Russian women news & updates, 2021-22 season

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Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
Worlds last year in the KnC after they lost to MishGal. I don't speak Russian but she got salty with Moskvina and it was THE hot mic moment of the entire competition, lol.
Moskvina hedged her Olympic bets by taking M&G on. Which lets just say was a big surprise to B&K. Team Moskvina dynamic went from great to terrible. Not a lol-worthy moment to me, just a lot of frustration by Boikova for many different reasons.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
in a similar vein, I just watched on Russian PLANETA channel that the Duma (equivalent of the US Senate or UK Parliament) voted to confer highest State honors on Kamila. She’ll be welcomed as a National hero upon landing at Moscow airport…which I think is soon (?).
I mean, ridiculous. Us against the world. But at least Kamila will get some love. She probably thinks everybody hates her.


Well-Known Member
That is not what I meant.

In 2018 a 4Lz was worth 13.60 points. If you fell, you still had after fall deduction 8.60 points.

Now, with the +5/-5 GOE system, a 4Lz is worth 11.50. If you fall you score 4.75.

A good 3Lz with GOE+3 will get you 7.67 points. So a fall on a quad nowadays is worth less than a good triple.


Well-Known Member
That is not what I meant.

In 2018 a 4Lz was worth 13.60 points. If you fell, you still had after fall deduction 8.60 points.

Now, with the +5/-5 GOE system, a 4Lz is worth 11.50. If you fall you score 4.75.

A good 3Lz with GOE+3 will get you 7.67 points. So a fall on a quad nowadays is worth less than a good triple.
Anna's solo triple lutz scored more points then Sasha's quad toe. 8.34 to 7.06

that pretty much tells us exactly how Anna won and Sasha went wrong


Well-Known Member
I agree. I can forgive her but she definitely acted like a brat and I strongly suspect that type of drama is why Anna isn’t looking at two OGM
But look Trusova is a teenager a bit entitled, some might even say a spoilt brat. She was the one IIRC that set conditions for Plushenko with respect to Kostornaia et al. She also easily discarded the work done by Plushenko, Ilinykh and Rozonov with respect to artistry. If she had continued on that path and had squeaky clean jumps maybe she would be champion. But, OTOH, there seems to be a real Eteri bonus. I wonder if the message was also sent that Olympic victory meant having Eteri as coach, hence, she left Plushy. So no matter which way you look at it she realistically could only hope for silver or bronze. Is it that the harshness of it all just caused her to have a mental break? It's just crazy for these young ladies. Is this really how it's supposed to be? I don't know what to think. Sport has become something else.....


Doing all the things
FWIW's Trusova's version of the events regarding her not leaving the arena are different than what the Weibo volunteers reported. She said she had doping first. Then she went outside and waited an hour for the bus alone. Volunteers went looking for a car. She went back into the rink for the Internet to use a translator. An hour later, the car was found.
This sounds more reasonable. Especially with how long it takes these kids to pee because they won't drink water.

Still… One would think a team member would be with her… no?
Like they were with Anna when she won Olympic Gold? ;)

Spun Silver

Well-Known Member
I remember when Boikova made her single one line remark everyone when down on her like she was big difficult b**** diva and that she needed to grow the f up. How dare she act like that to her coach and show disrespect. They made similar remarks after her meltdown backstage at the GPF. Trusova goes full crazy and it's "well but... but...." or "cut her some slack"
What was Boikova's single one line remark? Ive read about it for over a year but never found what it actually was.


Well-Known Member
I can't remember the exact words, but from memory it was something like "Congratulations, you have your champions" (said in a sarcastic angry tone).

Hardly the toddler tantrum about everyone but her having an OGM :D
Well if the current top 3 stand in some order :scream: M/G with have 2, T/M will have 2 and B/K will have.....:slinkaway


Well-Known Member

Not surprising. Russian officials don't have a problem with Eteri being horrible to a skater even right after she skates and while she has tremendous pressure on her because of Russian doping.

