ISU to evaluate feasibility of 2020-21 skating season


Well-Known Member
The 14 day quarantine upon returning home thing confused me too. I wonder if that was a misquote or misunderstanding? If Worlds has already happened, quarantining 14 days after returning from Worlds to Canada seems irrelevant. Could he have been talking about something else?


Well-Known Member
Well my issue is with considering athletes "high priority individuals" during that phase of vaccinations.

Morally and ethically that seems pretty far fetched.

I think it will be a more than big task to vaccinate the most vulnerable and medical personnel until summer 2021.
I agree with you. But many athletes with disabilities are probably more vulnerable than able-bodied athletes, so they could hold Paralympics.

I take your point, but would also point out that Olympics are very uplifting and exciting to many people, including myself. If getting an early vaccination is necessary for skaters to attend an OG, I'm okay with it.
I'd happily let athletes get vaccinated before I'm going to get vaccinated but they should not take any vaccines away from frontline or essential workers.

I would expect that most countries would put elite athletes right down at the bottom of the list for vaccinations. As a group, they tend to be young, fit, and healthy. Figure skaters are usually slim as well and therefore would probably be even less of a priority than athletes with a higher Body Mass Index.
Many athletes and skaters would probably be fine but a severe case of YKW has the potential to cut a career short.


Well-Known Member
The 14 day quarantine upon returning home thing confused me too. I wonder if that was a misquote or misunderstanding? If Worlds has already happened, quarantining 14 days after returning from Worlds to Canada seems irrelevant. Could he have been talking about something else?

One of the problems would be who will pay the lost income of accompanying personnels to the Worlds due to the quarantine in Canada.


Well-Known Member
The excuses - lack of training and need to quarantine - for not going to Worlds aren't convincing.

"Canada's *********-19 protocols that require a 14-day quarantine once returning home would be an issue. "How ready can athletes be if they have to miss two weeks of training? Is that realistic?" Slipchuk said."

Isn't Worlds the last competition of the season. Which one is more devastated to the Canadian skaters - not allowed to compete at Worlds or have to stay at home for 14 days after Worlds?

"Slipchuk is keeping fingers crossed that the Canadian championships, originally scheduled for January but pushed back to February 8-14, can be held live as planned in Vancouver."

After Canadian championships, you still couldn't select and send eager, able and ready skaters to compete at Worlds in another month?

Yeah, it sounds like almost laziness on Skate Canada's part, or unwillingness to spend money. Or they think the skaters are so untrained that they'll do poorly and make the country look bad.


If I agreed with you, we’d both be wrong.
Yeah, it sounds like almost laziness on Skate Canada's part, or unwillingness to spend money. Or they think the skaters are so untrained that they'll do poorly and make the country look bad.
I know our ladies are very weak, but it’s taking away from our stronger skaters. Skate Canada is too focused on renaming moves and not invested enough into our skaters


I think it's important to remember that Canada was one of the first countries to pull out of the Tokyo Olympics last spring, before they were postponed. I believe Skate Canada is not going to put there athletes at risk by travelling or where the skaters would be in a position where they would have to complete a 14 day quarantine upon returning to Canada just to compete at a World Championships.


Well-Known Member
Oh, who knows?

I've not given up hope on Worlds at this point. (Maybe in May rather than March?).

The good news is that if Worlds does not happen or if it turns out to be just a Europeans-in-Worlds-clothing, the current predictions for getting folks vaccinated by mid-summer/fall seem very positive.

I am glad the Winter Olympics is scheduled for 2022 rather than this summer.


Well-Known Member
I think Skate Canada should give their athletes the option of going or staying at home, knowing they might need to complete a 14-day quarantine after they return. It is grossly unfair to the athletes to not give them/their parents (if they are minors) and coaches the choice. We have enough information about this to make our own decisions about our travel and exposure risk.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Having helped my daughter move to Canada in August 2020 I am not surprised Skate Canada is making this call now. It's a lot more complicated then just a 14 day quarantine on return. And flying to Sweden in March before vaccines are available can fairly be considered a big risk.

I also don't think it's not a bad thing to tell your skaters this isn't going to happen now then to keep their hopes up and just snatch it from them at the last minute. Montreal Worlds being pulled last minute must have been a the biggest blow for Canadian skaters that I think for mental health and motivation it's good to pull the plug now, push back Nationals and actually give them a final realistic goal to work towards.

Even if Sweden goes ahead with Worlds if the situation worsens countries outside the EU/EEA and Switzerland will be the first denied entry.

