Chinese Skating News, Pt. 4: Fresh Noodles for Milan 2026

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On My Own

Well-Known Member
That was really nice! She seems to have a very good sense of musical phrasing, and I love her layback positions... shades of Caroline Zhang's pearl spin.
Very good spinner actually. She does the "wrong direction" feature on the final combo spin, but does a very fast Y-spin in that wrong-direction. Loses her centre a bit, but I've never seen it done before and I can 100% forgive her for it.

I just hope she learns how to use her core and knees/ankles a bit better on her basic skating. It will give her the added sense of power and give her better posture, clarity of movement. Her presentation is already amazing for her first ever JGP performance.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Yudong :( I really like him, but Peng Zhiming is the definite number 2 in China right now... and I am not even sure if he can participate in anything this season...

ETA: Lin Yufei/Gao Zijian are alright. Need a lot of work. Don't see them being anything special in terms of artistry, just a junior version of Wang/Liu.
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On My Own

Well-Known Member

Easily the best woman from China since Chen Lu. I hope she gets more stability. Read she's injured on twitter, haven't read the chinese skating fan comments to confirm if it's true or not.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Jin in his recent social media post mentioned he's preparing for foreign training, so we know it's happening, but not when. Probably going to get there for Skate Canada and then stay on?

Four years ago, there were some rumours that he'd been held back by internal politics, and he was left with no choice but to refuse Shen/Zhao's arrangement. I do hope that's not what happened again, but at least he seems past it and on the way...


Well-Known Member
Jin did not make the move to Canada four years ago because HE did not want to do it. He was being forced to make the change by Shen/Zhao but he resisted. Their original plan back then was for him to get programs done by Lori Nichol and then move to the Cricket Club but he refused and went back to China.
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On My Own

Well-Known Member
Jin did not are the move to Canada four years ago because HE did not want to do it. He was being forced to make the change by Shen/Zhao but he resisted. Their original plan back then was for him to get programs done by Lori Nichol and then move to the Cricket Club but he refused and went back to China.
OK, then maybe the rumours were wrong.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
To make it clear, I am not related to any "skating circle" and only brought that up because I'd seen those floated around a few years ago, and also recently when there was radio silence about the training for a few months. Further, I only mentioned it because I'd have felt bad for him had it really happened and also was the cause for the longer-than-a-month delay.

@greenapple seems to know some part of the skating circle in Canada since they mentioned Orser talking about Jin in July, and also had answered my question in the Japanese thread, so I trust them on it, more than the rumour mills that run on places like weibo and baidu anyway. But now I do wonder what the cause of this particular delay is.


Well-Known Member
Well it's good they have Nini, I guess.
She needs to be sent out internationally again to get the senior minimums, though. They really should have sent her to back to back competitions with her JGP, so either Nebelhorn (before) or Finlandia (after), although I guess that's asking too much from the Chinese Fed. 🤬

On My Own

Well-Known Member
She needs to be sent out internationally again to get the senior minimums, though. They really should have sent her to back to back competitions with her JGP, so either Nebelhorn (before) or Finlandia (after), although I guess that's asking too much from the Chinese Fed. 🤬
I don't remember if she got two JGP assignments or not. Surely they can send her to a later senior competition for the minimums closer to 4CCs or Worlds? It'd help her practice and get more experience.

I don't know what her personal situation is, because raruki pointed out in the previous thread she was preparing for high school entrance examinations which I'm guessing she passed ( so maybe she'll be busy during winter, but it'd be worthwhile to make her compete as a senior this season.

Don't know if she's qualified for senior worlds with her age, but I never remember those rules.
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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?
I don't remember if she got two JGP assignments or not. Surely they can send her to a later senior competition for the minimums closer to 4CCs or Worlds? It'd help her practice and get more experience.

I don't know what her personal situation is, because raruki pointed out in the previous thread she was preparing for high school entrance examinations which I'm guessing she passed ( so maybe she'll be busy during winter, but it'd be worthwhile to make her compete as a senior this season.

Don't know if she's qualified for senior worlds with her age, but I never remember those rules.
All of these questions are answered in her ISU bio...

Just one JGP assignment and she is old enough for senior internationals. She'll need to attend a senior B that ends no later than Jan 16th in order to get the TES mins for 4CCs.

My guess would be she is sent to Asian Open, which is scheduled for Dec 5-9 in Jakarta. The pairs team they sent to the Solidarity Cup JGP is also age-eligible for seniors and can probably also achieve the 4CCs TES mins if they're sent as well, based on the TES from their SP and FS scores in Gdansk (25.37 SP/40.10 FS).

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Reading the previous thread does remind me, from this post

He'd interviewed that he didn't have a coach for a duration, this twitter account provided a translation: (hence my also saying in that thread that it was terrible to read/listen to what he'd said after the Olympics). So it made sense to me that he'd like to switch coaches. Not sure if his Chinese coach is currently healthy or not, but it made sense when we'd heard his intention at the time.

All of these questions are answered in her ISU bio...
I don't think the ISU bio can ever answer my own lack of memory when it comes to the age rules or any other rules :lol:, but yeah, it does answer my query about the JGP assignments.

