Russian Figure Skater tests positive for drugs - delays ceremony for team medals

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Well-Known Member

It is quite ridiculous that something that should be an easy process has been drawn out so long.
As has been mentioned before in this thread, the CAS has limited resources and other cases to hear. There is no particular reason why the Valieva case should get priority.

Orm Irian

Well-Known Member

It is quite ridiculous that something that should be an easy process has been drawn out so long.
This is a fairly standard timeline for a doping case to be heard in, actually - and shorter than some. If you remember, Shayna Jack's case took just over two years to be resolved.


I'm sure that in the 3.3K+ posts this probably came up already, but given the length of time required to resolve doping allegations, and the harm such delay may cause other athletes for whom the recognition of their achievements is also unduly delayed, I wonder whether they shouldn't adopt a policy of having the medal ceremony without the athlete under question. So in this case, they could have held the ceremony for silver and bronze, awarded those medals, and just leave the gold in question.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that in the 3.3K+ posts this probably came up already, but given the length of time required to resolve doping allegations, and the harm such delay may cause other athletes for whom the recognition of their achievements is also unduly delayed, I wonder whether they shouldn't adopt a policy of having the medal ceremony without the athlete under question. So in this case, they could have held the ceremony for silver and bronze, awarded those medals, and just leave the gold in question.
They specifically don’t do that because of the painstaking hassle it is to get the medals back and have to redistribute them. You can’t just give used medals to the next owner, so you have to make a whole new set. That’s not cheap, especially when we’re talking about team competitions with many athletes involved. Also, would you want to look back at such an odd medal ceremony with only one or two recipients instead of all three? When it involves the gold medalist not being there, they can’t even play a national anthem. They just need to do better in making sure everybody is clean before they are allowed to compete.


Doing all the things
I'm sure that in the 3.3K+ posts this probably came up already, but given the length of time required to resolve doping allegations, and the harm such delay may cause other athletes for whom the recognition of their achievements is also unduly delayed, I wonder whether they shouldn't adopt a policy of having the medal ceremony without the athlete under question. So in this case, they could have held the ceremony for silver and bronze, awarded those medals, and just leave the gold in question.
This is the first time ever that a ceremony didn't happen because of a doping allegation though. Instead of having a rule about how to handle it, how about they have rules to make sure it never happens again?

An example would be that no athlete with a pending doping test is allowed to compete at major competitions. That would have surfaced that Valieva's test was delayed a lot sooner. If that's not practical due to timing, how about no medal ceremony gets delayed ever? There are many cases where medals get redistributed later and that could have happened here.


RIP D-10
An example would be that no athlete with a pending doping test is allowed to compete at major competitions. That would have surfaced that Valieva's test was delayed a lot sooner. If that's not practical due to timing, how about no medal ceremony gets delayed ever?
If the ISU can require that TES minimums be earned by the entry deadline, surely the IOC can require that pre-competition doping tests be completed/cleared by the time the Olympics start. My understanding is that this would include post-competition tests and random "show up at door" tests. They already have labs ready for post-competition testing.


Reformed Manspreader
If Nikita was only getting "well deserved" medals from the Olympics, he'd also need to give that silver to Maddi Hubbell...
Eh, I infinitesimally preferred H&D , but considering the extended lift , I can't really wuzrob them even if I would have them second.

S&K's programs were beyond atrocious both in music and technical composition. I think that has really caused them to be devalued by many, especially since both American teams really had an "it" factor when they skated.


Well-Known Member
Valieva needs some serious de-programming...

Here’s a translation of Kamila Valieva’s comments regarding her doping case in an interview for WomanHit

“Q: At the moment, your biggest competitions are the Olympics in Beijing. How are you experiencing this entire story with the doping scandal?

Kamila Valieva: To this day, I perceive it as the greatest injustice that happened to me. It was very difficult at first. Now, internal strength has emerged to handle this more calmly, although it keeps bringing me back.


Well-Known Member
Valieva needs some serious de-programming...

This is why Russians should not be allowed back into competition, even without the war in Ukraine. Not only do they continue doping and think there is nothing wrong with it, they consider it an injustice when they get caught.


Well-Known Member
Valieva needs some serious de-programming...

Eteri Georgievna and her entire team are the people who brought me to the top. Without them, there might not have been the figure skater Kamila Valieva that I’ve become. So, a big thank you to them!

Let's toast! :grandpa:


Well-Known Member
Eh, I infinitesimally preferred H&D , but considering the extended lift , I can't really wuzrob them even if I would have them second.

S&K's programs were beyond atrocious both in music and technical composition. I think that has really caused them to be devalued by many, especially since both American teams really had an "it" factor when they skated.
I think if H/D had not exceeded the time limit, they would have been 2d in the FD.

Frankly, I would have had S/K behind both American pairs and the Italian pair.


New Member
Valieva needs some serious de-programming...

First of all, this is a fake quotatation. See the original source

the people who should have protected her are the ones who used her and exploited her.
Is there any proof, investigation result or court decision about that? No, as far as I know.

now they're telling her she's the victim of the Evil West
I didn't read a single mention about "Evil West" by Valieva or her coaching team. Stop spreading propaganda and lies.
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Well-Known Member
It must be torture for the skaters involved. It also represents possible lost income because most can't promote themselves as Olympic medalists to potential employers, sponsors, and clients. I remember Sale or Pelletier saying the second medal ceremony could never really be what it would have been if they had been awarded the gold in the first place.
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