#TeamTrainwreck 25: Maximum Chaos

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Well-Known Member
RusNats ladies is going to be a sh!tshow. IMO Valieva is a lock for the O's, and Scherbakova is likely (unless she finishes like 10th at RusNats). But I have no idea who I want to make the team between Trusova and Tuk. The sentimental part of me wants Tuk, but the other part of me thinks that Trusova is a better and more interesting skater. All 4 of them have earned their spot at the Games IMO
If only all of them could go - one to do just the team event, and the other 3 the individual event.


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
Samarin draws number 1
:yikes: I didn't see what Aliev got.
1 - Самарин
2 - Ерохов
3 - Гуменник
4 - Мозалев
5 - Ковалев
6 - Алиев
7 - Сарновский
8 - Даниелян
9 - Лутфуллин
10 - Яблоков
11 - Кондратюк
12 - Рухин
13 - Семененко
14 - Савосин
15 - Коляда
16 - Дикиджи
17 - Игнатов
18 - Анисимов

1 - Samarin
2 - Erokhov
3 - Bean
4 - Mozalev
5 - Kovalev
6 - Aliev
7 - Sarnovsky
8 - Danielyan
9 - Lutfullin
10 - Yablokov
11 - Kondratyuk
12 - Rukhin
13 - Semenenko
14 - Savosin
15 - Kolyada
16 - Dikiji
17 - Ignatov
18 - Anisimov


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
1 - Дэвис/Смолкин
2 - Миронова/Устенко
3 - Павленина/Алексанян
4 - Ушакова/Некрасов
5 - Лазарева/Прокофьев
6 - Степанова/Букин
7 - Пасечник/Блинов
8 - Загорски/Гурейро
9 - Морозов/Багин
10 - Шанаева/Нарижный
11 - Худайбердиева/Базин
12 - Скопцова/Алешин
13 - Ермакова/Пантелеев
14 - Синицина/Кацалапов

1 - Davis / Smolkin
2 - Mironova / Ustenko
3 - Pavlenina / Aleksanyan
4 - Ushakova / Nekrasov
5 - Lazareva / Prokofiev
6 - Stepanova / Bukin
7 - Beekeeper / Blinov
8 - Zagorski / Gureiro
9 - Morozov / Bagin
10 - Shanaeva / Narizhny
11 - Khudaiberdieva / Bazin
12 - Skoptsova / Aleshin
13 - Ermakova / Panteleev
14 - Sinitsina / Katsalapov


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
1 - Петушкова/Маликов
2 - Гейниш/Миронов
3 - Акопова/Рахманин
4 - Павлюченко/Ходыкин
5 - Мишина/Галлямов
6 - Бойкова (за латекс просто моё увожение)/Козловский
7 - Мухортова/Евгеньев
8 - Артемьева/Назарычев
9 - Хабибуллина/Княжук
10 - Кадырова/Бальченко
11 - Чикмарева/Янченков
12 - Тарасова/Морозов

1 - Petushkova / Malikov
2 - Geynisch / Mironov
3 - Akopova / Rakhmanin
4 - Pavlyuchenko / Khodykin
5 - Mishina / Gallyamov
6 - Boykova (for latex, just my taking away) / Kozlovsky
7 - Mukhortova / Evgeniev
8 - Artemyeva / Nazarychev
9 - Khabibullina / Knyazhuk
10 - Kadyrova / Balchenko
11 - Chikmareva / Yanchenkov
12 - Tarasova / Morozov


void beast
Adding this to my "bizarre off-ice incidents" file for my potential Kawabata train application! :wuzrobbed
Tomoe Kawabata has WD

Tomoe updated IG. She apparently was injured in a traffic accident while walking—she wasn’t that seriously injured but had to stop practicing for a time. She started training what she could but wasn’t able to recover in time for Nationals.
So unfortunate!


Link to her post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CXyKOVWpMvC/


Well-Known Member
Hi Team Trainwreck! I’ve never posted here before — I only lurk and read all your priceless post-competition appraisals out loud to my husband. Thank you for making the mistakes, weirdness, and frustration of figure skating part of the fun! When everyone else is complaining, you guys are imbibing! Also, I just love your signature emoji :gallopin1. Ride on, friends! P.S., my wish list for Russian Nationals greatness is Tuktik, Unknown Kid, Gumennik, and Tarasova and Morozov. May they rock and not splat!


Let the skating begin
Hi Team Trainwreck! I’ve never posted here before — I only lurk and read all your priceless post-competition appraisals out loud to my husband. Thank you for making the mistakes, weirdness, and frustration of figure skating part of the fun! When everyone else is complaining, you guys are imbibing! Also, I just love your signature emoji :gallopin1. Ride on, friends! P.S., my wish list for Russian Nationals greatness is Tuktik, Unknown Kid, Gumennik, and Tarasova and Morozov. May they rock and not splat!
Better to imbibe and enjoy than to complain and whine. Last year RusNats gave us Unknown Kid and three of the best ladies FS ever back-to-back no less. Every year it's a nail biter and you never really know what's going to happen. Japanese men will be really interesting. And, the Japanese women are totally unpredictable. Who will rise and who will fall? It's the most wonderful time of the year!


Well-Known Member
1 - Самарин
2 - Ерохов
3 - Гуменник
4 - Мозалев
5 - Ковалев
6 - Алиев
7 - Сарновский
8 - Даниелян
9 - Лутфуллин
10 - Яблоков
11 - Кондратюк
12 - Рухин
13 - Семененко
14 - Савосин
15 - Коляда
16 - Дикиджи
17 - Игнатов
18 - Анисимов

1 - Samarin
2 - Erokhov
3 - Bean
4 - Mozalev
5 - Kovalev
6 - Aliev
7 - Sarnovsky
8 - Danielyan
9 - Lutfullin
10 - Yablokov
11 - Kondratyuk
12 - Rukhin
13 - Semenenko
14 - Savosin
15 - Kolyada
16 - Dikiji
17 - Ignatov
18 - Anisimov
Wait, where's Gummenik?


Well-Known Member
I'll be rooting for unknown kid, our boy, DiCaprio lookalike, Danielyan, Mozalev, Mr. Bean, Queen Tuk, Onishchenko, sprog, Miyahara, Sakamoto, Marin Honda, Kagiyama, and Miura/Kihara.

I want to see wide beams on Tuk and Sakamoto's faces. And I hope to enjoy many other skaters that I have not mentioned here.
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