This Is Us


Well-Known Member
Yes, he was leader of the pack. And thank you for stressing it was your older sister's record. That doesn't make me feel old or anything. ;)
Sorry - I just looked - it was #1 in 1964. (vroom vroom :) ) I though it was older than that. I still know all the words. My friend's sister was 8 years older than me (than I? sounds too stuffy). She also had a sister 3 years older than me. And another friend had three older sisters so we all had practically every 45 made in the 60's. Took them to each other's houses and stuff. I fell in love with The Beatles when I was in preschool.


Well-Known Member
Kevin!!!! He is a good kid.

The Thanksgiving dinner next week will be INTENSE.

And Marc? What a douche. Practical Magic rocks.


Banned Member
Practical Magic the book rocks. Practical Magic the movie is not as good. I could see any 23 year old guy not being into it either. Also, isn't it at least 1999 by now? The movie came out in 1998.


Well-Known Member
The movie came out October 1998. Back in the day, my friends and I would watch movies at the cheap theatres, where admission was something like 3 bucks. A movie like Practical Magic would probably be in those theatres early January. Nowadays, movies are out of theatres and into the home video / DVD market a lot faster.


Well-Known Member
I have never seen Practical Magic. So I don't get the comments they made in the show about the movie. :shuffle:

Who takes their damn near 20 year old son with them to a job interview!!! Drive you there and wait in the car … sure. Hang around outside the building waiting on a bench … no problem. But to go in and sit in the man's office when your mother is having a job interview? And then walk in and tell the manager 'hey hire my mom! my dad died and she's sad so hire my mom! she totally is not qualified and not trained to do the job versus all these other people sitting out here waiting to interview but hire my mom! I'll teach her your internal systems in one day so hire my mom!'. Sorry but I would reject you right then and there. Hell I would reject you the minute you walked in my office with your damn 20 year old son.

And now Adult Kate is getting on my last nerve. Who the feck cares that Jack ate a teeny tiny bite of mushed up guac when Toby was not there! Oh my god the horror! Toby will be devastated and his life will be ruined because that wasn't really Jack's FIRST bite of real food!! :drama: Toby is sitting there all excited and happy and Kate is sitting there like Toby's life is over because that wasn't Jack's "first bite of real food". Good lord. Millions of parents miss the "exact very first of" something with a baby simply because …. life! Just let him think it is for cripes sakes, don't sit there like you are at a funeral just because that wasn't Jack's first bite of food. :rolleyes:

Rant over. Continue thread. :p


Well-Known Member
So now we know where Rebecca is in the future, where they showed them visiting before - in Alzheimer's care. Although, geez, is she the first person to ever misplace her phone in someone else's office? We're all in trouble.


Well-Known Member
That was actually Kevin's house when they went to see Old Rebecca in the finale last season, so she is living with Kevin. But yeah, I see them laying the groundwork for a dementia storyline.


Banned Member
The movie came out October 1998. Back in the day, my friends and I would watch movies at the cheap theatres, where admission was something like 3 bucks. A movie like Practical Magic would probably be in those theatres early January. Nowadays, movies are out of theatres and into the home video / DVD market a lot faster.

Yes, but I was thinking that timeline had to be at least Fall 1999 or later. I assumed if the triplets were born in Sept 1980, that they would have graduated high school in 1999. Sorry, sometimes little details like that bug me!


Well-Known Member
I was born in 1976 and graduated high school in 1994. I attended college in Fall of 1994. I was born in February, though. Do people born in the second half of the year go to school late? I thought that was more a thing during Annie and Tess' generation, not the Big 3.


Well-Known Member
Yes, but I was thinking that timeline had to be at least Fall 1999 or later. I assumed if the triplets were born in Sept 1980, that they would have graduated high school in 1999. Sorry, sometimes little details like that bug me!

You are right about the timeline. The kids were seniors when Jack died in January/February 1998, but they were 17 when he died since their birthday isn't until the Fall. It was mentioned by someone (either Rebecca or Randall) about can't believing its been over a year now since Jack died, so that makes it likely Late Spring or early Fall 1999 since Randall was "home from college to do his laundry".


