#TeamTrainwreck 18: Wrap your turban tight!

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Just posting this here to show that Kolyada should have better stayed with original plans for entertainment of #ttw


I have officially ended my annual campaign for Torgashev's membership. Even I'm not that delusional. He's lost everything that made him interesting. :(
Rewatched. Well. Brownesque he went down. If that is something one admires to achieve 🤷‍♂️
I am glad you moved on.
Who is next? :watch:


Well-Known Member
Speaking of juniors, I already have my Sotskova-moment of this season :(
Give him a teddy at least!
Tough to watch!

At least he leaves with a medal and gets a 2nd event. Croatia will be brutal though.


Let the skating begin
Speaking of juniors, I already have my Sotskova-moment of this season :(
Give him a teddy at least!
Tough to watch!
he probably ripped the head off the one he got after the SP. That is one tough little kid. He'll be back at junior nationals.


Let the skating begin
Rewatched. Well. Brownesque he went down. If that is something one admires to achieve 🤷‍♂️
I am glad you moved on.
Who is next? :watch:
I have no one else. :lol: Gubanova is in, but she doesn't even have a comp to fail, and given the other As, there's no hope for much in Russia. :( She might as well change her name to Polina :drama:


Well-Known Member
Grinning Tsareva :eek:

Her 11 year old daughter Maria Zhakarova had a nice skate at the Moscow Championships, and finished 7th, maybe that’s why.



Well-Known Member
Gubanova is in, but she doesn't even have a comp to fail, and given the other As, there's no hope for much in Russia. :( She might as well change her name to Polina :drama:

She just needs to move to the U.S. where we can give her Sasha & Karen-esque PCS and send her to events. (I mean Bradie is broken. Alysa is too young. Karen and Mariah are Karen & Mariah. Ting is working her way back from being broken & is also Ting. Gubanova would fit right in). She could even go through this teenager thing & throw her jacket away backstage at Nationals or whatever.

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
Samarin - Hate 'Blues for Klook'; Porny ending pose by Samarin, I just can't :rofl:

I just watched. OMFG. Those opening moves are EXACTLY what I look like attempting to dance. :scream: Stiff white guy overcompensating the total lack of movement in the hips with crazy arms. :rofl:

And that ending pose! Right out of my playbook.

I actually quite like it overall; big upgrade over the material he's had the past few seasons. I have a soft spot for Blues for Klook, too.

Popova/Mozgov - Well, that was entertaining, but, well, so not my cup of tea and of course @alchemy void will love it to death!

:rofl: I didn't even see this earlier. So trashy! :love:

Voronov - What a Queen-surprise, I totally enjoyed that, suited him so well.

The best program he's ever had! And he's like my age. :respec: This was really good.

Kolyada - Usual :gallopin1 Very much disliked the program.

I can't decide who was more tragic: Aliev or Kolyada? :scream:

LaTuk - No fan of the program, but love the drama ending!

I actually liked the choreography, there's definitely more here than usual. The footwork, however, doesn't even remotely relate to the music, which was an issue last season too. Maybe I'll try to watch with the original Florence and the Machine song.
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Check Stasia‘s latest IG story! The latest photo is just everything! So much drama 😍

Well..., still 😭


Let the skating begin


Well-Known Member
And the upcoming weekend is when it starts getting real. The Challenger series starts--sometimes two in one weekend, and there are still 4 JGP events going. It requires organizational skills, a good understanding of international time zones and multiple viewing devices. I should turn this into an assignment for my students to test their critical thinking.

Especially next weekend is going to be very challenging. Autumn Classic, Lombardia Trophy and JGP Russia are going to take place during one weekend.

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
And the upcoming weekend is when it starts getting real. The Challenger series starts--sometimes two in one weekend, and there are still 4 JGP events going. It requires organizational skills, a good understanding of international time zones and multiple viewing devices. I should turn this into an assignment for my students to test their critical thinking.

As a blogger who tries to write professional-sounding reviews of all the events, I would say Challenger season is even worse than Grand Prix season because there are sometimes two events in the same weekend. It’s exhausting!
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