RPDR S10 - let the games begin!


Well-Known Member
Lawd, lawd this episode had me gagged.

Aquaria was incredible tonight. I want her to do well. She is getting a lot of haters and some of it is jealously. Monique Love is on my shit list. The dig she gave Aquaria on untucked was not called for.

Vixen - Bye girl
Monique Love - Bye Girl.

Sad to see the Queen go home but she will be back on All stars. She's endeared herself to so many with her story.

Mayhem was great tonight.

Mayhem, Aquaria, Eureka, Miz Cracker are the tops for me.

Asia and Kameron could play spoilers though. I have so impressed with Kameron Michaels runway looks. Fierce as hell.


Well-Known Member
Interesting that Asia O'Hara makes competition outfits for a number of things. Based on the business page on facebook, it seems like it's mainly dance and color guard teams, but on the show she said she makes skating dresses as well. I wonder what her style of skating dress is? She probably only makes them for the lower levels, but with a ton of Senior US skaters being fans of the show I wonder if she'll be getting some calls soon...

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Like seeing a lot of runway. Ru's look was something very different tonight.

I was very sad to see the Queen who left go home. A very genuine and nice person who I just wish the best for.

I do think Kameron is kind of under the radar but her looks are amazing. And I loved Miz Crackers too.

I can take or leave Aquaria.


Well-Known Member
Mayhem is the s10 stand in for tired old outdated drag I just don’t get: Kennedy, Coco, etc...boring and lame. I can’t wait for her to be aufed. But thus is reality completion shows: you just have to have one bad day to go home even if you are overall better than several who last longer: today is just about today. But what was that fugly mess Mayhem was wearing? Pulled it out her arse was right, cause it was butt ugly! :lol:

And double :lol: :lol: for ungrateful and delusional Eureka whining she “wuz robbed”. Girl, no.

I don’t remember untucked being so racially charged as it is this season.

I wonder if the miss cracker vs aquaria bs will continue but this was classic: who wins a sewing challenge just by pasting a cardboard cut out lighting bolt to a bra? Escandelo!


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess I got my wish :p

Monet needs to bring that lip sync fierceness to the challenges.

Yet another episodo where cracker has to be content with 2nd place.

I wasn’t sure why eureka won until they started going off about this being the same episode she was aufed on last season and it suddenly became obvious it was all about production.


Well-Known Member
I'm finding this season a little snoozeworthy :shuffle:

I still can't remember half the queens' names because they're just not that memorable.


Wrangling the duvet into the cover
I'm finding this season a little snoozeworthy :shuffle:

I still can't remember half the queens' names because they're just not that memorable.
I’ll stay till Snatch Game to see who breaks out of the pack. I’m Team Cracker so far.


Well-Known Member
I still like Blair and Kameron. I didn't think either would make it far, but I find myself liking both a lot.

I don't get Aquaria at all. They call her a "Look Queen" and yet all of her looks are pretty much a thong and/or nipple pasties. I just don't see much interesting about her. She's not really special in any way other than her look and even that I don't find that interesting...


Well-Known Member
I like Kameron a lot.

Not a fan of Blair anymore. Runway looks are "okay". They really look "2nd rate" compared to the other Queens runway looks(outside of Monet and Monique). Blair is not ready for this comp. She needs more time to "cook".

I am on the Aquaria bandwagon. Her Miami look was one of the best so far. I thought she held her own with Eureka in the Bossy Rossy Challenge. She's won a mini and major challenge already. I liked her Denim and Diamonds look a lot.


I like Aquaria, Eureka, Ms Cracker, Kameron as the top 4. Asia may play spoiler.

The Vixen's plan to sabotage Aquaria and Eureka backfired. Eureka stole the whole show. Her challenge look and performance was on point.

So happy that Vixen got her butt handed to her.

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
I was just glad to see the most confident queens kind of shot down in the last challenge. People sometimes need to be taken down a peg or two.

Still loving Miz Cracker and the hill billy look. The teeth just topped it off nicely.

I vote for Blair as Miss Congeniality.


Well-Known Member
It's not just that I'm too jaded to think there will be an all white top 4 on DR, but Asia, Monique, Monet and the vixen have all shown themselves to be forces to be reconed with both in the challenges and as quotable tv contestants, so calling them forgettable at this point, or predicting they'll go before a dull Chad-mini-me is :lol: to me


Well-Known Member
This past week's main challenge was ridiculous. I don't know how anyone could pick a winner. It was just so stupid.

When is Snatch Game? We need to breathe some life into this season....pronto!


Well-Known Member
It's not just that I'm too jaded to think there will be an all white top 4 on DR, but Asia, Monique, Monet and the vixen have all shown themselves to be forces to be reconed with both in the challenges and as quotable tv contestants, so calling them forgettable at this point, or predicting they'll go before a dull Chad-mini-me is :lol: to me

Monet, Monique's looks have been consistently HORRID.

