U.S. Ladies [#23]: Triple Axels? What a Novice Idea!

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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I get dizzy watching Eteri's girls. No movement is held for longer than a quarter of second before they move on to something else. Plus there is SO MUCH crammed into the program that there are no moments I can recall once the music stops. It's just a flurry of jumps, turns and arms that are barely distinguishable from one another. Ting's skating is refreshing and I'm happy to see her medal here.
It is certainly your option to decide what makes you dizzy, and to use US ladies topic to take a dig at Eteri and the girls (since that's all you can do, because probably your favorites don't come close to their results).

But for the record, Alena Kostornaya receives international praise for her fine elegant moves, and same for Scherbakova. Some find Zagitova's moves unfinished, and Trusova's too abrupt/sharp, but that's subjective at times. At the same time, all 4 girls have "unique styles" that are identified with them. Cui is "soft and pretty" but is very very generic and nothing stands out in her style of skating, unlike Liu, and certainly Cui is no match for Eteri's girls as far as medal prospects this and most likely next year.


Well-Known Member
I could not imagine if Ting finished top two at Nats that the USFS wouldn't send her to Senior Worlds...

Why would they not send her?

Realistically Ting is more "future" than Mariah and it's not like the US has a 3rd slot to lose. I think both Ting and Mariah have had equivalent seaseon's internationally and let's be honest, the international Junior ladies are stronger than the international Senior ladies.

I know that posters here really like Mariah but she has taken Ashley's old title of the "almost it girl" and it seems to have stuck on Mariah.


Active Member
As for Ashley's withdrawal vs Karen's withdrawal, Karen's was due to lack of fitness which is understandable as this is her first competition since February. Since that time, she's changed boot manufacturers, dealt with injuries/chronic health situations, moved and had some other professional upheaval. Ashley's withdrawal was based on an injury that some (unfairly) doubted and came on the heals of a weak (by her standards) performance at SC that did not appear to have any physical cause. Even if both skaters were equally famous, these are two very different withdrawals.

I'm sorry but I don't see how these are two very different withdrawals. How is Ashley's injury(doubted or not) not considered a lack of fitness? Both were not prepared and/or capable of finishing their respective competitions. Why does Karen get a pass because of what she's gone through and Ashley isn't given the same respect?


Well-Known Member
Why would they not send her?

Realistically Ting is more "future" than Mariah and it's not like the US has a 3rd slot to lose. I think both Ting and Mariah have had equivalent seaseon's internationally and let's be honest, the international Junior ladies are stronger than the international Senior ladies.

I know that posters here really like Mariah but she has taken Ashley's old title of the "almost it girl" and it seems to have stuck on Mariah.
Junior Worlds matters too; and having someone do well there means more spots on the JGP. If Mariah and Ting have similar scores, they may send Ting to Juniors and Mariah to Seniors.


Well-Known Member
I said I expected a debut skate for Karen. That's what we got. Out of genuine curiosity, where else was she going to go? The regular season at home is over, no? (I don't know anything about local-North-American level events at this time of the year). In any case, this spot was reserved for her. USFSA didn't even list a sub, and they knew as well as the rest of us that she was a question mark. It was undoubtedly a long trip, but her club had at least three other athletes here so coaching expenses were shared. Plus her coaches didn't have to go somewhere else with her. It was a low-visibility event and geographically distant from the press, local national-bronze medalist expectations, and out of the purview of NBC. Tickets were free. It wasn't a bad place to debut really. I'm sorry she didn't skate the free, but no one missed out on a berth because she came.


Well-Known Member
Junior Worlds matters too; and having someone do well there means more spots on the JGP. If Mariah and Ting have similar scores, they may send Ting to Juniors and Mariah to Seniors.
I think Seniors matters more to USFS than Juniors so they will send there stronger age eligible skaters there.


I think USFS would like a chance to regain 2 ladies spots per JGP next season (as host they will have 3 ladies' spots in Lake Placid) and Ting currently looks like USA's best hope to place among the top 3 countries (RUS, JPN, KOR) at Junior Worlds.


