Fire in Notre Dame Cathedral


Values her privacy
You and few others who called themselves "progressives" while practicing the most anti-progressive responses such as using profanities and insults, have created a swayed micro-world, which imposes on others' right to express an opposing opinion.

Misskaren.... you called people "b..tch", "ass.. ole", and used many defamatory terms against those you don't agree with. On another board it "costed you". On this board you're tolerated because "majority leans with you". It does not make you much more right than "becca's comment" about some idiotic religious belief. You two are not different, your religion is "lefty madness" and hers is "religious madness"..... and she is more polite.

I am sure there was a way to write it in a slightly less confrontational and more polite manner, but you do have some pretty valid points there. It doesn’t happen that often that I agree with you, but in the last few days it must be about 4-5 posts where you wrote exactly what I thought. What’s going on here! :lol:

Unfortunately, saying exactly what you think may be typical for both your and my past countries, but not for many other countries. Which means that your valid point will be lost in all the pearl clutching and fainting over your rudeness. Oh well, never mind.


Flight #5342: I Will Remember You
"This pipe organ is the largest in France and dates back centuries. Though it was miraculously spared from the flames, it will still require extensive renovation."
The current instrument was built by Cavaillé-Coll during the 19th Century, and some pipes from previous organs date back centuries. Latry says the organ pipes themselves — some 8,000 of them — were not severely damaged. The main issues may be fixing the water damage to the organ's windchest from when firefighters put out the blaze.
"It's the box where it provides air on the pipes," he says. "So, we have to check all of those things. And, of course, the electric system. ... The organ has an electric system which was installed in the last restoration and, as you know, electricity and water doesn't work together."
The staff of Notre Dame are still in the process of figuring out how they will make these repairs. They may have to take apart the organ — that's normally done by hoisting it up on a pulley attached to the roof, which is now gone.

But is all this really relevant to this thread? If people relate to Notre Dame through their faith, it doesn't compel the rest of us to do so.

I'll be visiting Paris soon and hope to see what everything looks like up close (or as close as tourists are allowed). Also, patisserie awaits :)


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, saying exactly what you think may be typical for both your and my past countries, but not for many other countries. Which means that your valid point will be lost in all the pearl clutching and fainting over your rudeness. Oh well, never mind.

I've always been a 'say what you mean and mean what you say' sort of person. My mother used to say I was 'brutally honest'.

It's only in recent years that I tend to self-censor more, although I still can be blunt and tactless. And since I've self-censored, I sometimes find that I enjoy being around people less. Especially given that I can see them self-censoring also and 'composing' themselves to display a certain affect or emotion.

I prefer people to be transparent, rather than having to guess at what they are thinking or feeling.

Self-censoring is just too much work.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I've always been a 'say what you mean and mean what you say' sort of person. My mother used to say I was 'brutally honest'.

It's only in recent years that I tend to self-censor more, although I still can be blunt and tactless. And since I've self-censored, I sometimes find that I enjoy being around people less. Especially given that I can see them self-censoring also and 'composing' themselves to display a certain affect or emotion.

I prefer people to be transparent, rather than having to guess at what they are thinking or feeling.

Self-censoring is just too much work.
100% . Say what you mean and do what you say. I love people who live that mantra. Even if I don't agree. At least I know where we stand. And I am a conservative and a Jew in Northern California. There are maybe 6 of us.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
On another board it "costed you".

It did?

On this board you're tolerated because "majority leans with you".

And somehow you're tolerated here, too, in spite of posts defending statutory rape, attacking comments that show even the slightest hint of "leftism" even when it's not related to the conversation, and making remarks about skater weights.

Funny how that works, isn't it?

Unfortunately, saying exactly what you think may be typical for both your and my past countries, but not for many other countries.

Oh, lordy. Funnily enough, saying what you think is also a hallmark of my country. Saying it rather colourfully is another thing we're fairly well-known for. Why is it okay for your and Tinami's "past countries" to do it, but not mine?

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. If becca (or anyone else) says something wrong/offensive/annoying, other posters have the freedom to respond and react as they see fit.


Values her privacy
Oh, lordy. Funnily enough, saying what you think is also a hallmark of my country. Saying it rather colourfully is another thing we're fairly well-known for. Why is it okay for your and Tinami's "past countries" to do it, but not mine?

Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences. If becca (or anyone else) says something wrong/offensive/annoying, other posters have the freedom to respond and react as they see fit.
I never suggested that freedom of speech means freedom of consequences. Kindly don’t put in my mouth something that I never said. Nevertheless, I am questioning whether what becca said is offensive, or whether just certain individuals decided that it offends them because of who said it. I can also find anything you said offensive and claim that you deserve the consequences.