Deleted member 221

Skaters and federations know the consequences. Don't go to Worlds, don't get Olympic spots. Canada can try to qualify an Olympic spot at Nebelhorn, or not. Life goes on! Skating goes on, with or without Canada and any other countries whose governments, federations, or skaters are too afraid to travel and compete. We all can't be bound by the decisions of the most fearful. ISU, don't cave to the pressure! The show must go on!


Hey, Kool-Aid!
Skaters and federations know the consequences. Don't go to Worlds, don't get Olympic spots. Canada can try to qualify an Olympic spot at Nebelhorn, or not. Life goes on! Skating goes on, with or without Canada and any other countries whose governments, federations, or skaters are too afraid to travel and compete. We all can't be bound by the decisions of the most fearful. ISU, don't cave to the pressure! The show must go on!
Indeed, the show must go on!!
I’m shocked Worlds hasn’t been cancelled or closed to spectators. It’s not that I think there’s any huge danger, but 1) it’s going against the grain of every other decision; 2) it risks inviting a lot of travel from heavily infected countries into Canada; 3) there is enormous reputational risk for the ISU, the Quebec government, and even the entire country of Canada. Can you imagine the outcry if Worlds causes an outbreak? I’ve been one of the least concerned about this ***** (not to say unconcerned), and I’m typing this from an airport, but I would not want my @ss to be on the line for this and would cancel or close to spectators if I were responsible.


Banned Member
If Skate Canada is really worried about the 14 day quarantine when the athletes come home, they should make arrangements for everyone to land in Calgary on arrival, where they can do the pilot program to get cv-tested and reduce quarantine time. Under the pilot program, everyone would have to stay in Alberta for fourteen days, but there are rinks in Alberta too.

It’s also possible that the pilot program will be extended to the rest of Canada by the time March rolls around.

I just found the arguments made in that article to be weird and not super logical. I do think that the lost training time while rinks are closed is very tough on the athletes, but that isn’t a reason to not give them the option to go to Worlds. I think the comment about Skate Canada trying to pressure a cancellation or delay is probably accurate.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think the situation in March 2021 can be compared to March 2020. People know a lot more and even know with mild lockdown here in Germany lots of sports are going on (including a small international skating competition at the moment)

In March 2021 the situation might be even more improved and there might be better rules for international travel.

Japan is currently able to hold an event with about 50% spectators (from the way it looked on my tv screen it might even have been 60%? The stands looked a bit fuller than in Russia).

The fact that Europe and North America are currently not able to hold safe big events with audience shows more about their lack of Corona management than about anything else.

International travel is complicated, but it's happening, so I do think it boils down to individual choices that might be influenced by safety and financial concerns. But I don't see a reason to cancell an event completely if only a partial list of countries show up.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
It does say in the article:

"The International Skating Union has canvassed national federations, asking if there was a junior world and world championship, would they attend. The world junior championships in China have since been cancelled, along with the Four Continents Championships in Australia."

So I would guess Canada is just answering them "probably not". As others must have when they cancelled Junior Worlds and 4CC.

And I think what this year has shown us is that we don't know anything. Despite knowing better how to treat the virus we here have 60% more deaths this wave and community spread is much much greater this time around than last. After successfully making our way down the curve to this time round we are heading back up as news of vaccines and overall fatigue has people taking risks already. And if people read the fine print most of us are not getting any vaccine in March.


RIP D-10
It's a lot more complicated then just a 14 day quarantine on return.
That's why I thought it odd that this was the reason they chose. Skaters take time off after returning from Worlds all the time, especially in non WTT years: we've seen their beach vacation photos on social media. Worst case scenario skating wise is that they don't start getting next year's choreography for another two weeks, on the ice at least.

If there was a 14-day quarantine period when the skaters landed in Sweden, it would have made more sense.


Hey, Kool-Aid!
That's why I thought it odd that this was the reason they chose. Skaters take time off after returning from Worlds all the time, especially in non WTT years: we've seen their beach vacation photos on social media. Worst case scenario skating wise is that they don't start getting next year's choreography for another two weeks, on the ice at least.

If there was a 14-day quarantine period when the skaters landed in Sweden, it would have made more sense.
I think when things don't make sense, like not going to worlds because of a post 14 day quarantine, there is probably more to it. Such as thinking it only applies to skaters. All SC officials, coaches, medical staff who would typically go to an ISU championships also have jobs outside of skating. That could require them taking a month off of work. More if they end up infected. And I imagine that would be unpaid. I know here some businesses have told their employees that if they choose leisure/personal travel during this time they aren't paying for their quarantine and sick leave (if needed). And why should they. And if they get sick while in Sweden? What plane is going to let an infected person on it and what health insurance is going to cover their costs if they need to be hospitalized in Sweden?


