2019-20 Canadian Men news & updates


Banned Member
Yeah, sorry. There would probably be objections to the topic being brought up there too, so maybe AdaRipp thread in Trash Can. :lol:

So who bets that Romsky will be named for Worlds? Or do you think it's contingent upon Romsky coming ahead of his compadres at 4CCs?

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
So who bets that Romsky will be named for Worlds? Or do you think it's contingent upon Romsky coming ahead of his compadres at 4CCs?
Skate Canada hasn’t really said how they intend to weigh the results; if one of them wins over the others by a noticeable margin, I imagine that’s a done deal. Otherwise, it could easily be muddled, though it’s probably still easier to go with most recent competition results unless there’s some huge caveat.

I do think that short program cleanliness is probably the single biggest favour the three guys could do for themselves.


Happily ignoring ultracrepidarians (& trolls)!
Skate Canada hasn’t really said how they intend to weigh the results; if one of them wins over the others by a noticeable margin, I imagine that’s a done deal. Otherwise, it could easily be muddled, though it’s probably still easier to go with most recent competition results unless there’s some huge caveat.

I do think that short program cleanliness is probably the single biggest favour the three guys could do for themselves.
The importance of a clean short program at Worlds can't be emphasized enough - that is the key to making it through to the free program, after all. Having a history of clean SPs would certainly be a good thing :)

Rhumba d’Amour

Well-Known Member
If social media had been around thirty years ago, David Dore and Claire Ferguson would have both had seizures.

I think that Sadovsky, so genuine, charming and media savvy, represents nothing less than a golden opportunity to grow the sport that has fallen into the lap of Skate Canada. It remains to be seen what Skate Canada makes of it. Were I them, not only would I immediately name him to the Worlds team, but I’d be publicizing his channel all over the place, featuring his updates on his training, sending him to Montreal in advance to scope out the sights, etc.

And hey, his skating isn’t bad either!


Well-Known Member
I think that Sadovsky, so genuine, charming and media savvy, represents nothing less than a golden opportunity to grow the sport that has fallen into the lap of Skate Canada. It remains to be seen what Skate Canada makes of it. Were I them, not only would I immediately name him to the Worlds team, but I’d be publicizing his channel all over the place, featuring his updates on his training, sending him to Montreal in advance to scope out the sights, etc.

And hey, his skating isn’t bad either!
Imagine if Rod and Tracy had spent even 1 minute out of the 6 minute LP warmup talking about Roman and the other men instead of Keegan vs Nam.

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
I think that Sadovsky, so genuine, charming and media savvy, represents nothing less than a golden opportunity to grow the sport that has fallen into the lap of Skate Canada. It remains to be seen what Skate Canada makes of it. Were I them, not only would I immediately name him to the Worlds team, but I’d be publicizing his channel all over the place, featuring his updates on his training, sending him to Montreal in advance to scope out the sights, etc.

And hey, his skating isn’t bad either!


The funny thing is he is coached by Tracy Wainman, one of the brightest lights to ever emerge in skating.

Back in the day, the CFSA made such a fakakta mess of her career.


Banned Member
The funny thing is he is coached by Tracy Wainman, one of the brightest lights to ever emerge in skating.

Back in the day, the CFSA made such a fakakta mess of her career.

Tell me more please. I'm all ears. I recognize Tracy Wainman's name, but I wasn't exactly closely following Canadian skaters and Canadian fs politics back-in-the-day.

In what way was Wainman a bright light in Canadian figure skating and skating in general? How did Skate Canada make a 'fakakta mess of her career'? And why?

And to keep this about Canadian men, how did Roman find Wainman? Do they simply hail from the same part of Canada?


Well-Known Member
Tell me more please. I'm all ears. I recognize Tracy Wainman's name, but I wasn't exactly closely following Canadian skaters and Canadian fs politics back-in-the-day.

In what way was Wainman a bright light in Canadian figure skating and skating in general? How did Skate Canada make a 'fakakta mess of her career'? And why?

And to keep this about Canadian men, how did Roman find Wainman? Do they simply hail from the same part of Canada?

I think Roman was around 9 (?) when he started skating with Tracey and Gregor.


Banned Member

Quite a fascinating career! Thank you for sharing! This adds so much revealing context to seeing Tracey in the kiss 'n cry with Roman Sadovsky.

