Oscars 2016


Well-Known Member
I'm just pissed that "Extreme anal Acrobats" was snubbed. A movie powerful enough to make a jaded extreme cinephile such as myself curl up In a ball in a corner and puke and cry like a little baby is surely worthy.

:eek: What the heck? This is not a real film, is it? Or is it poking fun at another movie and the joke went way over my head?


Active Member
:eek: What the heck? This is not a real film, is it? Or is it poking fun at another movie and the joke went way over my head?

This film is all too real unfortunately. I think I was poking fun at award shows in general. I suppose the ladies in EAA will get their equivalent award. Unless they get beaten out by "Prolapse Party". I hear that one is more....extra.

Still think Johnny Depp deserves the oscar, even if I think award shows are lame. He was that amazing.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I'm still confused about the first movie or the joke about what seems like a porno.

That said, Black Mass and Sicario are on my list. I heard Sicario was one of the best movies this year.


Active Member
Sicario is a great movie. I could live without Emily Blunt in it, but Benicio Del Toro is outstanding. Be prepared for some scenes which will stick with you long after the movie is over. It's pretty much grim all around.

Black Mass is grim too, but J Depp manages to draw you right into the movie. It has two very graphic brutal scenes, but they did not depress me as much as Sicario did.


Well-Known Member
Sicario is a great movie. I could live without Emily Blunt in it, but Benicio Del Toro is outstanding. Be prepared for some scenes which will stick with you long after the movie is over. It's pretty much grim all around.

Black Mass is grim too, but J Depp manages to draw you right into the movie. It has two very graphic brutal scenes, but they did not depress me as much as Sicario did.

I enjoyed both movies. Both are well made, but disturbing storylines

Benicio Del Toro - what an amazing performance. Not sure whether to root for him or want him dead. I loved how you never knew what side he was on, and how everything unfolded.
Surprised he was not nom for an oscar.

Xela M

Well-Known Member
I saw "Spotlight" today. I thought it was a good film. Mark Ruffalo and Rachel McAdams were particularly good.

But I can't say it was outstanding in any way. It was just good.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
Sicario is a great movie. I could live without Emily Blunt in it, but Benicio Del Toro is outstanding. Be prepared for some scenes which will stick with you long after the movie is over. It's pretty much grim all around.

Black Mass is grim too, but J Depp manages to draw you right into the movie. It has two very graphic brutal scenes, but they did not depress me as much as Sicario did.

Thanks for the warning. :)

Although these movies may be good, I would rather not watch them.


Well-Known Member
Benicio Del Toro - what an amazing performance. Not sure whether to root for him or want him dead. I loved how you never knew what side he was on, and how everything unfolded.
Surprised he was not nom for an oscar.

It was a different role for him - I thought he was fabulous in this movie. I thought the movie was good too.


Well-Known Member
After the backlash about no people of colour being nominated in any of the acting categories, now this in regards to the transgender community:

Anohni, first transgender performer nominated, shuns Oscars

Anohni is nominated for the "Best Original Song" award.

Three of the other five nominees in the category are scheduled to perform at the globally televised gala -- Lady Gaga, The Weeknd and Sam Smith.

Anohni, along with South Korean singer Sumi Jo (who performs the song "Simple Song #3" from the film "Youth") was also not asked to perform.

Anohni acknowledged she was not excluded directly because she is transgender.

"I was not invited to perform because I am relatively unknown in the US, singing a song about ecocide, and that might not sell advertising space," she wrote.

Still, it doesn't look good in year with the acting nominations being all white and then two of the best original song performances, by a person of colour and a transgendered person, are excluded from performing.

Here's a youtube link to Anohni's nominated song.


Well-Known Member
They are making a movie off of a book, The Girl with all the Gifts. The adult lead in the book is a woman of color. The book never mentions ethnicity but does mention her dark skin. Hollywood is putting a white woman in that role. I guess Hollywood's response to this is that movie goers would rather see white people, not just in America, but overseas markets as well.


It's unfortunate as movies can help people break down their own prejudices but Hollywood is choosing to reinforce them instead.
The book also mentions that the child lead, Melanie, has skin as white as snow. Yet, the movie directors have cast a black child actress for the role of Melanie.

I guess I'm supposed to get angry that there hasn't been an Oscar nominee of East Asian ancestry since... I don't know how long ago? Where's the societal outrage on this topic?


