Madison Chock & Evan Bates Hopes, Fears & Cheers!

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Watching submarine races
The performances of Chock & Bates were some of my happiest memories from Nationals in Boston. If any there are any other Chock & Bates fans out there, I hope you will enjoy this thread.

Jeff Seidel wrote a lovely article about Maddie and Evan for the Detroit Free Press, during the pre-Sochi hype season. It describes how they got together, and is a great introduction to the two of them.

This story starts with an interview with Igor, Maddy, and Evan. They couldn't be happier with their Olympic experience. Evan says Maddy was just a rock for him

Their stellar SD to There's No Busines Like Show Business was a reall highlight at US Nationals 2014 in Boston :) , earning all Level 4's: (commentary Belbin & Gannon)
Their 2014 US Nationals FD to Les Miserables (commentary Bezic, Hamilton, & Gannon) earned at standing ovation.

Their international campaign in the 2013-2014 season had its rocky sections, particularly in the SD. Their season started at Finlandia.

Some photos taken by YesWay at Finlandia:

A beautiful couple...
That FS lift...!
On the podium

Maddy & Evan are looking to the future after finishing fifth at Worlds:

U.S. silver medalists Madison Chock and Evan Bates, who train under Shpilband, skated a fast, clean program to music from Les Misérables, gaining five Level 4 and three Level 3 elements. Their opening lift combination was outstanding.
"We were so excited for this performance; everything we have done this season led up to the Olympics and the world championships," Chock said. "We couldn't be happier to be in Tokyo and to put out two great skates to finish it off."
"We consider ourselves a team that is pushing upward, and we wanted to contend here," Bates said. "For this week, we skated well, and it's something to build on for next season and for the future.
"Now that we've experienced the world stage and the Olympic stage together, we can have confidence in ourselves," he continued. "The importance of this event wasn't lost on us."

Chock and Bates do not think of themselves as a shoo-in for the title of US number 1, but they hope to earn it.

Evan has graduated from college, so they should be concentrate even more on training.

Their ISU Bio


Active Member
The performances of Chock & Bates were some of my happiest memories from Nationals in Boston. If any there are any other Chock & Bates fans out there, I hope you will enjoy this thread.

I was never a huge fan until Boston although I always found her interesting to watch. Something about them live was magical. They were flying around the ice and there was something so moving about their performance. I think I was more moved by them than even Meryl & Charlie on that particular day. I remember jumping up like a crazy person to give them a standing ovation and then thinking to myself are you really having this reaction to Chock and Bates? I'm now firmly on their train for the rest of the career and I'll forever remember the last minute of their FD in Boston as the exact moment I became an uber fan. I absolutely can't wait to see what they do next season and I'm thrilled the judges at Worlds sent a big signal that they'll be in the mix of top teams.


AYS's snark-sponge
Thanks for this, Doris!

I was a big fan of Madison when she skated with Greg Zurlein and a big fan of Samuelson & Bates so after Madison & Evan teamed up I totally became a fan. I like their detailed, precise style and find it very expressive.

I had the privilege of watching their short dance at nationals from front row center ice and it was just spectacular.

I think they have been well served by being with Igor; they really lucked in when the split happened. I think they have the talent and the drive to be a top team in the World and I'm looking forward to seeing them progress.

I love all the US teams so whoever comes out on top is okay with me but Madison & Evan sure have a strong shot at being the next national champions.

E.A. Week

Active Member
Thanks for starting this thread, Doris! I started getting on the CB bandwagon after last season (I loved their freedance at WTT in 2013). It was great to watch how their programs progressed through 2013-2014, and they really knocked it out of the rink in Boston. They had to follow Meryl & Charlie winning their historic 6th National title, but they got right out there and gave an amazing performance--three standing ovations in a row that evening: for the Shibs, for DW, and for CB. What an amazing day of skating! I was so glad to see CB do well at both Olympics and Worlds, and I think they'll carry those experiences into next season.

The US has a lot of really good dance teams right now, so my feeling is whoever places top 3 at Nationals over the next four years, the country will be very well-represented at Worlds and at 2018 Olympics. I suspect CB will be fired up to claim the National title and hang onto it.


Watching submarine races
I always liked Chock & Zuerlein, too. They teamed up in 2005.
Some random facts about Madison:
Chock's full first name is Madison La'akea Te-Lan Hall. She is of Chinese-Hawaiian descent.
She won the International Family Film Fest Award in 2003. This factoid is listed on the Chock/Zuerlein bio, and I have no idea what it was about. :lol:

C&Z were the 2009 world junior champions. Their programs at Jr. Worlds were:
OD Minnie the Moocher by The Dancing Fool


FD Phantom of the Opera

In their final season, 2010-2011, they earned bronze medals at TEB and SC.

