The Dance Hall 5: Ice Dance Fans 2017-2018

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Well-Known Member
Cappellini & Lanotte face Hubbell & Donohue at NHK. Not at Skate Canada.
Yes, I actually know that. levineismine confused me with "C/L face V/M at Skate Canada", and I got it all mixed up.

So, sorry, levineismine. See above what Dobre wrote and my response. C/L are debuting their programs at the Minsk challenger this weekend, not competing at Skate Canada. It's W/P that are facing V/M and H/D at Skate Canada. C/L are facing V/M and H/D (not G/P) at NHK Trophy, and then Shibutanis (not V/M) and G/P at Skate America. So they have it easier at Skate America - if G/P won't improve by a lot until then (which is not impossible as G/P were good, but not at their best at COR - but they would also have to improve from where they were last season which doesn't seem that likely at the moment).
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I believed in Hubbell&Donohue before it was cool
That's what I meant (C/L facing only shibs at Skate Am) sorry for the mix up.
So of the 5 teams going for the remaining 3 spots, B/S (coR) and C/L (Canada) have an 'easier' silver in one GP, whereas the other 3 teams always have a strong competitor for silver in both GPs.


Active Member
I don't get that. Why is she doing commentary instead of being with her team in the K&C? She's their coach that's where she should be.

Because Lane has always been about Lane first and foremost.

Her commentary right from her debut on CBC has been promoting her "Special Team" ad nauseam and being silent at best to quite snarky/critical of those in close standing to her team. Where were her "Well it is Canada" when they were overmarked there?

BTW, the ridiculous marks that G/P received their first year together I think sealed it in Piper's mind that she is far better than she is.


Well-Known Member
As for G/P I don't think they are as good as they think they are and the teams they sandwiched in between are the teams they are close to. I also think their choice of FD really bizarre considering where most of the competitions are for them this season. I think it's pretty specific to a NA audience but even Kurt said during commentary it needs more acting and I choose to read into that that he was finding a polite way ( because Carol Lane was beside him) of saying the interpretation needs serious work because the whole thing is a big wtf. maybe if Carol Lane picked a lane (coach or commentator) her team might benefit from her being at competitions and hearing firsthand feedback.

Agree with the bolded. That being said, I really liked G/P's EX.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
OH I do.... But having said that Stepanova & my husband #3 Bukin really have improved!!!!

The innovative lifts/spins of G&P are breath-taking!!!!

I guess it's all relative as to how good you think they think they are ;) I think they think they are good enough to be Canada #1 and of course a positive belief in yourself is important. And then there is delusion. I´m going to throw it out there that they need a coaching change where they aren't coddled from a coaching team who aren't afraid to tell them a few home truths.


Well-Known Member
Oh, no, not in those particular areas.

But Gilles & Poirier's scores from Skate Canada didn't hold up anywhere outside of SC last year either.

Cappellini & Lanotte face Hubbell & Donohue at NHK. Not at Skate Canada.

But I think Gilles/Poirier gave their best performances at Skate Canada, they achieved their PB at Worlds in the SD too. I think by the time Worlds came around, they took out some difficult transitions so I can see why the marks weren't as high. As someone who was in the audience, G/P were the performance for the night for Ice Dance at SC.

I tweeted at Carol and Piper but I don't know if they saw it, but I think Piper and Paul should add more "quirk" in the FD by having both of them being detectives. I think it'd be more accessible that way, I love Piper but I'm not getting the "femme fatale vibe" from her. Also if they used a different version of Park Avenue Beat aka Perry Mason theme with more "lift" the FD could improve a lot.


Well-Known Member
G/P have had only two competitions this season but at least they have not made costly mistakes like last season, or maybe because of the same situation, they are skating more cautious this season.


Well-Known Member
I think G/P are not as good as they think but I still think that they are better than S/B.
On Rostelecom Cup, they didn't skate well (Rhumba pattern!) and lost point on the technical. But even though Stepanova has improved a lot, to the point that she's getting charisma (no more Barbie!), I still think that the fact that S/B were ahead in PCS is too much. (We can also talk GoE and how little ice S/B cover in their twizzles for example)

G/P shouldn't just rest on their laurrel (and I don't think they will) because the competition is coming, however even though the ranking was not that hard to understand I think the score was wrong.

To summarize, with perfect skate, I think G/P should be ahead of S/B. But we all know that neither team will get Level 4 everywhere this year. So : game on. Get up and work like hell, because you're not far away but still not there Piper.
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Well-Known Member
Indeed. I get to see W/P in France and would be rooting for them wholeheartedly if it wasn't between them and H/D, possibly, for GPF.
If B/S beat C/B in China, and WeaPo beat C/B in France, both H/D and WeaPo get to go... but then there is C/L who will be probably 2nd in SA and 2nd or 3rd in NHK... I'm giving up it's a mess.
V/M, P/C,Shibs,B/S, C/B,H/D, WeaPo,C/L are going to into a niiiiice fight. Advantage : Shibs. Winner in Russia, probably winning in America. 5 spots left. A MESS my friends.


