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Well-Known Member
The truth hurts and someone needs to say what's going on isn't working. The level of US coaches needs to improve they are a big part of the problem with teaching shitty jump technique and bad skating skills and lack of speed which is glaring when US Junior ladies are up against the Russians or Japanese or Korean girls. Two of the worst are the golden couple of US coaches Tammy and Tom Z.


Well-Known Member
The truth hurts and someone needs to say what's going on isn't working. The level of US coaches needs to improve they are a big part of the problem with teaching shitty jump technique and bad skating skills and lack of speed which is glaring when US Junior ladies are up against the Russians or Japanese or Korean girls. Two of the worst are the golden couple of US coaches Tammy and Tom Z.
ITA. I also tweeted after the team competition to US Figure Skating what they were going to do about the inability of our ladies to fully rotate jumps.


Well-Known Member
American ladies need help with jump coaching (and too many talented ladies fall behind in skating skills and power as well). But every other country has skaters with jump technique issues too. Russia got lucky that we have a scoring system that ignores theirs.


Question everything
American ladies need help with jump coaching (and too many talented ladies fall behind in skating skills and power as well). But every other country has skaters with jump technique issues too. Russia got lucky that we have a scoring system that ignores theirs.
Kinda like how we lucked out when the system ignored flutzes. It's about time to ding prerotations.
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Well-Known Member
Japanese ladies have the best skating skills/jump technique from what my (very untrained) eye can see
They have had flutz/lip issues for years and Sakamoto/Uno have gotten away with serious prerotations where they do less rotation in the air than Karen Chen/Vincent Zhou’s UR jumps but they tend to get full credit for them because the scoring system hasn’t addressed that issue yet.


Well-Known Member
Paulina Edmunds was quite harsh about US ladies' jumps on TSL. She's right, but harsh nevertheless
Yes. Saw that TSL piece. I personally wasn't paying attn. to Liu's landings because I was busy admiring her fast rotations and cat-like landings, but Polina was right; she 'spins' her jumps. I hope that goes away w/ good coaching (Will it happen is 50-50 though)


I also think per the post above that the ISU will go after pre-rotations as a way to keep RUS in check, at least as far as women is concerned.

Deleted member 221

If Chen really does intend to go to Worlds, I hope the USFS at least monitors her - which is their right. If she's not skating substantially better than she was in Beijing, she should be withdrawn.

I didn't realize Thorngren was only the second alternate :(. Hopefully Junior Worlds happens for her, even if senior Worlds doesn't.
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