Their best ever performances resulted in a ninth place finish at 2011 Worlds.

FD 2011 Worlds Cabaret

Their SD in the 2010-2011 season was
Foxtrot: Milord by Edith Piaf
Quickstep: Padam Padam by Edith Piaf
The program from 2010 TEB:

C&Z particpated in the ISU Test Event Dance, Sesto San Giovanni, Italy May 17, 2009, which was part of determining what the SD would look like. They demonstrated the "Rhythm Choice"

Bates and Chock teamed up in July 2011, after Greg Zuerlein retired from skating.


Well-Known Member
The fact that they are very competitive with Weaver / Poje in the eyes of an international judging panel is a good sign for them. Perhaps they will be an outside medal threat by Worlds??


Watching submarine races
It is a possibility, I think

btw, the icenetwork.article reveals why they did not compete at Salt Lake.

The couple, which attended U.S. Figure Skating's Champs Camp in August along with all the top U.S. skaters, withdrew from the U.S. International Figure Skating Classic earlier this month.

"At Champs Camp, we got some feedback and made some changes, especially in the first part of the free dance, and they worked," Shpilband said. "This is why we did not compete in Salt Lake City."


Active Member
The fact that they are very competitive with Weaver / Poje in the eyes of an international judging panel is a good sign for them. Perhaps they will be an outside medal threat by Worlds??

I wouldn't say they're outside threats at this point. They are right in the mix- especially with B/S not competing this fall. I think their PCS will inch up this fall as the judges get used to them being USa #1. And they are a team that usually builds as the season goes on so if they are this strong in September, I can't imagine how good they'll be in 4-5 months. At this point, I'm penciling them on the podium along with W/P and C/L. Things can change of course on a dime but until we see I/K and S/Z, I'm going with C/B for bronze or even silver if the stars aligned and some mistakes occurred.
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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say they're outside threats at this point. They are right in the mix- especially with B/S not competing this fall. I think their PCS will inch up this fall as the judges get used to them being USa #1. And they are a team that usually builds as the season goes on so if they are this strong in September, I can't imagine how good they'll be in 4-5 months. At this point, I'm penciling them on the podium along with W/P and C/L. Things can change of course on a dime but until we see I/K and S/Z, I'm going with C/B for bronze or even silver if the stars aligned and some mistakes occurred.

I agree. With P/B retired, I/K split, and B/S out, they enter the season as de facto World #3. Nebelhorn kind of confirms that. I think a medal at Worlds is possible, even likely, although who knows what will happen over the season. I don't think the judges are fully sold on either C/L or W/P as the best in the world right now. I think there's opportunity for C/B or other teams to potentially make a big move.

Susan M

Well-Known Member
The fact that they are very competitive with Weaver / Poje in the eyes of an international judging panel is a good sign for them. Perhaps they will be an outside medal threat by Worlds??

Weaver/Poje are one of those teams who can look really good when they are on and surprisingly mediocre when they are not (like in the SD at Sochi, where they landed in 7th, one place and less than a half point better than Chock/Bates). I wouldn't put too much stock in an early season performance.

Still, as others mentioned, Chock/Bates also have a lot of room for improvement with these programs. I thought she looked especially weak. She skated with no expression, perhaps still concentrating on the steps. I also find her complete lack of toe point or stretch in her free leg kind of distracting. (Her feet were so square and ugly a couple times near the beginning I wondered if they were deliberately flexed as part of the choreo.)


Well-Known Member
OT, but can someone give me a quick list of who has retired / split since this past year?

I know Davis / White and Virtue / Moir are 'taking the year off' (IMO, tantamount to retirement) and Bobrova / Soloviev have an injury that have knocked them out of the GP, but have Pechalat / Bourzat retired or did one of them continue on and formed a new team? Also, I think I saw a thread months ago about Ilynkh / Katsalapov splitting (the title of that thread was very dramatic and I admit to not being interested at the time). Is that true?

Thank for any info and sorry for any thread hijack.


Thinking of witty user title and coming up blank
P/B have retired. Bourzat is coaching in Detroit now and I think Pechalat is back in France. I/K have split and have partnered with Ruslan Zhiganshin and Victoria Sinitsina respectively.


Well-Known Member
On a purely shallow note, both look Madison and Evan look fantastic this season. Evan has seriously never looked better and Madison's hair is so glam, I can't even stand it.

I'm not over the moon for either program--I haven't liked any of the pasos I've seen yet. An American in Paris has lots of potential, but it doesn't really grab me yet. I did think they deserved to win the free dance and would have been pleased if they had won the whole thing. I certainly think they are competitive with Weaver and Poje and anyone else in the world.


