#TeamTrainwreck 25: Maximum Chaos

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AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Hey, folks! It's Thid Day of Russian Nationals Eve. Let's have some comfort and joy in this thread, and may all your wolves be white. :saint: 🐺


I know I’m contemplating staying up here in Los Angeles where all it has done for two days is rain. Thinking about watching all the Christmas episodes of will and grace until Russian nationals comes on.

If anybody wants a good Christmas movie to watch because they’re usually terrible I suggest “last Christmas” holy cow that is a great great movie!!!!!!!!!


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Did plushy just have the one skater there? The woman who came in second or I guess third now because of a late start? We did not see her on the Grand Prix correct? She seems good
Sofia Muravieva skated very well, and she had a clean 3A. I had heard her name during the season multiple times but I was not watching Jr GP, so I can't say for sure if she competed. I will look up the JGP threads to see if she did.

ETA- I took a quick look.

ETAa- found this on golden skate. She won the JGP cup of Austria. Born on Aug 4, 2006.
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Is Kondratiuk out because of winning Nationals? Could he be gone before we even ever really knew his name? Or is it only Worlds/Olympics/Euros that takes you out of the team? I know, I know... read the criterion. That's not the true #ttw spirit!

ok ok I looked - looks like he's still in? What a relief! We can't lose Jesus on Christmas Eve. :)
Jesus gave us quite a gift on Christmas Eve :D

He’s Jesus, so he has some powers. Can’t be kicked off. Or not until he wants to leave😅 🚂

(I’m not religious. But for this Jesus I’ll make an exception;) )


'Be Kind' - every skater has their own story
Happy Christmas to everyone riding the train! 🚂:gallopin1


Well, I don’t really care about Russian woman they way I do about men, but there were some highlights today:

  • Dudakov going mental jumping up and down and Vice missing it.
  • Liza’s portrait
  • Eteri being hit by stuffie
  • Trankov kneeling to the Empress
  • Funniest and cutest press room ever
  • Serious, not happy with attention Davydov, being stuck by the boards with giant Pikachu

Do-hard: Davydov

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
All my feelings!!

Japan Ladies
-Higuchi! I was all Petrosian-like when I saw the results: pumping my fist while laying down. :D So glad she should get her Olympics
-Mihara: :fragile:
-Sakamoto: bring it to the Russians!

Japan Dance
-Send your national champs. The Olympics are supposed to be about sport, not about stories

Russian Dance
-Bazin already said it all: I can't decide if he's brave or foolish, probably both

Russian Pairs
-B/K are back!! My heart is happy. :)

Russian Ladies
-Valieva, all in for her Olympic gold
-Trusova, this isn't the direction I want ladies' skating to go #sorrynotsorry
-Jr Sofias: both have a lot of potential, looking forward to the Jr. World team battle
-Shcherbakova: mini-grace is happy. Fix was in, though.
-Tuk: :kickass: performance today


Let the skating begin
So, did Liza fall on the 3A in the short and blow her combo for the fix? That was really generous of her. :lol: Maybe her sacrifice was to help Semenenko's and Kolyada's FS but they missed the memo. Damn men, anyway. Never pay attention.

I'm probably the only one happy with the results for Russian ladies and pairs. OK with men and don't really care about dance except I appreciate Khuda/Bazin's POV.

Post Nationals results in an Olympic year are guaranteed maximum chaos. Every single time.
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Well-Known Member
Japan Dance
-Send your national champs. The Olympics are supposed to be about sport, not about stories
Except that M/T beat the national champs in front of an international panel earlier in the season, and it wasn't even Spanish ice dance close... If KoKo has a chance it will be because the JSF decides to have a one last skate-off between the teams at 4CCs.


Well-Known Member
So, did Liza fall on the 3A in the short and blow her combo for the fix? That was really generous of her. :lol: Maybe her sacrifice was to help Semenenko's and Kolyada's FS but they missed the memo. Damn men, anyway. Never pay attention.

