Royalty Thread #10 -Archie Phase 2 - Bold and Bald Still

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Given that she was in involved in setting up the TV interview, I doubt she is.

I can't imagine any of the RF thinking that Andrew would come off as badly as he did. IMO, when asking to do the interview, Andrew probably claimed he could convince the world of his innocence and good faith ... it is not uncommon for family members to believe the best ....


Banned Member
The royal reporters are now trying to pin this "can Andrew" thing on Charles and William, and make it seem like a family drama.

Royal reporters have nothing better to do than to make things up and create their own gnarly OTT drama, usually with little connection to reality.

This decision was always on the horizon, and the step-down became a fait accompli once Andrew's ill-advised, p.r. disaster interview with the BBC hit the airwaves. I doubt William had very much at all to do with any of the decision-making. As second in line to the throne, William and his senior staff would simply have been kept in the loop. Initial reports indicated that Prince Charles was contacted on tour and included via technology in a meeting held at BP with the Queen and royal advisers. Prince Andrew was then informed of the decision, and the 'stepping back' from royal duties announcement was written for him.

In any case, all kinds of rumors are making the rounds, including attempts to finger Beatrice as having convinced her Dad to do the interview, although his (female) private secretary has been cited more often. It figures re these attempts to try and blame the women in Andrew's life for his own serious shortcomings and horrible choices. Whether or not Beatrice was involved in any way regarding the interview, it was Andrew who made the bonehead final decision and conducted himself so reprehensibly and in such a clueless manner. His daughters should especially be left out of all these rumors and gossip. Beatrice's wedding plans have already been impacted.

Interestingly, another angle being reported is that ever since the Queen's long time private secretary Sir Christopher Geidt was ousted from his position by Andrew's and Charles' people in a power play a couple of years ago, things have not been going so smoothly between the various royal households in terms of relationships and effective communication, particularly during what has been tense times for the entire family. The drama surrounding Geidt's removal has a lot to do with the fact that the Queen will not live forever. A transition is taking place behind-the-scenes, with a lot of staffers/ courtiers concerned about their jobs once the Queen dies. The larger economic and societal turmoil going on in Great Britain only adds to the overall palace tensions and anxieties.


I see the sea
Will Andrew walk her down the aisle? I certainly hope not!
He's her father. Unless he did her wrong personally, she's going to want him to walk her down the aisle.
Maybe Princess Beatrice doesn't want anyone walking her down the aisle. Not every woman does.

I bet she'd love a small private wedding in Italy with very few pictures released. I would, if I were in her position.


Banned Member
The one positive thing that's always been cited about Andrew and Sarah is that they are good parents to their daughters. Both parents have also remained close to each other and on the same page in raising their daughters. The Yorks have been a close family unit, despite how not very bright Andrew and Sarah have been in leading their own lives.


Well-Known Member
My heart goes out to Princess Beatrice. Andrew's daughters do not appear to have had an easy role to play within the family and yet they have found a place for themselves and Princess Eugenie, especially, has seemed to be a close friend of William and Harry. She looked stunning at her wedding with her father on her arm and was the belle of the ball for the day. I suspect no matter what, Beatrice will be an afterthought as all eyes and cameras will be on her Dad. If he kicks himself for anything - let this be one of them.


Banned Member
... all eyes and cameras will be on her Dad. If he kicks himself for anything - let this be one of them.

Yes, the cameras and the eyes would be on Andrew, whereas they weren't during Eugenie's wedding. The cameras and the eyes won't have the opportunity this time though since sadly for royal watchers and royal wedding aficionados, Beatrice's wedding will not be public. I bet that a private ceremony for a small number of family and friends will be held at one of the private chapels inside one of the palaces. And then likely they are planning a big blow-out second ceremony and celebration in Italy or some other far-flung locale. Royal fans will be lucky to see only one official photo, but hopefully there will be more than one photo released.

Behind-the-scenes, it was Andrew who pushed for Eugenie's wedding to be televised, otherwise it's somewhat unlikely that it would have been (2018 'royal wedding fever' had a global component, which added to the interest in Eugenie's wedding being televised). Andrew was overly competitive regarding Harry's wedding earlier that same year, to the point of making silly comments re comparing the number of guests Eugenie would have vs H&M's gathering, because his daughter had more friends, or words to that effect. It was embarrassing, particularly since I doubt Eugenie in any way felt competitive with her cousin and his bride, nor vice versa. Eugenie & Jack double-dated in Toronto with H&M during the latter's courtship.

The whole situation with the Andrew/Epstein scandal is sad on so many levels (not simply for the royals but for Epstein's victims; and for what the mess actually says about the proclivities, machinations and hidden lifestyles of some men --and women too, e.g. Ghislaine Maxwell-- who wield power, which is nothing new, but is just being more widely exposed these days).

That Andrew's poor choices and eye-opening way of handling his transgressions has impacted his daughters, in particular setting a pall over his oldest daughter's wedding plans, is another burden he deserves to bear and to hang his head about. But the way Andrew has been conducting himself, I doubt that he's humble enough or consciously self-aware enough to actually feel remorseful or responsible.

In any case, the p.r. spin and scuttlebutt is that Beatrice always planned for her wedding to be low-key and private. That could have something to do with the fact that Edo was previously engaged to a girlfriend with whom he has a son out-of-wedlock, and that had been widely gossiped about in the tabloids at the beginning of his courtship with Beatrice. So Bea & Edo have a number of reasons why they want to keep their nuptials, their families, and their relationship private and out of the headlines.
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Well-Known Member
Well, low key or not, official photographs or not, I am sure the press will be out in huge numbers hoping to steal that once in a lifetime photo and probably not of the blushing bride. There are always so many victims in these stories and not to take anything away from the young women whose lives were affected/destroyed, but men behaving badly often seem to have a long suffering wife or children by their side. How horrible to have this all coincide with her wedding day.


