DWTS Season 21 cast rumors....anyone?


Well-Known Member
What happened during Nick's first dance? That was a mess. :( Usually at this stage I vote for the pro I want to win more than the celebrity, but I think Bindi really has been the best so she's getting my votes now. (even though I don't want Derick to win again :p ).

I didn't realize that next week was it! What am I gonna watch on Monday nights now?! :lol:

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Wow, so are they going to eliminate someone tonight? I would think they'd just 'eliminate' Tamar.

Ah, OK, so they are all dancing next week. Oh Tom, sigh....

I want Sharna to win, but Nick really messed up the first dance. I wouldn't be surprised if they got eliminated first next week.

(When Nick grabbed his crotch, did anyone else have a flashback to Alex Shibutani in their MJ FD? :yikes:)


Well-Known Member
Alek did not deserve 10s for that waltz (I literally groaned and threw a piece of popcorn at my TV), though I did thoroughly enjoy his argentine tango. IMO that was his best dance of the season by far.

Bindi's jazz was amazing. So creative and well done!!

Carlos was great, though there was a bit too much of the rope play in the first one IMO. Love how Tom went back to Carrie Ann to have her explain why she gave a 9 after raving about the Charleston. I want to ask that kind of question so many times. Tom Bergeron is all of us!

Poor Nick! With that tango, he's basically lost his chance of winning the competition overall. His trio dance was fantastic, though (even though I didn't see as much salsa as the judges did - more freestyle or jazz on my end).

Nice to see Peta back - glad to see her ankles are all healed up.


Well-Known Member
I think all four of the semi finalists are very likable......I just don't want Derek to win again.

Garden Kitty

So is next week the last episode? If yes, then at least Alex likely gets the maximum payday under his contract which is a nice bonus for him.


Well-Known Member
I thought the Charleston number was fantastic---one of my favorites of all time I think. Alek certainly seems to enjoy Emma. Maybe nothing more than a showmance? Maybe not... Alek's time has been eventful in terms of events outside of the show: Spencer Stone's injuries, the school shooting in Oregon and the horrible events in France. He has a connection to all of it.


Well-Known Member
The best part of DWTS's for me is the trio dances. Well, the trio dances that don't include Derek and Mark. Really like Carlos' and Nick's, but now that I've heard it from Emma, Alek will always be "wet lettuce" to me.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I thought this was Bindi's worst night but it was the theme & the choreography I didn't like. The salsa to that horrible non-salsa music had no sexiness at all & didn't look like a salsa in any way. And I didn't get the supposed jazz number. It looked more like an interpretive dance than jazz.

My favorite dances were Carlos's - the cha cha in the dance off & the Charleston in the trio were so entertaining.

pixie cut

Well-Known Member
I thought this was Bindi's worst night but it was the theme & the choreography I didn't like. The salsa to that horrible non-salsa music had no sexiness at all & didn't look like a salsa in any way. And I didn't get the supposed jazz number. It looked more like an interpretive dance than jazz.

My favorite dances were Carlos's - the cha cha in the dance off & the Charleston in the trio were so entertaining.

I enjoyed all of Bindi's dances, perhaps the samba the most, but it was Carlos' night. Perhaps removing the drama of competing against his wife, which he seems to have internalized, helped him let loose. The Charleston trio was outstanding.


Doing all the things
I came in for a bit but then left to watch SuperGirl. So I missed a lot. Including the answer to why Carrie-Ann gave that 9 after raving about the Charleston.

But what I really want to so know is why does JulieAnn feel like she has to SHRIEK all the time? Doesn't she know how a mic works?


Well-Known Member
^^^ All 3 of them SHRIEK! Aaaagggghhhhh!

Dear friends, I have some current DWTS gossippe! A friend was at a theatre production last week and saw a man and a woman a few rows ahead sucking each others faces off. Guess who?


You probably guessed - Kim and Robert. So the romance is still on! The woman in row ahead with her husband, got all excited over Robert but didn't know who the woman was. My friend knew it was Kim while both husbands were oblivious. I gather that when the stage production hit a lull, the secondary show a few rows ahead took over. Ain't love grand.