Well-Known Member
The book also mentions that the child lead, Melanie, has skin as white as snow. Yet, the movie directors have cast a black child actress for the role of Melanie.

I guess I'm supposed to get angry that there hasn't been an Oscar nominee of East Asian ancestry since... I don't know how long ago? Where's the societal outrage on this topic?

Well cool. That's newer info. Seems silly to switch the casting though I could say something about choosing to cast the zombie character with a person of color like what they used to say about Star Trek. :shuffle:

Feel free to be outraged about the lack of Asian lead actresses. I'm about to embark on a Michelle Yeoh movie marathon myself. Highly underrated IMO.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Could people please just stop counting. The Oscar awards, just like everything else, should go to the best work. Talk about that. Let the focus be that. Counting color sets racial equality back not forward. Y'all who are counting are talking about affirmative action. Making the nominees reflect the population. Wrong discussion. Were there blacks that should have been nominated for their performance, but weren't? In a world where all are equal, then all are treated equally. One does not receive a nomination because a race quota needs to be filled.

And this, from someone who is still angry that Debbie Reynolds did not receive the Bet Actress Award for "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"!!


Simply looking
Could people please just stop counting. The Oscar awards, just like everything else, should go to the best work. Talk about that. Let the focus be that. Counting color sets racial equality back not forward. Y'all who are counting are talking about affirmative action. Making the nominees reflect the population. Wrong discussion. Were there blacks that should have been nominated for their performance, but weren't? In a world where all are equal, then all are treated equally. One does not receive a nomination because a race quota needs to be filled.

And this, from someone who is still angry that Debbie Reynolds did not receive the Bet Actress Award for "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"!!

Yes, if no one else, Idris Elba absolutely should have been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. (And indeed won the Screen Actors Guild Award, among others). Instead that "amazing talent" (cough, cough) Sylvester Stallone (!!!) is going to go home tonight with an Oscar for ACTING! :scream:

Like figure skating, the Oscars are both subjective and political, whether you choose to believe that or not.


Well-Known Member
Could people please just stop counting. The Oscar awards, just like everything else, should go to the best work. Talk about that. Let the focus be that. Counting color sets racial equality back not forward. Y'all who are counting are talking about affirmative action. Making the nominees reflect the population. Wrong discussion. Were there blacks that should have been nominated for their performance, but weren't? In a world where all are equal, then all are treated equally. One does not receive a nomination because a race quota needs to be filled.

And this, from someone who is still angry that Debbie Reynolds did not receive the Bet Actress Award for "The Unsinkable Molly Brown"!!

Ignoring the contributions of performers from other ethnicities is what sets things back. Creating movies with the same types of people with leads and not being willing to diversity both in front and behind the camera sets diversity back.

Here's an article from Huffington Post about nine actors of color that could have been nominated. I don't think there nomination would "set diversity back." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry...r-nominated-oscar_us_5697d75ee4b0b4eb759d7a1f

For those defending the Academy, there seems to be the assumption that only white actors give worthy performances.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Not at all. It has been your information may be accurate but your conclusion wrong. Sure there are lots of actors who could have been nominated. I am isn't it possible that those who voted simply decided others were better. I am just like skating. It is a judged award. How would the Oscar's look if the awards were given out for those who made the most money..... Had the most viewers. What if you registered your ethnicity before seeing it so it couldi be quantitatively measured. Just thoughts


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Yes, if no one else, Idris Elba absolutely should have been nominated for Best Supporting Actor. (And indeed won the Screen Actors Guild Award, among others). Instead that "amazing talent" (cough, cough) Sylvester Stallone (!!!) is going to go home tonight with an Oscar for ACTING! :scream:

Like figure skating, the Oscars are both subjective and political, whether you choose to believeo that our not.
Of course they are. I am that is why I am still upset about Debbie Reynolds... She was robbed!


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm supposed to get angry that there hasn't been an Oscar nominee of East Asian ancestry since... I don't know how long ago? Where's the societal outrage on this topic?

Originally the topic of discussion was that all twenty acting nominations went to Caucasians. That no people of colour were nominated. From there, black people started talking about their lack of options compared to white people. Hispanic, Asian, Indian and people of other non-white groups chose to remain silent. So the topic moved to where voices were being heard. But to me, the issue is about there not being one non-white nominee.

Could people please just stop counting. The Oscar awards, just like everything else, should go to the best work.

