UPDATED/CONFIRMED: Evgenia Medvedeva leaving Tutberidze for Orser


Well-Known Member
Are you sure Eteri does not know anything about Med changing coach? Remember some big names in Russian fed already stated: "Everyone knew for a long time that Med would leave."
The denial is strong with you.

When she started to call Zhenya? In middle of April? Right? The Rus Fed talked about it before? I know about one case when Zhenya denied it firmly those rumours..Are there more? And I know Eteri is an evil but maybe she trusted in her pupil..

I'm saying again I have no problem with that Zhenya leaves her coach..The way how she did that is not fair.


Well-Known Member
Calm down. I believe Eteri deserves a "good bye" from her famous student. That is great Zhenya went to holiday calmly and she left Eteri with this whole stuff . She didn't reply to Eteri for a half month.. Do you think this is great? Why do you think Etery was lying? We don't know..And it seems Zhenya follows on Internet what is happening and he has mood to laugh at Eteri's anger. Don't get me wrong I likes Evgenia but maybe in this matter she is not flawless. Can you imagine you are Eteri? What does she feel? She worked with Zhenya for 11 year....She helped her in everything..She was her "pet" etc..
All those things were stuff that happened in private and Eteri brought it out into the public. I think she's got a right to be upset that Eteri keeps on training her competition. For all we know Med would have privately left and if she wanted time to cool off in private that's for her. Eteri could have been professional and handled things privately.


Well-Known Member
When she started to call Zhenya? In middle of April? Right? The Rus Fed talked about it before? I know about one case when Zhenya denied it firmly those rumours..Are there more? And I know Eteri is an evil but maybe she trusted in her pupil..

I'm saying again I have no problem with that Zhenya leaves her coach..The way how she did that is not fair.
1st) You saw a blurred screenshot of viber or whatever message chat. Not the Call list or the other messages screen. People use many other methods to contact, mind you.
2nd) Med denied the rumor of changing coach in March. By then she might not know if the fed would approve her or if Orser would accept her.
3rd) From middle or late April they started deleting her links on VK, they already knew by then. But they acted dumb.


Well-Known Member
Eteri has no soul. Period.
And Zhenya has
Here’s the point: the head of Sambo-70 knew about the change (he was the first one, who officially admitted it in press), that the club is trying to make piece between Evgenia and Eteri and etc.. and two days after that Eteri says that she found out about the change only from the news on tv ...
Also, first gossips appeared after all Evgenia’s pics and interviews were deleted from the official Tutberidze group on vk.com a week or so ago.
There’s no way, Eteri didn’t know about the coaching change.

Maybe she talked about middle of April? BTW , I don't care of it anymore.. Good luck Evgenia!


Well-Known Member
OMG really?
So happy to see everyone running from 'win at all costs' Eteri. If you can't teach children technique that will last post puberty, then you can't teach very well. If you drive a student to a life threating disorder, then you need to be invesitgated. If you are pushing a child to physical extremities (quads) as their bones are still growing, you do not care for the long term health of that child. And you should not be a coach.

Excited that these young ladies are seeing sense.


Well-Known Member
SOme people over here cannot bother to read what was already posted here - don’t try to sell the tripe that Eteri didn’t know Zhenya was leaving. She bloody did - starting with April 24, her public group in vk started deleting stuff about Medvedeva there and started banning people who asked questions. Her own skaters would evade questions about Zhenya. The usual insiders from Khrustalny just disappeared. That’s where the suspicion arose and rumours started mushrooming.
And you tell me Eteri didn’t know. Yeah right. Of course.
Eteri behaved in a classic Eteri manner, throwing dirt at her former students. The list of Lipnitskaya, Pitkeev, Voronov and formerly Shelepen got another addition - Medvedeva.

I am no Zhenya fan, but I am thrilled to see a Russian skater at TCC. For the sake of a scientific experiment - can things change for our skaters if they try some other methods of training. Good luck, Zhenya.


Well-Known Member
It's excellent that Medvedev is being proactive and taking her career into her own hands like this. She has taken the front foot and moved on her own terms before she inevitably got pushed out.

The fact that she is willing to train abroad and no doubt shoulder more expense herself than she would need to if she stayed in Russia (either through sponsors or her own pocket) shows that she means business. Interested to see what happens from here. But whatever happens, I'm glad she took control like this.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
I wonder if Evgenia won't gain weight, the people will say Orser doesn't let Zhenya to eat? :lol: Oh, I don't believe it...Only Eteri can do that..Under Orser that will be genetic, Evgenia is very lucky with her body type..:D
I hope she gains muscle mass, better jump tech, and better SS.

Wait, I thought you said you didn’t care?


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Yes. It is not about how she left Eteri. This is just a fast thought..probably I made a prophecy ..:shuffle:;)
Given that none of Brian’s students have said they have eating disorder encouraged by him, your prophecy may be correct ;)


Well-Known Member
Polina Tsurskaya also confirmed that she left Tutberidze group

So I think that leaves Zagitova as the only Senior left in the group? And who knows how motivated she will be given she has already achieved the pinnacle of success in the sport. I hope there's not too much pressure placed on her shoulders, and that she only continues on with this strict regimen if that is what she wants.

LOL, I wonder if Med struck a blow for freedom with her Kukushka program?


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
Why does she always come across as a little condescending or mannered? Something about her interview tone... of course she has the right to not answer stupid journalist questions... but something about her tone has always struck me as a " little bit off"
Tone police. To me she was calm and in control, handled it well, like an adult


Let the skating begin
So I think that leaves Zagitova as the only Senior left in the group? And who knows how motivated she will be given she has already achieved the pinnacle of success in the sport. I hope there's not too much pressure placed on her shoulders, and that she only continues on with this strict regimen if that is what she wants.
There are several juniors who will move to senior next year. I think the group will do just fine. :lol:

It doesn't matter who one's coach is. One still has to be top three at Russian nationals to make the European/World or Olympic team. I've yet to see a coaching change make that happen if the skater doesn't have the more difficult jumps. It's just how it is.


discriminating and persnickety ballet aficionado
So I think that leaves Zagitova as the only Senior left in the group? And who knows how motivated she will be given she has already achieved the pinnacle of success in the sport. I hope there's not too much pressure placed on her shoulders, and that she only continues on with this strict regimen if that is what she wants.

LOL, I wonder if Med struck a blow for freedom with her Kukushka program?
Vaitsekhovskaya had already expressed doubt about Alina’s continued motivation


Well-Known Member
Tone police. To me she was calm and in control, handled it well, like an adult

LOL I'm not the tone police. There is nothing wrong with anything she said specifially. I'm just saying this based on other interviews I've seen her do... vs interviews Alina gives for example

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