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Well-Known Member
What I don't get about Karen over Amber (and I'm a fan of body of work) is that Amber has a much higher international ranking. How can she have a higher rank and still not be considered to have an equal if not better body of work than Karen? Although I think either is a valid choice for Worlds and I'm not too mad, I do wonder that...
I think this is mainly due to Karen missing the entire 2018-19 season due to injury


Well-Known Member
Mariah. After her SP I was annoyed at her overscore. They really were pushing her this season! But she had a mediocre SP and a dismal FS. No way would she be held up. And see, I've never thought of her as a 'contender'. She always messes up most of the time, and her jumps have no strength or sureness. It's like she just ekes out a -3toe with no running edge and the commentators are "Wow, did she hold on for that!!" when they should be saying "She lacks confidence in her jumps, especially her landing edge". She's cute as a button, tiffed as all get out, but she doesn't look like a strong secure athlete. In that respect, she reminds me very much of Jill Trenary/Treachery. Most of Jill's jump landings were off, and it was strange that whenever she landed forward or off balance she'd never correct herself for the landing position. I mean, why can't she save the landing and pull herself back into a perfect landing position? She just freezes her landings in a very awkward beginnerish bad position. Mariah also reminds me of Tonia Kwiatkowski, a B level talent, and almost never skates cleanly. Maybe USFS will finally realize that she's not getting better, and she's not going to contend internationally.
Um ... Mariah has had a lot of clean freeskates over the past few seasons, including the barnburner at 2020 Nationals, both her 2019 GP events where she won the bronzes, 2019 Worlds, Nebelhorn ... plenty.

What I don't understand is why she is not more often attempting programs that max out her technical score. It was last season that she put the 3sal back in - 18-19 she was only doing 6 triples. Sometimes she'd forget to do a 3-jump combo. I will agree that her landings are sometimes unnecessarily off/scratchy, particularly the loop seems to rotate off axis a lot. Just silly stuff that she and Raf should have corrected.


Well-Known Member
Bradie skated well for her. I just find her very uninteresting to watch. It's not that she's just boring, but her body positions and carriage and jumps are so mediocre, that there isn't even a flash of brilliance in her skating. Not one "Look at that layback!" "Look at her exquisite posture". Nothing. She gets the job done like Rachael Flatt. Bor-ing
Bradie's spins are outstanding for speed and centering and her transitions are also world class. Did you not see the transitions she did in and out of the triple flip in her short? They were comparable to top Russians. Her jumps are also not what I would call mediocre; they are not exceptional but very solid. Her packaging has improved immensely since 2018. She is hardly someone I would call mediocre.
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Well-Known Member
Whatever one personally thinks of Bradie's skating its an indisputable fact that for the last three seasons she has been the #1 US senior lady internationally. Her body of work is superior to everyone else. I think unless her skating takes a sharp downturn (and there is zero signs of that) she is most likely going to the Olympics again even if she isn't top 2/3 at nationals next year.

Which means Alysa has to get back her quad/3A and Mariah (after this year's nationals results) will have to either win nationals or have the season of her life next year
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Well-Known Member
Agree with whoever that said Bradie is solid but uninteresting. It isn't about being Disney Princess or modern. It's about not having a character or style that makes her skating stand out. It is probably less obvious without a live audience but I would imagine Alysa, Karen and Amber would have drawn much louder cheers for their skating. That said, despite early season woes she bounces back to be in peak form for Nationals. She is the undisputed winner here but also lucky her q's or UR's didn't quite get called.

Amber is strong and confident, zooms across the ice, almost like Kaori. Too bad she doesn't attempt a 3axel here - would love to see one in the competition esp. since Alysa has scaled back on hers. And as much as she has found a perfect style for herself skating to all these antsy GFB music, I would love to see some style variations from her.

Karen is wonderful again. Some jumps are still q and UR territory but overall her skating is THE MOST BEATUFUL. I would have named Amber to the World team instead of Karen tho, simply because Amber has a consistent 3/3 and does not have jump rotational issues, but Karen is the opposite. If Worlds takes place, international judges are not going to be so lenient in calling Karen's jumps. Neither has a compelling BOW over the other esp given how last year and this year turned out. That said, I don't think US ladies can retain that 3rd spot either way - I wish Mariah had skated better or they would arrange a skate-off for Amber, Karen and Mariah closer to Worlds. I still feel Bradie and Mariah would be the best chance for regaining the 3rd spot.

