Jeremy Abbott Uber Thread


Well-Known Member
I hope he goes to Worlds and medals. Is that realistic?

No- don't they skate in ranking order again at Worlds? He'll be too far down the order to score good PCS, no matter how he skates.

But he could go and skate just for his fans. Pull the quad out of the short. (the US will keep their 2 slots- not sure any combo of US men will get 3)

I bet he doesn't go to Worlds. The press would be all over him in a negative way. Also-isn't he out of money? He seemed to put everything in to the Olympics.Maybe the USFS will punish him for his comments to the press and pull him?


Well-Known Member
Maybe the USFS will punish him for his comments to the press and pull him?
The way the rulebook is written, they don't have the ability to pull him. The national champion automatically gets a bid to words.

Plus a USFS PR person TOLD him he could say what he wanted. If USFS didn't want him going crazy, they should have guided him to a PC statement.


Well-Known Member
Seems like skaters that put so much into going for a medal at the Olympics, don't do so well at Worlds. Olympics is exhausting in every way. A good time to say goodbye if one is retiring. Don't waste a trip if you aren't going to fully compete. Let someone else go.


Holding an edge and looking dangerously sexy
But he could go and skate just for his fans. Pull the quad out of the short. (the US will keep their 2 slots- not sure any combo of US men will get 3)

I don't think we have any combination of US men currently who could regain the 3 spots. I also think it's pretty ridiculous to read claims that Abbott's inclusion at Worlds would result in the US going down to 1 spot. Yes, Jeremy has had some rough skates before, but he has never had a meltdown of proportions that epic to cause the US men to go down to 1 spot. You have to really work by skating dreadfully to get down to 1 spot: think Nobunari Oda's performance at the 2010 Worlds SP when he singled all of his jump passes and failed to advance to the LP as an example.


Well-Known Member
No- don't they skate in ranking order again at Worlds? He'll be too far down the order to score good PCS, no matter how he skates.
The reason he was so low before is that he didn't go to worlds last year. Now that Olympics has been added in, he's moved up to 20th, and there are several ranked higher than he is who are not going to worlds. I think his rank for placement might end up in the top 12. (and Max Aaron is way down in 28th.)
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Banned Member
Bye bye to competitive Abbott, who sucks AZZZZZZZZZZZ. Maybe he will be mildly entertaining as a show skater with fake angsty looks and B.S. "emotion" on the ice in the future.

But, good riddance. Don't let the door get stuck in your ass on the way out.


Well-Known Member
I have serious issues with the way they try to guide/muzzle the skaters

Well, they certainly didn't here.

I was just responding to the notion that USFS would punish him for the statement. Why punish him when they (or at least their press officer) pretty much encouraged it.


Well-Known Member
Bye bye to competitive Abbott, who sucks AZZZZZZZZZZZ. Maybe he will be mildly entertaining as a show skater with fake angsty looks and B.S. "emotion" on the ice in the future.

But, good riddance. Don't let the door get stuck in your ass on the way out.

This is a support thread.
Good riddance to YOU!


Active Member
Bye bye to competitive Abbott, who sucks AZZZZZZZZZZZ. Maybe he will be mildly entertaining as a show skater with fake angsty looks and B.S. "emotion" on the ice in the future.

But, good riddance. Don't let the door get stuck in your ass on the way out.

Coming from a never was....that means so much. LOL

Dear, get a life!


New Member
I think Jeremy discovered himself at these Olympics, sort of life Pau Wylie discovered himself in Albertville, but in a different way. He did not win a medal but he found his own strength. I hope he goes to worlds in March, and just skates the way he is capable of.

Exactly what I've been thinking, but you said it waaaaay better. Picking himself up after that fall took a rare and extraordinary kind of courage. When it happened, at first I was just thankful that he didn't seem to be seriously injured but when he finished the program and did it so well, my jaw hit the floor. Strength of character like that goes far beyond Olympic medals -- it's in a class by itself and will serve him well whatever he decides to do with the rest of his life. Wishing him well with all my heart.

Edit/addition: I missed the "middle finger" interview. Yikes, the Catholic school kid in me wishes he hadn't said that. OTOH, there's another (much bigger) part of me that doesn't blame him AT ALL!
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Forever Ogling Ingo
This is a support thread.
Good riddance to YOU!

ITA. Why this particular individual would feel the need to come in and bash a skater in their support thread is beyond me, especially when this particular individual would have a conniption if someone did the same in a thread for their favorite skater(s). Then again, the row of red dots under their rep also indicates how truly popular they are with the other posters. ;) Anyway, this is why the ignore feature is one of my favorite parts of FSU. :)

P.S. This poster is marked as being banned but is still posting? How does that work exactly?
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Music Maker
I think that Jeremy should definitely go to Worlds. After all, it would be Jeremy's last eligible competition, and it would mean so much to his fans to see Jeremy skate in competition one last time. The other US men who could replace Jeremy don't have a better international competitive record than Jeremy. And they have their future; this would be Jeremy's last competition. As the US champ, Jeremy has the right to go - and I feel that he should. And Jeremy is a remarkable, very gifted skater. For himself and for his fans, I believe that Jeremy needs to go to Worlds. :)


Well-Known Member
I think he should go to Worlds and skate for his fans. Not for medals, not for "one more try", just for what he loves and for people who love what he does.


Well-Known Member
Jeremy needs top step aside and let Jason go to Worlds. We don't need anymore personal triumphs from Jeremy we need the skaters who will get that 3rd spot back and i don't see Jeremy being that skater. Time to look to the future.


Well-Known Member
And it's not like Jason did much better. I love Jason too but so far he's just like the rest of the men. So if Jeremy wants to go, he earn the spot.


Question everything
Jeremy needs top step aside and let Jason go to Worlds. We don't need anymore personal triumphs from Jeremy we need the skaters who will get that 3rd spot back and i don't see Jeremy being that skater. Time to look to the future.

I'm not sure Jason will get the 3rd spot back.
Anyway, if Jeremy goes to worlds, I hope he does it for the right reason; if not, perhaps a good rest in in order.


Forever Ogling Ingo
I think the poster was banned after his bashing but not when he posted.

Question: What's the reputation comment for?

Thanks for the explanation. The rep comment I made in my post was to draw attention to all the lovely little red blobs under said now-banned person's name. ;)

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