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  • Thanks, Paskatefan. I found out the concert is actually a musical Loving the Silent Tears
    about journey of the spirit that traverses the seas and continents in a timeless search for inner peace.......and Liel appears in the Musical. Not really my cup of tea....and not worth the cost in terms of strain, time, guilt, etc. My husband is not going to recover, absent a miracle. He has a Parkinsonian disorder (not Parkinson's, but with many of the symptoms). The doctors have not been able to agree on a diagnosis......he has them all stumped.

    Thank you for the good wishes, though. They are appreciated.
    Glad you'll get to attend her concert, but I hope that your husband will recover from his illness!
    Just wanted to let you know that I watched a Liel Kolet concert on PBS last night. She's great, and she's coming to our area in 3/13. If that date is open for us (not conflicting with SOI), then we should try to go see her! L'shanah tovah & g'mar chatimah tovah. While we're at it, Happy Sukkot, too!
    Thanks for the link to Liel Kolet. She has a really nice voice, and I see that she will be on PBS next month. I will try to catch here on TV then. The video stopped & started a lot, but I was impressed. I wonder if she has ever come to the East Coast?
    I haven't heard of Liel Kolet? Is she Israeli? I guess I should check out Youtube!

    I'll have to check out Safam's itinerary. Glad to know that they're still performing. I miss seeing them live. It's hard for me to decide whose voice I like the best - Dan Funk or Joel Sussman. Kudos to Robbie Solomon for writing so many of their songs ("Leaving Mother Russia, Grandfather's Train). I think my favorite CD of theirs is The Greater Scheme of Things because of the title track, and the song "Jonathan," but I really love just about everything they've done.
    I must have their first ever CD. My daughter was going out with the son of one of the group, and they gave it to me. I LOVE all of it, and have a particular soft spot for Bashana Haba'ah which reminds me of all the Shabbat dinners when the kids were young.....and the "no they don't" my kids would love to slip in. And, of course, Exodus is always wonderful. I am going to download all their CD's today. They have such a wonderful blending of reverence and fun.

    Can't wait to listen to Hallel. I looked at their performance schedule. They closest they get to me (California) is Arizona. Something to think about.

    Have you ever heard of Liel Kolet? She has some lovely things.
    I heard of Safam through some synagogue friends who had seen them in concert. They raved about them, so we decided we must go see them in conceert the next time they come to our area. So, we've seen them @ several local synagogues, the JCC, and regional sisterhood/men's club events through the Conservative movement. They are wonderful in concert! Do you have some particular favorite songs? I love "Amar Rabi Elazar," "The Greater Scheme of Things," their entire "Hallel" service, "Al Hanissim" (for Chanukah & Purim), the Chassidic Kaddish that they do (our cantor does it too). One of the funniest things they do in concert is a medley of the top ten songs you should never sing Adon Olam to (Amazing Grace, the Macarena, Old Man River, Blue Moon, etc.). It's hilarious, and they keep updating it. let me know what you think - keep in touch!
    Love Safam! Last time we saw them in concert was within the last 3 years. Have many of their CDs. Nice to "meet" up with others who are familiar with their music!
    You're welcome! It was a great event, and since Quebec City is so beautiful, it made up for the meh rink.
    I appreciate people who appreciate my sense of humor1 :) Have been toying with bringing a banner with the words, "Maneshtana Hilila Haseh in Hebrew for the Jewish skaters! Would that be too bad???
    :lol: I think that was when I started to carry around big bags: (rumble, rumble), "I knew I had an esrog in here somewhere..."

    Thank you for the rep :)
    Thanks for the Rep! And yes-we can work as a team-I'll grab Rachael by the shoulders and you PULL them back! ;)
    Her costume is the loveliest shade of smoky blue, varigating down through the skirt. One of the prettiest costumes I've seen in a long time.
    Excellent! You posted something to support your assertion...;).... Thanks for the link, it looks like an interesting one to check out...:)
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