Well-Known Member
The blending of their height difference is lacking to me. In the SD, Evan looks so vanilla and opposite the character of the dance. They skate far apart and rarely create clean tidy looking pictures with their bodies. I think that their material has potential. We shall see. The Canadian team though... magnificent.


Well-Known Member
I am liking C/B more and more .They really could be the dark horses this season.It'll be interesting to see what impact C/L can make with their debut dances.Really looking forward to seeing S/B at Finlandia!


Banned Member
What do you guys think of Chock/Bates critiques by Dave and Jenny in newly returned TSL? (Jenny's back from taking her LSAT).

I think Chock/ Bates are very good and generally enjoyable to watch (though I liked Evan better with Emily Samuelson). Jenny and Dave spoke of Evan being the better skater with stronger edges, while they see Chock as effectively selling the team despite the fact they see her skating more on the flat of her blades which gives the look of her being "dragged" across the ice at times, similar to how "Fusar-Poli used to drag Mauricio." :lol: Jenny and Dave think Chock/ Bates have strong competitive potential as World medal contenders but don't see them breaking through to the top of ice dance world. They feel U.S. ice dance will be in a rebuilding phase after Meryl and Charlie. Although I disagree with many of Jenny and Dave opinions, I think they are probably on the mark in this case.

Obviously, Chock/ Bates could surprise, but I pull for the Shibs to break out and do well enough to win at least one Nats before Hawayek/ Baker come into their own and take over the top spot in U.S. ice dance.


AYS's snark-sponge
I think Chock & Bates have the potential to be World champions. I couldn't care less what Jenny & Dave say.

I thought C&B's FD was much better than WeaPo's so while WeaPo are a very strong team, with them having an FD that's not really up to their level, C&B are going to be well placed to compete with them. Am looking forward to seeing how Hubbell & Donahue fit into the picture and how C&L look this year; how B&S come back from his injury. I think the Worlds podium is wide open and Madison & Evan will do all they can to take advantage of the situation.


I've liked Chock and Bates from the start,(Their first Chopin FD is the still their best, IMO), and it's going to be fun to watch all the people who never cared for them before suddenly become fans simply becuase they are the top US team. Basically the same thing that happens whenever a new team stumbles backwards into the US Pairs title.

The FD is the usual tepid and unoriginal Shpilband crap, which of course means it will probably place very well come Worlds. Hell, they're already getting 9+ on PCS for it. Chock does sell the sh*t out of it though.


Banned Member
I've liked Chock and Bates from the start,(Their first Chopin FD is the still their best, IMO), and it's going to be fun to watch all the people who never cared for them before suddenly become fans simply becuase they are the top US team...

I'm not hugely knowledgeable about ice dance, but I've enjoyed watching it in recent years and I have also enjoyed many of the top ice dance teams from the iconic past. It is a funny thing about how fans become attracted to particular skaters. I doubt my feelings will drastically change regarding Chock/ Bates. I'm not that drawn to them, but have enjoyed watching some of their programs. I feel like rooting more for the Shibs, and for Hawayek/ Baker, and also for Hubbell/ Donahue (re U.S. ice dancers).


Banned Member
I wouldn't say they're outside threats at this point. They are right in the mix- especially with B/S not competing this fall. I think their PCS will inch up this fall as the judges get used to them being USa #1. And they are a team that usually builds as the season goes on so if they are this strong in September, I can't imagine how good they'll be in 4-5 months. At this point, I'm penciling them on the podium along with W/P and C/L. Things can change of course on a dime but until we see I/K and S/Z, I'm going with C/B for bronze or even silver if the stars aligned and some mistakes occurred.

I think B&S are still more likely medalists at worlds than C&B even if they don't do the grand prix, and I expect one of the new Russian teams to get a big political boost. So I would still say outside shots more than favorites for now.


Well-Known Member
Right now, with Davis / White, Virtue / Moir and Pechalat Bourzat all out, it seems the Ice Dance hierarchy would be Capellini / LaNotte, Weaver / Poje, and perhaps a tie between random Russian team and Chock / Bates.


Well-Known Member
I just watched their FD on youtube from SA. They get better and better each year and I wouldn't be surprised to see them vie for a World medal.

They (and the Shibs) prove that Ice Dance is one area that the U.S. doesn't need to worry about, even w/ the (probable) retirement of D/W


Well-Known Member
I think I'm liking them because of the music choices.They first came to my attention with their SD last year .The Les Mis not so much.I'm going to go all out and say they could even win worlds. :watch:
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