"When I afterwards saw how she was received by her closest entourage, with such, what appeared to be a tremendous coldness, it was chilling to see this," Bach said at a news conference on Friday. "Rather than giving her comfort, rather than to try to help her, you could feel this chilling atmosphere, this distance."

Bach's tone surprised Olympic observers -- accustomed to hearing him defend Russian athletes despite the massive 2014 doping scandal -- and drew a quick rebuke from Moscow.

"He does not like the toughness of our coaches, but everyone knows that in elite sports, the coach's toughness is key to the students' victories,'' Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said later Friday.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I completely missed the Boikova outbursts. Is there any video?
Totally not worth seeing. Boikova was a bitch to Moskvina. She needed to be slapped!
Absolutely no cause for that.......certainly not while being on tv.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Not surprising. Russian officials don't have a problem with Eteri being horrible to a skater even right after she skates and while she has tremendous pressure on her because of Russian doping.

"When I afterwards saw how she was received by her closest entourage, with such, what appeared to be a tremendous coldness, it was chilling to see this," Bach said at a news conference on Friday. "Rather than giving her comfort, rather than to try to help her, you could feel this chilling atmosphere, this distance."

Bach's tone surprised Olympic observers -- accustomed to hearing him defend Russian athletes despite the massive 2014 doping scandal -- and drew a quick rebuke from Moscow.

"He does not like the toughness of our coaches, but everyone knows that in elite sports, the coach's toughness is key to the students' victories,'' Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said later Friday.
I thought the most horrific thing about it all was that Eteri did not move her off-camera. For that Eteri should be banned for life

Obviously, VK was devastated. All it would have taken if for one of the coaches to take the poor kid where there was not a camera.

Of Note! I agree with Tara and Johnny. VK should not have been allowed to skate. That public meltdown put a pall over everyone else. Sherbokova looked lost after her win...wandering around. Eteri (who is supposed to be an adult) could have saved all of us from that. Total Baytch.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Well nice the IOC guy denounced the coldness. Could he not of got his a$$ down there to make it stop, or at least use the phone to tell somebody to get that poor kid off-camera?

I in no way think that VK should have been on that ice. You dope, you go. But the poor kid was a wreck and it did not need to play out in front of the world.
I doubt she can skate again. That $hit is going to follow her everywhere. I assume she has parents somewhere. I hope they keep their daughter far away from that woman and her entourage. They are not nice people. If not, I call it child abuse.


Mayor of Carrot City
But look Trusova is a teenager a bit entitled, some might even say a spoilt brat. She was the one IIRC that set conditions for Plushenko with respect to Kostornaia et al.

Why is it being a "spoilt brat" to speak up for what you want in your training? IMO that's preferable to being in a training situation where you're told what to do and how to do it, or else. If Plushenko thought she was being unreasonable, he didn't have to train her.


Well-Known Member
Raf has indicated he is done coaching full time and he is anti-drama. Doubt he would coach Sasha, maybe consult.
So if Nathan continues he won’t coach him full time?so either Nathan plans to be done or this may not be 100% true.


Well-Known Member
from here, this interview. Extremely damning:
"There is no such thing as “tired, I can’t”. If you are tired or you are injured, you still go on the ice and work. Even if you have two toes broken, you just go and do the same thing a hundred times a day. Two hundredth, if necessary."

It is said that there are also strict requirements for weight. How to keep it? Special diet?

– No. Just weighing every day, you have to right to miss it, just like training. At exactly the same time except for your day off. Your weight can deviate a maximum of 200 grams. And so throughout the year to have stable jumps. All this together gives the result. If I hadn’t monitored, I would hardly have noticed that. Even extra 100 grams affect the rotation."


Well-Known Member
I really like Sasha and I hope she will be able to reset her mindset like Shoma had to during 19/20 season. But no sure if there is any coach in Russia expect maybe Moskvina who can help her with it.
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