The Dance Hall 5: Ice Dance Fans 2017-2018

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Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people hate when I say this but in my honest opinion,if WeaPo deserved those scores at SCI, H/D deserved higher (and vice-versa if H/D deserved theirs). WeaPo skated well but really unpolished, their twizzles are either too hesitant or too slow at the end, the FD was quite sloppy. Both on the SD and FD H/D were much better and it didn't even reflect on PCS.
I think H/D deserved what they got. WeaPo may have gotten a bit of home inflation.
If the Grand Prix was any indication, top 4 is clear : P/C, V/M, Shibs, H/D.
Then maybe WeaPo could have an advantage and try to reach 4th place, but it's essentially C/B vs WeaPo vs C/L vs B/S.
C/B can redeem themselves at the GPF if they get their levels.

I agree about W/P, i thought they were great at skate canada but I feel (like many here) that maybe H/D deserved better.

But I agree, maybe if W/P had been in better form at IdF they would have scored better than C/B (which I think would be totally fine as I find C/B overrated).


Well-Known Member
I didn't even think about it, but then Piper and Paul's performances were shaky in both the SD and FD.

I found them much improved from first GP overall except for the mistakes. Not sure about all the mouth opening and closing on Piper's part though...maybe it is just me.


Well-Known Member
Lol no what I meant (and now that I read back my post I realise it's not clear at all lol) is when was the last time no russian team qualified for the gpf during an olympic year?
It was as mentioned 2009-2010 but that was with their number one world champion team out! Now their number one team of the season didnt make it in! Even when I/z was Russia’s number one dance team of 2014-2015 they got in. This is truly the death of Russian ice dance. Russia’s number one Olympic gOld winning dance team is not even in gpf!!


Well-Known Member
It’s truly fact Russian ice dance is dead! People were like “the politics the politics” all politics is now for LADIES
First, let's wait for Euros ...
Even if they weren't in Moscow, Euros are reknown for the sometimes strange ice dance judging :judge:
And it IS in Moscow.
And IF Bobrova / Soloviev are not at the GPF, Euros will be their only occasion to reset their marks to aim at an olympic bronze medal.
Stars will align then.

Second, russian ice dance may be zombie walking these days, but it will come back to life next cycle. I don't see Russia losing an opportunity to make a "statement" before the end of this season.


Well-Known Member
First, let's wait for Euros ...
Even if they weren't in Moscow, Euros are reknown for the ice dance strange judging :judge:
And it IS in Moscow.
And IF Bobrova / Soloviev are not at the GPF, Euros will be their only occasion to reset their marks to aim at an olympic bronze medal.
Stars will aligned then.

Second, russian ice dance may be zombie walking these days, but it will come back to life next cycle. I don't see Russia losing an opportunity to make a "statement" before the end of this season.
I bet on a podium at Euros with 2 RUS teams. Just don't know which ones yet.


Well-Known Member
I mean Ilinykh/Katsalapov missed the GPF (losing to the Shibs at one GP event) and ended up with an Olympic bronze medal in the ice dance event and stealing the show with Lipnitskaya in the team event to gold.


Well-Known Member
First, let's wait for Euros ...
Even if they weren't in Moscow, Euros are reknown for the sometimes strange ice dance judging :judge:
And it IS in Moscow.
And IF Bobrova / Soloviev are not at the GPF, Euros will be their only occasion to reset their marks to aim at an olympic bronze medal.
Stars will align then.

Second, russian ice dance may be zombie walking these days, but it will come back to life next cycle. I don't see Russia losing an opportunity to make a "statement" before the end of this season.

It’s not going to mean anything because even if b/s do beat c/l it will only because it’s in Moscow. Russia has killed its ice dance program for ladies. If ladies start faltering maybe it will bring back its ice dance program.
I bet on a podium at Euros with 2 RUS teams. Just don't know which ones yet.
B/s can’t even beat c/l two Russian teams are going to beat c/l? And why spend so much politics on dance? They have men and ladies and pairs. They are going to be desperate to beat s/m in pairs

I mean Ilinykh/Katsalapov missed the GPF (losing to the Shibs at one GP event) and ended up with an Olympic bronze medal in the ice dance event and stealing the show with Lipnitskaya in the team event to gold.

I/k never even trained for the first gp. They didn’t even medal at their first gp of 2013-2014. They didn’t even try. And they had so much hype and strident ardent fanatic fans. B/s have no hype and no fans.


Well-Known Member
B/s can’t even beat c/l two Russian teams are going to beat c/l? And why spend so much politics on dance? They have men and ladies and pairs. They are going to be desperate to beat s/m in pairs
They can beat C/L. They did at worlds. I believe that they can do it again.
The spoiler would be if S/B or S/K beat C/L. I think it's possible.


