German Skating News - Part 3


Active Member
Thoughts on the first day of nationals?

Dance: my personal highlight! L/P sold the sh*t out of that program. They looked very confident and i just loved it. I feel for the first time they performed that dance really well. Amazing! Nice to see that Shpilband came to be with them which means he really is invested at them. He mentioned in many interviews already that these 2 can have a bright future.
M/D were good too but for me personally they are not a stunner. They looked pretty nervous. I even prefered K/N over them. She is very sexy and looks amazing on the ice! U/S i like them! They are fresh and look great together. I hope they continue!

Pairs: V/B love that program but always same issues. I feel like they are not improving and I might consider a coaching change?! They need fresh air because they do have potential!

Men: Good for Liebers but I have to say I kinda like Fentz. They are holding him back because of Liebers but i think he had a amazing 3 A today and he seems to be more consistent with his quad. Give him a chance at Euros and sent Liebers to Worlds!

Ladies: Nathalie seems consistent! I am not a fan of her SP but her jumps looked huge. I do like her FP though so i am excited for that!


Pairs: V/B love that program but always same issues. I feel like they are not improving and I might consider a coaching change?! They need fresh air because they do have potential!

i have the same feeling regarding the improvement, though their pcs got up this season.
blommaerts girlfriend lives in oberstdorf, he at least seem pretty best-buddy with his coach, so i cannot see that happening.

it's a shame. the pcs intrenational this season are not bad, but they were so promising in their 1st season :drama:
and to be honest - there are not really better coaches right here in germany, are they?

steuer, when seeing him with bock nowadays, might have had better days :p


Men: Good for Liebers but I have to say I kinda like Fentz. They are holding him back because of Liebers but i think he had a amazing 3 A today and he seems to be more consistent with his quad. Give him a chance at Euros and sent Liebers to Worlds!
same feeling here.


Well I'm happy for Liebers. :cheer: Looks like he went pretty clean from the protocol?


Well-Known Member
Paul Fentz is going to Europeans, he was leading by 0,7 points.
World representant in men will be decided later after additional international competitions by Paul, Peter and Franz.
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Paul Fentz is going to Europeans, he was leading by 0,7 points.
World representant in men will be decided later after additional international competitions by Paul, Peter and Feanz.

at least fentz got euros; and i hope he skates the lights out there.
and if, it would be really shameful of german fed to put his worlds ticket away.

but i know german fed, and i am prepared for a bavarian open skate off :p
why streubel should be included, i cannot tell. his season was ehm, very underwhelming.


i do not like this decision with the skate-off for the men. it's not like liebers skated lights out here.

what happens if schott is not 100% fit for euros? will there be a worlds skate-off later too? :drama:

german fed is so....:mitchell:


Final standing in the #germaneurosrace :hat1:


418,40 Paul Fentz (GC 218,43; NRW-Trophy 199,77)

418,33 Peter Liebers (GC 222,83; NRW-Trophy 195,50)
384,63 Franz Streubel (GC 210,26; CS GER 174,37)
324,16 Anton Kempf (GC 166,37; CS CRO 157,79)
250,87 Dave Kötting (GC 128,09; NRW-Trophy 122,78)
153,39 Fabian Piontek (GC 153,39)


333,62 Nicole Schott (NRW-Trophy 167,70; CS POL 165,92)
325,37 Nathalie Weinzierl (GC 168,26; NRW-Trophy 157,11)

302,27 Lutricia Bock (CS LAT 153,19; CS ITA 149,08)
257,50 Kristina Isaev (NRW-Trophy 132,27; GC 125,23)
192,34 Alina Mayer-Virtanen (GC 102,32; NRW-Trophy 90,02)
139,87 Lea Johanna Dastich (GC 139,87)
135,44 Annika Hocke (GC 135,44)
131,65 Maria-Katharina Herceg (CS LAT 131,65)


418,48 Aliona Savchenko / Bruno Massot (GP FRA 210,59; GP RUS 207,89)
354,78 Mari Vartmann / Ruben Blommaert (GC 180,90; GP CHN 173,88)
278,65 Minerva Fabienne Hase / Nolan Seegert (CS POL 141,62; NRW-Trophy 137,03)

Ice Dance

327,54 Kavita Lorenz / Joti Polizoakis (GC 172,20; CS CRO 155,34)

301,26 Katharina Müller / Tim Dieck (NRW-Trophy 154,38; GC 146,88)
288,68 Shari Koch / Christian Nüchtern (CS CRO 144,74; GC 143,94)
281,87 Jennifer Urban / Benjamin Steffan (GC 142,15; CS CRO 139,72)

Bold marked skaters qualified for euros.

