#TeamTrainwreck 14: "I Don't Care. #StillHere"

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RIP D-10
Am so :wuzrobbed over Tsurskaya, and I cling to the hope that she'll be as better in the actual competition over practice as Efimova was. She just seemed jagged in practice. And frustrated, more in the "Throw the skates into the trash" way than "I'll show them." :fragile:

I am not a fan of Satoko either. I thought I was the only one! I don't hate her or anything she just doesn't wow me ever. Wakaba is so much more interesting.
I love them both, especially the way Miyahara carried on after Sakamoto took her out in practice yesterday :respec:. Higuchi is my overall favorite post-Suzuki Japanese Lady, though.

Tarasova & Morozov - when are all their coaches gonna learn they are not a fun team. Let them do russian style by the numbers and they will deservedly win most of the times so why bother with this madness anymore.
They can do a bye the numbers style to Exogenesis or a snoozeworthy Shibs soundtrack, too. There's plenty of legato, funerial non-classical music that would suit their style.

I will not give up with the fantasy that Moskvina will choreograph for them. Maybe they should just steal Manfred Symphony and substitute their own lifts.

Bychenko - Now , he clearly still enjoys skating but I wonder if staying another season was a good decission.
He didn't look like he was enjoying it so much, but he may have just been in pain.

Nguyen - He seems stuck in the juniorish goody two shoes boy type of program and I dont know why.
But he's actually got amplitude and confidence rather than cutesiness in the arena. Except when he's trying to do his elements :shuffle:

I adore his confidence but he needs better skills to sell that step sequence.
Fixed it for you.

Brezina - I know he's poster boy of TTW but he was wuzgifted here.
No, really, he was that good aside from the pop. I was rather :eek:, given how much I've seen him not be.

(Don't know if you got to see much of it on the stream, but in the arena it was a kick. Went on for ages).
Thank you for this -- I'm on one of the sides nearly parallel with KnC, and I'm trying to correct post typos when KnC is shown on the jumbotron.

E/K - He is so hot :smokin: I love them so much, but we all know, what's going to happen. They won't stand a chance making the team :drama: Medal please!
He is much better than she is. You don't get PCS for bitchface unless you can land the jumps, especially when you go into the jumps with pukeface.

The SP she gave to the Ks would have been amazing skated by Stolbova/Klimov.Stolbova/Korovin
Fixed it for you.

Can we have a TTW award for most WTF costume of the season?
If we get a photo gallery.


He is much better than she is. You don't get PCS for bitchface unless you can land the jumps, especially when you go into the jumps with pukeface.
Ehm, you did see him in the lifts? :shuffle:
Bitchface-Efimova I like!
As well as their non competitive 3s1eu2s combo :rofl:

More heartbreak and they join the ride :gallopin1
Give them a classic program, they are classic russian pair skating!

Stolbova/Korovin comment? You think he would get it her up when she's around? :rofl:


I love you all! All of you. Responsibility are taken! Snarking at it's best. No time to quote anything, our train moves at rapid speed these days. ;)

Our boy gave Kitty that ring a while ago didn't he? World of fun! They are too cute!

And Camilla medalled in Minsk:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:


And hey, I'm starting my coaching career tomorrow, taking one of the teens I sometimes help out with to a local comp. Should I be bitchy Tsareva or gentle Rukavitsin? I have of course brought my pink jacket with fake fur and my skinny jeans and my pink winter boots and plan to look sorta glam. My student is prone to break my heart as his doubles are all over the place, so I might end up with no hair at all at the end of the day:lol:


Banned Member
:rofl: What was I saying about not every skater having problems every year at SA, in contradicting @SamuraiK's observation. :shuffle: :p Oh well, it's probably due to SA usually being the first GP and kinks still needing to be worked out for most of the skaters.

