The Amazing Race S35


Rooting for that middle-aged team
I definitely could see using someone for an expensive cruise or somewhere remote where a contact/discount would be helpful.

The people I know that use them pretty much only go to Mexico and the Caribbean, staying at an all-inclusive. Maybe they get a better deal?


Well-Known Member
I loved all the PIVOT.
When the clue was first read I immediately thought the bed challenge would be easier, but that was before knowing they had to carry it up stairs. In the end the fish task was definitely the easier one.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
I finally had a chance to watch episode 4. So when I said Victor and Jocelyn were getting the "too good too soon" edit, I thought they'd be gone 5th or 6th, I wasn't expecting them to be the 3rd to go. They had bad lack to get a needle in a haystack challenge right before the pit stop. You can get unlucky or you can get very lucky and get ahead of everyone. Why did that girl get mad that her competitor didn't want to help her during the roadblock? You're competing for 1st place and a nice trip. I wouldn't help you either tbh. The detour was a tough choice. The fish challenge looked like a big no for me but physically I don't think I could carry those mattresses. I still don't really hate anyone. Still too many teams left for that. I'll probably hate someone when there are 5 or 6 teams left.
Next week: balance stuff on your head challenge wheeee. I can balance just about anything on top of my head.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
In the end the fish task was definitely the easier one.
I would have done that one because I couldn't carry mattresses and I am not squicked out by wiggly things, although I would have felt bad for the fish slowly suffocating in the sun :(. But you know they all reeked of fish in the heat and humidity :scream:.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Episode 5: wow that'd be a tough choice for the detour. I'm not good with visual details and I suck at arts and crafts. The balancing thing though, I'd love to do that.
Tough roadblock for Corey but strong comeback in the detour. I had a feeling the boys would be eliminated based on the editing they got at the start of the episode. Sad to see them go. I still don't hate anyone.
Next week: U-turn but it's the "U-turn vote" thing again and I don't like that. I like when it's a race to the U-turn board and also when it's not a blind U-turn.


Well-Known Member
For the detour I definitely would have chosen the marionettes. The recreation of the artwork involved so many tiny details, plus running around, and it was right after the searching for tiny details challenge where they had to find their assigned tile. No thanks!


I'm really enjoying this season and so far nobody is overly annoying. I'm reserving judgement on a few of the teams who have the potential to annoy.

I am loving Corey and Rob, they are smart racers and manage to stay calm even when things are getting crazy. So far they are my favorites.


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I'm out on Steve and Anna Leigh after how bitchy she was about the u-turn. What did she expect when they had a 90 minute lead? I do wish Robbin and partner had been u-turned instead so they would have been eliminated instead of the sweet brothers.


Well-Known Member
I'm out on Steve and Anna Leigh after how bitchy she was about the u-turn. What did she expect when they had a 90 minute lead? I do wish Robbin and partner had been u-turned instead so they would have been eliminated instead of the sweet brothers.
I agree on Steve and Anna Leigh and also love Liam and Yeremi, but I don't think they deserved to stay as racers. They were regularly flirting with elimination and just didn't seem like they learned from their mistakes. On the other hand, the computer science brothers are really impressing me.


Well-Known Member
I loved how much Liam loved the stamp printing challenge, even knowing they were in last place.

Anna Leigh comes off as a rich 'southern belle' who is used to having things her way. I mean, going off on people 'showing their true colours' for choosing to u turn them for strategic reasons? And yet their reason for their u turn choice was just because they don't like them. And also their double standards - that tile searching challenge she said she wasn't going to help another team, then she complains when other teams don't help them.
All that said, I do want to have her hair for myself, though.


Well-Known Member
I don't think they needed to show who voted for whom, however I think it would have been interesting if there had been a tally or something so that they could see how many people voted for each person.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
Anna Leigh comes off as a rich 'southern belle' who is used to having things her way.
I can just hear my dad if I bossed him around the way she does her dad. Come on, Dad. Hurry up, Dad. You do it, Dad. You need to be faster, Dad. You aren't doing that right, Dad. Do it this way, Dad. Faster, Dad. Go this way, Dad.