Well-Known Member
They can beat C/L. They did at worlds. I believe that they can do it again.
The spoiler would be if S/B or S/K beat C/L. I think it's possible.
B/s are having their worst season since 2010. I don’t believe they can rally to beat c/l even in Moscow. And if b/s won’t s/b aren’t.


Well-Known Member
I found them much improved from first GP overall except for the mistakes. Not sure about all the mouth opening and closing on Piper's part though...maybe it is just me.

I thought their FD was better here too. But the judges putting them almost 3 points behind S/K in the PCS must be discouraging (as we discussed in here ahead of the event)—- even without the TES hit, they are currently being placed closer to Guignard/Fabbri than to either S/K or S/B.


Well-Known Member
I thought their FD was better here too. But the judges putting them almost 3 points behind S/K in the PCS must be discouraging (as we discussed in here ahead of the event)—- even without the TES hit, they are currently being placed closer to Guignard/Fabbri than to either S/K or S/B.

I think they need another outing or two with good critique. S/K's programs were a hot mess but they have worked hard and competed a lot and now they r looking quite good. Yes their PCS were kinda high except for a judge or 2. I am confused about B/S though...I found them slow and with heavy movements.I did not see their free dance this weekend so I cannot say anything about the 113.+ score but Russian nationals should be interesting.


Well-Known Member
I thought Hawayek/Baker were pretty great in the SA FD today. Just so much strength and flow. I would've liked to see them 4th over Gilles/Poitier (who were just a little bit rough).

In regard to Sinitsina/Katsalapov, is it just me, or has Sinitsina improved a lot? I feel like she has so much more power and security now than she did a year or two ago. Their free dance is melodramatic and OTT, but it does kind of work (I think?).


I believed in Hubbell&Donohue before it was cool
I thought Hawayek/Baker were pretty great in the SA FD today. Just so much strength and flow. I would've liked to see them 4th over Gilles/Poitier (who were just a little bit rough).

In regard to Sinitsina/Katsalapov, is it just me, or has Sinitsina improved a lot? I feel like she has so much more power and security now than she did a year or two ago. Their free dance is melodramatic and OTT, but it does kind of work (I think?).

I'm with you on H/B, I hope things start looking again like 2014-15 for them and they can take advantage in the next years of some openings at the top. They should have no problem getting pewter at US nationals. I really thought they were the next big thing after Jr Worlds (same thing as the Parsons last year...and I already think the same about C/P).
I like their skating a lot but I think their looks are starting to get mismatched on the ice - not talking about size, but Hawayek looks more and more like Tessa Virtue and ready to do something sexy/intense, while Baker's elegance seems more suited to the soft style they have with the current FD. I'm curious to see in which direction they go next season.

Re. S/K, they skated really well here (I was so ready for Z/G to take advantage and get that third Euros spot...), but if I were the Russian fed I would still send S/B to the Olympics, they are just so much more reliable and consistent.


Well-Known Member
Re. S/K, they skated really well here (I was so ready for Z/G to take advantage and get that third Euros spot...), but if I were the Russian fed I would still send S/B to the Olympics, they are just so much more reliable and consistent.

S/B over S/K at any day. Heck, S/B over B/S at any day. Nikita's a joke.


Well-Known Member
There's kind of an interesting parallel between P/C and V/M in terms of overcoming a score barrier. For P/C, it was the 80 point short dance. They just couldn't do it last season. Once they bust through that at Cup of China this season, they were no longer seen as inevitably trailing by a significant margin heading into the FD.

For V/M, it's the 119 point FD. Since their return last season, P/C have exceeded 119 three times at a Grand Prix-level or more prestigious competition, but V/M haven't hit 118 yet despite two seasons of Grand Prix competitions (and 4CC and Worlds last season). The GPF is a great opportunity for them to finally push across 119. That would be an ideal setup for an epic Olympics showdown.


Well-Known Member
In regard to Sinitsina/Katsalapov, is it just me, or has Sinitsina improved a lot? I feel like she has so much more power and security now than she did a year or two ago. Their free dance is melodramatic and OTT, but it does kind of work (I think?).

I said the same thing regarding Vika Sinitsina yesterday. I thought Nikita and Vika looked fast and strong.


Well-Known Member
Also interesting for me was that the Shibs came very, very, very close to breaking 80 in the SD with the tough tech panel at SA.

Can't wait to see if they can break 80 at GPF.

