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Well-Known Member
No, they are not doing it on-purpose. Go to google translate and put in English Bradie's words "3 spots" and see what you get in Russian. You get "3 места" - which means "3 placements" which does not make sense other than thinking "top three placements". She did not say "quota" which is almost the same in Russian "квоты", because it is Latin from the middle ages and many languages use that word. She said "spots" which is "conversational" and not exact. It's an error in translation. Sports. ru is "yellow press" to some degree, but this time it was not intentional.
People who do these translations know English otherwise they shouldn't bother translating. She said "our three spots" so clearly she wasn't talking about herself. If this was the first time they did this maybe..but it is far from it

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
People who do these translations know English otherwise they shouldn't bother translating. She said "our three spots" so clearly she wasn't talking about herself. If this was the first time they did this maybe..but it is far from it
You're assuming.... :D. is owned by some very young (relatively) people, who are making good money on this publication as it is. The writers of the articles may have studied English, but it does not mean they know 100% conversational terms like "spots" means "quota" in a given context.

If you are so concerned about the "negativity", go and complain about your own Americans, the TSL's podcast today, they are knocking down and taking appart almost EVERY lady skater at this event. ;)
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Well-Known Member
You're assuming.... :D. is owned by some very young (relatively) people, who are making good money on this publication as it is. The writers of the articles may studied English, but it does not mean they know 100% conversational terms like "spots" means "quota" in a given context.

If you are so concerned about the "negativity", go and complain about your own Americans, the TSL's podcast today, they are knocking down and taking appart almost EVERY lady skater at this event. ;)
UGH. I started to watch and don't know if I want to continue ....

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
UGH. I started to watch and don't know if I want to continue ....
I listened to the end about "Ladies" just to see how low they'll go. Except for mentioning that Glenn does not have URs, every other comment about Bradie, Karen, Alysa, and the rest was full of negativity, these girls do nothing right....... :rofl:.


Well-Known Member
You're assuming.... :D. is owned by some very young (relatively) people, who are making good money on this publication as it is. The writers of the articles may studied English, but it does not mean they know 100% conversational terms like "spots" means "quota" in a given context.

If you are so concerned about the "negativity", go and complain about your own Americans, the TSL's podcast today, they are knocking down and taking appart almost EVERY lady skater at this event. ;)

I'm not even American, Tinami, so since when is American "my own"? And why would I bother about TSL? I don't like TSL. TSL are bad. Who is assuming now? And she very clearly said "OUR" spots, it has nothing to do with knowing terms like quota.. I am not really sure why you are so interested in defending, when they have done this before... unless you feel the need to be right every time? Gonna stop discussing this with you. Anyways, I should probably look at some other places for news in Russian though... I knew their comments section is a gong show with trolls, but didn't know their moderators also support lying about translations.
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
I'm not even American, Tinami, so since when is American "my own"? And why would I bother about TSL? I don't like TSL. TSL are bad. Who is assuming now? And she very clearly said "OUR" spots, it has nothing to do with knowing terms like quota.. I am not really sure why you are so interested in defending, when they have done this before... unless you feel the need to be right every time? Gonna stop discussing this with you. Anyways, I should probably look at some other places for news in Russian though... I knew their comments section is a gong show with trolls, but didn't know their moderators also support lying about translations. immediately corrected the translation, so there was no intent to mis-lead or to sensationalize with that particular phrase. Their moderators accepted the mistake and fixed it.

A good publication with Russian figure skating news is RIA Спорт.


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I sort of think it doesn’t matter what combo is sent if there is a worlds—it’s a tall order to get 3 spots for US ladies.

Glenn had a great nationals, but given her history, how do you know if it was a start of something or a one-time event? I think if 4CC were happening, they would have had a skate-off between her, Bell, and Chen. There isn’t though. All things considered, with Olympic spots on the line, I think Chen was a logical choice. She has championship experience. She wasn’t perfect, but I think she showed the most consistency between the two events this season. She was the Toyota Corolla of the choices USFS has.

I also recall USFS has in the past rolled the dice by sending out inconsistent skaters to worlds after they had a good skate at nationals and it not end well for spots.

