Nathan Chen (#Slaythan Fans) thread

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GSD news/discussion thread: Nathan Chen has undergone left hip surgery, out for rest of 2015-16 season

I remember first seeing Nathan when he was 3-years-old in a club show in 2002. It was right after the Olympics and it wasn't a very memorable show except for this very little boy who had great spirals. I remember writing about it.

I have posted this before, but I was beginning to doubt my memory. At nationals I had the opportunity to confirm my memory with Nathan's mom. She also remembered that show. I have asked Nathan about it as well, but he doesn't remember it (He was 3). He told me it "sounded" right.

Even though Nathan is only 16, he has been around for a long time.
Thanks for sharing that anecdote! :) Wishing Nathan all the best for a successful rehabilitation/recovery process.
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Childless Cat Lady
Can anyone clarify his coaching situation? Is he back with Arutynyan? Exclusively or is he splitting his time between Arutynyan and Zueva?


Well-Known Member
Seems his coaching situation is very fluid. There will need to come a point during the season where not having disruption would presumably be helpful. Basically there's a major competition now every month through March that he is lined up to compete at.

My gut impression is that he looked adorable and happy with Marina in the K&C, very proud, encouraged, mutually pleased. And then at NHK Raf seemed like he was trying to be more 'huggy' positive than would seem to be his (Raf's) 'norm'


From the Grand Prix Final Team USA preview article - Nathan clarifies his coaching situation:
"I feel like success involves a team of people, and after last season, with all the jumping, I needed to increase my program component scores," he explained. "I felt like my jumping technique was pretty strong, so I spent maybe a little bit more than two months with Marina to improve my choreography, my artistry and edges. Now I'm with Rafael. He's always been my head coach. I've never had a coaching change."

Today is the last day to vote for Nathan in the USOC's online poll for Best Male Athlete of November here:


Well-Known Member
"He's always been my head coach. I've never had a coaching change."

The past was alterable. The past had never been altered. Rafael Artunian was his head coach. Rafael Artunian had always been his head coach. :COP:


Today I came across these 2 Nathan Chen articles that were published before the start of the Grand Prix Final (these links also are posted in the U.S. Men's thread):

By Amy Donaldson-Brass for (Dec. 8, 2016): Nathan Chen Taking Small Steps, Quad Leaps Toward American History

By Nick Zaccardi for's Olympic Talk (Dec. 7, 2016): Nathan Chen, once the darling boy of U.S. figure skating, is now a leading man
This one includes the NBC video of a 10-year-old Nathan's 2010 Nationals exhibition skate ("Peter and the Wolf" was his winning Novice free skate, his first of 2 consecutive Novice titles).


Well-Known Member
ABC showed that feature during the week of his first success at Nationals.
It was extraordinary, since NBC had the rights to the competition.


Banned Member
Just found this (I had seen it before, but just stumbled upon it again - it's kind of amazing to watch now!)

Yep, I remember seeing that feature way back when. Nathan was on my radar during his junior career. He had a lot of setbacks with his growing pain injuries. Despite his numerous setbacks, I've always been amazed by his self-possession, precocious talent, competitive consistency and his absolute determination. Hopefully, he will also learn how to pace himself, as well as continue to hone his above average but still maturing artistic skills.


Well-Known Member
Will Nathan change his jump layout for the 2d half of the season in the LP? IOW, is he going to add a 4S and / or try for 5 quads? Looking at values, a 4S is only worth 0.2 over a 4T, but he has done a 4S and I thought that he noted in an Ice Network interview that he was going to put one in his program (older article before the GPF). Just curious.

If so, I wonder if he would slot one in for one of the 4toes or replace the 3X, and move the 3X to the 3L jumping pass, eliminating the 3L altogether.

There's also this recent action clip of sbs 3A by Nathan & Patrick, taken by Alex:

Nathan's caption: "2 worst triple axelers in the ISU comin at ya"

Nathan's 3X looks good. Nice and straight. Patrick's 3X looks slightly off-axis mid-air, but both landed nicely.
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Well-Known Member
Will Nathan change his jump layout for the 2d half of the season in the LP? IOW, is he going to add a 4S and / or try for 5 quads? Looking at values, a 4S is only worth 0.2 over a 4T, but he has done a 4S and I thought that he noted in an Ice Network interview that he was going to put one in his program (older article before the GPF). Just curious.

If so, I wonder if he would slot one in for one of the 4toes or replace the 3X, and move the 3X to the 3L jumping pass, eliminating the 3L altogether.

Nathan's 3X looks good. Nice and straight. Patrick's 3X looks slightly off-axis mid-air, but both landed nicely.

From his latest interview in Japan after the nhk trophy (translated by sheetz at GoldenSkate) Nathan seemed intended to put the 4S back in his FS. The interview is quite a good read. It reveals his mindset on doing the quads and goals for the season and beyond.