Well-Known Member
The family drama and aftermath of Andrews actions reminded me of the movie The Lion in Winter.

Conversation between Eleanor of Aquitaine and King Henry II
as she arrives to spend Christmas with the family. I imagine QE
may be feeling the same as Eleanor's last statement.

Eleanor: How dear of you to let me out of jail!

Henry: It's only for the holidays.

Eleanor: Henry.

Henry: Hmmm?

Eleanor: I have a confession to make.

Henry: Yes?

Eleanor: I don't much like our children.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I feel like Andrew if he wants to be "honorable" should talk to the FBI. I doubt they will bring him up on charges, but it would go a long way towards rehabilitating his image if he took responsibility for his actions and acknowledged the pain he and his pedo pal did and told the FBI all he knows.


Doing all the things
I walked alone. My dad totally failed me and did not deserve the honor.
That's why I had my mom walk me down the aisle. My dad wasn't even there.

But Princess Beatrice has said or done absolutely nothing to make me think she feels the same way about her dad. Just because we are disgusted by him doesn't mean she doesn't love him and doesn't want him there.


scratching at the light
That's why I had my mom walk me down the aisle. My dad wasn't even there.

But Princess Beatrice has said or done absolutely nothing to make me think she feels the same way about her dad. Just because we are disgusted by him doesn't mean she doesn't love him and doesn't want him there.
I didn't want my mom either. Walking alone was my way of reminding both my parents that since they dumped me, they were getting dumped in return.


I see the sea
There have been royal brides who walked down the aisle on their own (Meghan Markle) or with their spouses (Mette-Marit), though I think in those cases the relationship with their fathers were strained. Queen Maxima's parents didn't attend her wedding at all, due to her father's past. For royal-adjacent brides, I don't recall seeing Beatrice Borromeo's father in any of the wedding pictures, though her family was there and hosted one of the celebrations on their private island.

None of us know what kind of wedding Beatrice and Edoardo have in mind, or whether she wants anyone walking her down the aisle, regardless of how she feels about her father. Maybe they want to walk down the aisle together. Maybe they're not into walking down an aisle at all. It's not a required part of the wedding ceremony, in the UK or in Italy.


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
I don't know why the newshounds & the cameras would be on Andrew at Beatrice's wedding. What do they expect him to do? Rape a bridesmaid? Drop his pants? There is no way he would do anything at her wedding other than walk her down the aisle & then sit by Sarah. I don't see anything newsworthy in that.


Like a small boat on the ocean...
I don't know why the newshounds & the cameras would be on Andrew at Beatrice's wedding. What do they expect him to do? Rape a bridesmaid? Drop his pants? There is no way he would do anything at her wedding other than walk her down the aisle & then sit by Sarah. I don't see anything newsworthy in that.
Because he is a huge story. They will chronicle the fact that he is there, who talks to him, who doesn't. Why the do or don't. If Beatrice looks happy on the arm on her (scumbag) father. Whether she loves hm in spite of. Does she believe all that happened or not. How does her mom feel. There is just so very much to speculate about. The "news" will love it.


Well-Known Member
I feel like Andrew if he wants to be "honorable" should talk to the FBI. I doubt they will bring him up on charges, but it would go a long way towards rehabilitating his image if he took responsibility for his actions and acknowledged the pain he and his pedo pal did and told the FBI all he knows.
It isn't the American criminal justice system Andrew has to worry about. :shuffle:


Well-Known Member
We Jews are walked down by <Mom and Dad/////and we are not "given away". Someone recognized that we were not a position to be given.
Catholics are not given away either they can be accompanied by parents but not given away. Marriage needs to be free choice .


Fluff up your tutu & dance away.....
Catholics are not given away either they can be accompanied by parents but not given away. Marriage needs to be free choice .

I agree, the wording needs to be changed: "who gives this woman..." is antiquated. I like when both parents accompany both bride & groom to the altar.


Well-Known Member
I did watch Andrew's interview. One thing that bugged me and the interviewer didn't follow-up on. Andrew was adamant that Epstein wasn't his friend but Ghislaine was his friend. From what I read she is someone one should be embarassed about being connected to as well. I wish the interviewer pushed on that issue.
Or maybe she realized he was doing it to himself anyway.

Article about Charles becoming 'Prince Regent' - not sure if accurate given the daily mail.
But one thing in the article was interesting - that since Prince Phillip stepped down - discipline went with him.


Well-Known Member
But one thing in the article was interesting - that since Prince Phillip stepped down - discipline went with him.

Andrew’s problem is his association with Epstein and the accusation he had sex with a minor who was not a willing participant. All of that happened while Phillip was still very much around. As was his relationship with Koo Stark (have I got that name right?) I don’t think anyone has ever had any control over what he does.


Well-Known Member
One thing we need to keep in mind is that all (including a prince) are presumed innocent until proven guilty. He is obviously guilty of very poor judgement, and many other things that point to him being a cad, but that is not criminal. Without Epstein, I doubt they will ever have enough to get anywhere near a court room.


Well-Known Member
Andrew’s problem is his association with Epstein and the accusation he had sex with a minor who was not a willing participant. All of that happened while Phillip was still very much around. As was his relationship with Koo Stark (have I got that name right?) I don’t think anyone has ever had any control over what he does.

My comment was referencing the article and the section about Andrews' interview.
It was not meant overall - just in context to that section of article.
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