Russian women news & updates, 2021-22 season

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Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
Kudos to Scott Hamilton for throwing some love in Anya Shcherbakova’s direction during the final episode of Olympic Ice. Anya was his highlight of the FS events…as the camera went to the various show’s announcers. Scott reminded all how he sent Anya an encouragement film (?) in the fall…when she, as the reigning World Champion, was afraid of not even making the team! Bravo to Scott, a true gentleman. 💕


Cowardly admin
Staff member
This video was posted on twitter. There you can see the following:

1) Anna Shcherbakova on ice;
2) The green room, Kaori Sakamoto is almost lying on the floor, with her face buried in the sofa. Anna tries to take her by the shoulders from behind. It lasts for some seconds.
3) Anna leaves the room and immediately returns, with her one by one, representatives of the Japanese team enter to revive Kaori. Maybe Anna called them, or it was just a coincidence.
4) Anna walks through the frame, turning her back to the camera. At this time, Kaori begins to cry very loudly.
5) Anna reappears in the left corner of the frame, looking towards the crying Kaori, bowing to one of the women who are helping Sakamoto.
6) Daniil Gleikhengauz enters the room, Anna immediately approaches him, and they embrace. He says something to her (probably congratulations), she answers. All this lasts about 15-20 seconds.
7) Anna goes to the sofa and takes her bear. Anna and Daniel then look at Sakamoto, who is finally seated on the couch. Kaori is still crying.
8) Daniil slowly leaves the room. Sasha Trusova appears on the right side of the frame. At this point, she is calm. Sasha is talking to someone outside, then leaves the room.
9) Anna is standing in the middle of the room with a bear in her hands. Kaori continues to cry, they still help her.

Well, that's all, then there are shots of Sakamoto's performance, and then Anna's conversation with volunteers, who explain to her the procedure for holding a flower ceremony.

It is not very clear at what point all this happened, but most likely after Kamila's unsuccessful performance.


Wow the ladies event had the most bizarre ending of all. Why was Kaori so hysterical? Everyone except Anna behaved totally nuts
Based on her behaviour during, and after the venue ceremony, I think it's fair to say that Kaori was just very excited to win a medal. The Russian sweep seemed such a forgone conclusion she probably hadn't allowed herself to think it possible.


Let the skating begin
Wow the ladies event had the most bizarre ending of all. Why was Kaori so hysterical? Everyone except Anna behaved totally nuts
And, contrary to an isolated clip, she wasn't sitting there alone. The skaters apparently couldn't leave until Kamila's scores were finished and they'd left the KnC. As I said, this is exactly what happened 4 years ago. Anna's interview clearly indicated that she wasn't upset. Emotional, for sure, and needing to process she was the new OGM winner. But, she wasn't abandoned.


Well-Known Member
And, contrary to an isolated clip, she wasn't sitting there alone. The skaters apparently couldn't leave until Kamila's scores were finished and they'd left the KnC. As I said, this is exactly what happened 4 years ago. Anna's interview clearly indicated that she wasn't upset. Emotional, for sure, and needing to process she was the new OGM winner. But, she wasn't abandoned.
I think when you have three skaters fighting for gold that you all coach the coach will be pulled in multiple directions.

I think given the winner is happy it’s okay if more focus is on the devestated ones


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
part 8:

Z: Anya, tell me honestly - were you at least a little worried about the girls? I remember that you said that you thought a lot about yourself, and rightly so - this is a sport, and you are here for yourself. But now you've been thinking about how they feel?

A: Well, as I said before: before the start, I thought only about myself, and after the end of my program, for example, when I watched Kamila’s performance, then, of course, I, as a person who sees all her trainings and experiences a lot herself, could not remain indifferent. And if I watch the performances of the girls when they pass after my skating, I also experience emotions.

Z: Did you manage to talk with Kamila at least a little after what happened in the free program?

A: Yes, we had a heart-to-heart talk with Kamila in the evening, discussed everything.

Z: Did you support her?

A: Yes. But still, I want to leave it all between me and Kamila.

Z: What matters to me is that you supported her. Because… I don’t know, but Daniil says that for someone who has a soul, it’s impossible to endure all this… I think everyone who watched was literally dying from conflicting feelings. On the one hand - joy for you, on the other - terrible pain for what was there.

