This Is Us, Season 6: The Final Chapter


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
So is it her dad's fault for dying, her mother being critical, Toby for evolving?
Her mother wasn't critical. I don't remember Rebecca ever alluding to Kate's weight or eating habits. And no matter what Kate dished out Rebecca was always understanding & just loved her.


Well-Known Member
The early episodes saw Rebecca making comments and making kid Kate eat meals different from the boys. We also see Jack indulging in her wanting treats.

Teen Kate was initially in a socially acceptable weight so her parents didn’t control her the same way. But we saw her still viewing herself as not good enough, ie the prom dress episode.


Well-Known Member
Her mother wasn't critical. I don't remember Rebecca ever alluding to Kate's weight or eating habits. And no matter what Kate dished out Rebecca was always understanding & just loved her.
But Kate thought she was. They showed them never getting along till Rebecca got Alzheimer's.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
The early episodes saw Rebecca making comments and making kid Kate eat meals different from the boys. We also see Jack indulging in her wanting treats.

Teen Kate was initially in a socially acceptable weight so her parents didn’t control her the same way. But we saw her still viewing herself as not good enough, ie the prom dress episode.
Sorry, I don't remember that. Not saying it didn't happen, just I have a lousy memory.

Susan1 said:
But Kate thought she was. They showed them never getting along till Rebecca got Alzheimer's.

What I remember is that small child Kate adored her mother & that teen Kate was jealous of her better singing voice & felt threatened by her for no real reason. And then she resented her for starting to date 2 years after Jack died.

BTW I used to teach small children how to swim & had many who were afraid at first & wouldn't put their face in. But I never had one who wouldn't get in at all even if an adult was holding them. Not to even put her toes in was to me a significant sign.
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Well-Known Member
The smoker!!!

I wonder if this is it for the Young Adult versions of Kate Randall and Kevin. If so, having them hanging out in the diner was perfect. We have not seen the preteen versions except for one quick shot of them playing Monopoly in the cabin.

The ending pool scene was just absolutely perfect.


Searching for Sanity
This show is the reason I won't leave appliances plugged in anywhere and refuse to get any sort of outdoor grilling appliance, LOL :rofl:

Tonight's ep was really good (I actually enjoyed all three of the Big Three eps this season) and I'm now a nervous wreck while waiting to see how the events in next week's ep affect Kate & Toby and the rest of the family. :fragile:

love skating

Clueless American
I loved this episode with Randall and Rebecca. So touching! I was expecting to get another future scene though with Deja but no such luck. Randall's words though to Malik felt like foreshadowing that perhaps he is the future baby daddy...or just another red herring to make us think that way!


Well-Known Member
'I'm gonna be president one day so I can't get arrested'. :rofl: :rofl: If I was the cop I woulda let them go just based on that line right there.

Thinking on past seasons when we got flash forwards, remember when we saw a depressed Toby laying in bed and Kate asking him if he took his meds (or something like that). That was definitely their bedroom in the apartment, not their current house, so it can't happen at any point after Toby got the job in SF. We never got any explanation of what led to that happening, did we? That was all pre-children.

How many episodes are in this season anyway? There is still alot of things that need to be resolved and it doesn't seem like there is much time left.


Well-Known Member
I always have to watch the day after (stream it through CTV) thanks for the reminder!


Well-Known Member
When Kate and Toby were trying to get pregnant, Toby stopped taking his meds because it was affecting his fertility. That caused Toby to become depressed, and thus that scene.

There are 18 episodes this season, and we just finished with #10. So, 8 more left.

I don't think we will see much of Three Big Homes' growth or Randall's political rise, there will just be a flashforward where we see how developed those career paths became (which is fine with me, esp Randall's storyline as his political race was my most disliked storyline ever on the show). I don't even know how much we will see of Kate and Philip's romance.