I'm probably the only one happy with the results for Russian ladies and pairs. OK with men and don't really care about dance except I appreciate Khuda/Bazin's POV.
I'm sad for Liza but the results are correct, overall, so I'm not devastated by it. Coulda woulda shoulda for Liza and Rus Nats during the Olympic seasons. Pairs I'm totally satisfied with. Dance - meh, fix is in for Team Eteri and it aggravates - not necessarily because DavSmo are undeserving of their placement but the judges weren't even trying for some semblance of honesty in their GOEs and PCS. That's going to kill the sport.


Let the skating begin
Oh, I doubt that. Federations have made those decisions for years. Basically, federations can send anybody they want as long as they have the minimum scores. Brezina doesn't even compete nationally and he's going again.


In A Fake Snowball Fight
If KoKo has a chance it will be because the JSF decides to have a one last skate-off between the teams at 4CCs.
There won't be a skate off at Four Continents. JSF has always named their Olympic teams immediately following nationals. Komatsubara/Koleto winning nationals has given them a chance to be considered for the spot.


Well-Known Member
There won't be a skate off at Four Continents. JSF has always named their Olympic teams immediately following nationals. Komatsubara/Koleto winning nationals has given them a chance to be considered for the spot.
Then I think the FD tells the tale of what sort of chance Komatsubara/Koleto have at being named to the team, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Then I think the FD tells the tale of what sort of chance Komatsubara/Koleto have at being named to the team, unfortunately.
I admire what Takahashi did but the way he skated this weekend should kill the chances of M/T and it's so bad for the sport's credibility that it won't. M/T had a double fall on an element in the RD and Takahashi nearly fell 4 times during the FD and it was just completely ignored by the judges. In a weekend full of questionable judging decisions, a decision to send M/T over K/K will join the ever-growing list.


Well-Known Member
I admire what Takahashi did but the way he skated this weekend should kill the chances of M/T and it's so bad for the sport's credibility that it won't. M/T had a double fall on an element in the RD and Takahashi nearly fell 4 times during the FD and it was just completely ignored by the judges. In a weekend full of questionable judging decisions, a decision to send M/T over K/K will join the ever-growing list.
No disagreement from me on how rough Takahashi was in the FD. I watched it live and asked myself if I was watching the same event as some of the others who were raving about how it was so much better than even NHK. Uh, nahhhhh, not even close. I will say, though, that we have to recall that the JSF does not go strictly by their Nationals results, not even for the singles disciplines, and both teams knew, last summer, that winning Nats was not a guarantee. M/T did win, convincingly, at NHK, so I think there is a reasonable argument to be made for selecting them instead of K/K, even if it leaves a Ross Miner-esque bitter taste in most observers' mouths.

Colonel Green

Well-Known Member
Strategically I really would not want to send M/T given that Takahashi has just shown (or reiterated, looking at last season) that he could seriously bomb the team event RD).


Well-Known Member
No disagreement from me on how rough Takahashi was in the FD. I watched it live and asked myself if I was watching the same event as some of the others who were raving about how it was so much better than even NHK. Uh, nahhhhh, not even close. I will say, though, that we have to recall that the JSF does not go strictly by their Nationals results, not even for the singles disciplines, and both teams knew, last summer, that winning Nats was not a guarantee. M/T did win, convincingly, at NHK, so I think there is a reasonable argument to be made for selecting them instead of K/K, even if it leaves a Ross Miner-esque bitter taste in most observers' mouths.
I do agree that going only by the nationals placement would not be smart but overall K/K have been more consistent and aside from the NHK scores (that tbh felt more than a little generous for M/T) it's actually K/K who usually placed ahead (and also secured the Olympic spot). If we go with a BOW argument and examine both teams, K/K were ahead every time except once at NHK. M/T have shown amazing improvement in just one year but they are not consistent enough and K/K's case is a lot more convincing imo, the one main thing M/T have is the Olympic "story" but that's not a good enough reason to send them to the Olympics.


Well-Known Member
Oh dear, handling family xmas while trying to catch up on RUS and JPN nationals without getting spoiled is exhausting and not always succesful.

But first of all @taz'smum I want to give you an enormous hug and please tell Tiff she's very special to me and plenty of fans around the world and hope she recovers soon and kicks ass in whatever she decides to do next. Oh and that I love her crazy red hair.