ADMIN EDIT: do not cross post entire content from another site. Use a link instead.
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From his latest interview in Japan after the nhk trophy (translated by sheetz at GoldenSkate) ...
Originally Posted by sheetz
Hi, first post here. I found this enlightening interview with Nathan after the NHK Cup. It's in Japanese but I'm studying the language and have translated it to the best of my ability. Can't guarantee it's 100% accurate but it should be close, and way better than Google Translate.
Thanks for bringing this interview to our attention, @Tahuu - this should be the direct link to sheetz's translation posted at GS:

Phil Hersh's 12/15/16 article for IN: Chen's jumping display has skating world buzzing
Four quads no big deal?
"That's kind of my personality," Chen said of his low-key response via telephone Tuesday from Los Angeles, "but it definitely was a big deal to me."
"Since I'm still a young skater, it's the best time to put out these high-risk jumps," Chen said. "As I get older, I will have more jumps to choose from and, at the same time, more experience with each of these jumps.
"I feel like the artistry is something I can build up. The quote-unquote 'full package' is something I am trying to attain. At the moment, this (the jumps) is what I have."
Chen had clean landings, with positive GOEs, on 11 of 18 quads (all but one was given full base value) in his three Grand Prix events. Five ended in costly falls -- including one in a nervous short program at the Final, the only Grand Prix program where he did not have at least one clean quad.
"For sure, I want to get a higher (success rate)," he said. "But it's risk/reward: I felt it was a good time to get these quads out there, to see what it's like to fall on a quad and still push through the rest of the program or to land a quad and know how to recover from that and continue the program."
And then there is the matter of expectations: When you have landed four quads in the free skate at the U.S. championships and the Grand Prix Final, will anything less do?
"Of course there's always that pressure, but I think the pressure is more from myself, and I'll be a little disappointed if I'm not able to do that," Chen said. "We're human, we make mistakes, and they're very difficult jumps, but I think I've set a bar for myself, and I want to keep pushing that."
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Well-Known Member
I thought Nathan doesn't do a 4S now because it bothers his hip. I think he did at least one 4S at Nationals last year.


Nathan rotated/fell on 4S in his free skates at Finlandia Trophy and Trophee de France and did not attempt it at NHK Trophy or GPF. He is re-working the technique on his 4S - from his post-NHK/pre-GPF interview posted at GS:
A: After the Trophee de France I decided on that after speaking with my coach, Rafael Arutunian. I tried 5 quads of 4 varieties there but it was a bit too much. I haven’t abandoned the plan, but I’m thinking maybe I could gradually slide into it. Especially since the 4S has gotten worse, practicing it at a time like that could bring out some bad habits. So we decided to just put in the stable quads.
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Well-Known Member
From his latest interview in Japan after the nhk trophy (translated by sheetz at GoldenSkate) Nathan seemed intended to put the 4S back in his FS. The interview is quite a good read. It reveals his mindset on doing the quads and goals for the season and beyond.

ADMIN EDIT: do not cross post entire content from another site. Use a link instead.

Oh gosh I didn't realize it. And thank @Sylvia for the link.


Link to the Salt Lake Tribune article on hometown skater Nathan (posted as a separate thread in GSD yesterday):
"From the moment Nathan appeared on the ice before me, it became clear he's a talented, special and most importantly very goal-oriented boy," said Rafael Arutyunyan, Chen's coach. "I believe this can be credited to his parents — their way of bringing him up. What was left to me was to teach him technical skills, and how to be able to execute the necessary stunts in any circumstances, regardless of the pressure."
Arutyunyan said from a very young age, he could tell "there is a brain of an adult in this kid's head." Chen, he explained, has been able to digest whatever comes his way — good or bad — and use it to help him improve on the ice.
"I'll give you this — life often tests us, it puts us through examinations, and Nathan gets all sorts of scrutiny from it too," Arutyunyan said. "But this young man walks out of all such pressing situations as the winner. He behaves like a real man. I'm proud that I took part in raising him as a human being and an athlete."
This is the earliest competition video linked on Nathan's official website - his two Sectional Novice level programs from November 2009 (Kung Fu Panda SP and Peter and the Wolf FS):


Well-Known Member
Link to the Salt Lake Tribune article on hometown skater Nathan (posted as a separate thread in GSD yesterday):

This is the earliest competition video linked on Nathan's official website - his two Sectional Novice level programs from November 2009 (Kung Fu Panda SP and Peter and the Wolf FS):
Nathan rotated/fell on 4S in his free skates at Finlandia Trophy and Trophee de France and did not attempt it at NHK Trophy or GPF. He is re-working the technique on his 4S - from his post-NHK/pre-GPF interview posted at GS:
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