Last year I enjoyed Alysa's short program and felt her skating radiated joy. This continues to be the case this year. Despite the jump regression, her overall skating got bigger. I thoroughly enjoyed her skating and found her musical interpretation to be quite wonderful.

:( for Mariah. That's all. I guess everyone saying it's her title to lose has gotten to her, and then everyone who eventually placed ahead her has skated better than expected.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Um ... Mariah has had a lot of clean freeskates over the past few seasons, including the barnburner at 2020 Nationals, both her 2019 GP events where she won the bronzes, 2019 Worlds, Nebelhorn ... plenty.

What I don't understand is why she is not more often attempting programs that max out her technical score. It was last season that she put the 3sal back in - 18-19 she was only doing 6 triples. Sometimes she'd forget to do a 3-jump combo. I will agree that her landings are sometimes unnecessarily off/scratchy, particularly the loop seems to rotate off axis a lot. Just silly stuff that she and Raf should have corrected.
Raf has said before that he can tell them what to do, how to do it. He cannot make them do what he says or implement his technique.

It appears to me...and my opinion is just that...Mariah is operating at about 70%.
I get the feeling watching her that her attitude is "whatever happens, happens".
I don't get the Tara L, Alysa Lui, Nathan, Hanya who take the ice with "I am going to get this done"
Of course, $hit happens that is the nature of the sport but attitude is all.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Bradie's spins are outstanding for speed and centering and her transitions are also world class. Did you not see the transitions she did in and out of the triple flip in her short? They were comparable to top Russians. Her jumps are also not what I would call mediocre; they are not exceptional but very solid. Her packaging has improved immensely since 2018. She is hardly someone I would call mediocre.

ITA. Bradie has greatly improved. She is like a sleek modern dancer. She also is a rare adult lady with the right genes...maintaining teenager physique into her 20s. I honestly don’t understand why some hate her, except perhaps due to reverse discrimination? Too white and blonde? This Puerto Rican loves Bradie!
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Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people make their first impression of a skater and that’s it no matter what does the skater does from point on. Bradie a lot of people on here did not like when she first started and so now they just get on places like this and look for reasons not to like her.

And then there’s the group that is convinced that if they just trash every other skater their skater will look better. You would certainly realize that their choice for skater of the year is the only right one. It’s never ever worked but that didn’t stop them. 😁


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
So true, there are die hard fans who stands by their favourites! Bradie did really well and yet there are still people whining for poor Mariah. It happens, don’t trash the winners if they aren’t your favourite. Mariah still has a fighting chance for the Olympics


Well-Known Member
Count me as a Bradie fan. She is neither a pretty princess nor a power girl; the two main categories of ladies as I see it. She takes what she has and creates well-constructed programs with technical ambition, working the hell out of IJS, and effectively moves like a modern dancer on ice in that angular way. That is what her body is built to do. She is anti-warhorse with her music choices. I mean, what is there to complain about???

I look at Bradie and think she actually holds an edge on the last set of U.S. 'greats', Gracie and Ashley, in the realm of technical ambition and she is way more dependable. Gracie and Ashley would not have survived 2 3-3s in an LP on such a consistent level. Although one can argue that Gracie had the best SS ever and Ashley had presence. Neither maximized their talents consistently the way Bradie is year after year. I mean, Bradie is a dependable part of regaining 3 spots. She is doing good things for team USA / USFSA.

The downside is that Bradie in her current form would be a medal threat ... if it were the 2018 Olympic cycle and any year prior. Russia, Rika Kihira and possibly Young You are making life a lot more challenging this time around, although she could probably take on Japan's #2 -> lower and the Koreans have not been as wow as last year.


Needs a nap
To be honest, I think that those who are still calling Bradie “boring” aren’t really watching her any more. I actively disliked Bradie 4 years ago. She’ll never be a lyrical skater or a pretty pretty princess. But in the last four years, she’s absolutely developed a command and presence in the ice. She fills the space and projects. When they pick well for her, like last years SP or this year’s LP, it really works. Bradie owns that ice. I’m converted.

No one has to like her style. Some people only like one kind of ladies skater. But acting like she hadn’t progressed is just false.


Well-Known Member
To be honest, I think that those who are still calling Bradie “boring” aren’t really watching her any more. I actively disliked Bradie 4 years ago. She’ll never be a lyrical skater or a pretty pretty princess. But in the last four years, she’s absolutely developed a command and presence in the ice. She fills the space and projects. When they pick well for her, like last years SP or this year’s LP, it really works. Bradie owns that ice. I’m converted.