Well-Known Member
I think USFS would like a chance to regain 2 ladies spots per JGP next season and Ting currently looks like USA's best hope to place among the top 3 countries (RUS, JPN, KOR) at Junior Worlds.

What placements does USFS need for 2 JGP slots?
How realistic are those without Ting?


From the JGP Announcement:
a) 2 entries in 7 events:
ISU Members placed one (1) to three (3) at the previous ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships may enter two (2) Skaters in all seven (7) events of the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating in the category concerned.

b) 1 entry in 7 events:
ISU Members placed four (4) to six (6) at the previous ISU World Junior Figure Skating Championships are entitled to enter one (1) Skater in seven (7) events of the ISU Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating in the category concerned.
USA would have to place ahead of the top Japanese or top Korean lady at Junior Worlds in order to be the third highest placing country and be able to enter 2 ladies in the 6 JGPs besides Lake Placid.

ETA: This year only 5 U.S. ladies were on the JGP: Cui and Gabriella Izzo each had 2 assignments, and Pooja Kalyan, Hanna Harrell and Audrey Shin each had 1.


Or Ting could do both Four Continents and Junior Worlds (Starr Andrews was assigned to both last year before giving up JW). The down side is that World Standings points can only count from one ISU Championship (Worlds, 4CC/Euros, Junior Worlds) per season and USFS may want to give an opportunity to more, rather than fewer, skaters to earn WS points and boost their rankings.

P.S. I think it's a positive sign for U.S. ladies that we can discuss all of these various possibilities. :D

Deleted member 53443

See, I disagree with that. What exactly was her reason for the W/D? A severely bruised ego??? Traveling across the world is not cheap, someone is paying for it. Just because she was upset that she bombed her SP shouldn't mean that she should then just w/d from the competition. My opinion of her has gone wayyyyyyy down. I thought she was the most naturally talented skater in the US, but there is just so much drama with her. The world doesn't need any more drama. I'd rather support boring Bradie who at least finishes competitions and takes her results on her chin whether good or bad. W/ding for no apparent reason (I'm sure she'll say her ankle or heel or boot or whatever excuse) is unacceptable. To me at least.

You don't know much about athlete's injuries and how often they come back too soon and the long term risks of skating through injury, do you? If the world doesn't need drama, why write such a dramatic post on a situation you know zilch about?

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
What placements does USFS need for 2 JGP slots?
How realistic are those without Ting?

It's an uphill battle for the U.S. Cui was the top American on the JGP, but she didn't really contend with either the Japanese or the Koreans, let alone the Russians.

From the JGP, Korea had four skaters (Kim, You, Lee, and Wi) with higher scores than Cui's JGP scores. Kim made the JGP Final which is a huge feat, and You also medaled on the JGP while Cui and her American compatriots didn't earn any medals. That's also not counting Eunsoo Lim, who is young enough to go back to jr. worlds if Korea decides to send her. Japan had five skaters (Sumiyoshi, Yokoi, Yoshioka, Araki, Kawabata) with higher JGP scores than Cui's. And Japan also has young skaters on the GP who could be sent back to junior worlds. For Cui and the U.S., it really depends on which Cui shows up. If Cui lands all/the majority of her jumps, she should contend with this group of skaters, especially the Japanese (assuming they don't send their GP athletes). If not--and she didn't during the JGP events--then she's not going to be a factor.

Other possible Americans with the Jr. minimums: Ashley Lin, whose SB (from a senior event, however) is in the ballpark with the top Jr. Japanese skater Yokoi. Andrews could go, but her SB from seniors is well below the top junior Koreans and below 4 of the Japanese juniors. Izzo, Kalyan, and Harrell competed on the JGP, but weren't competitive with the top skaters. If Harrell ever hit, she could be a factor; however, her current track record is hitting about once a season. Strategy could come into play here, too. Does USFS want to send two high-jumping, but inconsistent skaters or do they want one of the more solid, reliable skaters who won't contend to go to hold onto a top-10 finish should the high flyer bomb?