Side notes:
- 0,07pts decider between Fentz/Liebers :drama:
- Weinzierl not even winning the race with overscored nationals score (take this @alchemy void ) :EVILLE:
- evil me like that the tactic games of m/d did not pay out at all in the end and they ended up with 4th fd.
- love that we seem to have 4 decent ice dance teams again. time to get that 2nd spot!
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RIP D-10
Congrats to Urban/Steffan for their 2nd in the FD!

ETA: Impressive TES for them compared to K/N and M/D, even with M/D's much higher PCS:

1 Kavita LORENZ / Joti POLIZOAKIS ECO BAY 104.96 55.36 49.60 8.08 8.00 8.42 8.33 8.50 0.00 #3
2 Jennifer URBAN / Benjamin STEFFAN ECO/CEC B/S 88.40 49.10 39.30 6.33 6.17 6.83 6.75 6.67 0.00 #2
3 Shari KOCH / Christian NÜCHTERN BTSC/EGS B/N 84.10 44.20 39.90 6.50 6.33 6.67 7.00 6.75 0.00 #1
4 Katharina MÜLLER / Tim DIECK ERCW NRW 83.44 40.14 44.30 7.33 7.42 7.17 7.67 7.33 1.00 #


btw dear german fed, can we please find somehow decent pair guys for herceg and hocke? thanks.


he gets his worlds skate-off, be pleased :p

He's only had one comp prior to this in what, two years?

It makes sense to give him another event considering he can already keep pace with someone who, as far as I know, has been training non stop.


He's only had one comp prior to this in what, two years?

It makes sense to give him another event considering he can already keep pace with someone who, as far as I know, has been training non stop.

i don't have any info why he did no earlier competitions this year.

and i don't want to be rude, but (and i like liebers) that he can already keep pace with fentz is due to 'great' judging at nationals.
goe +1 for a hand-down-axel by german-vice-president treitz.

i agree, it might be fair for liebers and i would appreciate it if others would get the same treating. and obviously they do not (seeing the behaviour of great mrs treitz). german fed at its best. this is so embarassing.


Well-Known Member
Peter is quite good already considering the long road back from injury. Lovely programs as well.

His son came with him to the press conference, he is so cute...

They all go to Torun by the way, Peter, Paul and Franz.

I hope Paul does not feel too much pressure in Ostrava. But I never saw him do a free without mistakes...


Well-Known Member
Press conference with Aljona felt a bit worrisome. She talked at lenghth about the slow recovery and how she never was off training for so long and that the foot still hurts.

Also sad: Hase/Seegert were pressured into performing the 3tw by the DEU, but it was not ready yet, so she injured herself on the catch and might not be able to go to Europeans.


Also sad: Hase/Seegert were pressured into performing the 3tw by the DEU, but it was not ready yet, so she injured herself on the catch and might not be able to go to Europeans.
Why am I not surprised? :wall:

What did she injure?


Well-Known Member
Nolan said his knee hurt her upper thigh badly, and it was swollen up. (He was not that clear in explaining). Dönsdorf said there was some small internal bleeding (Einblutungen) from it. She was limping and remained silent.


Nolan said his knee hurt her upper thigh badly, and it was swollen up. (He was not that clear in explaining). Dönsdorf said there was some small internal bleeding (Einblutungen) from it. She was limping and remained silent.
no words, one night sleep did not help with calming down for me :mad:


Updates on the german health status:

Bock got severly injured: ruptured meniscus :eek::(
i guess this means she is out for a while, as her instagram message already implied

Schott: ruptured muscle fiber in her calf
time for euros is getting tight i guees :(

Savchenko: healing process needs longer than anticipated.
they do 4 shows in the following days.
maybe they decide last minute about euros. 'olympics are more imporant than worlds.'


i really hope this messy 4throw/3axelthrow will not continue the next season.

All the best to the german athletes!

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