But thanks for the rest of the information! Asian Open is close enough to be sent to, I guess it depends on whether she will be allowed to to go or someone will make the "pandemic restrictions" excuse.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the Chinese Fed will send anyone to any senior B this season. The possible Asian Open may clash with the Chinese national in December. And Chinese Sports Authority is not interested in putting resources into developing the FS program anymore in this Olympic cycle, they would rather focus more on skiing sports or speed skating which can produce more medals.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
The possible Asian Open may clash with the Chinese national in December.
Isn't that usually late December? I remember watching some of the videos during new year haha.
And Chinese Sports Authority is not interested in putting resources into developing the FS program anymore in this Olympic cycle, they would rather focus more on skiing sports or speed skating which can produce more medals.
But just a few months ago, there were all these stories about there being "Eteri style coaching" for the girls, Wang/Liu and Jin now both go to foreign coaching, juniors also go to JGP even though there were rumours they won't go... Changed administration for Chinese federation, new sponsor, etc. How are you getting this?


Well-Known Member
Isn't that usually late December? I remember watching some of the videos during new year haha.
If they are going to Indonesia to compete, they still have to quarantine for almost 10 days, and It will surely let them miss the Chinese national.
But just a few months ago, there were all these stories about there being "Eteri style coaching" for the girls, Wang/Liu and Jin now both go to foreign coaching, juniors also go to JGP even though there were rumours they won't go... Changed administration for Chinese federation, new sponsor, etc. How are you getting this
The previous leader managing the FS has gone, and no one cares about FS at this moment.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
If they are going to Indonesia to compete, they still have to quarantine for almost 10 days, and It will surely let them miss the Chinese national.
Nini hardly needs to compete at Chinese nationals when she's by far the best among the Chinese women. I hope she's sent.
The previous leader managing the FS has gone, and no one cares about FS at this moment.
I mean I don't know. They'd have a decent shot at one of this cycle's team medals with Nini coming up, Jin hopefully being more stable with the coaching change and improving presentation some more, and W/L building reputation for another four years. P/J probably were already going to be world champs last season (and S/H still are open to coming back during 2024-25).

I don't think anyone expects China to care all that much about figure skating because it never did, but I hope someone makes them open their eyes to this possibility. Maybe the Chinese team itself will do so by next year.


Well-Known Member
Unless Nini shows a sign that she can win a medal in some important international events in a short term, officials in Chinese authority wouldn't like to focus a little on the FS because developing FS is expensive and it can’t produce more medals unlike speed skating or any other skiing sports. Fortunately, Nini is a self-funded skater, and she doesn't need support from the state.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
Unless Nini shows a sign that she can win a medal in some important international events in a short term, officials in Chinese authority wouldn't like to focus a little on the FS because developing FS is expensive and it can’t produce more medals unlike speed skating or any other skiing sports. Fortunately, Nini is a self-funded skater, and she doesn't need support from the state.
Yeah, and further, the Chinese authorities very much CAN end up doing something if they see the potential for a team medal. Moreover, Nini winning medals and getting a manager like some of the Chinese skaters did over this cycle might get her some commercial opportunities so she's not fully dependent on her parents' funds, but I suppose that's a bit farther away.

On My Own

Well-Known Member

P/J's choices are

Music Short Program as of season 2022/2023

Music Free Skating / Free Dance as of season 2022/2023
Exile To Snowy West (The Banquet soundtrack) by Tan Dun, Lang Lang (Piano), arr. by C. Lenore Kay
Only For Love (The Banquet soundtrack) by Tan Dun, Lang Lang (Piano), Jane Liang Ying Zhang (Vocals), arr by C. Lenore Kay
Sword Dance (The Banquet soundtrack) by Tan Dun, Lang Lang (Piano), arr. by C. Lenore Kay

2018-19 season's SP and last season's LP. ETA: Think Ophelia was 2019-20's SP. ETA2: Nope, was right the first time!
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Is that a coup happening behind that blue curtain?

P/J's choices are

Music Short Program as of season 2022/2023

Music Free Skating / Free Dance as of season 2022/2023
Exile To Snowy West (The Banquet soundtrack) by Tan Dun, Lang Lang (Piano), arr. by C. Lenore Kay
Only For Love (The Banquet soundtrack) by Tan Dun, Lang Lang (Piano), Jane Liang Ying Zhang (Vocals), arr by C. Lenore Kay
Sword Dance (The Banquet soundtrack) by Tan Dun, Lang Lang (Piano), arr. by C. Lenore Kay

2018-19 season's SP and last season's LP.
I like that they're reusing their FS from last season, given that they only got to compete twice.

On My Own

Well-Known Member
I like that they're reusing their FS from last season, given that they only got to compete twice.
And that they dropped that terrible Marie-France SP, for that matter. Although maybe Ophelia was 2019-20 now that I think of it?

Maybe Jin's is not temporary either, but I guess he's actually getting to go meet his choreographer now, which I doubt happened for him and P/J in China. Gosh, I wonder if P/J will even get to go to ice shows next off-season... I loved team china and Cha at the Korean ice show.
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