U.S. Ice Dance 2023-24 news & updates


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Soooooo... Who is still convinced that ZingKol are the next greatest US ice dance team?

Nats is going to be VERY interesting.

1) We still haven't seen HawBak.
2) GreenP are struggling mightily this fall and are leaving themselves wide open to lose the US #3 spot (presuming HawBak do compete this season).
3) CarPon are looking very strong and have separated themselves from the rest of the pack vying for the podium.
4) ZingKol probably will benefit from Igor's politicking and reassert themselves as the best of the rest by Nats - I can't help but feel that the Browns beating them at SCI was an aberration.
5) The Browns could be the surprise next best team and move ahead of both PateBye and BraSom, though Igor might use some leftover politicking to keep PateBye ahead of the Browns for now.
6-7) PateBye and BraSom - not sure how it will shake out between these two, depends on Igor vs MIDA political pull - and, ultimately, doesn't really matter since they're both mid-tier US teams that aren't really going anywhere.
8) WolfTsar and McNSpir - same as 6-7 except slightly behind them for now. We'll have to see what WolfTsar do next season when they aren't the fresh new team on the block.
9) FlorDes - could they pull ahead of McNSpir? Maybe? Might have to wait another season and some international competition under them before that happens.

ice coverage

Well-Known Member
Soooooo... Who is still convinced that ZingKol are the next greatest US ice dance team? ...

I'm convinced that Zingas/Kolesnik are very much in the mix, along with Green/Parsons and the Browns -- among others ;).

Speaking of the Browns ... ISU's "main event" for World Ice Skating Day (Sunday Dec 3) will be in Lake Placid.
Oona and Gage will there to perform, and to take part in the meet-and-greet.
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A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
I mean idk what usfs will do but internationally the pecking order seems to be g/pa and cpom in one score set then browns, z/k in another but not so far apart that they can afford to make big mistakes

Hawayek/Baker are the real unknowns here

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Remember that Z/K are only in their second season as a team, and Emilea is still new to dance. Based on how they are skating and the scores they are getting, I think they have more room to grow/improve than some of the other teams ahead of them. They may not be 'the next' team this season, but future seasons may be different.


A Southern, hot-blooded temperamental individual
Personally, I thought Zingas/Kolesnik were underscored today.

I don’t think CPom are that far ahead of them. Ben Agosto seems to agree based on his Twitter replies today.
lol Ben Agosto is hopelessly polite about everyone but I didn't read his tweets like that anyway

Also on a separate @ccpompom is right about cpom's levels, and they had the highest base value in both the rd and the fd. Pretty impressive considering how they were skating a few seasons ago lol.


Well-Known Member
I mentioned the tweet in reference to the second part of my comment, that CPom are not that far ahead of them.


Well-Known Member
Soooooo... Who is still convinced that ZingKol are the next greatest US ice dance team?

Nats is going to be VERY interesting.

1) We still haven't seen HawBak.
2) GreenP are struggling mightily this fall and are leaving themselves wide open to lose the US #3 spot (presuming HawBak do compete this season).
3) CarPon are looking very strong and have separated themselves from the rest of the pack vying for the podium.
4) ZingKol probably will benefit from Igor's politicking and reassert themselves as the best of the rest by Nats - I can't help but feel that the Browns beating them at SCI was an aberration.
5) The Browns could be the surprise next best team and move ahead of both PateBye and BraSom, though Igor might use some leftover politicking to keep PateBye ahead of the Browns for now.
6-7) PateBye and BraSom - not sure how it will shake out between these two, depends on Igor vs MIDA political pull - and, ultimately, doesn't really matter since they're both mid-tier US teams that aren't really going anywhere.
8) WolfTsar and McNSpir - same as 6-7 except slightly behind them for now. We'll have to see what WolfTsar do next season when they aren't the fresh new team on the block.
9) FlorDes - could they pull ahead of McNSpir? Maybe? Might have to wait another season and some international competition under them before that happens.
Curious .... What kind of politicking does Igor do? Guess I'm a troll too because I think ZingKol are doing well on the ice.


Ubering juniors against my will
Yep, looks that way.

