The Dance Hall 5: Ice Dance Fans 2017-2018

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double runner

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I was wondering if more people in the community would notice Carol Lane's commentary and comment on it.

I'm Canadian and I cannot stand the garbage that Carol Lane spews during her "commentary." I don't mind her explaining the objective, technical aspects of ID; for example, I think she does a great job of going over the dance pattern and explaining the nuances of each step and what tech callers look for. Anything else and I have a problem with her. She is as biased as it gets and heaven help you if you're skating against G/P.

Thankfully, she's usually in the K&C with her skaters during the Nationals because if she was in the booth, I wouldn't put it past her to tell the audience how G/P should have been placed above V/M. I kid you not, I expect that kind of delusion from that woman.


Well-Known Member
I don't agree with Averbukh, but he retired 15 years ago, isn't a coach or a commentator on TV.
He is more like a guest expert who was asked about CoR's results
Agree with you. This, I find interesting: "Ekaterina and Dmitri were supposed to beat the Americans in Moscow." Certainly something may be lost in translation, but this sentence screams pre-determination of results. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Agree with you. This, I find interesting: "Ekaterina and Dmitri were supposed to beat the Americans in Moscow." Certainly something may be lost in translation, but this sentence screams pre-determination of results. Just my opinion.

And yet a few sentences later, he says it's the Shibs who are the beneficiaries of politik.

Pretty LOL interview all around from Averbukh. He also said that, of the top men, only Fernandez was missing in Moscow--apparently forgetting about the existence of Shoma Uno and Boyang Jin .... :biggrinbo


Well-Known Member
And yet a few sentences later, he says it's the Shibs who are the beneficiaries of politik.

Pretty LOL interview all around from Averbukh. He also said that, of the top men, only Fernandez was missing in Moscow--apparently forgetting about the existence of Shoma Uno and Boyang Jin .... :biggrinbo
I know, lol. Totally incoherent.


Well-Known Member
Averbukh is a joke, no one can take him seriously, if the Shibs asked for choreography, his tone would be totally different.

About Carol Lane, I don´t know, I know their situation must be frustrating but that Piper gave a like precisely to TSL, to who I can´t stand is too much for me :fragile:.


Well-Known Member
About Carol Lane, I don´t know,

Carol needs to find a different way to express her opinions. I don't like the way she re-iterated over and over "But it's Russia". This ultimately is not really helpful to her team. And now the focus will be on Canada this weekend, and people will say the same things about judging on Canadian soil. And round and round it goes. National bias and inflation of marks doesn't help anyone in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
But Roger Daltrey is not a random singer. He is the lead singer of the legendary band 'The Who' (you may not have heard of it, though, if you are not much into classical rock, since they are neither The Beatles, The Rolling Stones or Queen). .

oh thanks, I know they exist, but I don´t know their music. I still don´t like his voice for this theme. Sorry if I offended to his fans, I am sure he has great songs.


Well-Known Member
I hope Piper/Paul and Lane don’t lose perspective after their 4th place showing and scores here. They can improve and I hope they just don’t attribute their scores to being in Russia because that’s way too Dubova and Bourne/Kraatz at 1999 COR for me.

As for Averbukh. It’s understandable he feels that way. We all know where his artistic sensibilities lay and it’s closer to Bob/Sol’s miming than anything else. The fact that he thinks Bob/Sol were supposed to win here and it didn’t happen must sting for him personally and probably gives him memories of 2002 SLC. Anyway, it’d be funny if the Shibs went to Marina Anissina for some consultation, but that’s doubtful for a good number of reasons.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
People already say that about Canada ;) It seems Russians and Canadians are the worse in the eyes of internet fans but it happens at all events. eta....and a good portion of that could be skaters rising to the expectations of the home crowd.

I didn't like her last year, I find her voice unpleasant to listen to, but this just pisses me off. Her and Piper need to zip it and figure out what they can actually do to become a better/stronger team. The Shibs won in Russia because they skated better than everyone else. When she does that and still places behind them then they can whine.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I hope Piper/Paul and Lane don’t lose perspective after their 4th place showing and scores here. They can improve and I hope they just don’t attribute their scores to being in Russia because that’s way too Dubova and Bourne/Kraatz at 1999 COR for me.

As for Averbukh. It’s understandable he feels that way. We all know where his artistic sensibilities lay and it’s closer to Bob/Sol’s miming than anything else. The fact that he thinks Bob/Sol were supposed to win here and it didn’t happen must sting for him personally and probably gives him memories of 2002 SLC. Anyway, it’d be funny if the Shibs went to Marina Anissina for some consultation, but that’s doubtful for a good number of reasons.

I suspect the tantrum they are showing now is because they know there is no way they will make the GPF and that their dreams for any movement this season have been crushed. Short tempered because there is Worlds in Milan following the Olympics and sulking your way through the season won't help when that time comes.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone would notice after Rostelecom. In the forums, I see that everyone is trying hard not to attack the skaters because it's not them who gives the scores it's the judges. But if the Coach of a top-10 Ice Dance team is doing so... I mean B/S must have been angry. They are very respected and one of the nicest teams out there.
And people can take attacks on their country really badly. Imagine if a commentator said : "But it's America", "But it's Canada". It would have been worse. And let's face it, everyone is doing his business with the scores. I cannot imagine if she were a judge. :rolleyes:
Hoping for clear judging this weekend, especially in Ice Dance.