Banned Member
I was born in 1976 and graduated high school in 1994. I attended college in Fall of 1994. I was born in February, though. Do people born in the second half of the year go to school late? I thought that was more a thing during Annie and Tess' generation, not the Big 3.

I was born in April 1981, and graduated in 1999. Anyone born in Sept 1980 also would have been in my class. That's normal to me.


Well-Known Member
I was born in 1976 and graduated high school in 1994. I attended college in Fall of 1994. I was born in February, though. Do people born in the second half of the year go to school late? I thought that was more a thing during Annie and Tess' generation, not the Big 3.
Apropos of nothing - back in the way back (like I'm old enough to be the current Big 3's mother), you had to be 6 before November 1 to go into first grade. My birthday is October 28 so I was always the youngest person in my class. I did not turn 18 till the October after graduation. My friend Denise's (in my class) birthday was October 12, but she was a year older - starting first grade at age 6 and turning 7 two weeks before I turned 6. My cousin Lynn is only a year and two weeks younger than me, but her birthday is in November, so she was two grades behind me in school.

So, does that help? ha ha


Well-Known Member
Apropos of nothing - back in the way back (like I'm old enough to be the current Big 3's mother), you had to be 6 before November 1 to go into first grade. My birthday is October 28 so I was always the youngest person in my class. I did not turn 18 till the October after graduation. My friend Denise's (in my class) birthday was October 12, but she was a year older - starting first grade at age 6 and turning 7 two weeks before I turned 6. My cousin Lynn is only a year and two weeks younger than me, but her birthday is in November, so she was two grades behind me in school.

So, does that help? ha ha
Yeah I actually started school(kindergarten) when I was 4( technically 4.9)because my 5th birthday was before the end of the calendar year. But if my birthday was in February I’d of had to wait until the following fall when I was 5.5.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I actually started school(kindergarten) when I was 4( technically 4.9)because my 5th birthday was before the end of the calendar year. But if my birthday was in February I’d of had to wait until the following fall when I was 5.5.
I went to the neighborhood half day preschool for two years (ages 3-4 and 4-5) instead of kindergarten and started first grade when I was 5 (for 2 months). We did all the stuff they did in kindergarten and it was in a dedicated room (with a bathroom) in our neighbor's house. After we were a little older (just me and a couple of my neighborhood friends - not the students), we used to go to her house to play or to have "tea". She even took us on outings in the summer. I remember going to see the movie Dr. Doolittle (the original with Rex Harrison - I'm old). She must have really liked kids, huh? And a few years ago, they named the new elementary school after her.

Denise, that I mentioned earlier, went to Mrs. Lang's my first year and then on to kindergarten my second year. We didn't go to the same first grade because we had to go to different elementary schools, but we both started at the Catholic school in second grade and then all the way through high school together.

Sorry - memory lane.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I have never seen Practical Magic. So I don't get the comments they made in the show about the movie. :shuffle:

Who takes their damn near 20 year old son with them to a job interview!!! Drive you there and wait in the car … sure. Hang around outside the building waiting on a bench … no problem. But to go in and sit in the man's office when your mother is having a job interview? And then walk in and tell the manager 'hey hire my mom! my dad died and she's sad so hire my mom! she totally is not qualified and not trained to do the job versus all these other people sitting out here waiting to interview but hire my mom! I'll teach her your internal systems in one day so hire my mom!'. Sorry but I would reject you right then and there. Hell I would reject you the minute you walked in my office with your damn 20 year old son.

And now Adult Kate is getting on my last nerve. Who the feck cares that Jack ate a teeny tiny bite of mushed up guac when Toby was not there! Oh my god the horror! Toby will be devastated and his life will be ruined because that wasn't really Jack's FIRST bite of real food!! :drama: Toby is sitting there all excited and happy and Kate is sitting there like Toby's life is over because that wasn't Jack's "first bite of real food". Good lord. Millions of parents miss the "exact very first of" something with a baby simply because …. life! Just let him think it is for cripes sakes, don't sit there like you are at a funeral just because that wasn't Jack's first bite of food. :rolleyes:

Rant over. Continue thread. :p

I just watched this episode last night so I'm late to comment. I have interviewed people for a job before & in all cases I had no idea who was out in the waiting room. If having Randall nearby helped Rebecca's confidence after a very shitty year then why not? While watching I didn't think anything about it. And I love that Nicky is cleaning up his act & reaching out to his family.

