U.S. Men 2022-23 news & updates

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Well-Known Member
I do think this adds fuel to the fire of the argument that 4CCs pales in comparison to Euros since most top Euro skaters would never dream of skipping Euros. ;)
Yeah, but Euros doesn't have the travel burden. One way or the other somebody at 4CCs is going to have a 10 hour flight. Wear and tear and lost training time has always been a factor with 4CCs. In the last few seasons COVID has affected 4CCs more the Europeans as the 4CC countries had very different policies.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but Euros doesn't have the travel burden. One way or the other somebody at 4CCs is going to have a 10 hour flight. Wear and tear and lost training time has always been a factor with 4CCs. In the last few seasons COVID has affected 4CCs more the Europeans as the 4CC countries had very different policies.
Not this season though no US skater or team can use travel as an excuse since 4CC will be in Colorado Springs.

AJ Skatefan

Well-Known Member
Show opportunities are good for Ilia, but not at the expense of competition. He needs more competitive experience against skaters like Shoma and Yuma which he would get at an event like 4CC. There will undoubtedly be plenty of show opportunities in the offseason for Ilia so I don't understand this decision.
Maybe he needs the money


Well-Known Member
So now that 4CC is in the US, we have three Americans, two of whom are favorites to win Nationals and another can possibly medal depending on his readiness and conditioning, potentially skipping out on 4CC and are instead traveling to Switzerland? :lol:

I really want 4CC to be taken seriously and argue for it’s importance but…


Well-Known Member
Not this season though no US skater or team can use travel as an excuse since 4CC will be in Colorado Springs.
Just speaking in general. US skaters might find their key Japanese or Chinese rivals are skipping. And, like others have said skating in a few shows different from doing the most advaned elements on a dodgey foot.


Well-Known Member
In theory 4CC is supposed to be a major competition and good preparation for Worlds, though. But I guess that's no longer true?
The 4CCs has never been a “must skate” competition for US skaters given the timing. Our US pairs World Champions are skipping it too, and they train only one time zone away.


Well-Known Member
In theory 4CC is supposed to be a major competition and good preparation for Worlds, though. But I guess that's no longer true?
When was the last time the American men's champion went to Four Continents?

Ilia has had plenty of competitions this season. He has an opportunity to earn some money. Hopefully, he will be able to train as well while he is in Switzerland.

Jason committed to Art on Ice before he even decided to do Nationals. I'm not sure his decision would have been different, though, if he had been planning to compete at Nationals and wanted to go to Worlds. He's made it pretty clear that he is much more focused on Nationals than Worlds. He loved touring earlier this year and said it energized him and that he wants to do more of that kind of skating. But, he also said that he enjoyed training for and competing at the Japan Open and that was part of what made him think that he would do Nationals.
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Well-Known Member
When was the last time the American men's champion went to Four Continents?
Nathan has always been in school and couldn't go but otherwise there's no reason to believe he wouldn't have been assigned.

Ilia has had competitions but he lost badly to Shoma at GPF and hasn't competed against Yuma. Beating either one of them at 4CC would be a huge feather in his cap heading into Worlds. He's only a first year senior, still lacking in experience and already thinks he can skip 4cc. Sorry, some people may think it's perfectly fine but I don't buy it.


Well-Known Member
Nathan has always been in school and couldn't go but otherwise there's no reason to believe he wouldn't have been assigned.
Of course Nathan could have gone. He went to other competitions while he was in school. He made the decision not to go to Four Continents even when it was in the U.S.. Would Ilia benefit from going? Maybe, but I would think that his parents and other coaches know what is best for him overall.


Well-Known Member
Of course Nathan could have gone. He went to other competitions while he was in school. He made the decision not to go to Four Continents even when it was in the U.S.. Would Ilia benefit from going? Maybe, but I would think that his parents and other coaches know what is best for him overall.
Nathan might have gone but he had decided long beforehand that he wouldn't be going. He didn't just decide that he wouldn't go when he was offered a better deal.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Nathan has always been in school and couldn't go but otherwise there's no reason to believe he wouldn't have been assigned.

Ilia has had competitions but he lost badly to Shoma at GPF and hasn't competed against Yuma. Beating either one of them at 4CC would be a huge feather in his cap heading into Worlds. He's only a first year senior, still lacking in experience and already thinks he can skip 4cc. Sorry, some people may think it's perfectly fine but I don't buy it.
You do realize that Ilia is STILL in high school, right? He had a hybrid schedule and is usually on campus for a few hours every day.

You're being an absolute jerk about this and it makes me think you are just mad because you bought tickets thinking he would be there and found out now that he won't. You aren't upset about anyone else skipping 4CCs.