Well-Known Member
I never suggested that freedom of speech means freedom of consequences. Kindly don’t put in my mouth something that I never said. Nevertheless, I am questioning whether what becca said is offensive, or whether just certain individuals decided that it offends them because of who said it.
If the Pope said, "But do I think folks miss out. The only way I can explain it is how my Aunt. She has strong faith and mentioned without it she doesn't know how she would have gotten through her husband's death. 'How do people deal when they don’t have The Lord?'", it would be just as offensive. Fortunately for all of us, His Holiness is a wiser man than that.


Like a small boat on the ocean...


Searching for Sanity
I just found out yesterday that my cousin's oldest daughter spent two weeks in France for an exchange program of sorts earlier this spring and got to see Notre Dame before the fire (she came home from her trip in early April). She wasn't there for me to ask her more about her trip but I'm so anxious to see if she got any pictures of the cathedral. I'm sure that school group had no idea that they'd be one of the last ones to see ND in all her former glory so I hope they don't take that for granted. :(


Well-Known Member
Say what you mean and do what you say. I love people who live that mantra. Even if I don't agree. At least I know where we stand. And I am a conservative and a Jew in Northern California. There are maybe 6 of us.

I've got a current example of when that just doesn't work.

I celebrate birthdays routinely with three other friends - or more accurately, always with one friend, and maybe with the other two if they show up. Though they usually show up for their own birthday.

The one friend whose birthday dinner is this Saturday hasn't shown up for two of the birthdays the other three of us have had this year (said he was sick). And one person missed one - the birthday of the person who always turned up - meaning there were just two of us for her dinner.

The dinner this Saturday is in a location that is really inconvenient me to drive to (and to an Italian restaurant with a menu identical to every other typical Italian restaurant in this area and surrounding areas), and I'm not up to the public transit required for me to get there. But it was not okay for me to address this issue in advance - I tried hinting at it with the one friend (the one who always shows up). But, was basically shut down.

Sorry to digress. Probably best to move this subject elsewhere.

It's true that I'm not feeling well this week (just exhausted from a long period of work without a break, and it will take more than a few days for me to recover) and that I am experiencing a lot of pain in my lower back related to arthritis in my hip, which is causing me issues with mobility. This back pain has been ongoing for awhile, which is why I tried to address the issue in advance so I could attend the dinner.

I won't be lying when I call on Friday to say I can't make it because I'm exhausted and in pain.

But it was not okay for me to anticipate this advance and try to make an alternative plan.

The 'rules of the game' are that it is okay to cancel at short notice due to not feeling well. But TBH I don't believe that the one person or both people who do so actually are sick give how often it happens, and think they just might not feel social or have some other reason.

I really don't like playing such games, but those seem to be the rules for this particular group of people.

And so it goes for some many groups of people in so many situations.

There is a reason I tend to prefer the company of dogs to people - they really do mean what they say and say what they mean. :) :dog::cheer2::dog:
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Marquessa of Chartreuse
Maybe you can't start a fire putting a cigarette to an 8 centuries old oak log, but you can set lots of things on fire with a cigarette butt, including dust, birds nests, tarps, flammable products used for works (stripper, varnish) which will not only play the role of comburant but also be accelerant. Anyone smoking on these scaffoldings around such an ancient building has the IQ of an oyster (and I might have to apologize to oysters who may not be that dumb...)


Well-Known Member

That's what I thought. What if the cigarette wasn't put out entirely? What if it got caught in a small space between two logs or a knothole or something?
Unfortunately, I don't think we'll ever know if it was a cigarette and I'm doubtful we'll know generally.


Well-Known Member
If you can't trust construction workers not to follow orders not to smoke on the work site, then you can't trust them to understand the risks of violating the orders. :judge:


Like a small boat on the ocean...
If you can't trust construction workers not to follow orders not to smoke on the work site, then you can't trust them to understand the risks of violating the orders. :judge:
Oh you cant trust anyone who thinks the rules are for anyone but him.

People are so selfish.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I'm thankful for the wisdom that saved the Cathedral; and everything which will contribute to its' reconstruction.


Searching for Sanity
That article is an incredible account of that scary evening and those firefighters are such heroes for the risks they took to fight that fire. I had no idea what all they had to do to save the rest of the cathedral. Thanks so much for sharing that with us.

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