This Is Us, Season 6: The Final Chapter


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Season 6 premieres tonight! Jan. 4, 2022 on NBC at 9 pm ET/PT & 8 PM CT.

Episode 1: The Big Three celebrate their 41st birthday.
I’ll have to wait til tomorrow to get it off my global tv app. Excited!


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I was expecting a flash forward or some kind of big clue like their season openers usually drop. Next week's episode has me very excited! Love both Uncle Nicky's and Deja's stories.


Well-Known Member
Phillip is not helping his cause with me hating him. In fact, I think he's an even bigger jerk than I did before. I hate Phillip and him breaking up Kate and Toby! Cause regardless of the real reasons Kate and Toby break up, I will still blame Phillip. So there! :p I'm not gonna let this one go. I hate Phillip! :rofl:

And why is Nicky living with Miguel and Rebecca? Have I forgotten something from last season regarding this?


Well-Known Member
With Madison and Kevin broken up and Kevin living in the garage, Nicky would have nowhere else to live (I cannot recall a conversation from last season where Kevin and Nicky agreed that Nicky would stay in California). Kevin had a quick line about how Miguel and Nicky have become really quick pals.

love skating

Clueless American
At first when Kevin was in the garage I was thinking, oh maybe that explains why Madison talked about seeing Kevin in the morning during the flashforward Kate wedding, but now that he moved out maybe they really are together in the future... I hope so as I like them together and I do not like Sophie though I know many fans are pining for a Kevin/Sophie endgame.


Well-Known Member
And why is Nicky living with Miguel and Rebecca? Have I forgotten something from last season regarding this?
Why is Kevin camping out in Madison's garage and Kate/Toby's spare room?

The man has serious money to burn. Unless he plans to move back to LA and doesn't want to bother getting his own place?


Well-Known Member
Why is Kevin camping out in Madison's garage and Kate/Toby's spare room?

The man has serious money to burn. Unless he plans to move back to LA and doesn't want to bother getting his own place?
I wasn't even thinking. Kevan is in LA. Guess he sold his digs when he thought he would build his career on Broadway?

Convenient for plotting, in any case.


Well-Known Member
It is so amazing how I somehow buy Mandy Moore is an older lady than someone her actual age. I loved her interactions with Sally. Rebecca has not had a real friend since Yvette (who I thought that was in the flashforward initially).

That dinner scene was so awkward but so honest and fascinating.


Well-Known Member
I loved her interactions with Sally. Rebecca has not had a real friend since Yvette (who I thought that was in the flashforward initially).
Who is Yvette? I don't recall her, and I've watched all of the episodes at least twice.

Of course they eliminated Toby and Kate from tonight's episode. It's what everyone was waiting for - at least I was.


Well-Known Member
Yvette is the friend that Rebecca meets at the pool the first season. Yvette reached out to Rebecca about Randall and his hair. Randall played with her sons. We see her a few times that first season and never again. Interestingly, the actress who played Yvette is Sterling’s wife.


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... so Jennifer's a bytch. :blah:

And Sally was supposed to be some great love affair and she didn't even remember who Nicky was? Yeah, that dinner wasn't awkward at all. So funny with the 3 guys at the table when he asked if anyone wanted a bourbon. :rofl:

And who lets 3 random strangers into their house for dinner who shows up and says "50 years ago I knew you for like a week!" This entire episode was so strange and awkward. I guess that was the point? And the big reveal from the white car was Nicky's wife? :yawn:

How many years into the future was the meeting at the cabin when Rebecca is dying in the storyline (like what age was the Big 3). I don't remember.

But hey ... no Phillip so that made me happy! :rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
I just finished watching! So good!
I was reading that they wanted to focus on them vs the big 3 in this episode.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I just watched last night. I also loved the dinner party scene. Too bad Sally lives so far from Rebecca because I think she would add a lot but I suppose we'll never see her again. I don't want to see her prick husband though so I guess the distance is good.

Deja has gotten so beautiful but I think she's wasted on Malik. He has too much baggage & I suspect he's cheating on her with Jennifer. Why else were there so many coffee cups in the kitchen?

I find Uncle Nicky bizarre & strange. That social awkwardness of his has gotten old.

How adorable was that toddler?


Well-Known Member
I just watched last night. I also loved the dinner party scene. Too bad Sally lives so far from Rebecca because I think she would add a lot but I suppose we'll never see her again. I don't want to see her prick husband though so I guess the distance is good.

Deja has gotten so beautiful but I think she's wasted on Malik. He has too much baggage & I suspect he's cheating on her with Jennifer. Why else were there so many coffee cups in the kitchen?

I find Uncle Nicky bizarre & strange. That social awkwardness of his has gotten old.

How adorable was that toddler?
I love Nicky! He’s hilarious and played so well.

I think Malik is just drinking a lot of coffee and trying to get through all his responsibilities along with Harvard and his child.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I first saw Nicky aka Griffin Dunne as Michael Keaton's little brother in Johnny Dangerously. He's a fine actor but I'm not in love with his character in this show. He was a real ass at Kevin's & Madison's wedding.


Well-Known Member
I must have missed where Randall thought Deja was going. I still get confused with the times. I thought she was older and going off to college till she told that lady on the bus she was going to see her boyfriend.


Well-Known Member
No comments yet about this week’s episode?