RIP D-10
I'm sure there is more too it, but it's easily enough to explain as in "14-day quarantine for skaters, coaches, officials, and accompanying adults, which could endanger their skating and non-skating jobs and impact their livelihoods."


Hey, Kool-Aid!
I'm sure there is more too it, but it's easily enough to explain as in "14-day quarantine for skaters, coaches, officials, and accompanying adults, which could endanger their skating and non-skating jobs and impact their livelihoods."
It's not an official Skate Canada announcement and the title of the article is:
Canada might not compete at world figure skating championships — if they happen
Loads of uncertainty so I think the fault in that particular quote likely lies with whoever wrote the article ie... in what context was Slipchuk saying this because as written it clearly is causing a lot of confusion for people.

Anyway, I think if the ISU is nosing around the federations asking the question (and already having cancelled events) it is probably considering cancelling. Realistically the only skaters this isn't a risk for are EU/EEA skaters. Sweden should flip it into a Euros competition ;) :D



Well-Known Member
I don't think Sweden should cancel worlds based on a single poorly written article in a Canadian newspaper. :)

I have a sort of superstitious idea that the major competitions will each be held once in the 2019-2021 cycle. We had Junior Worlds and 4CC's last year, despite the impending "situation." They are cancelled this year. We had Euros in 2020, we may not have it this year. But we didn't have Worlds last time and we WILL HAVE IT this time. Such is my decree lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't think Sweden should cancel worlds based on a single poorly written article in a Canadian newspaper. :)

I have a sort of superstitious idea that the major competitions will each be held once in the 2019-2021 cycle. We had Junior Worlds and 4CC's last year, despite the impending "situation." They are cancelled this year. We had Euros in 2020, we may not have it this year. But we didn't have Worlds last time and we WILL HAVE IT this time. Such is my decree lol.
Just because Skate Canada is making those noises about not sending athletes doesn't mean that other non-EU/EEA feds would make the same choice. Canada has, IMO, been quick on the trigger to move to cancel events or turn them into virtual events when possible as well as postpone their own Nationals.

I highly doubt the USFS would, provided the Swedish Worlds organizing committee and ISU can provide a bubble atmosphere like there was at Skate America and will be having at Nationals. With the CDC rumored to be readying new guidance to shorten the length of quarantines, I just don't see the USFS urging the ISU to cancel Worlds or not sending a full team. Same with Russia, Japan and China. I also would expect Korea to do their level best to get their ladies and men to Sweden. Brendan Kerry is training in Switzerland so Australia would have their best top 10 threat in attendance. And if Russia can get their athletes into Sweden then I would assume the same is true of any smaller fed skaters who are training in Russia.

Ultimately, unless we are, globally, in full-on lockdown mode again come March, I don't see the event being canceled. I do expect Euros will be canceled, if only because of the situation with the rink probably not being available. If Canada skips Worlds, they only damage their own skaters. Can you imagine the bloodbath at Canadian Nationals 2022 if there is only 1 Olympic spot available in each discipline?
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Well-Known Member
Skaters and federations know the consequences. Don't go to Worlds, don't get Olympic spots. Canada can try to qualify an Olympic spot at Nebelhorn, or not.
If Canada is alone, this will probably be how it works; but if Canada is only the first of a lot of major skating countries whose athletes may not be attending for a myriad of different reasons, then I think TPTB will have to rethink the qualifying process.

ETA: Is China letting anyone in & out at this point?
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Well-Known Member
I can understand how putting minors, chaperones etc into a long quarantine would be onerous. (Although it seems like Canada doesn't have mandatory enforced hotel quarantine so it's not as intense and isolating a process as it would be elsewhere).

Skate Canada doesn't have a magic money tree like some other professional sports do. Skating already costs a fortune and then requiring chaperones to take time off work and then another 2 weeks on top of that for quarantine is a big ask.

Plus I wonder what foreign athletes like Papadakis will do. If they leave Canada for worlds, they can't return to train.

Also, if the rinks are closed in places, I think Skate Canada doesn't want to risk its athletes turning up really poorly trained and then losing all the spots for the Olympics. Probably a better bet to then arrange another option later on or try to qualify another way when the training time has been recovered.

I don't really want to see an Olympics in a years time with sad spot allocations just because athletes from one country were badly affected by the virus just as Worlds were scheduled. Running qualifications in the height of a wave just favours countries that don't really take mitigation steps.
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Well-Known Member
I want there to be a Worlds but I think they will have to come up with a different qualifying system for spots to the Olympics than the usual, even if every federation is able to send a full complement of skaters. Maybe use worlds as the baseline but have something so feds have the opportunity to qualify additional spots in the fall?

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