No one has to like her style. Some people only like one kind of ladies skater. But acting like she hadn’t progressed is just false.
ITA. I was especially sold on her SP last year. One thing that helped IMO was the red dress. I think bold colors suit the sharpness in her skate, whereas the whites and pastels make her look more "meh" than she really is.

Hoping for great programs next year!

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
To be honest, I think that those who are still calling Bradie “boring” aren’t really watching her any more. I actively disliked Bradie 4 years ago. She’ll never be a lyrical skater or a pretty pretty princess. But in the last four years, she’s absolutely developed a command and presence in the ice. She fills the space and projects. When they pick well for her, like last years SP or this year’s LP, it really works. Bradie owns that ice. I’m converted.

No one has to like her style. Some people only like one kind of ladies skater. But acting like she hadn’t progressed is just false.
I am with you. I liked Bradie since day 1 in "seniors". She is strong, modern, love her SP and FS outfits this year, her determination, and yes, even her style of skating.


Well-Known Member
Bradie always seems to have a SP that fits her like a glove. She knows how to sell them perfectly and they always make her look great. Her free skates are a bit hit and miss but I really like this years. If there are no worlds I hope she keeps it for the Olympic season since it seems to be progressing wonderfully and it could be amazing


Needs a nap
ITA. I was especially sold on her SP last year. One thing that helped IMO was the red dress. I think bold colors suit the sharpness in her skate, whereas the whites and pastels make her look more "meh" than she really is.

Hoping for great programs next year!

This is hilarious because every single time she wore that dress, I posted about how it looked like the person who designed that dress was an alien who'd never seen a dress before and was working from a vague description of the concept of a dress.

Now that you've reminded me of that, I actually think I was thinking about the 2018-2019 Rebirth SP, not the 2019 - 2020 SP. But her SPs were better than her LPs both of the last two years.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Bradie just skated two strong programmes, SP and FS, well and clean, holding 1st places in both, and she WON, from 3 other contenders (Liu, Bell, Glenn) fair and square.

Why do people find something to ciritique? She won, ok? How about a good concept "You don't judge a winner"... :encore:


Well-Known Member
This is hilarious because every single time she wore that dress, I posted about how it looked like the person who designed that dress was an alien who'd never seen a dress before and was working from a vague description of the concept of a dress.
Yeah, I have nothing useful to say about costume construction or design, but Bradie is so pale and blond that I think strong colors help her stand out better than whites and pastels.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I got banned from for posting that they deliberately mistranslated an interview with Bradie in quoting her saying she was aiming to be top 3 at Worlds (and if she did say that, why not?) They deliberately mistranslated her interview to make it sound like she was cocky, and, of course, because they would rather do clickbait trash. I'm not surprised really though because that website is trash, but still...

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
LOL, I got banned from for posting that they deliberately mistranslated an interview with Bradie in quoting her saying she was aiming to be top 3 at Worlds (and if she did say that, why not?) They deliberately mistranslated her interview to make it sound like she was cocky, and, of course, because they would rather do clickbait trash. I'm not surprised really though because that website is trash, but still...
It was mis-translation. Several people sent notes to the editor. It is now corrected to "i will fight for 3 quotas" instead of "i will fight for 3 places" ("3 places" was translated as "3 places on the podium").

Now it is corrected:
Я собираюсь продолжать тренироваться в режиме подготовки к чемпионату мира. Конечно, я хотела бы, чтобы он состоялся, и если это произойдет, я буду готова делать свою работу и бороться за три квоты.

"Three spots" into russian translates as any of this meanings - three dots, three places, three points, three locations. Nowhere it is "three quotas". One has to know what word both Russians and English speakers use for description of quotas.

It was not intentional as they gave a direct link to the original on Golden Skate.
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Well-Known Member
It was mis-translation. Several people sent notes to the editor. It is now corrected to "i will fight for 3 quotes" instead of "i will fight for 3 places" ("3 places" was translated as "3 places on the podium").

Now it is corrected:
Я собираюсь продолжать тренироваться в режиме подготовки к чемпионату мира. Конечно, я хотела бы, чтобы он состоялся, и если это произойдет, я буду готова делать свою работу и бороться за три квоты.

It was not intentional as they gave a direct link to the original on Golden Skate.