Well-Known Member
If B/S beat C/B in China, and WeaPo beat C/B in France, both H/D and WeaPo get to go... but then there is C/L who will be probably 2nd in SA and 2nd or 3rd in NHK... I'm giving up it's a mess.
V/M, P/C,Shibs,B/S, C/B,H/D, WeaPo,C/L are going to into a niiiiice fight. Advantage : Shibs. Winner in Russia, probably winning in America. 5 spots left. A MESS my friends.
It's really more like B/S, C/B, H/D, W/P and C/L fighting for the last three spots. Yes ice is slippery, but even if V/M or P/C have one bad comp, a 1st and 2nd, or 1st and 3rd would get you in.


Well-Known Member
It's really more like B/S, C/B, H/D, W/P and C/L fighting for the last three spots. Yes ice is slippery, but even if V/M or P/C have one bad comp, a 1st and 2nd, or 1st and 3rd would get you in.
Yeah, I don't see that another way (no jinx ! :D)


Well-Known Member
It's really more like B/S, C/B, H/D, W/P and C/L fighting for the last three spots. Yes ice is slippery, but even if V/M or P/C have one bad comp, a 1st and 2nd, or 1st and 3rd would get you in.

That would be something if either V/M or P/C don't make GPF!


Well-Known Member
That would be something if either V/M or P/C don't make GPF!

The only way that will happen given the way they are scored and how others are scored is if they totally miss a step sequence or twizzle sequence and get a 0 and make another mistake. Even then they could still pull off a win depending on how well they scored in the SD. If it happens in the SD, then they could do their usual performance to pull up. The judges are pushing for scores close to 120 for both teams. It also needs to happen at both of their events since they will most likely win their other GP if they skate normally.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else really like Guignard/Fabbri's FD? It's not as interesting/quirky as the Kerr's version, but I enjoyed the overall coherence of this version. It has a sweeping, grand feel, and their speed helps the build to a nice climax and then denouement. (I just wish they'd stop using different variations of the crotch spin.)

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝
Anyone else really like Guignard/Fabbri's FD? It's not as interesting/quirky as the Kerr's version, but I enjoyed the overall coherence of this version. It has a sweeping, grand feel, and their speed helps the build to a nice climax and then denouement. (I just wish they'd stop using different variations of the crotch spin.)


Loved this side of them!!!!!!!! Loved everyone this weekend. Im becoming VERY into dance!!!


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed S/B's performance despite the awful vocals...Yes, it's cheesy, but they did very well with the music, and they had really good transitions.

*Oh, and Ivan is so cute when he smiles. :) *
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Well-Known Member
But I think Gilles/Poirier gave their best performances at Skate Canada, they achieved their PB at Worlds in the SD too.

Oh, I agree. They skated their best for the home crowd, and I think the same may be said of Stepanova & Bukin.

All that said, I never make judgments about how teams will place internationally based on homefield breakthroughs. It has to happen somewhere else also. (Though a breakthrough against your own countrymen at Nationals. That can be very powerful).

(Also, I think it's worth remembering that S&B defeated Hubbell & Donohue at Finlandia last season. And at Worlds in 2015. And had higher TES than Weaver & Poje and the Shibs during the SD at Cup of China last season. All events not held in Russia).
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Well-Known Member
From the Belarus Challenger thread in the Kiss & Cry:

Vlada SOLOVIEVA / Yuri VLASENKO have replaced Evdokimova/Bazin for RUS in dance.

So Vlasenko has a new partner. I thought maybe he would show up this season, as his name was off Ice Partner Search.


Well-Known Member
From the Belarus Challenger thread in the Kiss & Cry:

So Vlasenko has a new partner. I thought maybe he would show up this season, as his name was off Ice Partner Search.
They skated already at Russian Cup in Yochka Ola 2 weeks ago!!


Well-Known Member


Grumpy Cynical Ice Dance Lover
So yes the shibs do skate slow and small. Always have. Like Cappelini&Lanotte for example.
They skate clean and slow. And I don't know why they can't be more powerfull but they've been working on it, still it doesn't show yet.

As for Piper Gilles, se should realise that she doesn't have the best skating skills.
And this year's FD is a snore to say the least. It doesn't bring anyting new nor showcases their strengths.
Their SD is good, but the FD is so bad it won't help them build up their ranks.

S&Bukin have started the season not so good at Finlandia but rebounded very well at COR. IMO they should have been second in the FD . And that is despite their horrid music.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone seen any videos with Charlie's comments on youtube?
I was watching both SD and FD with Ilinykh's commentary, she was nice but didn't say much about technics, only mentioned that Maia and Alex have an unusual rhumba section and that there were some really interesting steps there


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I don't understand that comment by Ilinykh. The Shibs, per their bio and what I watched, says they are doing a mamba, cha cha and samba. I saw nothing in that SD that would resemble they were attempting a rhumba whatsoever and they do the rhumba pattern right away to the "mamba" section of their SD. Since the steps in the rhumba pattern are pre-determined for many years what could she possible be referring to when she says it's an unusal rhumba with some interesting steps? She isn't the first person I see say something like this.
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