As for U.S. ice dance order, I'll go out on a limb and say I think the Browns are still ahead of Z/K for now. Just a gut feeling. We'll see if I'm right.

Add to that, I was very impressed with both Wolf/Tsar and Flor/Des in yesterday's free dance at sectionals. If either or both teams skate like that at nationals, they could shake things up a little among the mid-ranked teams.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Yep, looks that way.

As for U.S. ice dance order, I'll go out on a limb and say I think the Browns are still ahead of Z/K for now. Just a gut feeling. We'll see if I'm right.

Add to that, I was very impressed with both Wolf/Tsar and Flor/Des in yesterday's free dance at sectionals. If either or both teams skate like that at nationals, they could shake things up a little among the mid-ranked teams.
To be fair, I haven't watched the FDs from the Dance Final yet, so I can't really comment/speculate, though I'd wager at least one of them manages to move ahead of McNSpir at Nats.


Ubering juniors against my will
I'd be interested to hear what you think. Some of the others in that thread were more lukewarm than I was, but I just thought they looked very sharp and fast, and Katarina especially brought out the detail. Both teams have made a lot of progress.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
I'm impressed with so many American dancers, it's a fabulous time to be a fan!

Here's how the judges have scored the teams this season (SB list)
3 Madison CHOCK / Evan BATES USA ISU GP Skate America 2023 22/10/2023 212.96 S
11 Eva PATE / Logan BYE USA ISU CS Autumn Classic 2023 16/09/2023 191.20 S
12 Christina CARREIRA / Anthony PONOMARENKO USA ISU CS Finlandia Trophy 2023 08/10/2023 191.14 S
13 Caroline GREEN / Michael PARSONS USA ISU GP Cup of China 2023 11/11/2023 189.33 S
16 Oona BROWN / Gage BROWN USA ISU GP Skate Canada International 2023 28/10/2023 187.62 S
17 Emilea ZINGAS / Vadym KOLESNIK USA ISU CS Nepela Memorial 2023 30/09/2023 187.28 S
22 Emily BRATTI / Ian SOMERVILLE USA ISU GP Cup of China 2023 11/11/2023 179.39 S
28 Katarina WOLFKOSTIN / Dimitry TSAREVSKI USA ISU CS Budapest Trophy 2023 15/10/2023 172.88 S
31 Leah NESET / Artem MARKELOV USA ISU JGP Bangkok 2023 26/08/2023 168.47 J
34 Lorraine MCNAMARA / Anton SPIRIDONOV USA ISU CS Nebelhorn Trophy 2023 23/09/2023 167.77 S

Handicapping the field
Chock/Bates: the Overwhelming Favorites

Hawayek/Baker: the Wildcard

Pate/Bye: The Reliable Ones: Well-matched team with fun programs. They do a good job of achieving levels, basics are not as strong as some of our other teams. Their experience together shows up in how they skate their programs--they have this oneness that the newer partnerships haven't achieved yet and their consistency is admirable. However, Autumn Classic seems to be an outlier score for them based on the GP. :lol:

Carreria/Ponomarenko: The Comeback Kids: Really coming into their own. I can't believe this is the same team that did that cheesy Batman dance and silly dance break programs a couple years ago. Carreria is so much more expressive and technically masterful. Ponomarenko is starting to fade into the background (except during the twizzles :p), but hopefully, he can continue to improve, and really, judges don't seem to mind when the man is in the background (see Bates, etc.).

Brown/Brown: The Youngsters: Made a statement on the GP. Worringly for them, though, the US judge placed them lower than their compatriots at Skate Canada. They have a good sense of musical timing and their technique is pretty solid. They do need to keep working on making their skating bigger and more impactful. They could look to H/B as role models, in that they are also a short team, but their expertise with the blade allows them to fill the whole rink.

Green/Parsons: The Survivors: Cup of China scores went in the right direction from SA, and they are showing progress with their programs. Their FD, while similar to two years ago, is pretty different from the rest of the field, which should help them stand out. I continue to believe that it is their skating and not their packaging that they need to address. They're very slow for a top team and the lifts look like a struggle. Hopefully, they'll come to nationals more secure in their technique. Last season was also a slow start and they righted the ship, so maybe they will follow that pattern again this year.