I also don't understand why her dad kept saying it was stupid strategy to U-turn them. In what way? Who were they supposed to target if not the people with the two-hour lead?

love skating

Clueless American
Dad and daughter have been my least favorite for a while. The sisters are getting annoying too. It is a good strategy to uturn the top team if you are close to the top to give yourself a chance to win, but if you're on the bottom you'd rather uturn someone toward the bottom to give yourself a chance to survive. I liked the brothers who got eliminated. They seem like they should be a strong team but for some reason they just weren't great racers.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
I'd agree for the lower teams it would've been smarter to uturn a team that was maybe typically strong but stuck down there. Only what, twice? in Amazing Race history did top teams really get out in front of others (and even then, it was 2 teams racing to the finish line while the other got stuck a day behind) and the producers always try to equalize them throughout the season by having the next challenge start the morning after arriving, etc.


I can just hear my dad if I bossed him around the way she does her dad. Come on, Dad. Hurry up, Dad. You do it, Dad. You need to be faster, Dad. You aren't doing that right, Dad. Do it this way, Dad. Faster, Dad. Go this way, Dad.


I also don't understand why her dad kept saying it was stupid strategy to U-turn them. In what way? Who were they supposed to target if not the people with the two-hour lead?
When I said I was reserving judgment on some teams, Anna Leigh is who I had in mind. My dad would have had a thing or two to say if I tried bossing him like that. They were an obvious choice for the U-turn and they had to know that.

Greg and John had a great leg and I am liking them more and more. Really sad for Liam and Yeremi, on paper they should have been fantastic racers, but they always seemed to struggle.

The only other team that is starting to annoy me and it's really only one of them, is Malaina and Andrea. Andrea's constant shrieking of "out of towners" is really starting to bug. :lol:


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
I'd agree for the lower teams it would've been smarter to uturn a team that was maybe typically strong but stuck down there.
Going into the episode:

Greg and John: 3,3,8,8,2
Rob and Corey: 2,2,3,5,6
Joel and Garrett: 7,9,2,9,3
Morgan and Lena: 4,4,6,10,9
Todd and Ashlie: 5,5,4,3,5
Andrea and Malaina 10,10,9,7,4
Steve and Anna Leigh? 6,6,1,2,1
Robbin and Chelsea? 11,11,5,1,7

Which of the teams would you consider typically strong but stuck low going into this episode? Todd and Ashlie are consistently in the middle somewhere. Rob and Corey started pretty strong but having been sliding down. Everyone else has been kind of all over the place.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
Going into the episode:

Greg and John: 3,3,8,8,2
Rob and Corey: 2,2,3,5,6
Joel and Garrett: 7,9,2,9,3
Morgan and Lena: 4,4,6,10,9
Todd and Ashlie: 5,5,4,3,5
Andrea and Malaina? 10,10,9,7,4
Steve and Anna Leigh? 6,6,1,2,1
Robbin and Chelsea? 11,11,5,1,7

Which of the teams would you consider typically strong but stuck low going into this episode? Todd and Ashlie are consistently in the middle somewhere. Rob and Corey started pretty strong but having been sliding down. Everyone else has been kind of all over the place.
Rob and Corey looked like a good choice although I don’t know if the majority would’ve ever decided on that.

If anything, doing so to Steve and Anna Leigh is going to continue to chip away at them and make them implode, so maybe it was a good choice. But I still would’ve gone for another team near the bottom if I was in that clumping so that it gave me a stronger chance to get through another day 🤷🏼‍♂️

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
Not my favourite leg, to be honest. It was route info, route info, route info, more route into, oh look a detour, route info.... I'm not a fan of how good your driver is being what determines where you place. Sad to see Liam and Yeremi go, but they weren't going to stay much longer anyway.
Next week: On to Europe. And we're driving now. Are they driving stick? There's always drama when self driving is involved.


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
But I still would’ve gone for another team near the bottom if I was in that clumping so that it gave me a stronger chance to get through another day 🤷🏼‍♂️
But Liam and Yeremi were so far behind to begin with and they weren't strong racers. I would have figured that the odds of them going out and me staying in would be pretty good if I ran even a halfway decent leg.