If it were an Olympics trip itself, I’d have sent Glenn because you don’t earn spots for the next year at the Olympics.

The USFS has never used Four Continents as a 'Skate-off' in order to decide who will go to Worlds. I doubt that they ever will. Agreed with most everything else except the Olympics. If they went by BOW for Worlds, likely they'd have sent Karen to the Games, Amber to Worlds. If she had been age eligible for the Games, I believe they would've sent Alysa to the Games over Karen, along with Bradie. I think they would've considered Alysa's BOW in the JGP circuit where she did great, as well as Junior Worlds, where she also medalled. Similar to Polina Edmunds over Mirai in 2014. Jmo.

I think sending Bradie, and Karen over Amber is the correct decision.


Well-Known Member
With the competition so close, there should have been some kind of skate off for that last spot to worlds but the USFS has never had that kind of forethought when it comes to picking world teams. My thoughts after the fact here:

Bradie: The US is lucky to have her. I like that she's exploring styles and finding stuff that works. The SP is okay (I prefer last year's more) but I really like the intensity of her FS. She's improved so much in terms of her style and presentation and her 2A is bigger--probably from working on the 3A. Happy to see her win another title. She deserves it.

Amber: Interesting to realize both she and Karen debuted at senior nationals in the same year (2015) and this is her first year medaling. I hope this isn't a one-off situation for her and she can start delivering. Amber could be a solid #2 for the US--fast, big jumps, good presentation. International judges would respond to that but only if she's delivering consistently.

Karen: Happy to see her put it together. After years of boot problems I hope this is a turning point for her; however, with Karen we've seen her go from brilliant to broke down, back and forth, so I really don't know what to expect. When she's on she's probably the most talented skater in the US field--but she can also implode. Fingers crossed she can keep this momentum going.

Alysa: Hats off to this young lady. After a tough year of injuries and people trashing her, she proved she's far from being done. She also proved she's not a one-trick pony. When you strip away the 3As and quads, she still has a lot to fall back on with her skating and not everyone can say that. Clearly she's competitive without those elements as she missed out on silver by less than 2 points. I loved her upgraded look (makeup and dresses were beautiful) and hope they extend that to the programs next year. I'd love to see Jeremy choreograph something mature and beautiful for her. Amazing progress over the past year. I feel like she's setting herself up to peak at the right time and I wouldn't be surprised to see her win the title back next year.

Gracie: Upsetting finish. I don't want to say she hasn't got a shot at getting on that Beijing team's looking highly unlikely. She should be much farther along than she is at this point. In order to make a run at the team she needed to be in the top 4 or 5 by now. I can't see her making the jump from 13th place to top 2 in one year unless she skates lights out perfect from now on. My heart breaks for her.

Frau Muller

From Puerto Rico…With Love! Not LatinX!
With the competition so close, there should have been some kind of skate off for that last spot to worlds but the USFS has never had that kind of forethought when it comes to picking world teams. My thoughts after the fact here:

Bradie: The US is lucky to have her. I like that she's exploring styles and finding stuff that works. The SP is okay (I prefer last year's more) but I really like the intensity of her FS. She's improved so much in terms of her style and presentation and her 2A is bigger--probably from working on the 3A. Happy to see her win another title. She deserves it.

Amber: Interesting to realize both she and Karen debuted at senior nationals in the same year (2015) and this is her first year medaling. I hope this isn't a one-off situation for her and she can start delivering. Amber could be a solid #2 for the US--fast, big jumps, good presentation. International judges would respond to that but only if she's delivering consistently.

Karen: Happy to see her put it together. After years of boot problems I hope this is a turning point for her; however, with Karen we've seen her go from brilliant to broke down, back and forth, so I really don't know what to expect. When she's on she's probably the most talented skater in the US field--but she can also implode. Fingers crossed she can keep this momentum going.

Alysa: Hats off to this young lady. After a tough year of injuries and people trashing her, she proved she's far from being done. She also proved she's not a one-trick pony. When you strip away the 3As and quads, she still has a lot to fall back on with her skating and not everyone can say that. Clearly she's competitive without those elements as she missed out on silver by less than 2 points. I loved her upgraded look (makeup and dresses were beautiful) and hope they extend that to the programs next year. I'd love to see Jeremy choreograph something mature and beautiful for her. Amazing progress over the past year. I feel like she's setting herself up to peak at the right time and I wouldn't be surprised to see her win the title back next year.

