From Russia with Love [#33]: Summer 2019

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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Do you know if Nazarov is still skating/found a new partner?
I don't know anything, nor read any news. I can make a few guesses, based on previous info.
The most important fact, is that he had to work two jobs, after skating practices, to make money to live on. That is a fact, stated in the interviews. In the last interview she said that "we practice, and then he works 2 jobs, and always exhausted". It is possible he decided to give up or put skating aside, or to look for a female partner who would carry part of the expense.

Then there are "subjects" brought up in their earlier interviews...
In march 2019 in an interview (in Russian)
  • he said that before pairing up with Liza, he was considering skating for Germany or another country (which means either he was looking for a european female partner who, as usual, in such case, would provide financial support; or just wants to skate somewhere comfortably and does not see too many chances of making to the top in Russia).
  • he was not sure if Liza is right for him, after they paired up, and she confirmed that yes, she knew it for a while.
  • they both said that outside of skating they have NOTHING in common. that they are VERY different people and it is best not to communicate outside of skating (almost word for word). she went on and on and on about it, and he just sat with serious face, not a word. and the she said again "i am a difficult person, it's best for him that we don't deal with each other outside the rink". and she talks, and talks, and talks... he does not say a word, just sits there with "dead face".

In January 2019 she gave an interview by herself. I personally though she talked too much, and if i was him, i'd find somethings somewhat offensive.
  • when asked about the situation about "more women than men" in ice dancing and how common it is for a woman's side to pay the main share of expenses, her answer pretty much sounded like "maybe some women do, but not me, he works two jobs and pays his own share".
  • then, when answering few questions about "conflicts between partners, and do men push women around", she said that "at their rink and in general it is illegal", and if anyone is doing any thing offensive, it is her against him (ha-ha, i am so tough). She meant "yelling and nagging" not "physical". Overall, i thought she was trying to say at times that "she wears the pants" in this partnership.

But then of course, it is all subject to interpretation..
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, there's nothing more gangsta than being a junior ice dancer from Russia. :lol: He seems like he'd be exhausting to be around but for a teenage girl like Liza she probably thinks he's a rebel.

Do you know if Nazarov is still skating/found a new partner?

How is he (Filatov?) any better than Nazarov?


Well-Known Member
Probably she & Filatov say, "Hello," to each other;).

(He has two years of junior eligibility left).

He looks kinda small though like the majority of Russian ice dancers with the only exception being Drozd. I really liked Filatov's partner though. Maybe her and Nazarov could be a team if he wants to continue? He seems strapped for cash though. Ice Dance, like everything else is a rough, rough sport. Good luck to them all.


Cats and garlic lover
A long-ish interview with Radionova, not particularly informative, however the interesting points
  • she is left handed, but was never given a choice which direction to jump/spin, the system in Russia is such that you are not asked, you do what the others do
  • she does not believe in Medvedeva's 4S till she sees it
  • she tried the 3A with Goncharenko, when with Buyanova they were talking about attempting a 3A, but Radionova was too afraid of the injuries.
  • she is not in touch with Goncharenko these days, they do write each other the birthday greetings, but that's about it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know anything, nor read any news. I can make a few guesses, based on previous info.
The most important fact, is that he had to work two jobs, after skating practices, to make money to live on. That is a fact, stated in the interviews. In the last interview she said that "we practice, and then he works 2 jobs, and always exhausted". It is possible he decided to give up or put skating aside, or to look for a female partner who would carry part of the expense.

Then there are "subjects" brought up in their earlier interviews...
In march 2019 in an interview (in Russian)
  • he said that before pairing up with Liza, he was considering skating for Germany or another country (which means either he was looking for a european female partner who, as usual, in such case, would provide financial support; or just wants to skate somewhere comfortably and does not see too many chances of making to the top in Russia).
  • he was not sure if Liza is right for him, after they paired up, and she confirmed that yes, she knew it for a while.
  • they both said that outside of skating they have NOTHING in common. that they are VERY different people and it is best not to communicate outside of skating (almost word for word). she went on and on and on about it, and he just sat with serious face, not a word. and the she said again "i am a difficult person, it's best for him that we don't deal with each other outside the rink". and she talks, and talks, and talks... he does not say a word, just sits there with "dead face".