What will you do now when you come to Moscow? I just can’t imagine – well, I’m an Olympic champion, so what, let’s train the same way again. Channel One Cup, by the way, yes.

A: The most important start of the season, by the way (laughs)

Z: From March 4 to March 7 in Sochi - in case someone forgot.

A: Well, it's probably important that we haven't reached the end of the season yet. Despite the fact that it was the main tournament of four years, we are going back and we won't even have much time to rest. I even know that we will have some shows with my participation, but I will have to return to training - and it's probably for the best that I won't have time to rest and think about a carefree life. The fact that I have to get back to training as soon as possible will help me gather myself. And the fact that the season continues is also very important.

Z: So you don’t want to rest?

A: I don't have an understanding yet that the Olympic competitions are over. I'm still tense, not relaxed, not exhaled

D: More Gala ahead! (everyone laughs)

A: In general, even after these competitions, I still haven’t relaxed. But I think it's for the best that there won't be a long break, because it will be easier to get back to work and not turn off your head.

Z: You, as an Olympic champion, have the opportunity to express your wishes for the First Channel Cup. Maybe you want some special jumping contest format? Maybe you want to call someone?

A: To cut out unsuccessful attempts? (laughs) It would be nice!

Z: Ice cream after every jump? Seriously, would you like some changes compared to last year? Everyone was in awe of these team formats, of the jumps – is there anything else you could add?

A (shakes head): I don't even know...

Z: Okay, then you choose one skater who could be invited.

A: Well, I already know that Nathan Chen will be participating.

Z: I thought you didn't know! You just say: “can I call Nathan Chen”, and we immediately: “Yes! Here it is for you!”

D: It would be funny if she chose someone else - then I would look at you.

Z: Would you like to be on the same team with him?

A: Of course! Undoubtedly.

Z: Okay, then let's try this. Could you beat him in jumping? Remember, our guys were so upset last year that they lost to you girls ...

D: And so you were forced to call ...

Z: Yes! Strengthen the team this way.

A: Yes, this time it will definitely be more difficult, what can I say. Well, I think it will be interesting to compete. Nathan Chen has been looking like the best and most unattainable figure skater on the planet for many years now. Therefore, the idea that we will compete with him in jumping is already something incredible. So I think that will be interesting to watch.

Z: Sasha would now say: “Yes, I'm ready! I'll beat him easily!" Do you have any plans to make things more difficult for yourself? I think about the triple axel all the time. Did you say that you learned the double last, and it’s really possible for you to complete the triple?

A: According to my physical data, I think I can actually perform this jump. And this is not just a hypothetical assumption. At the moment when I was actively working on the triple axel, it was already clear to me that this was quite real. I think I had a little time left, but then everything started to spin, and I didn’t work on this element for quite a long time. Of course, if I return to the triple Axel, it will take a lot of time to train and learn. Therefore, if I am in optimal shape, this could be an interesting goal for me, although not an easy one.

Z: Daniel, what do you think – is it possible?

D: Well, I was very upset when we stopped working on the triple Axel. I understood very well how necessary that element was in the short program. Without it, it is difficult to score the maximum number of points. In fact, there were very good attempts. The goal was close. But, as Anya said, “everything is spinning” (everyone laughs) This, of course, is a very good explanation for why we did not get the triple Axel and do not train it. I hope that everything that started spinning will unwind in the opposite direction. Here the question is the desire of the athlete himself. In order for the jump to work, it must be constantly trained. And if we constantly train the triple axel, I can believe that it will start to work out.

Z: Well, then we are waiting for new achievements - and it's great that they are still possible, even after the Olympic gold medal has been received. Anna Shcherbakova, Olympic champion, Daniil Gleikhengauz, coach of the Olympic champion. Guys, thank you very much, I wish you a great Gala, and then we'll light it up on the Channel One Cup

A: Thank you!

D: Thank you!
Alex, thanks so much for translating this long interview! Anna is a wonderful young lady.


