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Well-Known Member
I'm really bummed that Isabeau had to WD from 4CCs, because I think she'd have had this title had she been well.

Having said that, I still think it was a mistake for the USFS to send her to 4CCs instead of Starr, especially since, in hindsight, she didn't get the WS points necessary to propel her into the final group at Worlds. Nor did Amber get enough to put her into the penultimate group, and Bradie will probably wind up in the 1st half (as predicted).
On the current WS list, Isabeau is #8 of the women heading to Worlds. She should be in the penultimate group, so she should be fine. Amber is #11, so she should be in the PU group as well.


Well-Known Member
On the current WS list, Isabeau is #8 of the women heading to Worlds. She should be in the penultimate group, so she should be fine. Amber is #11, so she should be in the PU group as well.

On the ISU site, the latest rankings are

1 Hendrickx
2 Sakamoto
3 Kim
4 Lee
5 Mihara
6 Gubanova

7 Kurakova
8 Levito
9 Petrokina (is she assigned to World's for Estonia?)
10 Schott
11 Watanabe
12 Schizas

13 Glenn
14 Repond
15 Kim C.
16 Gutmann
17 Sauter
18 Taljegard


Well-Known Member
I'm cross-posting a couple of items about Isabeau from before Four Continents. Isabeau has said before that a significant challenge and accomplishment for her is when she can get her nerves under control for competition. She once said that she really admires Kaori and loves that fierce look Kaori gets just before she skates. She apparently gets literary inspiration for this fighting spirit, too.


Well-Known Member
Skating in an earlier group probably won't affect Bradie so much. The earlier groups tend to get lower PCS, but Bradie has always gotten great PCS.
She received low to mid 8s at 4CCs and my guess is she would receive slightly lower PCS at Worlds even when she skates similar but earlier.

What's worrisome is the calls. She received 2 in the short and 4 in the free.

Ena Grins

Well-Known Member
I'm cross-posting a couple of items about Isabeau from before Four Continents. Isabeau has said before that a significant challenge and accomplishment for her is when she can get her nerves under control for competition. She once said that she really admires Kaori and loves that fierce look Kaori gets just before she skates. She apparently gets literary inspiration for this fighting spirit, too.
Something about learning Isabeau's a book nerd who will reference a fantasy novel character as inspiration before a program has totally endeared her to me forever. She's my kind of people. It helps that she has so many strengths as a skater too ;)


Well-Known Member
Something about learning Isabeau's a book nerd who will reference a fantasy novel character as inspiration before a program has totally endeared her to me forever. She's my kind of people. It helps that she has so many strengths as a skater too ;)
Me, too. She brings books with her to competitions. In the middle of one interview, she took out the book she was reading to discuss it with the interviewer. :D I also love that she created an Instagram page for her cat.


Well-Known Member
Bumping up this thread. If anybody’s needing a smile to their day or a hug I invite you to watch this. Watch the whole thing. 💕💜

I decided to attend Nationals live in Dallas, scoring a resold ticket at the last minute. Both her short and long programs were glorious!


Well-Known Member
Bumping up this thread. If anybody’s needing a smile to their day or a hug I invite you to watch this. Watch the whole thing. 💕💜

It has been so long since I last saw someone skate that could make my heart sing. US lady or otherwise.

That said, this is one of those programs that, if under IJS, should score high in most components and really low in TR.



Keira Hilbelink finished second in Juniors at Nationals. This is a brief interview.
Thanks for posting the article link! Keira Hilbelink, who turned 12 this past October, was one of 6 U.S. girls who were selected after Nationals and USFS' High Performance National Development Camp to participate in the ISU Advanced Novice (singles) Workshop held in conjunction with Four Continents in Colorado Springs. The others were Annika Chao (9th in Junior at Nationals), Athena Huang (qualified for the ISP as a novice), Emilia Nemirovsky, Cleo Park (had the highest Novice women's NQS total score before qualifying season) and Jessica Jurka (7th in Junior at Nationals) who just won the Adv. Novice gold in her international debut at Challenge Cup :) - her IG post & photos from Tilburg, NED:

I've posted some info I found online about the 4CC workshop including some of the non-USA skaters here:
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her grace

Team Guignard/Fabbri
Congrats to Clare Seo for skating a strong FP and securing 2 spots for the U.S. for Junior Worlds next season. The U.S. will also have 1 JGP spot in 7 events. The U.S. is the second alternate behind Switzerland to pick up any released JGP spots from countries such as China, Georgia, and Latvia.

Private Citizen

"PC." Pronouns: none/none
Not sure the U.S.'s results at Junior Worlds are worthy of any congratulations :shuffle:. Messy skating, losing a spot, and only one spot per JGP.

Rhumba d’Amour

Well-Known Member
Congrats to Clare Seo for skating a strong FP and securing 2 spots for the U.S. for Junior Worlds next season. The U.S. will also have 1 JGP spot in 7 events. The U.S. is the second alternate behind Switzerland to pick up any released JGP spots from countries such as China, Georgia, and Latvia.
Plus, I love Clare’s SP, even if Shin Amano did not :)
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