Acting is just like everything else in history. Whites are better. Also, with world leaders, scientists, world explorers, businessmen, politicians, astronauts...men have always been better at all of these professions compared to women. It's not that women have not had equal opportunities. Women are just better at cooking, cleaning and raising children than men are, and men are better at science and business and writing and politics and teaching, etc. Each gender has something that they special at doing.

Of course they are. I am that is why I am still upset about Debbie Reynolds... She was robbed!

This proves your point. Reynolds shared a nomination in 1964 with Julie Andrews (who won for Mary Poppins), Anne Bancroft, Sophia Loren and Kim Stanley. All five nominees were white because they gave the best performances that year. The non-white actresses of the time just simply lacked the talent to earn a nomination. But they had just as much opportunity to receive a nomination as the white ladies did. But the non-white actresses just didn't have the talent to make the final cut.


Well-Known Member
Acting is just like everything else in history. Whites are better. Also, with world leaders, scientists, world explorers, businessmen, politicians, astronauts...men have always been better at all of these professions compared to women. It's not that women have not had equal opportunities. Women are just better at cooking, cleaning and raising children than men are, and men are better at science and business and writing and politics and teaching, etc. Each gender has something that they special at doing.
Now, this is getting off topic. So, it's inconceivable that there might be biological differences between men and women that predispose 1 sex to be, on average, better at doing something? For example, being taller, running a race, throwing a ball? In terms of neuroscience, even, there are lots of differences between men's brains and women's brains (again, as an aggregate). And, I predict, with more research, there are going to be even more findings of differences between sexes. I think it's a great thing!
The non-white actresses of the time just simply lacked the talent to earn a nomination. But they had just as much opportunity to receive a nomination as the white ladies did. But the non-white actresses just didn't have the talent to make the final cut.
I can't tell whether you're sarcastic here or not... I guess it must be inconceivable that non-white actresses could ever lack enough talent to make the final cut. :shuffle:

I'm not going to be outraged about the lack of Asian representation in the Oscars. Because, shocker, film just might be an area where there are currently few great actors/actresses in Hollywood of Asian ancestry. And I don't think it's 100% attributed to 'discrimination'.
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Simply looking
Of course they are. I am that is why I am still upset about Debbie Reynolds... She was robbed!

Erm... whatever. Ava Gardner wurobbed for not even being nominated for "Night of the Iguana." :p

My biggest concern is whether Leo will win or not. :drama:

Yes, he's going to win. It would be the upset of the evening if he didn't. Jacob Tremblay wuzrobbed! :mitchell:


Well-Known Member
Now, this is getting off topic. So, it's inconceivable that there might be biological differences between men and women that predispose 1 sex to be, on average, better at doing something? For example, being taller, running a race, throwing a ball? In terms of neuroscience, even, there are lots of differences between men's brains and women's brains (again, as an aggregate). And, I predict, with more research, there are going to be even more findings of differences between sexes. I think it's a great thing!

I can't tell whether you're sarcastic here or not... I guess it must be inconceivable that non-white actresses could ever lack enough talent to make the final cut. :shuffle:

You've missed the point. Those who are given more opportunity have a greater chance at success.

I'm not going to be outraged about the lack of Asian representation in the Oscars. Because, shocker, film just might be an area where there are currently few great actors/actresses in Hollywood of Asian ancestry. And I don't think it's 100% attributed to 'discrimination'.

I disagree completely. Instead, I believe that there currently fewer opportunities for great actors/actresses in Hollywood of Asian ancestry. There's an overabundance of talent in all ethnic groups, but as the majority of roles are written, produced and directed for (and by) Caucasians, equally talented people of colour sit by the side and hope they get cast as Hooker #3 or Over-bearing Asian Mother #2.


Fan of Yuzuru, T&M, P&C
My biggest concern is whether Leo will win or not. :drama:

That win is a certainty, as well as Brie Larson among ladies.

Does anyone feel the way I do - that the Oscars have become too predictable? There are hardly any surprises. Stallone will win the supporting actor. The only suspense is among supporting actresses, and that too is a weak one.


Well-Known Member
That win is a certainty, as well as Brie Larson among ladies.

Does anyone feel the way I do - that the Oscars have become too predictable? There are hardly any surprises. Stallone will win the supporting actor. The only suspense is among supporting actresses, and that too is a weak one.

I agree. I don't remember the last time there was a legitimate surprise win in the four major categories.