Well-Known Member
What placements does USFS need for 2 JGP slots?
How realistic are those without Ting?

Extremely realistic. Ting has had a year of upheaval. New town, new coaches, new combos. All these changes take time to get used to. But it was more than evident if Ting finally started to land her jumps the judges would reward her. In her second JGP, she got a 70, the highest SP score obtained by junior skater on the JGP. Her components were really strong. Now that she's landing most of if her jumps in her FS without melting down, I'd say she'd be in the top five. She also has valuable JW experience from last season.

Japan doesn't send skaters that have not competed in the JGP. So with Ting, 14 slots are very likely. Without her, it's impossible.


Well-Known Member
Japan's juniors aren't as strong this year, in comparison to the last couple of seasons. Ting beating the Japanese girls sent would be very possible, even if she lost to Yelim. If I had to guess now, Russia and South Korea will get 14 spots, then it's between Japan and the US (only if Ting goes likely).


Well-Known Member
Korea has three very competitive ladies this season. Young You hasn't maximized her scoring potential yet. And Haein Lee defeated Cui head-to-head in Austria and Yelim earlier this season. It's going to be a tough fight. One well worth watching. I'd like to see Cui there.

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
About 1 or 2 years ago i saw a video or some kind of stream of a US girl skating FS, her name was Haley Scott, and she was good... I searched for more videos, but never able to find any of her skating, but her name does pop up in past recent competitions. I think, she is a Junior by now, and she was good that time. Any one has any video links to her skating recently? I think i asked about her before, but don't remember any links to videos of her skating.
This is what she looks like http://www.jaxiceandsportsplex.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/haley.jpg

Also, there is a young US girl who i think is very good too, and i don't see her anywhere mentioned on FSU.
Isabella Levito i think has "world quality IT potential"..


About 1 or 2 years ago i saw a video or some kind of stream of a US girl skating FS, her name was Haley Scott, and she was good...
I posted about Haley in the U.S. Sectionals thread in Kiss & Cry (she didn't qualify for Nationals in Novice this year, unfortunately): https://www.fsuniverse.net/forum/th...ast-nov-14-17-2018.104725/page-3#post-5460922
Also, there is a young US girl who i think is very good too, and i don't see her anywhere mentioned on FSU.
Isabella Levito i think has "world quality IT potential"..
I replied to you about her earlier this year in an earlier U.S. Ladies thread. ;) 2018 Juvenile Girls champ Isabeau Levito qualified for Nationals at the Intermediate level by finishing 2nd at Eastern Sectionals (FS scores of 80+ are included below):
E1-4: Lindsay Thorngren, Ice House Of New Jersey FSC NA1 (136.54, 87.20 FS), Isabeau Levito, SC Of Southern New Jersey NA2 (129.51, 83.73 FS), Gloria Xia, University of Delaware FSC SA1 (117.81), Hazel Collier, SC of Boston NE1 (113.90)
I'll go find the event link to watch (it's free) - ETA: https://usfigureskatingfanzone.com/watch/?Archive=305


All we are saying, is give peace a chance
See, I disagree with that. What exactly was her reason for the W/D? A severely bruised ego??? Traveling across the world is not cheap, someone is paying for it. Just because she was upset that she bombed her SP shouldn't mean that she should then just w/d from the competition. My opinion of her has gone wayyyyyyy down. I thought she was the most naturally talented skater in the US, but there is just so much drama with her. The world doesn't need any more drama. I'd rather support boring Bradie who at least finishes competitions and takes her results on her chin whether good or bad. W/ding for no apparent reason (I'm sure she'll say her ankle or heel or boot or whatever excuse) is unacceptable. To me at least.

I'm so sorry her withdrawal affected you so personally. Perhaps a good therapist might help? For you, not Karen...
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