DWTS Season 21 cast rumors....anyone?

love skating

Clueless American
I loved Bindi's quickstep, the freestyle kinda bored me. I liked Carlos all season but didn't really care for either of his dances tonight. Loved Alek's freestyle, rhumba was obviously weaker than the others. Loved Nick's jive, freestyle was a bit underwhelming. I did like that Sharna made it all about Nick and I liked that Derrick didn't have extra dancers in Bindi's freestyle (though he had them all in the quickstep so that felt more like the freestyle lol) and I also didn't like the photo manipulation either but I'd be shocked if she doesn't win and will be happy for her when she does.


The problem I had with Bindi's dance didn't really have anything to do with the dancing itself -- it's the fact that the show has included contemporary/jazz as regular weekly dances and I think it kind of cheapened Bindi's freestyle. We've seen so many emotionally-charged contemporaries over the last few years that this just kind of felt like another one of those. Another reason as to why I wish they'd stick to ballroom during the season.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I haven't felt compelled to vote or even post this entire season, but that freestyle from Bindi was absolutely incredible. I'm in tears.

I just voted for 5 times for Bindi on Facebook!

pixie cut

Well-Known Member
Nick and Sharna's jive was great fun to watch. The freestyle was all lights and production, but little dancing from Nick. If I was voting for Jenna, she'd win, because that's who I saw most during the dance.

Bindi and Derek's quickstep was spectacular. The freestyle was a snooze.

Carlos and Witney's foxtrot lacked foxtrot and the freestyle was ridiculous. I think he was obsessed with including Alexa, but the camera barely caught it. Don't feel at all bad that they got cut.

While the dancing was mediocre, Alek and Lindsay's freestyle was the best of the night. Stuff happened. It was original. The rumba was predictable. He looked strong and she danced around him. Enjoyed the freestyle though.


Well-Known Member
I have enjoyed watching Alek's growth in the competition. He obviously has a fiercely devoted fan base;).


Well-Known Member
Bindi has been a pleasure to watch throughout the season
She works hard, gives her best effort; and has a great attitude.

DWTS has allowed Bindi to discover abilities and qualities within herself which will serve her well in the years ahead.

She is not to blame for any producer "manipulation".
It's their "job" to create viewership and encourage voting.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I can't stand Derek's smug face. Not her fault but I just can't vote for Bindi plus that freestyle was underwhelming if you take away the heart-tugging pandering. I really liked the top 4 so I decided while watching last night that I was going to vote for whoever I thought did the best freestyle. For me that was Alek.


Well-Known Member
Loved Nick's jive, freestyle was a bit underwhelming. I did like that Sharna made it all about Nick...

It's funny- the impression I got was that Nick made it all about Nick and completely took over the concept and choreography by himself for his FS. I actually commented to Mr. Twizz that I hated how it was all about him- it should be about the team at this point of th season.

Sharna made some comment while they were rehearsing with the other dancers that "this is Nick's dance and it's HIS moment, so we need to let him shine" or something to that effect. IMHO, she sounded irritated/pissed. I thought he came across as trying to recreate a moment from his "glory days" instead of showing what he's learned and how much he's grown as a dancer. It just looked exactly like what you would've seen at a Back Street Boys concert- not one thing new. (Of course, I haven't liked him all season, though.)


Past Prancer's Corridor
Sharna made some comment while they were rehearsing with the other dancers that "this is Nick's dance and it's HIS moment, so we need to let him shine" or something to that effect. IMHO, she sounded irritated/pissed.
Strange, I remember her saying that but I certainly didn't think that she seemed at all "irritated/pissed."
(Of course, I haven't liked him all season, though.)
I guess that might explain your interpretation of Sharna's comment.

This season is one of the few of those that I have followed in which I didn't vote a single time and most Monday nights I was switching channels between DWTS and The Voice. :shuffle: While I enjoyed some of the dances, I wasn't really invested in any of the celebrities or pros. (Sharna was the only one I really wanted to win, but Nick made enough errors in his dances to weaken my desire to vote for him. Sorry Sharna!) I thought Bindi was good, but the show's manipulation of her "packages" and some of the dances for emotion was a real turn-off for me. However, the loss of my few votes certainly won't cost her the mirror ball tonight.


Well-Known Member
I can't stand Derek's smug face. Not her fault but I just can't vote for Bindi plus that freestyle was underwhelming if you take away the heart-tugging pandering. I really liked the top 4 so I decided while watching last night that I was going to vote for whoever I thought did the best freestyle. For me that was Alek.