Gracie: Upsetting finish. I don't want to say she hasn't got a shot at getting on that Beijing team's looking highly unlikely. She should be much farther along than she is at this point. In order to make a run at the team she needed to be in the top 4 or 5 by now. I can't see her making the jump from 13th place to top 2 in one year unless she skates lights out perfect from now on. My heart breaks for her.

In addition to Gracie’s disappointing showing, I feel bad for another lady who was IMO overly hyped by media to possibly make the US Olympic team: Starr Andrews. Last (#17) in the SP, at least she did better in the FS. Heartbreaking.


Rotating while Russian!
Maybe I'm being Pollyanna-ish, but for Starr, Gracie and others, a rough Nationals on the heals of disrupted training, economic insecurity (I would imagine) and all the other crud this crud has thrown at them doesn't QUITE mean what a rough Nationals means in a normal year.

With Starr, the fight she showed in the FS was impressive and something she can be proud of forever.

As for GG, she's putting up a herculean fight and that is impressive. At some point, though, I hope she can find a way to enjoy whatever it is she is doing, whether it's competitive skating or something else. Peace of mind and progressing towards a goal that speaks to your own heart is the victory.

I hope Hanna continues and gets back in the mix for team selections and the GP. Kinda mad her team let her compete here without being ready, but maybe they felt she was.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
I'm really looking forward to Starr's comeback! She is one to watch, just like Michelle Kwan during the Kerrigan-Harding era!


Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm being Pollyanna-ish, but for Starr, Gracie and others, a rough Nationals on the heals of disrupted training, economic insecurity (I would imagine) and all the other crud this crud has thrown at them doesn't QUITE mean what a rough Nationals means in a normal year.

With Starr, the fight she showed in the FS was impressive and something she can be proud of forever.

As for GG, she's putting up a herculean fight and that is impressive. At some point, though, I hope she can find a way to enjoy whatever it is she is doing, whether it's competitive skating or something else. Peace of mind and progressing towards a goal that speaks to your own heart is the victory.

I hope Hanna continues and gets back in the mix for team selections and the GP. Kinda mad her team let her compete here without being ready, but maybe they felt she was.
She got ~113.5 for her FS in the virtual qualifier filmed some time between November 17 and December 8. I didn't watch it, so I can't speak to how accurate that score was, and obviously there are a whole lot of differences between filming a program at your home rink and nationals. But that score certainly gave the impression that she was pretty ready.


Well-Known Member
The US ladies were quite entertaining to watch. A lot of talented young ladies.

Favorite performances:
1. Kanon Smith - her skating skills, spins, and jumps are beautiful and her innate musicality is simply superb
2. Isabeau Levito - although her jumps are squirrelly, Isabeau oozes charm, maturity, and has beautiful extensions and lines
3. Clare Seo - a mature performance with beautiful musicality and SPEED



Well-Known Member
She got ~113.5 for her FS in the virtual qualifier filmed some time between November 17 and December 8. I didn't watch it, so I can't speak to how accurate that score was, and obviously there are a whole lot of differences between filming a program at your home rink and nationals. But that score certainly gave the impression that she was pretty ready.
It was pretty accurate the skate wasn’t bad. But of course she skated in her workout gear, no fancy hairdo or make up. And they were other people on the ice doing their normal thing. In other words she probably felt absolutely no pressure.

I think the problem is she’s not ready to do it under pressure and I don’t know that she’s going to be able to get over that in the next 11 months and honestly that’s all she has. nationals next year is really early next year


And tiaras
Didn't she once portray Audrey Hepburn in a program, as might have been that very 'tiara' program, in fact, but I seem to recall some commentator or my mother comparing her looks to that of the Princess Royale, Princess Anne...also sort of unrelated but I think I chatted with her at DC Worlds, but I was drunk so am not sure (I was drunk the whole event).