Zingas/Kolesnik: The Wunderkind. She's made an amazing transition to dance. Their strengths are very similar to Chock/Bates. His ease and security in lifts, her pretty positions, their ability to wow the crowd with all the non-step elements. The steps are coming along, but not as strong as the other Americans. I'm not sure this is (or should be) their year, but definitely think they have a lot of potential for the future.

Bratti/Somerville: The Technicians: Technically, one of the stronger teams. They both have wonderful edgework. His outstanding carriage next to her okay carriage stands out, though, which leaves them looking less well-matched. And neither have reached the level of some of the other teams in emotionally expressing a program.

Wolfkostin/Tsarevski: The Newbies: Wolfkostin's aggressive skating has found a home in this new partnership, and they've been very consistent together. The technical side is looking good already, and the performance and connnection between the two will continue to grow.

Neset/Markelov: The Juniors: They're so good they get an honorable mention even though they won't be in the senior field. They have good energy, good partnering, and a certain joie de vivre in their performances. :)

McNamara/Spiridonov: The Wanderers: I'm hard-pressed to say what their identity is just yet, and they may get lost in this field. They're fairly technically strong (her more than him) and they have good ice coverage. But they haven't set themselves apart, unfortunately.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
McNamara/Carpenter: The Wanderers: I'm hard-pressed to say what their identity is just yet, and they may get lost in this field. They're fairly technically strong (her more than him) and they have good ice coverage. But they haven't set themselves apart, unfortunately.
Well this about says it all. An identity so lacking that they get referred to by her old partnership still. I wish this team would get away from their training base or figure out a style that suits them, because the constant sultry stuff they try to give is lame.

her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Well this about says it all. An identity so lacking that they get referred to by her old partnership still. I wish this team would get away from their training base or figure out a style that suits them, because the constant sultry stuff they try to give is lame.
Ha ha, Tony. I caught that typo in less than a minute. But man, I loved McNamara/Carpenter and I could write a lot about what their strengths were as a team.

Agree that McNamara/Spiridonov need some kind of change.


Knees won't let me tap dance anymore
I saw the thread for voting on medal chances at US Nats for dance and I was struck by the fact that I have no idea! Same for pairs. I mean I think there is so much depth in dance that it could be difficult to say for sure. And we have no idea about Haw/Baker. Are they training? Will they be at Nats? C/B will likely win but I am not convinced they will win Worlds this year. Not at all, I think it's G/Ps for the taking. But as far as US dance, I think they are still juggling with the order. Z/K and CarPon are my faves right now, I love P/B but not sure they will get the scores yet. I know G/P and the Browns are in the mix, I just don't care for them so I don't pay much attention. It will be what it is. I think CarPon have the best chance for silver. Maybe Haw/Bak will come in with fire on ice but who knows.

Great analysis, her grace. I love your nicknames for the teams.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Finally watched the senior FDs from the Dance Final...

WolfTsar and FlorDes definitely have the goods to beat McNSpir at Nats - their programs are infinitely better than anything McNSpir have ever done. These two teams might even do well enough to beat BraSom and/or PateBye. I'm not sure they can pass PateBye this season, but next season could be a different story.

LingWein also might be good enough to pull off an upset and beat McNSpir, but probably not. I mean, I prefer their brand of bland, vanilla programs to McNSpir, but that's probably not enough to move ahead without mistakes.

One last thought/observation - WolfTsar seem to have the best/most organic fit to the MIDA choreography of the teams they've already picked up in the last 18 months. I didn't feel like they, as a team, were fighting against the music/choreo/packaging - and that's what I think might be the intangible problem with both GreenP and BraSom. YMMV.


To Boldly Explore Figure Skating Around The World
I'm convinced that Zingas/Kolesnik are very much in the mix, along with Green/Parsons and the Browns -- among others ;).

Speaking of the Browns ... ISU's "main event" for World Ice Skating Day (Sunday Dec 3) will be in Lake Placid.​
Oona and Gage will there to perform, and to take part in the meet-and-greet.​
Thank you. This is so awesome. And for anyone that's interested, here's more info at the World Ice Skating Day website. I had been updating my skating directory a couple of days ago when I came across it.


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