Well-Known Member
Russian Men

Those overall standings. Not even juniors are able to produce such crazy movements between SP and LP. Yikes.

Firstly, Jesus is known!! HE IS KNOWN!!!!! He pulled a rapture and converted anyone who wasnt already into his cult. And this is what I mean he was pushed too soon into team TTW, the kid has just started his divine ascension.
His behaviour in the Back room while realizing he won should count for Tursy Momn list.
Kolyada - Im invested too much on him but just like him Im always too tense to actually enjoy it.
Mozalev - I knew he would pull a massive long. Iwas just not expecting everyone else to fail. Well done and worthy olympian.
Semenenko - will they put him above Andrei? There's nothing really to argue in favour but then again they did push him above others without much reson before.
Gummenik and Danielian - Bright future still ahead.
Samarin - There's always a place in Boss dark room.
Ignatov and Aliev - The villain of this sad story is Rukavicin. Please open your eyes and leave him a soon as possible. Is shameful for two guys with their talent being in such a poor shape all the time.

All the other Staminov Boys - I loved Yablokov and Vladislav. Rukhin was sad to see. Lufullin is meh.

Note aside: I know TSL is mostly sensationalist garbage but they do have a point with Ted Barton. He complained all the time about the guys being quadless machines without connection to the music, yet today with the quad eteri machines it was art in motion. Pleeease.


Well-Known Member
Russian Dance .
Dance is my favorite discipline to watch but damn is hard to defend it as olympic sport when this shameful corrupt results and scores happen. RUS kept their record of dropping their 3rd team in favour of an upcomign but that usually was justified when the youngers had better potential. that can't be said about Davis/Smolkin. Even with Mum boys being unfortunate ill, Khuda was ROBBED. Heck even Skoptova & Aleshin showed superior effortless skating. The kids may not be the ones responsible but I do hope for a Chait/Sakhnovski scenario later.

Puppy & Legs - I love the FD but are evidently skating smaller thana all the other top teams.
Khuda and partner - They also have a great emotional program that didnt really need the over the top make up.
Morozov - She knew what was coming so not as intense or in the game as before. I noticed greasy dad has teamed up with SvinininZhuk. While I dont like dance being politicked so much if thats not going to change I hope they can create a good opposition force.
S&A - They were basically leapfrogged by everyone . really hard to swallo but she was still there worried about Tiff. Amazing girl.

Nikita/Ktasalapov - that WD is worrying with so little time left.

Lower ranked teams - enjoyed the Hunger Games routine, Nekrasov being fierce and Narizhny being skinnily hot.
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Well-Known Member
Russian Pairs

Top 2 - ON FIRE!! This is a great rivalry that I hope lasts well beyond 2022.
Ginger - On their way to pull a Bourne/Kraatz for pairs.
Intense Daria - it was not meant to be but they seemed in good spirit. Still very young.
Disco team - cheesy but they sell it.

What happened to Pepeleva/Pleshkov and Panfilova/Rylov.


Well-Known Member
RUS Ladies:

Valieva - Ok she's the champion but pleaassee change that dull dress-
Quadsova - I think it did work she missed some part of the season. that way this empty quadfest doesnt feel as tiring still.
Empress:cry::cry: she made us believe.. but it was too good to be true.
ZarinaAnna - Will be interesting to see if she continues past this season.
Kromykh - I can see her sticking ala Tuk.
Samodurova - Bye bye Sofia, thank you for everything.
Sinitsina - find the phone of a obscure euro fed as soon as possible.

First time I watched the new juniors crop- Petrosian is a Star, Samodelkina has great IN already, Muravieva lacks it factor.


Well-Known Member
Is it part of being :gallopin1 to have the balls to say what everyone's thinking?

Go for it Khuda and boy, if you are going down , just bring them down with you. Her face when reacting to Davis score was everything.


Let the skating begin
Rylov had a serious shoulder surgery and they've been out all season. I'm hoping they're back on the ice soon for the next quad. And she's been secretly honing her triples while the attention is elsewhere.

ITA about Petrosian. She's my favorite of the kidlets.
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