I was a bit confused by adult Jack’s (son of Toby and Kate?) memory at first, thinking he meant he remembered when he lost his sight. Because he was blind pretty much from birth, right?

Anyway, I enjoyed this week’s episode and thought the scenes with Randall and Beth were good and also funny at times.


Well-Known Member
No comments yet about this week’s episode?

I was a bit confused by adult Jack’s (son of Toby and Kate?) memory at first, thinking he meant he remembered when he lost his sight. Because he was blind pretty much from birth, right?

Anyway, I enjoyed this week’s episode and thought the scenes with Randall and Beth were good and also funny at times.
I enjoyed it .. yes Randall and Beth were hilarious. I’m kinda hmmm about Toby and Kate. Definitely it does NOT work for everyone but working separate cities can and does work. However, I do know where it hasn’t worked too but did Toby forget parenting that quickly? I would def have chosen the recital and trusted the babysitter though.


Well-Known Member
I enjoyed it .. yes Randall and Beth were hilarious. I’m kinda hmmm about Toby and Kate. Definitely it does NOT work for everyone but working separate cities can and does work. However, I do know where it hasn’t worked too but did Toby forget parenting that quickly? I would def have chosen the recital and trusted the babysitter though.
I do understand that it’s a tv show though lol.

love skating

Clueless American
I guess in addition to slow cookers we now have to hate green egg smokers?! Obviously little Jack is going to hurt his head on it due to Toby's negligence and lead to the marriage split. I do wonder like adult Jack's wife did... why he holds on to the green egg if it led to to his parents divorce.

Other thoughts, I had hoped Madison and Kevin were together in the future but now I'm pretty sure they aren't. Her talking about seeing him in the morning (at Kate's future wedding) makes me think he still just sees her and the twins each morning. I kinda doubt that it's Cassidy that Kevin is with either... just hoping it isn't Sophie. Maybe it will be someone new... who knows.

I also wonder if they will truly answer all our questions by the end of the season. Just seems like a whole lot to wrap up in multiple time lines.


Well-Known Member
Toby is working in San Francisco and they live in Los Angeles, is that correct? So what is that commute like for people that live there and know the distance? Maps do nothing for me when I look at a map. :lol:

When Jack has the memory, it sounded like it was Rebecca was the woman saying no Jack no or whatever. And if they were all like hanging out in the backyard having a cookout, well dumb things happen with little kids. Its likely some accident with lots of adults around, so how is it gonna be strictly Toby's fault that it breaks up their marriage? They better have a good explanation for that. And I still hate Phillip. :p

I'm also getting a little worried they aren't going to have time to answer all the questions, or spend too much time on things that don't matter. They are running out of episodes and I don't want a one minute 'oh here's Kevin's wife' thing if it turns out not to be Madison in the future, you know?


Well-Known Member
Toby is working in San Francisco and they live in Los Angeles, is that correct? So what is that commute like for people that live there and know the distance? Maps do nothing for me when I look at a map. :lol:

When Jack has the memory, it sounded like it was Rebecca was the woman saying no Jack no or whatever. And if they were all like hanging out in the backyard having a cookout, well dumb things happen with little kids. Its likely some accident with lots of adults around, so how is it gonna be strictly Toby's fault that it breaks up their marriage? They better have a good explanation for that. And I still hate Phillip. :p

I'm also getting a little worried they aren't going to have time to answer all the questions, or spend too much time on things that don't matter. They are running out of episodes and I don't want a one minute 'oh here's Kevin's wife' thing if it turns out not to be Madison in the future, you know?
Actually I have two Cdn friends living in Riverside, Ca and her accepting a job In San Fran as a director at the hospital. They made it work but I know it was really hard for them to be apart. I visited and stayed with her hubby and kids (kids were teenagers) in Riverside and then stayed with her in San Fran. She used to drive/fly back and so did he. We drove to San Fran (omg L.A.’s traffic is a nightmare .. we had to leave in the middle of the night and it was a long drive). I don’t know about flying. He’s retired now and happily living together in San Fran I think … she has a couple more years to go.


Well-Known Member
I guess in addition to slow cookers we now have to hate green egg smokers?! Obviously little Jack is going to hurt his head on it due to Toby's negligence and lead to the marriage split. I do wonder like adult Jack's wife did... why he holds on to the green egg if it led to to his parents divorce.

Other thoughts, I had hoped Madison and Kevin were together in the future but now I'm pretty sure they aren't. Her talking about seeing him in the morning (at Kate's future wedding) makes me think he still just sees her and the twins each morning. I kinda doubt that it's Cassidy that Kevin is with either... just hoping it isn't Sophie. Maybe it will be someone new... who knows.

I also wonder if they will truly answer all our questions by the end of the season. Just seems like a whole lot to wrap up in multiple time lines.
My BIL owns a green egg smoker (that’s what it’s known by in Canada 😍). I say trust the writers, the actors .. I have to think it’s pretty awful whatever happens .. and the build up to whatever happens.

I can - as usual - hardly wait until next week.


Well-Known Member
San Fran to LA is a loonnnnngggg drive. The flight is perhaps an hour, but that also means you have to arrive an hour before departure, and another hour to get to the house. It would suck.


Well-Known Member
San Fran to LA is a loonnnnngggg drive. The flight is perhaps an hour, but that also means you have to arrive an hour before departure, and another hour to get to the house. It would suck.
Yah flying always sounds quick lol … which it can be but it’s all the stuff beforehand.

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