#TeamTrainwreck 25: Maximum Chaos

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Hi Team Trainwreck! I’ve never posted here before — I only lurk and read all your priceless post-competition appraisals out loud to my husband. Thank you for making the mistakes, weirdness, and frustration of figure skating part of the fun! When everyone else is complaining, you guys are imbibing! Also, I just love your signature emoji :gallopin1. Ride on, friends! P.S., my wish list for Russian Nationals greatness is Tuktik, Unknown Kid, Gumennik, and Tarasova and Morozov. May they rock and not splat!
Hi Ruby, welcome to the train and thanks for the nice words! Enjoy the ride in all its glory! :gallopin1

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.

The caption translates to "I adore you 💪"

Sokolovskaya is the best!

The combination of that caption, the dapper outfit, and his good nature has me almost finding him adorable.

Time for bed, I think.
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Well-Known Member
Okay just in time, who I'm rooting for at 🇷🇺 and 🇯🇵

  • Mishina/Galliamov - let's have a successful Nationals this time please, preferably a win, silver is okay
  • For the 3rd spot, I was rooting for Daria&Denis, but Boikova's latex at the draw was pretty awesome. So at least make it exciting for that 3rd spot - but I lean still a bit to P/K
  • Mini Tarasova (aka Mukhortova)
  • Good skates all around
  • Tiff and Jon
  • Diva & Bazin, Morozov Daughter
  • U/N - I'm no big fan, but they've missed so much time with injuries, and barely made it to Nats. A couple good skates would be nice
  • Preferably not EteriDaughter for 3rd spot
  • Trusova - I'm cheering for Empress too, but my #1 wish in women is that Sasha makes it. I just think back to the JGP in 2017, my first season watching that, and her going for that quad when no one was doing it, and she wasn't the best performer, but she just had that charisma and star power. With Kostornaia out, I really hope Sasha at least goes
  • Shcherbakova/Valieva/Khromykh - not so invested, but will be sad for whoever misses out of the 5 (incl. Trusova & LaTuk)
  • Sinitsyna - podium not likely, but just a couple good skates please
  • Muravieva - my favourite of the juniors here
  • #1 Aliev
  • #2 Mozalev
  • #3 Clean white crow at least once
  • Otherwise I like so many, so much chaos and heartbreak potential

  • Shoma
  • Otherwise don't care too much, more just interested how it goes
  • Wakaba - to make the team
  • Satoko - nice no falls skates of her lovely programs, no matter the outcome

Japanese Nats is really going to be less heartbreaking and stressful for me, more just enjoyable so of course it's in the middle of the night and much harder to watch than RusNats.


Well-Known Member
1 - Дэвис/Смолкин
2 - Миронова/Устенко
3 - Павленина/Алексанян
4 - Ушакова/Некрасов
5 - Лазарева/Прокофьев
6 - Степанова/Букин
7 - Пасечник/Блинов
8 - Загорски/Гурейро
9 - Морозов/Багин
10 - Шанаева/Нарижный
11 - Худайбердиева/Базин
12 - Скопцова/Алешин
13 - Ермакова/Пантелеев
14 - Синицина/Кацалапов

1 - Davis / Smolkin
2 - Mironova / Ustenko
3 - Pavlenina / Aleksanyan
4 - Ushakova / Nekrasov
5 - Lazareva / Prokofiev
6 - Stepanova / Bukin
7 - Beekeeper / Blinov
8 - Zagorski / Gureiro
9 - Morozov / Bagin
10 - Shanaeva / Narizhny
11 - Khudaiberdieva / Bazin
12 - Skoptsova / Aleshin
13 - Ermakova / Panteleev
14 - Sinitsina / Katsalapov
Are Shevchenko/Eremenko done?


Well-Known Member
Draw Ceremony

Best Dressed:
Men - Gummenik
Dance - Sinitsina, Narizhny
Pairs - Boikova
Ladies - Samodurova

What Were They Thinking: Stepanova, Aliev,
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Eislauffen’s photos from the draw:




I really have one wish only…White Crow clean, in the original, white shirt.

Further, of course I’ll take Dima, Makar, Semenenko. Slay Master & Margarita!

Pairs: Whoever blows me away the most!

Woman: I want LaTuk for OG, other than that I’m a bit meh, woman’s skating in Russia aren’t that interesting to me these days, they’re all the same. BUT of course it would be amazing if Davydov’s girl Samodelkina lands all her quads and wipe out the Eteri-bunch. She actually has SS and good choreo. Speaking of that… Where’s my Frolova???:wuzrobbed

Dance: Tiff and Jon. Other than that: :wuzrobbed My babies!
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Japanese nationals:


I have no desire to watch Timothy Koleto and his 70ies pants in Olympic Games. :EVILLE:

Kagiyama, Uno, Tomono. What a dream team!!
Hanyu for 3rd Olympic gold would be absolutely amazing, but I need that Lalaland choreo sequence to light up my life in Beijing!!!




Maximum chaos delivers!
Don’t know where to start. Boss, when your boy from very beginning brought the drama
and paid for his suicidal quad flip attempt with blood, glue and band aid, we all knew where this was going.