And the Shibs at Skate America were only 0.41 behind V/M in GOE and were less than a point away from them in PCS at NHK FD. Also interesting to note that H/D received GOEs less than a point (0.89) away from V/M's FD as well in the same comp. I don't know if it'll be that way once the Shibs compete head-to-head with all of the top contenders (I'm including all of the GPF qualifiers here). I know V/M were skating "away" at NHK while the Shibs were skating at home, but the judges did not have to give them those GOEs and PCSs to give them a win at SA, but chose to do so anyway and they never enjoyed GOEs like that before. If they had a base value that V/M received at NHK, they would have scored in the mid 116 range. My brain is telling me that the Shibs won't receive such close GOE and PCS at the GPF, but I've been surprised before. Like when their GOE and PCS stayed high after 2016 Nationals.
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Well-Known Member
And the Shibs at Skate America were only 0.41 behind V/M in GOE and were less than a point away from them in PCS at NHK FD. Also interesting to note that H/D received GOEs less than a point (0.89) away from V/M's FD as well in the same comp. I don't know if it'll be that way once the Shibs compete head-to-head with all of the top contenders (I'm including all of the GPF qualifiers here). I know V/M were skating "away" at NHK while the Shibs were skating at home, but the judges did not have to give them those GOEs and PCSs to give them a win at SA, but chose to do so anyway and they never enjoyed GOEs like that before. If they had a base value that V/M received at NHK, they would have scored in the mid 116 range. My brain is telling me that the Shibs won't receive such close GOE and PCS at the GPF, but I've been surprised before. Like when their GOE and PCS stayed high after 2016 Nationals.
You know, after watching their performance, Shibs were particulary on point at SkAm, this is by far the best they skated, maybe ever (in the SD for sure at least). So you could argue that they skated at home, but everyone does. Just like P/C and V/M, they were obviously going to win with a big margin, the judges didn't have to go "that far" for all 3 couples but honestly it's well-deserved. Same for H/D. Both of these teams were stellar during the GPs and have distanced themselves from the rest IMO.

Now Shibs' goal is definitely 80+ SD and 116-117 FD (adding at least a level, but they want those 3 points missing), then if the judges go with the comparaison, all the couples PCS might drop.
P/C want to get that missing level in the SD and keep the consistency in the FD (and also that missing level).
V/M would want level consistency in the SD (they usually get all level 4s) and get to at least 119+ FD like @firstflight said. They really need to be mistake-free though.
H/D will try to keep maximizing their PCS, because they usually get high BV but they are still proving themselves in that area.


Well-Known Member
I was surprised at how good S/K looked at SA. Much better than NHK in only 2 weeks. I think she has improved A LOT - she's skating on deeper edges and more consistently. Their twizzles look very good too. They got 107 in the FD from a very strict caller - that's a solid score. Congrats to them. They have done a lot of hard work and it shows. They have definitely stepped it up from last year. If they can consistently get their step sequences up to level 3 they will step it up again and be in serious contention for the next cycle.

I liked their FD. I think it's their best program yet, seems to suit them and shows attitude and conviction on their part, which I like. The music also helps. It's one of my favourite FDs this season. It's also more difficult than S/B FD. But I don't know if that will be enough to get them on the team. TaT has a lot of pull. Are the Russian Nationals kind of fixed beforehand, or is it an open competition?
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Well-Known Member
G/P's FD grew on me; I like it. It's interesting and avant garde.

I can see how S/K looked strong at SA in the twizzles and spins, however the program is overly melodramatic and not tastefully done IMO. The costumes are not good either, with the rags. I just can't watch Rachmaninoff programs. Unless P/C decide to do one. (and even then I hope not)


Well-Known Member
Kurt Browning on a facebook live CBC video with PJ Kwong and David Pelletier made a prediction that one of the top ice dance teams won't go to the GPF. I can't decide whether he's just kidding or he knows smth? :sekret:


Well-Known Member
Kurt Browning on a facebook live CBC video with PJ Kwong and David Pelletier made a prediction that one of the top ice dance teams won't go to the GPF. I can't decide whether he's just kidding or he knows smth? :sekret:
They were making "blod predictions". Ice Dance is nothing like singles : you can't miss a competition and hope everything is going to turn out your way. Plus we're a week away from GPF, I think there is nothing to worry about.


Well-Known Member
They were making "blod predictions". Ice Dance is nothing like singles : you can't miss a competition and hope everything is going to turn out your way. Plus we're a week away from GPF, I think there is nothing to worry about.

Right. There is just a week away, forgot about that. We would've heard smth, although Medvedeva is still listed. I thought she was WD.
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Well-Known Member
Right. There is just a week away, forgot about that. We would've heard smth, although Medvedeva is still listed. I thought she was WD.
The closer we get to the GPF, the more I think she'll compete. Everyone has to leave on Sunday or Monday, it's getting too close.
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