Don't yell at me...........why does everybody hate Derek so much? He is clearly a great dancer and choreographer and knows how to highlight his "star". I do think he must have something in his contract that he gets the most promising partners though!!!! But most of the veteran dancers do too?

And I appreciated that Bindi's freestyle was not a production number with all the other dancers and props and gimmicks and stuff. It is supposed to be a dancing competition and she is really, really good and such a hard worker.

I forget which of the guys it was, maybe both who are still there?, but they should have put them in contrasting outfits because they kind of got lost in the crowd when they weren't right out front. Or maybe I just need to sit closer to my t.v.? :)


Corgi Wrangler
Don't yell at me...........why does everybody hate Derek so much? He is clearly a great dancer and choreographer and knows how to highlight his "star". I do think he must have something in his contract that he gets the most promising partners though!!!! But most of the veteran dancers do too?

If the other veterans did, Tony needs to fire his agent because his contract must say "Gets all ladies of a certain age/fragility up to age 75+ at which point we call in Corky Ballas."

Derek I think gets the hate mostly because he's a bit overpraised as if he just invented everything (I had to roll my eyes as the tongue-bath he got for his amazing, innovative, dancing-on-the-ceiling routine, you know, like Fred Astaire invented sixty+ years ago) and because of the non-clunker thing. Pretty much all the other male pros have gotten at least one guaranteed, nobody-kids-themselves clunker with NO fanbase and/or skills and/or a terrible attitude.

As far as his sister goes, though, I'm not sure if that's as big an advantage to him as to Mark, their "brother" (Shirley calls all three her children and refers to them as siblings) as he was Julianne's partner and they BOTH spent their career placing behind Derek and what one of my pros once called "whichever English girl he was dancing with at the time." When he dances 'straight' (ie not a lot of what he does on DWTS) he's insanely good and one of the few guys where it did't matter much who the follow was, and I'm sure at times that had to drive Mark and Julianne up the wall.

Debbie S

Well-Known Member
The big cast announcement was that Hayes is joining the tour in "selected cities." Yawn. Hayes did a nice job on the show but he wasn't particularly memorable. I guess he'll dance with Emma.

ETA: OK, now another announcement that Alek is joining the tour. How great for him!
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Well-Known Member
WOW Len is coming back next season. I am so happy because he has been missed.


Well-Known Member
Good news about Len and Alek did not dance well enough to win so this was a very nice finish for him.


Congrats to Bindi -- would have really liked to see Sharna win one, I hope she gets a good partner next season. :) Can Derek please get a Paula-like for once?


Well-Known Member
No surprise on the winner. Now we can start anew with the pros all threatening to retire/move on.


Well-Known Member
Bindi completely deserved it from day one. I kind of thought it would be Nick, since people like him, he's most improved (IMO) and people adore Sharna. He had a great attitude all night - saying 'heck yes' he wanted to win it, and also owning up to Bindi deserving it. And he sounded amazing when he sang.

On a different note, does Jenna (of the troupe) annoy anyone else? I'm sure her dancing is good, but all I see is her constantly seeking out the camera and mugging for it, kind of ignoring her partners.


Well-Known Member
Which one is Jenna? Long hair, blonde, brunette? Oh wait, does she have brunette hair that is just a bit past her shoulders? Is she the one who has been dancing with Val quite a bit since Tamar left? If so, then I totally agree about the showboating.


Well-Known Member
Which one is Jenna? Long hair, blonde, brunette?
She was the girl in the Exes and Oh's dance tonight. Kind of shoulder length hair (it was long last year), brunette? They've used her a lot this season. Hard to find a clear picture of her dancing on google, but found this one from last year.

And an off the show picture.

Like I said, though, her dancing is good, but I can't focus on it because I'm too distracted by her seeking out the camera, mugging and trying to make sexy faces.


Well-Known Member
Jenna clearly wants to be more than she is on the show. It's fine to have aspirations, but she's practically to the point of knocking people out of the way to get there. As much as the pros have a following, the show's focus in the inability or ability of the celeb dancer contestants. I cringe when she does a number with one of them because I half way expect her to step in front of them screaming look at me.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
Jenna was one of Nigel's favorites on SYTYCD, but I never understood the love. That show has had many better female ballroom dancers and Jenna always seemed clunky in comparison.


Well-Known Member
I like Derek. I'd like him better if he showed us he could coach a middle of the
road contestant to the finals.
How about Ricki Lake?
Despite her performance history, she really wasn't a "ringer".

I'm delighted for the return of Len!

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