In January 2019 she gave an interview by herself. I personally though she talked too much, and if i was him, i'd find somethings somewhat offensive.
  • when asked about the situation about "more women than men" in ice dancing and how common it is for a woman's side to pay the main share of expenses, her answer pretty much sounded like "maybe some women do, but not me, he works two jobs and pays his own share".
  • then, when answering few questions about "conflicts between partners, and do men push women around", she said that "at their rink and in general it is illegal", and if anyone is doing any thing offensive, it is her against him (ha-ha, i am so tough). She meant "yelling and nagging" not "physical". Overall, i thought she was trying to say at times that "she wears the pants" in this partnership.

But then of course, it is all subject to interpretation..

Very revealing in terms of power dynamics. I hope it works out for both her and Nazaroff. But he is rather small, but so good. Pity.

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Liza and "Lil Fill"

They look like there's some kind of height difference there, but of course in those photos we can't tell if they are standing at the same level. :p

Mad for Skating

Well-Known Member
A long-ish interview with Radionova, not particularly informative, however the interesting points
  • she is left handed, but was never given a choice which direction to jump/spin, the system in Russia is such that you are not asked, you do what the others do
  • she does not believe in Medvedeva's 4S till she sees it
  • she tried the 3A with Goncharenko, when with Buyanova they were talking about attempting a 3A, but Radionova was too afraid of the injuries.
  • she is not in touch with Goncharenko these days, they do write each other the birthday greetings, but that's about it.

Interesting! I had no idea she was left-handed!

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
Overall, i thought she was trying to say at times that "she wears the pants" in this partnership.

I don't know what she was trying to say,

but often it has nothing to do with "wearing the pants in the partnership". Many Russian women are used to think they are weak, so they MAY even fight, but men have no such a right, because men are strong. Even nice, decent Russian girls can fight. Many girls also are used to expect a man should pay for their dinners, help them to put on a coat and etc. (As far as I know, in other countries it is not like this) So... maybe contemporary Russian women even are used to have more rights than men - because they are weak ladies, and decent men should take care of them.
So for me "it is her against him" sounds just like: "don't worry, all is fair, the strong one doesn't offend the one who is weaker".

As for men, they can have some expectations too... usually a woman is ready to cook and etc., but... nobody can promise him, that his woman will ever cook indeed. :)

Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
Maria Sotskova's father just past away tonight (as per DobrinFan's post). RIP.
Maria at the time was in Kislovodsk, at a training camp, and flying to Moscow. Sincerely hope it will not affect her studies and skating season.:(
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Tinami Amori

Well-Known Member
So for me "it is her against him" sounds just like: "don't worry, all is fair, the strong one doesn't offend the one who is weaker".
There are two ways to let the public know that "he does not abuse her".
  • by saying "he does not abuse me, we respect each other" - the right way.
  • and the wrong way "he does not abuse me, because i do it to him first" - that's degrading to the "other"... :D

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
and the wrong way "he does not abuse me, because i do it to him first"

I wouldn't agree with such a reason. In Russia a decent man doesn't beat a girl, because he is a man. (not because she beats him or doesn't beat him) He hears from his childhood up, that he is a man, so he has no right to beat girls.
As for girls... often they think they may do it. Maybe she won't hit with force, maybe it will be almost a joke - but a girl may do it.
I don't mean, that such a situation is fair indeed. I just think usually it works like this. It is unlikely, that every girl who fights, thinks she is "wearing the pants in the partnership", because the one who is "wearing the pants" has no right to beat the weaker one.
A girl just feels free to say: "I beat him". And a man can easily say: "she beats me". They know, that people won't worry, maybe people think something like: "he is strong, so the situation isn't dangerous for him".
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Well-Known Member
Evgenia Medvedeva stars in Sailor Moon ice show in June 2020

First and foremost is a new ice show starring none other than famous anime- and manga-loving ice skater Evgenia Medvedeva. Medvedeva has dressed upin Sailor Moon cosplay before for ice skating events, so her love for the franchise is well known. Her comment on being chosen for the show is in English in the video below.


Well-Known Member
As for girls... often they think they may do it. Maybe she won't hit with force, maybe it will be almost a joke - but a girl may do it.
I don't mean, that such a situation is fair indeed. I just think usually it works like this. It is unlikely, that every girl who fights, thinks she is "wearing the pants in the partnership", because the one who is "wearing the pants" has no right to beat the weaker one.
A girl just feels free to say: "I beat him". And a man can easily say: "she beats me". They know, that people won't worry, maybe people think something like: "he is strong, so the situation isn't dangerous for him".

Could you please provide some sources and statistics about husband abuse/beating in Russia by women?

I googled domestic violence in Russia and got a lot of hits regarding the severity of male violence against women.