Okay, the less said about the pairs sp last night, the better. Only Hase/Seegert skated clean if I'm recalling correctly. :COP: Boss must be celebrating, or holding his horses till the fp. :)

What a missed opportunity for C/L. And where oh where has Aliona gone missing...? :drama:

The change of sp costume for T/M is a huge improvement, but where's the heat, where's the excitement? Hase/Seegert were the only pair seemingly able to handle the nerves of opening night.

Matteo has got it going on. :encore: Ponsart is a cutie, and he can land a gorgeous quad too! But Ponsart needs to work on holding it together throughout a program. Yay for Julian Yee! Only Yee and Matteo skated completely clean. I agree with the top three standings. But Zhou wuzrobbed. He didn't under-rotate the lutz according to Johnny & Tara. I'd have had Vincent in 4th or 5th behind Matteo in 4th, with Voronov in 6th. I'm lovin' that Michal Brezina has not called it a career. He landed a gorgeous quad-triple, but then unaccountably popped his triple. Still everything else was spot-on with the great music of Queen. Brezina deserves his placement. Jimmy Ma is simply cool. :cool:

And of course the one and only Nathan Chen is the coolest kid on the block! What a great melding of program and personality. Shae Lynn Bourne is a genius.


Banned Member
I will not give up with the fantasy that Moskvina will choreograph for them. Maybe they should just steal Manfred Symphony and substitute their own lifts.

:wideeyes: As far as I'm concerned, T/M get enough gifts. Doesn't Moskvina have a junior team she's working with? Plus, reportedly Nina Mozer is still involved with T/M, hopefully not with picking program music and concepts though! :duh:

But if Peter T, Robin S, and now Maxi T with the baby blues can't help T/M find something exciting that motivates them to be more authentically soulful, there's no hope. T/M (and some other teams, including Walsh/Michaud et al) could start with stop trying to channel J/C and find their own dynamic style.

If you are over Turskaya (who has struggled with a serious illness), then we all should be well over T/M eons ago and maybe stop with the knee-jerk love of their great technique excusing the mess of everything else.

As mentioned in their fan thread, T/M skated an exhibition to John Legend's Ordinary People, and Vlad actually genuinely smiled at Evgenia :eek:, and they seemed to be having fun in a natural and not a put-on way. Why doesn't anyone think to adapt that program for competition? A lot of T/M's problems are probably due to program concept mismangement and misdirection. And maybe the rest is due to the fact, they can't be what they are not and haven't figured that out yet. They apparently don't know how to open up and be themselves in competition.


Banned Member
Ponsart - I still don't get it how Bell managed to get him :rofl:

They are both cuties, and make a cute couple. Hands off, bossman, unless you can give Ponsart some pointers on how to relax and hold his technique together throughout a performance. :p Supposedly Ponsart skates better in practice than in competition. He needs to reverse that PDQ. But whatever, he's freakin' adorbs. :encore:


RIP D-10
Very patient skate from the Knierims. Amazing ice coverage on the second lift: took the entire diagonal, and the third took up 2/3 of the rink. (The first was a little slow.). Amazing twist, and she saved the first throw well. Landing on the second looked very torque (((AK's knees and back))), and it looked like she landed on her butt before her skates on the solo triple.

(I'm at the end of the rink where I can only see the woman's height on the twist: the guy obscures the catch and any crashes.)


Very patient skate from the Knierims. Amazing ice coverage on the second lift: took the entire diagonal, and the third took up 2/3 of the rink. (The first was a little slow.). Amazing twist, and she saved the first throw well. Landing on the second looked very torque (((AK's knees and back))), and it looked like she landed on her butt before her skates on the solo triple.

(I'm at the end of the rink where I can only see the woman's height on the twist: the guy obscures the catch and any crashes.)
Wrong thread? :saint: :rofl:


Well-Known Member
To be clear people, no Tarasova/Morozov in TTW, for many reasons, but first of all that they have way too many medals. No Knierims in TTW. It's not happening. They are not TTW material. A head case does not a trainwreck make.


Folks, thoughts on Efimova/Korovin for the train?
It's no secret I love them.
Still don't think they're there yet.
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