The fierceness has to be exceptional. This look by Monet X CHange is not fierce.
Monique, Monet and Blair are the weaker contestants in regards to runway looks. That may have worked in season 5 but not this season.


Well-Known Member
The bottom two were the correct choices last night. I actually thought the one sent home, lip synced better than the Vixen.

Blair's story was so sad and heartbreaking. She'll grow as a drag queen as she get more experience. She just needs more time to "cook".

Snatch game is next week. I think Vixen will be in the bottom next week too and I think she'll be in the bottom with Monique or Monet.


Shut that door.
Monet as a bottom two candidate in Snatch Game? Do you also think that Aquaria will be eliminated for being too fat?

I can't believe we're watching the same show.

Kameron and Aquaria are the two I would expect to do badly in Snatch Game, but if they don't I'll be fine too because there isn't anyone in this cast I dislike.

The show overall . . . is another story, this season. It's a lot of blah especially after the kickass first season of Drag Race Thailand.


Well-Known Member
I hope Kameron is the dark horse in the Snatch Game.
al bets are off with this show imho. I mean, Trixi bombing snatch? Who would have thunk it?! But the one thing that has me suspicious, is if Kameron did shine in snatch wouldn’t the editors have waited another week for her big “she’s come out of her shell and wow” edit that they gave this week? She got so much screen time I thought she was either going to win or be aufed. That was a lot of storyline for someone safe.
I don’t think we were watching the same show. :slinkaway
i thought blare gave it her all but it was obvious that vixen was the seasoned queen. Experience snatched that win imo. I agree that vixen clearly won but I’m not a huge fan of the gymnast floor routine lip sync style. Give me a good old school Latrice lip sync any day.


Well-Known Member
TBH I feel like no one deserved to win that challenge this week. Yes, Eureka's group was the best, but it still wasn't great. The other two groups were both pretty blah. And was it the make-up group where two of the queens were talking over each other? I think a lot of queens could have had an argument for being in the bottom this week.

just tuned in

Well-Known Member
Miz Cracker is so up-and-down for me. That pickle was not funny.

I think it was a set-up for Monet to be B-2 with Mayhem. That is, I believe they put Monet as B-2, just so that Mayhem would be eliminated. If Ru decided that it was time for Mayhem to go, pretty much Monet would be the only queen who could dependably out-perform Mayhem.

This contest boils down to lipsynching the way a triathlon boils down to the best marathoner. The best swimmer is never going to win the triathlon, know what I mean? So I think it is Monet's to win.

I am really liking Asia for her warm and honest comment to Monique about how to look for pleasure in being safe.

Poor Blair -- she was crying all through her lipsynch. I will be sorry not to see her in Snatch Game.

I am going to try "Sitting on a Secret" for my next party.
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Well-Known Member
I rewatched the lip sync between Vixen vs Blair. I stand corrected, Blair did not know the words.


Well-Known Member
Snatch Game -
Monique Heart - Maxine Waters
Monet X Change - Maya Angelou
Asia O Hara - Last minute decision to do Beyonce (1st choice was Whitney Houston)
Eureka O Hara - Honey Boo Boo
The Vixen - Blue Ivy
Aquaria - Melania Trump
Miz Cracker - Dorothy Parker
Kameron Michaels - Chyna - the female wrestler of WWE

Some good/great performances by Aquaria, Monet X Change, Eureka, Kameron Michaels.

Miz Cracker was okay, she should have been safe. Her runway look was excellent.

Asia and Monique's performances were horrid. Vixen was horrible too. I predicted the bottom two would be Monique and Vixen based on the runway looks. And I was RIGHT.

Asia was saved by her runway look.

Lip sync was brutal and one of them did not know the words


Well-Known Member
As much as I hate Eureka, I have to say her choice was spot on.

Also, how long will it take queens to learn that Beyonce is not funny? The only remotely funny thing about her is how crazy her stage mom is (or maybe how crazy manufactured literally everything about Beyonce seems) and neither is a good thing on snatch game.


Throwing the (rule)book at them
The Beyonce choice is always stupid. I don’t get it. Bianca finally said in a matter-of-fact way what all of these queens should have known 9 years ago. If you’re gonna go on Drag Race, you should have a really good idea of who you’re going to be and there is plenty of time to practice prior to even getting to the competition.

Anyways, I have a feeling that most of this Snatch Game was so bad that they spared us any more awkwardness. They only showed like 2 answers for each question.


Well-Known Member
Mama Ru was not pleased with The Vixen at all. She didn't clap at the end of LSFYL and then the Vixen's last words were just stupid. The Vixen in untucked...

I like Eureka. She did well this week. Aquaria deserved the win but Monet X Change was fantastic this week. Could have gone either way between Monet and Aquaria.

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