm guessing here), it doesn't seem that a whole lot of years have passed. Maybe 5? I don't think Rebecca was diagnosed with Alzheimers at the time the twins were born?

And that forced Saturday. Didn't those kids have any friends? I'm an only child, but I had plenty of relatives and friends who had multiple siblings who didn't spend a whole day playing games with their parents (even before it rained) when they were that age. I guess it was all for dramatic effect to show how perfect they were when Jack was alive. But they did all go on with their self-centered lives. They'll just do it again.
Different time, I guess. I didn't spend the whole day playing games with my parents, that's for sure. We lived in a northern Canadian town, baby boomer kids, and you couldn't keep us inside so long as the weather was somewhat agreeable.

Most people go on with their self-centered lives, actually.

And the idea of Jack being perfect has been central to the show.


Well-Known Member
I’m at peace with the finale for many reasons.

I’ve lost 1/2 my family from cancer. Perhaps some people haven’t experienced a loss yet. There is thank 🙏 no more suffering and then there is grief at losing them. My family members are forever in my heart and I also choose to believe that they can see us when it’s important. Life goes on because it has to go on.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series

That was indeed confusing. Confusing timeline. Given that Madison's and Kevin's twins were 8 or 9 (I'm guessing here), it doesn't seem that a whole lot of years have passed. Maybe 5? I don't think Rebecca was diagnosed with Alzheimers at the time the twins were born?

Different time, I guess. I didn't spend the whole day playing games with my parents, that's for sure. We lived in a northern Canadian town, baby boomer kids, and you couldn't keep us inside so long as the weather was somewhat agreeable.

Most people go on with their self-centered lives, actually.

And the idea of Jack being perfect has been central to the show.
Rebecca dies in 2033. Some of the cast posted her funeral program with the date on social media. She was born in 1951 so she was 82 when she died.

Kevin’s kids would have been 12. They looked a little too old to me.

love skating

Clueless American
I felt like the finale was a bit anti-climactic. The train episode and Miguel's episode made me cry more and felt more touching. It was a nice way to wrap up but I guess I was expecting something more, some unexpected moment or something. It still was beautiful and what a beautiful series!


Well-Known Member
Rebecca dies in 2033. Some of the cast posted her funeral program with the date on social media. She was born in 1951 so she was 82 when she died.
But how long were they taking care of her in the house Kevin built, with nurses? What was present time, when she first started getting lost, a couple years ago? So getting progressively worse for 13 years? How long since Miguel died? I need a spreadsheet. They acted like they had all been best friends and living next door to each other and their mother all of their lives, and it was such a shock that she was suddenly dead. How long had it been since she was mentally there? I know we didn't see everything they did day-to-day or every time they got together, but their last talk was just so forced, about not drifting (apart, I guess they meant).

I’ve lost 1/2 my family from cancer. Perhaps some people haven’t experienced a loss yet. There is thank 🙏 no more suffering and then there is grief at losing them. My family members are forever in my heart and I also choose to believe that they can see us when it’s important. Life goes on because it has to go on.

Both of my parents died when they were 80, two years apart. Of course I always remember things from growing up, still talk about them, always will. I lost my last aunt and two uncles last February and December. Four close cousins who died between the ages of 47 and 63.

Anyway, my best parts were Nicky kidding Kevin. And Kate and Toby. Where was Kate's milquetoast husband?

Randall would be insufferable running for president. Like he'd be the trailblazing first black president or something. Been there, done that, voted for him twice. What will be his sob story, I was born to black drug addicts but raised by nice, middle class white people?

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