Life is a beautiful thing
I really enjoy both Bindi and Carlos and think Nick is doing pretty well too. It's nice to not have a clear front runner.


Well-Known Member
Alek's two friends from the train takedown are in the audience tonight.

Garden Kitty

Good job by Lindsay with the choreography to come up with a dance that played to Alek's strength. It's easy to do a good finale with a strong dancer,


Ok, I haven't felt compelled to vote or even post this entire season, but that freestyle from Bindi was absolutely incredible. I'm in tears.


Well-Known Member
Based on the whole season, Bindi absolutely deserves it. Some people may be turned off by the 'my dad' stuff, but she is just a brilliant dancer. Groaned when Alek was announced to be in the finale. His freestyle was better than I expected. I thought Lindsay would rely on lifts, but she actually gave him choreography. (just like some people will be put off by Bindi's emotional stuff, I'm completely put off by the constant military stuff in Alek's dances). Nick had the most dancing to do tonight, between that jam packed jive and the freestyle that was all him and full of choreography. I kind of thought he'd be the one to go, based on last week's scores, so surprised it was Carlos.

For tomorrow I'm okay with either Bindi or Nick winning, but I think that Bindi deserves it way more.


Well-Known Member
I was actually really underwhelmed by Bindi's freestyle and was actually thinking Derek had blown it... but then all the judges seemed to love it and so do people here, so maybe it's just me... but I think her story is a lot more moving than the choreography or her execution of it tbh.

Nick's was pretty much what I expected. I think either Nick or Bindi should win. Probably Bindi deserves it a little more based on the dancing -- Nick made a lot of mistakes this season, I'm not sure I feel like he ever really connected for more than a dance here or there.

I think I'll come away from this season most impressed with Lindsay (sp?) because I think she really did a good job with a so-so contestant with no dance experience. I think Alec's freestyle was the best all around in that it was well-executed, produced, had some good highlights and it captured him and his journey well. /jmo


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
Tom said there was going to be a big cast announcement for the tour, but I didn't hear anything. Did I miss it?

Garden Kitty

Loved Nick's jive, but his freestyle totally underwhelmed me. Bindi's free was a bit emotionally manipulative to me, but I think she's been consistently good all season, and I give her credit for doing so well when she's not a professional entertainer.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
Loved Nick's jive, but his freestyle totally underwhelmed me. Bindi's free was a bit emotionally manipulative to me, but I think she's been consistently good all season, and I give her credit for doing so well when she's not a professional entertainer.
True. I'd be happy with either Nick or Bindi winning, but I assume it will be Bindi, b/c, well, it's Derek. I would really love for Sharna to win, but Nick struggled to connect with fans and hit his stride as a dancer. I thought Bindi's FS was beautiful until the picture came up....and Bindi said afterward that she didn't know it was going to be there so not sure if it was Derek or the producers, or both, who decided to throw that up there, but I thought it was disrespectful to Bindi, clearly going for maximum emotion by catching her off-guard, on national TV. Blech.

I wanted Nick's FS to be really good, and I guess it was, but it also felt predictable and playing it safe. I would have liked him to stretch himself and go for a different style, but he did do a great job with the choreo.

Agree that Lindsay has become a real star and I hope she'll now be permanently a pro and not be sent back to the troupe. I thought her FS for Alek was brilliant - she knew he wasn't going to wow anyone with his dance moves, so she created a scene/premise that he would feel comfortable in and used his physical strength to create powerful movement.


Well-Known Member
I was actually really underwhelmed by Bindi's freestyle and was actually thinking Derek had blown it... but then all the judges seemed to love it and so do people here, so maybe it's just me... but I think her story is a lot more moving than the choreography or her execution of it tbh.

I thought it was kind of blah, too. I loved her trio dance, and was hoping for something else high energy from her tonight. Alek's freestyle really didn't have any dancing any in it. Lots of muscle man lifts/climbing ropes/lumbering stiffly around isn't dancing to me. Obviously, the judges liked it, though. :blah:

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