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  • t’s above all disrespectful of a skater’s career.
    Marie-José Massot

    Minou, l'anglophone
    And, don’t go saying that Bruno let himself be taken for the money, no, he just needs to eat and we, his parents, do not have the means to pay for training, skates, etc, in a word, everything a top level skater needs
    The FFSG didn’t see Bruno’s potential until quintuple world champion wanted him as a partner..
    To put ¨spokes¨ on his skates is just petty, like not authorizing him to do galas.
    What did the FFSG propose to Bruno when it found out Aljona Savchenko wanted to skate with him?
    Like all those of working age, Bruno needs to to make a living in his profession. The FFSG has proposed nothing to him as long as Alijona was not released to France. The German Federation did not wait for a release from France to assist Bruno.
    What would you do in his place?
    C'est une bonne traduction, je trouve. --presque pareille à la mienne,
    I have learned that the case of my son, Bruno Massot, was mentioned during the FFSG general assembly.
    It was stated. by the lawyer that, the FFSG will not permit Bruno to skate for another country, given the fact that he has skated for France for ¨so many years.¨
    My questions are What has the FFSG done for Bruno during these ¨many years?¨
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