On to manual transmission fun!


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
No manual transmission, but lots of driving drama anyway and some really brutal challenges. I would have cried when I saw all those locks and then to eat all that mustard! A little mustard goes a long way. But it would have taken me even longer to do the soccer-dart game, so mustard it would be.

I felt sorry for the pink ladies, but bless Phil for putting them (and everyone else) out of their misery. The non-beard beard bro looked like he might faint when Phil told them they were still in it.

Another good leg for the software brothers and more bossiness from Anna-Leigh :lol:.

Lilia A

Well-Known Member
It's been a while since Phil went to a task location to eliminate a team. All in all I enjoyed this episode. Lots of tasks, which I like. The soccer challenge looked very hard. If it were at least 66 then fine, but exactly 66? Good for Rob and Corey for doing it. I don't think I could've done the mustard challenge. I don't like mustard.


Well-Known Member
I detest mustard so my partner would have had to do all the tasting and guessing theirself. Is there some kind of rule that says both partners must participate in the Detour? Cause ain't no way in hell I eatin' mustard ... not even for a million dollars. :p

How did Robbin and Chelsea end up in 2nd when they got on the wrong friggin' ferry. That must have taken a lot of time to backtrack and then find the right ferry. I don't like them. I thought that would be it for them. :blah:

That was nice of Ashlie to just write out the lock combo for Rob. That could have been difficult getting someone on the bridge to help him. Good thing it wasn't Robbin (or was it Chelsea on the bridge??). Either one probably woulda just blown him off when he asked for help. I really don't like those girls. :blah:

I'd love to know how many hours the College Friends were behind. Or how they didn't realize something was wrong earlier. Especially on the boat getting the money. That dude had nothing on him noting he was part of TAR. Don't the "get this thing from that one guy" people usually have a Flag or something on them to indicate they are part of TAR?


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
How did Robbin and Chelsea end up in 2nd when they got on the wrong friggin' ferry. That must have taken a lot of time to backtrack and then find the right ferry. I don't like them. I thought that would be it for them. :blah:

That was nice of Ashlie to just write out the lock combo for Rob. That could have been difficult getting someone on the bridge to help him. Good thing it wasn't Robbin (or was it Chelsea on the bridge??). Either one probably woulda just blown him off when he asked for help. I really don't like those girls. :blah:
I don't like them much, either, but helping other people is kind of contrary to the whole concept of a race.

I would have helped Rob for the same reason Ashlie did--it would be extra challenging for him to get help and they knew other teams were behind them. But if we had both been down in the last two places, I'm not sure I would have been nice about it.
Don't the "get this thing from that one guy" people usually have a Flag or something on them to indicate they are part of TAR?
The old guy had a little flag on his hat, I think. And most people handing out clues are in some sort of costume as well.


Well-Known Member
eh, I don't know. Even if we were both the last 2 I think I still would have helped Rob just so I wouldn't feel like a sucky person because of the difficulty he would have had communicating with people on the bridge. Now if Corey was doin' the task that boy woulda been on his own. :rofl:


Convenient Scapegoat
Staff member
eh, I don't know. Even if we were both the last 2 I think I still would have helped Rob just so I wouldn't feel like a sucky person because of the difficulty he would have had communicating with people on the bridge. Now if Corey was doin' the task that boy woulda been on his own. :rofl:
Rob seems pretty good at dealing with the hearing world; he had a clue to show people so he wouldn't have had trouble being understood and they could write down the answer or show it to him--which is pretty much like what happened with everyone else. I don't think it would have been a major problem for him to get help.

love skating

Clueless American
Glad to see I'm not the only who hates mustard! That would have been my nightmare task! The last two legs the last place team has been pretty far behind so there wasn't a lot of suspense at the end. Must be heartbreaking to come to a task and see Phil there!


Well-Known Member
I like mustard, but in moderation (and on or in something). I don't know that I could have tasted multiple mustards, likely multiple times. No idea how they still had functioning taste buds after that.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I’d have been ok with the mustard. I found it odd that we didn’t see any teams focusing on color and texture. Maybe they did, but it was left on the cutting room floor.

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