Well-Known Member
I believe that there currently fewer opportunities for great actors/actresses in Hollywood of Asian ancestry. There's an overabundance of talent in all ethnic groups, but as the majority of roles are written, produced and directed for (and by) Caucasians, equally talented people of colour sit by the side and hope they get cast as Hooker #3 or Over-bearing Asian Mother #2.
If that is true, then who are the Asian folks getting cast as 'Hooker #3' or 'Overbearing Asian mother #2', or, alternatively, starring in indie films as main roles (because then you can see them act!) that you feel should be cast in major Hollywood roles?

I think that people of Asian-American ancestry are underrepresented in films, because Asian kids are pushed to enter science and math fields, rather than art-related fields. That creates a relative shortage of talent.

Overall, my point is simply that there may be other explanations -- without always going straight to discrimination/racism -- that there are no non-white nominations this year in the acting categories.
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Well-Known Member
I agree. I don't remember the last time there was a legitimate surprise win in the four major categories.

I would say there have been surprises every year. Moderate ones, however. Last year many thought Michael Keaton would take best actor, but Eddie Redmayne won. Benedict Cumberbatch was also a nominee that many thought was more deserving than either of those two. Also last year, it would not have been a shock if any of Patricia Arquette's fellow nominees had taken the best supporting actress instead of her.

For 2014, Lupita Nyong'o some would consider a surprise. It's not like she had been around a long time with many celebrated performances to her name. And Jared Leto winning when his acting career before Dallas Buyer's Club was pretty much DOA.

And in 2013, Christoph Waltz's win over...pretty much everybody else in his category was a moderate surprise in that like Nyong'o, he was hardly a household name. And like Arquette in 2014, Anne Hathway was competing against four others for the supporting actress award which many could argue would have deservedly gone to any of them.


Simply looking
Nyong'o and Waltz were pretty expected winners in 2014 and 2013 respectively. They had both won a lot of the precursory awards. I'd say it's pretty rare for upsets for Oscars in the last 5 years or so in the acting categories.

The only really surprising Oscar wins I can think of recently are Adrian Brody for "The Pianist," Marcia Gay Harden for "Pollock," Ang Lee winning director for "Life of Pi," otherwise the races didn't have really unexpected winners (this is off the top of my head).


Reformed Manspreader
You've missed the point. Those who are given more opportunity have a greater chance at success.

I disagree completely. Instead, I believe that there currently fewer opportunities for great actors/actresses in Hollywood of Asian ancestry. There's an overabundance of talent in all ethnic groups, but as the majority of roles are written, produced and directed for (and by) Caucasians, equally talented people of colour sit by the side and hope they get cast as Hooker #3 or Over-bearing Asian Mother #2.

That brings to mind this youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSwhRZwFjfY


Well-Known Member
If that is true, then who are the Asian folks getting cast as 'Hooker #3' or 'Overbearing Asian mother #2', or, alternatively, starring in indie films as main roles (because then you can see them act!) that you feel should be cast in major Hollywood roles?

Your question is my point. We can't even make a list because these actors haven't had the opportunity to make enough of an impression on us that we would know them by name. These lists prove that:






That said, I'm enough of a movie geek that I was able to come up with a list of people I think have unfairly not been given an opportunity to share with has their acting abilities which I believe are strong enough that IF they had been given an opportunity, they should have by now been either nominated for an Oscar, or have won an Oscar:

Gong Li
Ken Watanabe
Michelle Yeoh
Joan Chen
Maggie Cheung
Freida Pinto
Tony Leung
Zhang Ziyi
Lucy Liu
Ming-Na Wen
Yunjin Kim
Chow Yun-Fat
Maggie Q
Moon Bloodgood
Avan Jogia
Kristin Kreuk

I think that people of Asian-American ancestry are underrepresented in films, because Asian kids are pushed to enter science and math fields, rather than art-related fields. That creates a relative shortage of talent.

:eek: That's definitely a racial stereotype! Of course, stereotypes are often based on truth, so whatever truth there is in this kind of statement might very well mean this is happening because why direct your child to a profession where there is a lesser chance of opportunity? Opportunity being the point of this conversation.

Overall, my point is simply that there may be other explanations -- without always going straight to discrimination/racism -- that there are no non-white nominations this year in the acting categories.

Yes, this topic is too large for any answer to be the only answer. It's possibly true that we are both right.

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