I'll keep in mind the correct spelling of Tracey's first name. :)

Youtube has a lot of Tracey Wainman videos I notice, so I'm inspired to take a trip down Tracey Wainman memory lane:

Back when ladies performing 3-lutzes was 'unheard of,' per Debbi Wilkes. :lol:

And ah, Wiki also relates the sad tale of the downfall of Tracey's promising career. I didn't realize that Roman's coach, Tracey Wainman, was once married to Jozef Sabovcik, and is Blade Sabovcik's mother!
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Well-Known Member

The funny thing is he is coached by Tracy Wainman, one of the brightest lights to ever emerge in skating.

Back in the day, the CFSA made such a fakakta mess of her career.

Back then, I wondered about Roman debuting at seniors at 14 back at 2014 Canadian Nationals and wondered if that was the best idea (Tracy seemed okay with it).

That being said, this year's Nationals was a full circle moment indeed, as Tracy herself as a singles skater had left Ellen Burka for a period (1983) to be coached by Doug Leigh, then going back to Ellen to eventually win her second national title.


Banned Member
^^ Someone mentioned in a different thread that Wainman later said she was okay with being sent to Worlds at a young age, because she feels the chance to go may not have materialized, had she been made to wait until she was older.


Well-Known Member
Bavarian Open...Advanced Novice Men -13 skaters-just started
2 warmup groups
2 Canadian boys in the 2nd group
#10 Brendan Wong
#13 John Kim


Well-Known Member

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member

Stephen looks a lot more comfortable with his new height/limbs than he did on the JGP.

Joseph...sigh, you could be so, so good. You are good, in fact, aside from the +COMBO.


Well-Known Member

Stephen looks a lot more comfortable with his new height/limbs than he did on the JGP.

Joseph...sigh, you could be so, so good. You are good, in fact, aside from the +COMBO.
opening jump-triple axel was called underrotated as well. too bad


Well-Known Member
Bavarian Open- Junior men's freeskate.
1st -stephen Gogolev- 146.50- final score 227.68
2nd- Joseph Phan -139.65 -final score 206.68
Note: Stephen did not do any quads. He is prob. not allowed yet as he has only been back on the ice for about a month but was not allowed to jump at that point. Serious injury..So he won with nice clean triples.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member

Catherine M

Well-Known Member
Whatever happens tomorrow, sorry, Roman, Worlds will have to wait for another year.

I was kinda annoyed that Skate Canada didn't give Roman the spot after nationals but after this meltdown at 4CC, I'm sure Skate Canada is happy that they didn't make that decision. Yikes that was really, really, really bad.

Shame that Keegan didn't get a small medal as I thought he outskated both Brown and Jin. He probably is the best hope to get 2 spots for 2021 but I guess we'll see how the free goes at 4CC.


Well-Known Member
Gutted for Roman.

I guess it'll come down to Nam and Keegan. Nam tends to be a more consistent FP skater than Keegan, so it'll be interesting to see how the scores play out.


Well-Known Member
Gutted for Roman.

I guess it'll come down to Nam and Keegan. Nam tends to be a more consistent FP skater than Keegan, so it'll be interesting to see how the scores play out.

Nam is more consistent but he lacks the quality of Keegan. I personally think Keegan has a bit of a buffer on him (in addition to the sp lead).

I wonder what Roman's skate would have looked like if he had already been named to worlds - clearly the pressure got to him. He's by far my favourite of the 3 guys and I hope he at least has a good comeback skate in the long.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
I guess it'll come down to Nam and Keegan. Nam tends to be a more consistent FP skater than Keegan, so it'll be interesting to see how the scores play out.
The choice between Nam and Keegan is essentially between a guy who is fairly consistent but has a lower ceiling and a guy who is less consistent but has a higher ceiling. As we saw in the 4CC short program, where both did basically what they're capable of doing and Keegan leads by almost ten points.

Counting both nationals and his international assignments, Nam has skated nine programs so far, only two of which were genuinely bad by my recollection (Nebelhorn SP and Nationals FS). Keegan has been a lot more up-and-down, though in his defense there were extenuating circumstances for his Grand Prix appearances. If he has a good free skate tomorrow, then he'll have had 3 out of 4 programs being good in the second half of the season so far.

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