For me, the one big gap I want filled out is the courtship of Miguel and Rebecca. On a different note, I expect one more Nicky-centric episode. And I think it should involve him somehow meeting up with the woman whose son he killed. She could have easily immigrated to the US (expedited due to what happened to her), she could have moved to New Orleans where Hai lives (NOLA has a rather large Vietnamese-American community).

For the second half of this final season, I think the focus will be primarily on Rebecca.


Well-Known Member
:shuffle: oh yeah. completely forgot about that. I think I need to rewatch the whole thing from the beginning again because there are so many things I forget about. :lol: Actually, maybe I'll wait until after the finale, then watch it all again so I'll have the knowledge ahead of time about how everything eventually plays out.


Well-Known Member
I don't think we will see much of Three Big Homes' growth or Randall's political rise, there will just be a flashforward where we see how developed those career paths became (which is fine with me, esp Randall's storyline as his political race was my most disliked storyline ever on the show).

Having watched all the episodes two, sometimes three times, Randall clearly gets more screen time than the other characters - he certainly did in the episodes involving his dad. Not so much in this final season, which I appreciate. I don't dislike him and recognize that Sterling is a fine actor, but I guess I just find his storyline a bit less interesting than the storylines of Kate, Kevin, and Rebecca.


Well-Known Member
The smoker!!!

I wonder if this is it for the Young Adult versions of Kate Randall and Kevin. If so, having them hanging out in the diner was perfect. We have not seen the preteen versions except for one quick shot of them playing Monopoly in the cabin.

The ending pool scene was just absolutely perfect.
Totally agree!


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Having watched all the episodes two, sometimes three times, Randall clearly gets more screen time than the other characters - he certainly did in the episodes involving his dad. Not so much in this final season, which I appreciate. I don't dislike him and recognize that Sterling is a fine actor, but I guess I just find his storyline a bit less interesting than the storylines of Kate, Kevin, and Rebecca.
Ever since Randal "found" his real mom I have liked him the best among the big 3. That road trip with Rebecca was wonderful & would be something that he would always remember. I was glad that Deja went home without drama. And I was glad Rebecca told him why she didn't choose him as executor. I really loved this episode.


Searching for Sanity
Oh man, tonight's ep didn't make me cry at all until we saw Rebecca and Jack in the past with the little Big Three and she talked about how much she loved that Kate's brothers stood up for her when the babysitter called her names and upset her. It was such a sweet parallel to the scene of the Big Three in the backyard with Randall & Kevin supporting Kate as she pondered what was going to happen with her marriage. This show man.... :fragile:

I'm actually kind of glad that Jack getting out of the house wasn't just one person's fault. It was both of their faults which IMO, made it that much more painful for both of them. I don't like picking sides but when Kate and Toby were fighting and she told him that all he saw were Jack's limitations and not the things that he can actually learn and do, that hit something inside me and made me firmly on her side with that topic because she's been the one teaching him how to get around their house, teaching him about music, helping him learn foods and sounds, and basically just teaching him how to live in the world while Toby seemed more into how to 'fix' him than actually learning how to live with his blindness. When parents aren't on the same page about how to raise their kids, especially one with a disability, that's gonna create tension every single time. I can see both of their points about some of the other things in their huge argument but that one hit me a little differently. :(

I thought this ep overall was great tonight though. I loved Jack and Rebecca's date in the past and how it ended with the little Big Three in their bed after the babysitter debacle, Beth was Beth and I freaking love her, the boy who plays baby Jack might be the most ADORABLE little guy on the planet, and I LOVED that it was Bec who figured out where baby Jack went after remembering their conversation about shoes in his bedroom earlier in the ep (after everyone kept making her feel useless at the party, it was so good to see her remember that tidbit and feel good that she was able to find baby Jack at the park). Next week is probably gonna be super emotional so I guess we need to prepare now. :eek: (Sorry for the long ramble, LOL)

love skating

Clueless American
I so agree that toddler Jack is the best most adorable little actor ever!! It's sad to see the breakdown of Kate and Toby's marriage. I'm also sad that it looks like Madison will not end up with Kevin (could be just tricking us again, but it feels kinda final). And I wanted to see more about Rebecca and Miguel... sure hope their story is still going to be featured... was hoping to maybe see some of their wedding - that doll was something else! lol


