#TeamTrainwreck 14: "I Don't Care. #StillHere"

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I got a photo with poster Boy!!!!! He's cute and nice as hell. I told him he should feed the white wolfe and he started laughing and said he will do it.
Omg you are totally awsome!
#ttw:gallopin1 4ever, we CARE!
Slay in the free Danny!😍


Saulius A is a Nice Solution to look at in the other rink during Resurface

alchemy void

Post-its for the win.
That was Skate Canada, and I havent seen them in the recent years. I wonder if they got tired of the gimmick or simply died .. :slinkaway:slinkaway

omg :rofl: so the TTW shirts will probably be pink

Will I make it onto the POTS for letting the opportunity for a Eteri-Selfie pass by? 🤔

get one with Junior tomorrow. you witnessed history today, the first 3Lz+3F combo ever! :encore:


Boss back in hotel, had a great spinach pizza, but whoever crosses me the next 7days might get some heavy garlic vibes :rofl:

- better than yesterday, still I desperately miss a drinking buddy (yes @levineismine I am pointing at you!) It's half the fun alone.
- there is an awesome italien married couple in their sixties, she stitched a tons of different banners for different skaters; and both wave them totally in sync in different variations like choreo with the different music; i hope you got them on the stream, camera caught them once #relationshipgoals :love::love::love:
- @Laney salutation made my day :respec:
- the Eteri-Selfie-situation was so bizarre; the door opened, she walked out, and all were storming towards her. BUt yeah, sorry folks, I missed my chance #badfanboy

- Stoll getting world standing points with that SP says enough!
- as mentioned, junior was not as :yikes: as expected, but I guess it wa sjust the music I love and the ****-you-all-look-what-i-can-do-combo.
- Posterboy :gallopin1:gallopin1:gallopin1 I love this SP for him though!
- Krasnozhon yummi.

- Zagitova stunning dress. One of the bests ever for me. Her skating today was pretty :blah:; i did not get the standing ovations, but yeah, statement it was by her.
- Mihara underscored
- Hendrickx overscored
- Lin: giver her the host spot immediately
- will Honda be the 1st JPN lady boarding the train? I still cannot believe she is skating to this song i love so much! This wa so so good.
- Weinzierl: great score for what she actually produced :shuffle:
- Han, MESS#13

Ice Dance:
- totally in love with G/P FD
- Mari's man wins first german head-to-head :respec:
- cancerdance needs to win some :gallopin1-category. i don't know how and which, but i need to find something.
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