Well-Known Member
The ultimate takeaway is that there’s a list of competitions that skaters rank in order of priority, and for a good number of American skaters, 4CC isn’t a high-priority must-go-to competition. The exception being, as @her grace pointed out, the ice dancers, who almost always go and take it seriously. I think they see it as a way to try to match international scores with their Euro counterparts since ice dance is more dependent on reputation and experience and less volatile than the discipline with high-risk jumps that could rally shake up the ranking orders.


Well-Known Member
You do realize that Ilia is STILL in high school, right? He had a hybrid schedule and is usually on campus for a few hours every day.

You're being an absolute jerk about this and it makes me think you are just mad because you bought tickets thinking he would be there and found out now that he won't. You aren't upset about anyone else skipping 4CCs.
Seriously? Just because I have a different opinion I'm a jerk? Sorry, I call it as I see them. For the record I'm not a fan of Jason just showing up for Nats and hoping to get on the Worlds team, but if the US men are that sad then more power to him.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
Most NA Pairs teams also take it seriously and go. KniFraz skipping is the first non-Olympic year skip by a high-ranked 4CCs pairs team not named Sui/Han, IIRC.


Well-Known Member
I must have missed the news that Ilia already had been offered Four Continents and accepted it, but then went back on his commitment.
No, but by committing to the show he has already indicated that he wouldn't accept the spot even if it were offered.


Well-Known Member
For the record I'm not a fan of Jason just showing up for Nats and hoping to get on the Worlds team, but if the US men are that sad then more power to him.
Jason has made it clear that he is going to Nationals for the sake of Nationals. He has said that, this time, his goal at Nationals is not to make the World team. (He did say, though, that he would be happy to go to Worlds if he was selected for the team, but that is not the reason he is doing Nationals. He didn't like the idea of ending his career at the Olympics without his family there, and last year's Nationals was really crazy and weird.)

I think that the skaters have to decide what is best for them physically and mentally. (And, for some of them, finances enter into it. Skating is an expensive sport.) Jason understandably felt he needed a break from competition after a long career and a very crazy and exhausting Olympic season. I actually really respect the decisions he is making to focus on his health and happiness.


Well-Known Member
No, it hasn't. We have no idea what the USFS' strategy toward 4CCs will be this year with regard to skaters potentially being named to that team, the Jr Worlds team or the Worlds team.
I suppose it's possible that USFS may have decided that the top finishers at Nats will skip 4CC, which would a major departure from the past.


Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I suppose it's possible that USFS may have decided that the top finishers at Nats will skip 4CC, which would a major departure from the past.
Could be. Who knows? I would be a little surprised if Chock/Bates skip 4CCs, but we'll see. :)


Well-Known Member
In skipping 4CCs, Ilia won't be doing anything other top US single skaters haven't done -- since the event began. Also, skaters always need to work on their weaknesses ... and since Ilia's weakness involve his PCS, something like show skating might be better for him than competition.


Well-Known Member
Jason has made it clear that he is going to Nationals for the sake of Nationals. He has said that, this time, his goal at Nationals is not to make the World team. (He did say, though, that he would be happy to go to Worlds if he was selected for the team, but that is not the reason he is doing Nationals. He didn't like the idea of ending his career at the Olympics without his family there, and last year's Nationals was really crazy and weird.)

I think that the skaters have to decide what is best for them physically and mentally. (And, for some of them, finances enter into it. Skating is an expensive sport.) Jason understandably felt he needed a break from competition after a long career and a very crazy and exhausting Olympic season. I actually really respect the decisions he is making to focus on his health and happiness.
Yes, I do remember that's what he said. Still, I think it can get complicated for the Worlds team selection committee since Jason won't have any international competitions this season (besides JO). If Jason is shaky at Nationals I would like to see him compete at 4CC if he is assigned to Worlds.


Well-Known Member
No, but by committing to the show he has already indicated that he wouldn't accept the spot even if it were offered.

So? The bottom line is that skaters aren’t all obligated to do every single competition they have the opportunity to do, there are all kinds of different reasons they might opt out of specific events, and randos on the internet aren’t usually privy to the decision-making process. Ilia can decide what’s best for his season in coordination with his team and U.S. Figure Skating. He doesn’t owe it to anyone to show up at a specific event.

Yes, I do remember that's what he said. Still, I think it can get complicated for the Worlds team selection committee since Jason won't have any international competitions this season (besides JO). If Jason is shaky at Nationals I would like to see him compete at 4CC if he is assigned to Worlds.

If Jason isn’t in the top three at nationals, they shouldn’t put him on the team. If he’s in the top three, they probably should, because nobody else managed to do a lot with the fall season besides Ilia. I really don’t think it’s going to be as ambiguous enough to warrant all this speculation. We won’t know how ready he is until we see him skate, and then we’ll know how ready he is. I can’t think of a skater right now less likely to have major performance fluctuations from one event to the next than Jason Brown. Sending him to 4CCs wouldn’t tell USFS anything they won’t already know after nationals, for better or worse.
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