This is just one of the sources:
It says 14,000 women die from domestic violence in Russia each year.

The search didn't reveal any articles about women committing domestic violence against men. Again, please provide me with a source.
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Cowardly admin
Staff member
Could you please provide some sources and statistics about husband abuse/beating in Russia by women?

I googled domestic violence in Russia and got a lot of hits regarding the severity of male violence against women.

This is just one of the sources:
It says 14,000 women die from domestic violence in Russia each year.

The search didn't reveal any articles about women committing domestic violence against men. Again, please provide me with a source.

Putin decriminalized domestic violence some time ago. And the rate, never low in Russia, has skyrocketed:

There’s nothing funny or cute about sending signals that this is some sort of game.

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
Could you please provide some sources and statistics about husband abuse/beating in Russia by women?

I said, that I didn't mean dangerous situations which can lead to deaths. Of course, male violence against women does exist. There are men who never tried to be "decent men".
As for girls beating men, I think such statistics doesn't exist, because this problem is not as serious as male violence.
I just mean, that people often think, that a girl is right, when she slaps a man in the face (for example), if his behavior is offensive. If a man does the same to a girl, people think, that he is wrong (even if her behavior is offensive). It seems to me, that on "the West" people had the same opinion some time ago. (maybe even now?)
It is a tradition, not a law. Actually, this inequality is good, but it can have a negative side - when a girl feels free to fight. (as far as I know, Russians rarely go to law - comparing to the situation "on the West")

In the recent interview Trankov mentions a situation: a girl starts to fight, a man tries to stop her, but anyway it looks like a fight between them. He also mentions a case, when Volosozhar slapped him in the face - and as far as I see, he thinks she was right.
When Navka asked Yagudin whether Tarasova shouted at him (sorry, that I mention him, but he is the one who's words I remember), he answered, that Tarasova did shout and beat him (maybe Tarasova hit him only once - I know only one story). He tells that story almost with a smile. He smiled, when Tarasova shouted at him, - and I do like that.
When Yagudin had to continue a phrase "It is hard to believe, but sometimes my wife...", he said: "beats me. It is good, that she is not a boxer, but a tiny figure skater". Not long ago - so it seems he means, that it still happens, but they also say they have no quarrels now - so maybe she does it in joke, and he just thinks it's funny to tell she does it.

As for dangerous situations, I didn't say, that it is cute or funny. I know, that even a woman or a child are able to kill, but I think we have no reasons to discuss those cases.
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Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
Putin decriminalized domestic violence some time ago.

The text which you show, says: "partially decriminalized". It is said, that they thought it was wrong, that parents were punished more strictly than strangers who attack minors. I don't mean, that the law is good now, but cases with serious injuries or with deaths are not "decriminalized".


Cowardly admin
Staff member
When you lessen the penalties for beating your wife, there are more wife beatings. (Wife, as in any partner.) The rationale was the same kind of misogynistic patriarchal swagger that Trump admires so much, and it’s despicable.

I’m sure Nikita is not the only male ice dancer reported to have hit his partner and I’m also sure that there are others who are not Russian. But the cases of partner abuse that we know about include him, Elena B’s former partner and Coughlin. I don’t think it should be a joke to us or to the skaters themselves.

Rina RUS

Well-Known Member
I don’t think it should be a joke to us or to the skaters themselves.

? If you mean my words, I didn't say, that violence is a joke.
When I say "in joke", I mean, that "she beats me" can be said even in a case like this:
There was a case, when Totmianina showed she'd like to pull Yagudin's ears, but she didn't pull. She was smiling. I like, that they smile instead of taking offence and saying: "you are wrong". And actually, he agreed with her, he said: "I was so young, so silly".
I don't think, that such cases are violence. Smiling people are beautiful. (even if she can pull his ears indeed, when it is not an interview on TV) I don't know. I see they smile. :)


Cowardly admin
Staff member
? If you mean my words, I didn't say, that violence is a joke.
When I say "in joke", I mean, that "she beats me" can be said even in a case like this:
There was a case, when Totmianina showed she'd like to pull Yagudin's ears, but she didn't pull. She was smiling. I like, that they smile instead of taking offence and saying: "you are wrong". And actually, he agreed with her, he said: "I was so young, so silly".
I don't think, that such cases are violence. Smiling people are beautiful. (even if she can pull his ears indeed, when it is not an interview on TV) I don't know. I see they smile. :)

I was referring to the post up thread with the convoluted “explanation” of who can beat whom.

And people are still skating to Hernando’s Hideaway. :lol:
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