This was just shocking and idiotic to me. Not one - but both - programs with a time violation? Even if you don't end on a spin it's a good idea to leave a 5 second cushion at the end of the program so you don't get close to that max time limit. But especially ending on a spin where no matter what you're going to want to make sure you have all those rotations in? That's just asking for a time violation. You'd think with such experienced choreographers they'd know better...Lindsay needs to hire Babs for a week to come coach and manage the time violations
The one good thing is her problem isn't lack of power/room in the jumps for the 3-3: it's the lack of control. It's a lot easier for her to learn that control on her landings than to develop that power.Holy score for Ziegler at NHK - wow.
I love Ziegler, but my one BIG caution is that she still does not have a reliable triple-triple combination. She's racking up all the points in the free skate by doing the 3Lz+2A+2A and repeating both lutz and flip (curious to see if anyone will copy). But she will continue to struggle in the short program, as she did here, until she gets a triple-triple consistent. She has tried both 3F+3T and 3Lz+3T this season, and I think her original free skate layout had 3F+3T and 3Lz+2A+2T.
The big challenge for her will be placing in the top 3 (maybe even top 5) at the short program at Nationals, and then not getting buried in the short program at Worlds if she were to qualify.
But I imagine her domestic scores will get a boost after this win. Definitely one of the more random GP results I've seen!