Shooting in Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas


Socialist Canada
WHAT?! I will be praying hard for the victims and their families. What on earth is this world coming too?!


Well-Known Member
Thoughts and prayers are all America has because goodness knows nobody is going to do anything else about any of this. We're all going to hold hands, sing Amazing Grace, and maybe someone will make up some "Texas Strong" motto or some other random slogan as a show of strength that only magnifies how weak we really are. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
The statements of sympathy by politicians are meaningless unless they take concrete actions to stop these murders.

The statements of sympathy by any Americans are meaningless unless they take concrete actions to stop these murders.

Everyone should be protesting, calling their local politicians, doing anything they can to try and bring about change.


Handy Emergency Backup Mode
Hmm. Doesn't seem to be anyone calling this what it is either. Oh wait, is the guy white? That'd explain why they're not calling him a terrorist...

And of course all anyone ever does is fcking thoughts and prayers. And no-one will actually do anything. As bloody usual.
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Better off than 2020
It's the thought that we need to repeal the 2nd amendment that keeps the NRA scare tactics viable. And repeal will never happen. Amendment addition or repeals are state 2/3 approval in a relatively short timeframe.

NRA scares people by making it seem immediate occurrence.

Stop with 2nd amendment talk

Aussie Willy

Hates both vegemite and peanut butter
Seriously - another one? Not surprised.

It is a terrible thing for the victims and their families. But it will continue to happen until someone does something about gun control.


Better off than 2020
No amount of my prayers and thoughts will change the gun violence in the US issue. It's tragic how often this is happening and how much power the NRA yields in the political landscape of the US. Gun legislation won't happen without the support of the NRA.

I am really frustrated about the NRA claims that liberals want to take away the second amendments and those liberals who call for the repeal of the second amendment. Both sides are banking that you didn't learn the process in your American History classes. Here's what's involved in the process. and it is time limited.

Either Congress or the states can propose an amendment to the Constitution.
  • Both houses of Congress must propose the amendment with a two-thirds vote. This is how all current amendments have been offered.
  • Two-thirds of the state legislatures must call on Congress to hold a constitutional convention.
Regardless of how the amendment is proposed, it must be ratified by the States.
  • Three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve of the amendment proposed by Congress, or
  • Three-fourths of the states must approve the amendment via ratifying conventions. This method has only been used once, to repeal Prohibition with the 21st Amendment.
The U.S. Supreme Court has held that ratification must happen within "some reasonable time after the proposal." Since the 18th Amendment was ratified, Congress has set a term of seven years for ratification.


Well-Known Member
Apparently the guy got his dishonorable discharge from the USAF for assaulting his wife and kid. This seems to be a common theme for mass shooters. I know there are laws on the books in various places (or attempts to make such laws), but let's enforce them: if you beat your family members, you get your guns taken away.

Deleted member 1204

I work for the military and we recently had a briefing where they discussed supervising "sub-performing" and "problem" people. One consideration that they raised was that, while it seems like the right thing to do is to kick these people out, the military may be the only structure that they have in their lives. They cited a long list of examples where, when these people were sent home, things like this happened. It really made me think.


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
It's the thought that we need to repeal the 2nd amendment that keeps the NRA scare tactics viable. And repeal will never happen.
What I find frustrating is that I see calls for tighter gun restrictions and gun control being met with arguments about the 2nd amendment when no one has called for a repeal of that amendment in the first place.

A friend on FB posted a very mild entreaty about reducing access to guns, and a friend of hers replied that guns are COMPLETELY necessary, because once her house was robbed while she wasn't at home, and she surely would have been killed if she'd been at home, because she had no guns in the house. Oh, and it was a family member who had robbed her. :huh: As Kenan Thompson said on SNL, that don't make no sense. The person's final recommendation was that handling of firearms should be taught to all children in elementary school :yikes:


drinky typo pbp, closet hugger (she/her)
Staff member
No - but perhaps she's the friend of my actual friend?


Let the skating begin
The person's final recommendation was that handling of firearms should be taught to all children in elementary school :yikes:
Well, some states are moving to do exactly that. Wisconsin has proposed there be no age limits on issuing hunting licenses. Five year olds can be given a rifle or shotgun and turned loose in the woods. The GOP argument is that parents should be responsible for teaching gun safety and if they want to send out elementary aged kids with guns, it's perfectly fine to do so.


Well-Known Member
Apparently the guy got his dishonorable discharge from the USAF for assaulting his wife and kid. This seems to be a common theme for mass shooters. I know there are laws on the books in various places (or attempts to make such laws), but let's enforce them: if you beat your family members, you get your guns taken away.

I’m a Navy veteran, and while many servicemembers and veterans are some of the best people out there, I don’t think many people realize how common things like domestic violence and drug use are in the military. But the military is one of those jobs where the default is that a member is automatically wonderful without considering the person is actually like individually.


Well-Known Member
The shooter had a history of domestic violence and cruelty to animals:

Color me shocked :rolleyes: domestic violence is a common theme with all these men. Yet they all manage to get guns.

I am so sick of this. You can't pray, you can't go to school, you can't go to the movies without being shot. Yet it's called "freedom". :rolleyes: **** this. It needs to change.

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