Well-Known Member
I so agree that toddler Jack is the best most adorable little actor ever!! It's sad to see the breakdown of Kate and Toby's marriage. I'm also sad that it looks like Madison will not end up with Kevin (could be just tricking us again, but it feels kinda final). And I wanted to see more about Rebecca and Miguel... sure hope their story is still going to be featured... was hoping to maybe see some of their wedding - that doll was something else! lol
The doll was funny and a drunk Rebecca was the best .. along with the kids locking the babysitter up 😜.


Well-Known Member
I am in agreement about the boy who plays toddler Jack, and I also liked that it was both Toby’s and Kate’s fault that toddler Jack got out. I also see points in each of their arguments — teaching him things but maybe not how to get out of the house on his own, looking into treatments, and so on. But I felt like Kate was more the problem in the big fight they had, and that Toby had valid points about how she was making a life without them. The contrast between Toby and Kate and Beth and Randall was striking to me, in terms of their commitment to one another and their marriage. Kate was never really in the marriage, she always continued to lean on her brothers, and it was just like that at the end of the big fight. The camera work was great, with her looking out from behind a protective wall of her brothers. They have protected her no matter what, even when she’s wrong (as I think she partially is in this whole moving vs. not moving thing).

In spite of all that, I did enjoy the episode and the way they drew parallels between the Big Three’s behavior as children and now as adults.


For fans of "Baby Jack":
The adorable actor who stars as Baby Jack in the episode is 3-year-old Johnny Kincaid, who, like his character, is also visually impaired.
News of Johnny’s debut on This Is Us was revealed by way of an Instagram account run by his mom, and his fans couldn’t be more excited to see him on the small screen. And by his fans, we mean us.
As a baby, Johnny was diagnosed with albinism, which severely affected his vision. According to his mom, Johnny worked hard to prepare for his onscreen debut. “Last night [Jan. 4, 2022] was Johnny’s TV debut on the final season of the NBC hit show This Is Us!” His mom wrote, “We are so proud.”
Tonight is the 100th episode (titled "Katoby"):


Well-Known Member
Toby absolutely hit the nail on the head about Kate's criticism of him since the day Jack was born.

I still do not buy Kate and Philip as a couple. Not at all and certainly not for 20+ years.

I got more for later.


Well-Known Member
There was a lot to unpack here. So Kate is still alive in the future while Rebecca is about to die. But why was Toby seemingly so sad during that timeline?

Miguel is still alive at Kate’s wedding.

How much did they pay Beckinridge for that one second shot of Sophie?

I am fine with how they dealt with Philip. Toby and Kate are in happier stages, so that’s that.

I did not get previews tonight, any shots of Annie, Deja and Tess? I wonder if they will age up the existing actresses or hire new ones?
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love skating

Clueless American
Yeah, I was wondering about the timeline too with Toby. There was so much time shift it made my head spin! As far as Kate and Phillip... I found myself liking him a lot from this episode. But trying to fit a whole relationship in one episode is tough... made me think a bit of the How I Met Your Mother finale which tried to fit a whole relationship of many years into one episode. It's hard for viewers to digest or appreciate. At least we finally see old Kate and it's past the Rebecca end days scenes! And well, we get our answer about Madison definitely not with future Kevin as she moves on with Elijah and has another baby with him. So many stepparents in this show! I still hope it is NOT Sophie he's with in the end. Something about her always bothered me. Six episodes left!!!


Well-Known Member
I did not get previews tonight, any shots of Annie, Deja and Tess? I wonder if they will age up the existing actresses or hire new ones?
They'll get new ones I would think.

In a flash forward where Rebecca is on her deathbed, Randall goes out to meet Deja - def not the same actor who portrayed her previously.

ETA: I find myself really quite sad after this last episode.

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