Well-Known Member
I think the problem is she’s not ready to do it under pressure and I don’t know that she’s going to be able to get over that in the next 11 months
That seems to be the main obstacle. I hope her team realizes that she can do as many perfect triple lutzes at home as she wants, if she never practices them with a bunch of people staring at her before the actual competition, she isn't actually prepared. On the other hand, while a crowd here might have added more pressure they also could have given her support, which might have really helped her morale.


Well-Known Member
Didn't she once portray Audrey Hepburn in a program, as might have been that very 'tiara' program, in fact, but I seem to recall some commentator or my mother comparing her looks to that of the Princess Royale, Princess Anne...also sort of unrelated but I think I chatted with her at DC Worlds, but I was drunk so am not sure (I was drunk the whole event).
"Moon River" Breakfast at Tiffany's!!!

She wore a little back dress and yes a mini tiara too! I don't even know why I remember that but I think she skated it multiple seasons as well :cool:


The US ladies were quite entertaining to watch. A lot of talented young ladies.

Favorite performances:
1. Kanon Smith - her skating skills, spins, and jumps are beautiful and her innate musicality is simply superb
Re-posting a version of what I wrote in the 2021 Nationals Junior Ladies thread in the Kiss & Cry section:

Here's the link to what I posted about Kanon Smith in this thread last September (includes a link to watch her Novice FS to "A Million Dreams" from The Greatest Showman OST thanks to @natsulian):
Skaters in USFS' Athlete High Performance Development Pool were allowed to submit a Junior FS video for judging in the Nationals qualifying virtual competition without having tested up.

Tammy Gambill is Kanon's primary coach (she was her coach when she won the Juvenile Girls title two years ago and subsequently was invited to perform at 4CC in Anaheim); Alex Chang choreographed her programs. He's not listed in the event program book but Jonathan Cassar assists with Kanon's coaching in the San Diego area.


Active Member
I'll add a kudos to Audrey Shin, who reportedly erred in the SP (missed it myself), but came back strongly in the FS sans the fall on her ad-lib 2Axel-3toe attempt. I see her as a dark horse for that US Olympic Team next year -- especially if she masters the 3Axel that she is reportedly working on.

Your thoughts...

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
The US ladies were quite entertaining to watch. A lot of talented young ladies.

Favorite performances:
1. Kanon Smith - her skating skills, spins, and jumps are beautiful and her innate musicality is simply superb
2. Isabeau Levito - although her jumps are squirrelly, Isabeau oozes charm, maturity, and has beautiful extensions and lines
3. Clare Seo - a mature performance with beautiful musicality and SPEED

Mine is almost the same, only 1 and 2 switching places.
1. Isabeau Levito
2. Kanon Smit
3. Clare Seo


Banned Member
I maintain this is still one of the finest ladies programs of the 21st century code of points era. Pure class. The Russians should be required to take notes on the innate musicality and flow here. And for the jumps-obsessed,a flawless triple-triple and triple lutz.

Also Miss Corwin's "Take Five" is the definitive version: Criminally undermarked,per usual.


Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
Didn't she once portray Audrey Hepburn in a program, as might have been that very 'tiara' program, in fact, but I seem to recall some commentator or my mother comparing her looks to that of the Princess Royale, Princess Anne...also sort of unrelated but I think I chatted with her at DC Worlds, but I was drunk so am not sure (I was drunk the whole event).
Sometimes being drunk is the only way certain competitions can be enjoyed.

I'm reminded of when I attended a local event, maybe it was The Betty Ford Center Winter Invitational, and every second basic novice girl skated to 'Let It Go' from Frozen.

Fun times!

Foolhardy Ham Lint

Well-Known Member
For Gold, the World Championships in Boston must have been such a difficult experience to process and move on from.

Being that close to victory, knowing she could have given the winning skate after working so hard in training, and not being able to deliver on the day, demonstrates just how tough and emotionally taxing skating is at the elite level.

It must be frustrating for a skater with all the talent in the world, who struggles to compete. Either you are born with it or you aren't. Although the best advice I heard was about a coach who taught their students how to focus on the positive, by replacing the stress of competition with the joy of performance.
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