I agree I wouldn't tell Toby & I'm not sure I would even care but with a blind child I think the milestones would seem to be very important, maybe more important than they would be normally. By the way, I'm loving the storyline with Kate & her neighbor.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but it wasn't like it was a big corporate office building with a big lobby and you go interview up on the 8th floor type of place and have no clue who is down in the lobby. It was a walk in the door, there is a secretary desk and a manager's office. It was like the size of my living room. And Randall walked right past the secretary and into the man's office (extremely rude and entitled!) and started his 'hey hire my totally unqualified mom for this job' bit. That whole scene just gave off an air of arrogance and entitlement that rubbed me the wrong way. But then again ... oh yeah, TV. :rofl: Still would never hire her if I was the manager guy.


Banned Member
Since they needed the new hire to know the software, wouldn't they screen for that when reviewing applications and resumes? How did Rebecca even get the interview? Oh, TV.


Well-Known Member
Since they needed the new hire to know the software, wouldn't they screen for that when reviewing applications and resumes? How did Rebecca even get the interview? Oh, TV.
Now that you brought it up - I was thinking, what past year was this - that the company had dedicated software? It looks like someone figured it was 1999-2000, by their ages? The only people who would know a company's internal software would be people who already worked there, or at a similar company - like two medical offices. Did she even know Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Access, Outlook, Windows 98......?

And how would Randall know it and teach it to her if it was the company's software? It's not like it would have been out on the internet somewhere. When I got a job at a mortgage company in 2002, I learned how to use one mortgage software program on the job, and everyone went to a class to learn the other one.
(Funny - I was a temp mortgage analyst and had to leave my desk to go to HR to take the required Excel test to be hired permanently to do what I had been doing for six months. I guess I passed, huh?)

Yeah t.v.


Well-Known Member
I love this show and all the characters. Btw I think they showed the dog in future episodes but I could be wrong.

Apparently the thanksgiving episode is it and then goes on a long break. Grrrr. I don’t like that they are doing a story on Rebecca with Alzheimer’s though.


Well-Known Member
That's a big nope on the dog. The last time we saw Louie was the funeral episode and Kate said "I don't even want that dog". As of the story to date, we have never seen poor Louie again and there was more than enough opportunity to have seen him living with them in the apartment or their new house since all Kate has been doing is sitting around doing nothing and making people feel sorry for her. Louie would have been right there by her side if he was there. Kate tossed her dog like he was nothing. :mad:

Found an old article from 2018 that says it all for me regarding Kate.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Actually, the talk about the original dog reminded me, what ever happened to the dog that Kate and Toby had?


Well-Known Member
Oh fer feck sakes. She was a teenager who just lost her fricking father in a fire while he was saving said dog.

Grief is not rational and brings out the worst in people.

I am no Kate lover, but I think teen Kate deserves a break on this dog story line.

We have no idea where the dog ended up.

Maybe he is happy with another family.

I really don’t think a teenaged girl whose father was her champion and just died, deserves such derision.


Searching for Sanity
My brain was broken tonight by this year's Thanksgiving episode. There was SO much to unpack that I need a night to think about all of it! :eek: :fragile: :yikes: :wuzrobbed

BTW-I am absolutely LOVING Nicky and his storyline. I really had a hard time with him early on but seeing the transformation from gruff loner drunk to emotionally available man has been extraordinary. Loved the shrimp tradition! :cheer:


Well-Known Member
There was that whole story about how Kate didn’t want to get a dog because of what happened in the past.


Banned Member
I wonder what's going to happen with the message Kate saw from "Lady Kryptonite" on Toby's phone. Is that why he couldn't get it up for Kate?


Author of the Ice and Edge Series
I noticed Kate signed her name as Kate Pearson on the police form in the flash forward to next August, so are they already divorced then? It definitely seems like they are divorced in the 10 year flash forward we saw last season.


Banned Member
I was wondering that too, but I'm not sure if she changed her last name when they got married.

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