Well-Known Member
Literally SMH listening to Carol Lane's commentary. Why is she even commentating? Good to see Dmitry standing up. She wasn't complaining when G/P was overscored at SC last year, was she not? All I can say to CBC is fire her... And don't even get me started on Piper. Who does she think she is? My views on G/P have went to zero over the weekend. Can't stand the attitude.


Cowardly admin
Staff member
The dance comps will be especially interesting in Japan and China because neither has a top team in contention. So no "it's Japan" or "it's China" in dance, anyway.

I always think G/P are entertaining and fun to watch, but I can see the technical gap between a Piper and Gaby or Tessa or Maya or.....fill in the blank. She's come a long way but she's not a top dancer.


Well-Known Member
Quite interesting statistics:
Free Dances protocols and scores

Carol Lane may say that "It's Russia" but all jurdges gave S/B higher components and GOE (even Canadian jurdge scored them more or less equally)

Canada gave to G/P the lowest in SS 8.25 while Russia gave them the the highest 8.75, always that I watch those protocols I am sure that judges are only like we all but with power, lol.

AngieNikodinovLove (ANL)

The Harem is now taking applications 😝

Hmmmmm if Cr*p like this statement is true.....

Ekaterina and Dmitri were supposed to beat the Americans in Moscow.

then I feel like we are back to 6.0 system. Russians beat Americans when they are here. Americans beat Canadians when they are here. Canadians beat Italians when its here... If true there is no point of having GP or any championships really......

Sometimes its just hard to comprehend the levels of corruption people/skaters/judges subscribe to.


No lamb chop, so don’t you fork my peas
I was wondering if more people in the community would notice Carol Lane's commentary and comment on it.
A compilation of Lane's commentary, for those who missed it.

And yet a few sentences later, he says it's the Shibs who are the beneficiaries of politik.

Pretty LOL interview all around from Averbukh. He also said that, of the top men, only Fernandez was missing in Moscow--apparently forgetting about the existence of Shoma Uno and Boyang Jin .... :biggrinbo
Or that Stolbova/Klimov and Tarasova/Morozov are the main contenders for OGM. Forget Savchenko/Massot and Sui/Han. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm if Cr*p like this statement is true.....

Ekaterina and Dmitri were supposed to beat the Americans in Moscow.

then I feel like we are back to 6.0 system. Russians beat Americans when they are here. Americans beat Canadians when they are here. Canadians beat Italians when its here... If true there is no point of having GP or any championships really......

Sometimes its just hard to comprehend the levels of corruption people/skaters/judges subscribe to.

It could just mean that he thinks that B/S are a better team than the Shibs in general. It's not like they were so far apart by the end of last year's Worlds to make this a totally unbelievable statement. I'd rather think that than there was a total fraud set up...which ended up not working anyway, if that really was the case.


Well-Known Member
With the way Carol Lane usually comments the competitions, it was bound to backfire on her one of these days! I mean she can't be both a coach of a top 10 team and a commentator, especially if she can't remain "diplomatic" on tv. Anyway... :watch:.
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Well-Known Member
Home field/ice advantage is common throughout sports. For example, in baseball, umpires give more favorable rulings to the home team. (see So, in that sense, Lane has a point. However...

A) this happens not just in Russia but in all countries (including Canada)
B) Gilles/Poirier have benefited from it when they are in Canada
C) In skating, it generally raises the score of the home skaters, like with Kolyada. So G/P's low scores are unlikely to be a reflection of this.
D) As a commentator, she should be more professional and objective than this


Hey, Kool-Aid!
The thing is G/P got basically the same score in Russia as they did in Montreal. They didn't look happy in the K/C there either.


Well-Known Member
Who here thinks that Stepanova/Bukin deserved to place ahead of Gilles/Poirier? I have to admit that I reversed the opinion I had after the SD with the FD. Step/Buk were on fire in the FD and had a real flow and speed and ease of getting across the ice that Gilles/Poirier do not have. Subjectively speaking, I know people praise Piper and Paul for being so concept heavy and wanting to be different but sometimes it comes off as trying too hard, especially when their performances become too self-aware of their quirk and I also think they some times sacrifice emotional depth or aren’t really capable of it. I loved their Hitchcock and enjoyed their disco SD (when they debuted it), enjoyed their Beatles revamped SD at 2016 Worlds, and liked the idea of their 2015-2016 FD, but I don’t find myself really feeling anything from their programs or their skating. As cheesy as Step/Buk’s FD is I can honestly say I felt something from it. Honestly, addressing Piper and Paul’s skating would be a lot more constructive than just saying “well, it’s Russia.” I know all coaches and skaters have felt something similar before even in domestic competitons where there may be domestic politics going on, but those teams that rise take it and keep working at it with persistence.
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