Best dressed: Volchkova
Best hair: Sokolovskaya’s pink shade
Best coach cam during skate: Mishin on Kolyada’s pop
Best dressed on ice: Ignatov
Do-hard: Kolyada, Ignatov

Worst dressed: Eteri-guy
Worst hair: Trankov
Most defeated look: Aliev:(


Let the skating begin

Maximum chaos delivers!
Don’t know where to start. Boss, when your boy from very beginning brought the drama
and paid for his suicidal quad flip attempt with blood, glue and band aid, we all knew where this was going.

Best dressed: Volchkova
Best hair: Sokolovskaya’s pink shade
Best coach cam during skate: Mishin on Kolyada’s pop
Best dressed on ice: Ignatov
Do-hard: Kolyada, Ignatov

Worst dressed: Eteri-guy
Worst hair: Trankov
Most defeated look: Aliev:(
I don't know whether to give this a :( a :cheer2: a :rofl: or a :love: So, I'll just do all of them.


Well-Known Member
Watching in delay

Overall quite a decent event for Men standards but of course Dima:wall::wall: and Misha :wall::wall:

Semenenko rock solid. Now torn between Nutini or Jesus for the 3rd spot. Im gonna go with Makar beacuse hess been around longer.


Rewatching now.
Need to check posts later to stay unspoiled

🇷🇺 Men:

Overall. Crazy level. Loved it.
Semenenko. He is so guilty pleasure and though I prefer others, I would be so happy for him.
Kondratyuk. Steps are everything :love: Nebelhorn haircut please.
Ignatov. A shame we didn't get footage of @Ka3sha drooling :p His skating leaves me a bit meh, but the earring and hair so does it for me :smokin:
Erokhov. I just want to point out I called it :p So happy for him.
Kolyada. Pf.
Samarin. Little Mother****er! So badass! Almost turn-on.
Petr. I somehow hoped he would play the big spoiler.
Mozaelv. His skating is everything to me. So pure, nice touch to the music, so subtle. Love the long spread eagle to end.
Danielian. At least he smiled in the end.
Aliev. Well, he already played safe with 3lz :( I so hoped. He looked so devastated :( Still best arse by a mile.
Yablokov. Back to old hair and classic music.
Anisimov. One of my fav programs of the season. He could be so so good. Hope he makes JW's by a miracle.
Overall2. Good lord if Samarin and Mark are remaining off team.... (((Sokolovskaya)))
Overall3. Who was Volchkova male minion? It was not Murad :drama: @Ka3sha speak!

Best Dressed: Ignatov
Best hair: Semenenko
Do-Hard-quota: 12/18
Fav program: Danielian, Kondratiuk, Anisimov (in that order)
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🇷🇺 Dance:

Annabelle was robbed. This was the best program overall. So intense to start and badass to end. She knew scores in end pose. Face in knc spoke for itself :(
TiffJon. Well I loved the booing of course :love: Hated the costume, especially the crappy tailored pants. Bring back the test skates outfit. This was laboured as expected but great achievement making it through. Love Jon/coaches support! Jon in the final steps is everything :love: So into it., The RD could be really great skated 100%...a shame we might never get to see it like that.
Davis/Smolkin. For the record. I actually like Smolkin's skating (liked it more in some years before) and am not on the anti-eteri-waggon but these scores were total crap. Skated slowyly, cautious, laboured and totally looking like juniors. We all knew this would happen, but with a performance like that this sucks so much more.
Khuda/Bazin. I just love him. The bandana is pure sex. Their finger point twizzles, so so good. The energy in this crap of a RD still gets me :cheer2:

Best program: Morozov/Bagin
Best Dressed: Morozov
Do Hard: Morozov, Bazin


Well-Known Member
I think D/S are actually a really good team. That's why I don't like seeing them pushed before their time. I still remember what happened with Chait/Sakhnovsky. I think the way they were treated was pretty unfair, but they did probably get pushed too hard too early and the backlash really destroyed their careers in a way they never recovered from. Let D/S develop organically toward 2026.


Let the skating begin
Imagine having a kid in this sport 😱
I suspect this is really difficult this season. It sucks that she got sick, but I'm going to hope there's a chance for a trip to Worlds. At least Mama will be close enough to go. But, they did their best and sometimes that's what means the most in the long run. The crowd loved them. :cheer2:

I do feel sorry for Diana and Gleb.


Well-Known Member

Shameless Champions - This short program never gets old. So charming I fear for S&H.
Latex Sawn - Very fierce but yeah, Swan Lake is not supposed to be that.
T&M - they are cursed.
A&N - riding the wave of their succesful GP showing. Nice
Intense Daria - watered down choreo and out of first group. Ouch.

All the other unknown pairs - I wont remember them but that was a high quality event. Thanks
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'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
I suspect this is really difficult this season. It sucks that she got sick, but I'm going to hope there's a chance for a trip to Worlds. At least Mama will be close enough to go. But, they did their best and sometimes that's what means the most in the long run. The crowd loved them. :cheer2:
Not sure they will make it to the FD tomorrow, the doctors have been working with Tiff this evening - let's see how her head is in the morning.... Meningitis recovery is a roller-coaster 😪 there are good days and bad days. Skating a full 3 mins for the first time since she left hospital has taken its toll on Tiff.
And the FD is 4 mins long 😲...
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