Active Member
This video was posted on twitter. There you can see the following:

1) Anna Shcherbakova on ice;
2) The green room, Kaori Sakamoto is almost lying on the floor, with her face buried in the sofa. Anna tries to take her by the shoulders from behind. It lasts for some seconds.
3) Anna leaves the room and immediately returns, with her one by one, representatives of the Japanese team enter to revive Kaori. Maybe Anna called them, or it was just a coincidence.
4) Anna walks through the frame, turning her back to the camera. At this time, Kaori begins to cry very loudly.
5) Anna reappears in the left corner of the frame, looking towards the crying Kaori, bowing to one of the women who are helping Sakamoto.
6) Daniil Gleikhengauz enters the room, Anna immediately approaches him, and they embrace. He says something to her (probably congratulations), she answers. All this lasts about 15-20 seconds.
7) Anna goes to the sofa and takes her bear. Anna and Daniel then look at Sakamoto, who is finally seated on the couch. Kaori is still crying.
8) Daniil slowly leaves the room. Sasha Trusova appears on the right side of the frame. At this point, she is calm. Sasha is talking to someone outside, then leaves the room.
9) Anna is standing in the middle of the room with a bear in her hands. Kaori continues to cry, they still help her.

Well, that's all, then there are shots of Sakamoto's performance, and then Anna's conversation with volunteers, who explain to her the procedure for holding a flower ceremony.

It is not very clear at what point all this happened, but most likely after Kamila's unsuccessful performance.
Just to clarify, this I did 100% see, but it happened well after Valieva's scores.

In my live views, Valieva's scores came in, then everyone focused on Valieva's reaction. Ch1 stayed on Valieva, & world feed (OBS) switched to Winner's lounge where Kaori was standing, awkwardly went to go hug Anya first, then sat back down.

OBS went back to Valieva (I think Ch1 stayed with Valieva thru out but not 100% bc I was more focused on OBS) then both went to Sasha, then Valieva again, then Valieva left the KC and we could see both her and Sasha in the same frame with Eteri (the older guy was trying to maintain Sasha).

Ch1 & OBS switched back to winners lounge and Kaori was distraught but not on the floor yet with 1 male coach behind her. Eventually both cameras went back to Sasha and Valieva. Valieva was passed off to the OC rep to walk her thru the press line.

Then OBS went back to the Winner's lounge and Anya was sitting and when the older guy came in flustered she stood up, relieved, and he gave her a hug. Kaori was also now on the floor by the couch by herself.

This at the same time as Ch1 found Sasha trying to hide behind the outside of the Winner's Lounge curtain & then OBS joined them.

Then they both went back to the Winner's lounge and Anya was again by herself standing with a very concerned look, maybe he went to go get Kaori's team again, and now the Twitter video picks up.

I assumed Kaori had already been congratulated by her coaches off camera and they had left for the schematics meeting bc one of her coaches was already there soon after Valieva's scores. Then she had her breakdown. And when the team came back they had a concerned look and not a 'she's just being Olympic medalist emotional look and needs a hug bc we just saw her for the first time' look.

While watching, I had assumed Danny had heard there was a medical issue and was worried about it maybe being Anya bc he hadn't yet been back there. Or already had been back there and was hugging her again since he was there. I thought this bc I thought he said something like 'poryadke', you are OK. (Statement not question) but that I could definitely be wrong about. I can barely understand people when they speak English and that's basically my first language. 😆 🤣

Either way Alex, again, you rock for all your help. I see that you are a new member. I am newish too, so WELCOME to the forum!
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Like a small boat on the ocean...
What a mess. It was not just Valeava who was affected. Everyone was robbed of everything the Olympics is supposed. Friendship, support, success.

Is Eteri going to be banned? Put in a hole? Handcuffed? Anything. Her actions in the Kiss n Cry should be enough to take her in front of a firing squad....ok, maybe that is a little extreme......but something needs to happen.


Active Member
And, contrary to an isolated clip, she wasn't sitting there alone. The skaters apparently couldn't leave until Kamila's scores were finished and they'd left the KnC. As I said, this is exactly what happened 4 years ago. Anna's interview clearly indicated that she wasn't upset. Emotional, for sure, and needing to process she was the new OGM winner. But, she wasn't abandoned.
Except silver medalist Trusova had left the Winner's Lounge before Anya made it there after her skate.


Active Member
She was in the video
Wait, which one? Both angles I got almost had the left most couch out of the frame. This would make more sense.

