2020 Las Vegas Invitational team competition for USA singles skaters (taped after Skate America)


Well-Known Member
I would say puberty has caught up to Alysa Liu. This is not meant to sound like a beeyotch - I honestly didn’t recognize her until her name was announced. She is obviously not close to her usual now.
The only coach that could possibily bring back her 3A and quads, from what I see, is Mishin, and she would need to have the same drive as Tuktamysheva.


Active Member
I find that to be a very derogatory comment.

Ilia is still 15 years old - he is just a couple of months older then Alyssa Liu.
At 15, that makes him the youngest male competitor at this event by 4+ years.
Add on the amount of skating he had to do in just a few days time - Skate America sp and lp, Skate America gala, and then the invitational. I'm sure the poor kid was pooped. :)


Well-Known Member
I don’t usually watch NBC. They just made Tanith make an analogy between quads and the value of your home. Is this a regular thing? I guess the commentators are not covered by journalism standards regarding neutrality? Would they make Tracy Wilson do this?!
Homelight was paying for the competition as a major supporter so yes, her comments made some sense.


As of Monday evening the team event was not available on Peacock.
Still nothing as of Wednesday (just searched).
NBC is beginning to upload specific Vegas Invitational programs onto YouTube.
Only two that I've seen - here's Bradie Tennell's FS:


Well-Known Member
Just watched it this afternoon... I really want Bell to win US Nationals this year, but that ABBA program is just godawful. She is so much better than that.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
Still nothing as of Wednesday (just searched).

Only two that I've seen - here's Bradie Tennell's FS:
I like Bradie and admire her strength and calm.

But really, that dress is just wrong for her. I don't have a problem with the style, and the beading is gorgeous. But Bradie needs dresses that don't fade into the background along with her fair skin and light hair. IMO bold colors (like the SP from last year) work really well. Oh, and the hair. I am sure there are a gazillion ways to style it that would be from an era closer to this century.

That was a great skate, though.

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