They have a habit of posting wrong translations or wrong quotes to make their headline sound more sensationalist... not the first time they have done this. Bradie saying she wants to be top 3 is much more interesting because it invites bashing from typical users who will say she is delusional etc... So to be honest I have my doubts this was not intentional.

And yes, they gave a source, but again, who will bother checking it..

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
They have a habit of posting wrong translations or wrong quotes to make their headline sound more sensationalist... not the first time they have done this. Bradie saying she wants to be top 3 is much more interesting because it invites bashing from typical users who will say she is delusional etc... So to be honest I have my doubts this was not intentional.

And yes, they gave a source, but again, who will bother checking it.. and! several other russian sports publications sensationalize their headings. And not just Russians. Even now, for example, almost every article (in some russian publicatons) about Tarakanova today, includes in the heading "former Tutberidze's skaters", although Tarakanova has been to Pluschenko, Panova, and now in the Army of Skaters club..... :).

I don't think it is interesting to read "Bradie wants to be in top 3" for real skating fans (most of russia's real skating fans watched the US nationals), because to fans it would sound like a type or mis-translation, and that's why so many notes about it went to the editor... :D

Since this is by far not's first mis-translation of foreign articles, i am doubtful that it was intentional.


Well-Known Member
What’s wrong with Bradie saying she wants to medal at worlds, if she did say it? What is she supposed to say? “I want to be 7th?”

I remember Ashley Wagner was very vocal about her goals being on the podium and people thought she was cocky. I never understood this.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
What’s wrong with Bradie saying she wants to medal at worlds, if she did say it? What is she supposed to say? “I want to be 7th?”

I remember Ashley Wagner was very vocal about her goals being on the podium and people thought she was cocky. I never understood this.
Well, it is the same line of arguments as when fans thought Alysa's coach said "she has enough content to win this" just few days ago.

People argue how realistic such claims are.


Well-Known Member
4,321 and! several other russian sports publications sensationalize their headings. And not just Russians. Even now, for example, almost every article (in some russian publicatons) about Tarakanova today, includes in the heading "former Tutberidze's skaters", although Tarakanova has been to Pluschenko, Panova, and now in the Army of Skaters club..... :).

I don't think it is interesting to read "Bradie wants to be in top 3" for real skating fans (most of russia's real skating fans watched the US nationals), because to fans it would sound like a type or mis-translation, and that's why so many notes about it went to the editor... :D

Since this is by far not's first mis-translation of foreign articles, i am doubtful that it was intentional.

Didn't say anything about just Russians. Just I mean , seansationalizing is one thing... but they flat out post inaccuarte transations to get more clicks. Since you agree it's not the first time I think they are doing it on purpose. Anyways, is good at aggregating news, but is highly toxic. I'm looking for another news source.


Well-Known Member
What’s wrong with Bradie saying she wants to medal at worlds, if she did say it? What is she supposed to say? “I want to be 7th?”

I remember Ashley Wagner was very vocal about her goals being on the podium and people thought she was cocky. I never understood this.
Nothing wrong, but it's seen as delusional (because Bradie cannot compete with technical content of Kihira and the top 3 Russians) and of course invites bashing from trolls who typically post there. More bashing, more clicks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I have nothing useful to say about costume construction or design, but Bradie is so pale and blond that I think strong colors help her stand out better than whites and pastels.
Yes, I don't know who chooses her colors but that white dress was awful. I would like to see her with a different designer.


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong, but it's seen as delusional (because Bradie cannot compete with technical content of Kihira and the top 3 Russians) and of course invites bashing from trolls who typically post there. More bashing, more clicks.
Yeah, true, but ignore, ignore, ignore and don't go there. It doesn't matter what anyone says about a skater, the skater has goals and will or will not achieve them as capable, trained, etc.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Didn't say anything about just Russians. Just I mean , seansationalizing is one thing... but they flat out post inaccuarte transations to get more clicks. Since you agree it's not the first time I think they are doing it on purpose. Anyways, is good at aggregating news, but is highly toxic. I'm looking for another news source.
No, they are not doing it on-purpose. Go to google translate and put in English Bradie's words "3 spots" and see what you get in Russian. You get "3 места" - which means "3 placements" which does not make sense other than thinking "top three placements". She did not say "quota" which is almost the same in Russian "квоты", because it is Latin from the middle ages and many languages use that word. She said "spots" which is "conversational" and not exact. It's an error in translation. Sports. ru is "yellow press" to some degree, but this time it was not intentional.
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