She wasn't there while Kamila was in the KC was she? She was right outside the exit, right?


Well-Known Member
Anna really seems like such a good egg. I'm not a fan of her skating style at all but I am still in awe of her competitive abilities and her sportsmanship off the ice.

I agree, she seems like a genuine sweetheart. I actually like a lot about her skating, but I’d enjoy it more if I could watch her without thinking about how much irreparable long-term damage her body has likely sustained to get to this point.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
And, contrary to an isolated clip, she wasn't sitting there alone. The skaters apparently couldn't leave until Kamila's scores were finished and they'd left the KnC. As I said, this is exactly what happened 4 years ago. Anna's interview clearly indicated that she wasn't upset. Emotional, for sure, and needing to process she was the new OGM winner. But, she wasn't abandoned.
I now watched Elena Betchke on TSL and she did NOT think it was normal that Anna was sitting there alone with no one congratulating her. She said she thought it was a joke initially and very different to her own experience in 1992 (when Tamara also coached the Gold and Silver medalists). She said Anna was robbed of her Olympic moment


Banned Member
video with Sasha Trusova:

Very short, but at least she is in a good mood now. I hope that the psychological trauma in this case will not turn out to be as deep and severe as it was in the case of Medvedeva.


I just really wanted to do five quadruple jumps, that was my goal, I'm glad that it happened at the Olympics, and I'm happy with my performance. For three years I tried to land these five quadruple jumps, and so far I have not succeeded in competitions, only when performing control skates in training.

Then I got injured, I had to recover, get in shape again, and I'm glad that I managed to jump [five quads]. I tried to reach the peak of my form for the Olympics. We prepared gradually, we had a plan that we followed in order to jump five quads in Beijing. From my mood, I can say that I did not experience any special feeling associated with the fact that this is the Olympics. As if it were some ordinary competition. It was not how I had imagined the performance at the Olympics before.

- And how did you imagine the Olympics before it started?

Thought there would be more excitement. But in fact, when I watched the 2018 Olympics, I was more worried than now. Of course, there were experiences, but not as strong as then.

-How many times have you wanted to quit figure skating?

Now I can no longer answer "Never." Everyone heard [my words] yesterday. So one time [I wanted to quit the sport]. This is all.

-Five quads is the ceiling? Or maybe more?

I think that there is no limit to perfection.

-How would you like to spend your holiday at the end of the season?

I want to go on a cruise on a ship. In Europe, or in America, but with dogs. On a big ship. I just once sailed for a day on a sea ferryboat - and it was very pleasant. But just a day.

-If there was an opportunity to start the Olympics again, what would you change?


Many people predicted a year ago that the "Zagitova-Medvedeva" situation would repeat itself again at the 2022 Olympics. That's just Anna was supposed to be Medvedeva, and Kamila - Zagitova. Who would have thought that Anna would be "in the role" of Alina ...


Thought there would be more excitement. But in fact, when I watched the 2018 Olympics, I was more worried than now. Of course, there were experiences, but not as strong as then.

She is used to getting a huge audience reaction when she lands the quads. It's a shame that when she finally did it, there was hardly an audience to celebrate with her.

It's good to see her smiling and giggling again. :)


Banned Member
Well Trusova was abandoned in the stadium until a volunteer found her at 3am :p
Not certainly in that way. Some strange story:

Rumors that I didn't leave the arena for a long time? I passed the doping test quickly. Then I went outside and waited an hour for the bus alone. Volunteers went looking for a car. I went to the skating rink for the Internet to use a translator. An hour later, the car was found


Banned Member
She is used to getting a huge audience reaction when she lands the quads. It's a shame that when she finally did it, there was hardly an audience to celebrate with her.
It's good to see her smiling and giggling again.
It's right. When I watched these competitions, I often had the feeling that this was not the Olympics, but some regular training skates at Khrustalny or at some sports base


Well-Known Member
I was looking on Anna Shcherbakova’s Instagram page which led me to her sisters and parents pages. I now see where Anna gets her tiny frame from. Her mother is very tiny too.

She seems have very loving and supportive parents/home environment so I can see why she comes across as mature and grounded as she does.

Interesting family, they seem to do tons of international travel and her older sister attended one of the world’s most prestigious boarding schools in Switzerland.
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