From Russia With Love [#40]: Summer 2021 & into the Olympic season

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Rooting for that middle-aged team
That's a flash mob in support of Kamila. The re-tweet from that guy is BS.

Check out the original tweet.

A quick google translation says:

Here is another

And another:

And more:

Another one:

And more, which I'm not bringing here because that's enough, I think. lol
They started to post them yesterday in the morning before the competition
Thanks, I’m glad to see it was not actual military on skates. I’m not on Twitter so only see what gets posted here.

Perky Shae Lynn

Well-Known Member
How exactly is any “Western” skater or coach supposed to feel comfortable going to Rostelcom next season when the Ministry of Defense is being used to “protect” their athletes? I have a feeling the GP series is going to be a sh*tshow next season.

Edited: This appears to have been a flash mob and not the Ministry of Defense.
Do you also think that children in Russia have pet bears, play balalaykas and drink vodka? Just checking.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, anybody knows what Nina Mozer is doing these days? Is she still not coaching? Watching Pairs reminded me of her.


Well-Known Member
B&K so cute. :swoon:I loved their attitude. First Olympics, good job. Plenty of time to win. :)
Not if they stay where they currently are. Their coaches completely abandoned them. People talk about Eteri prioritizing one over the others but Moskvina did it big time and favored M/G over them. It's clear they were a total afterthought to her (and it happened way before that disastrous world's)

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, anybody knows what Nina Mozer is doing these days? Is she still not coaching? Watching Pairs reminded me of her.

She still has her rink in Moscow, though she's not there on a daily basis anymore. The main coaches are Vladislav Zhovnirsky, Arina Ushakova, and Filipp Tarasov. They are the ones that travel with the teams, most of their pairs are juniors right now.


Values her privacy
She still has her rink in Moscow, though she's not there on a daily basis anymore. The main coaches are Vladislav Zhovnirsky, Arina Ushakova, and Filipp Tarasov. They are the ones that travel with the teams, most of their pairs are juniors right now.
Not only juniors, also not very successful seniors. Pepeleva/Pleshkov, Labazina/Sviatchenko, Boyarintseva/Shagalov…


Well-Known Member
Not if they stay where they currently are. Their coaches completely abandoned them. People talk about Eteri prioritizing one over the others but Moskvina did it big time and favored M/G over them. It's clear they were a total afterthought to her (and it happened way before that disastrous world's)
Any teacher or coach who says doesn't have favorites is lying. ;)
It's human nature. For what is worth, I never believed Alina became Eteri's favorite. Not because she doesn't do favoritism but not that year. Evgenia was always her "pet". She should have asked Julia for confirmation, if she was in doubt. ;)

Anyway, the problem is not having a "favorite". The problem is when your teacher/coach doesn't dedicate the time needed for you, or doesn't give the right material. I don't know the internal dynamics but I doubt Moskvina is lacking in professionality. She has had top level teams who were rivals before. B&K had two very good programs and they have so much talent. I think someone like Moskvina can see that. Again, I don't know if there serious issues in their camp. But if they need exclusivity, then perhaps it is better to change. Whatever they need to do they should. But in the end it's up to them when it comes to competition. They have to deliver, not the coach.

She still has her rink in Moscow, though she's not there on a daily basis anymore. The main coaches are Vladislav Zhovnirsky, Arina Ushakova, and Filipp Tarasov. They are the ones that travel with the teams, most of their pairs are juniors right now.
I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm curious what they will bring up. By the way, who is Filipp? Any relationship with Tarasova?


Well-Known Member
Not only juniors, also not very successful seniors. Pepeleva/Pleshkov, Labazina/Sviatchenko, Boyarintseva/Shagalov…
Did something changed with her? I mean, I understand the break she wanted to take post Sochi etc. But is there something more to it?


Well-Known Member
Any teacher or coach who says doesn't have favorites is lying. ;)
It's human nature. For what is worth, I never believed Alina became Eteri's favorite. Not because she doesn't do favoritism but not that year. Evgenia was always her "pet". She should have asked Julia for confirmation, if she was in doubt. ;)

Anyway, the problem is not having a "favorite". The problem is when your teacher/coach doesn't dedicate the time needed for you, or doesn't give the right material. I don't know the internal dynamics but I doubt Moskvina is lacking in professionality. She has had top level teams who were rivals before. B&K had two very good programs and they have so much talent. I think someone like Moskvina can see that. Again, I don't know if there serious issues in their camp. But if they need exclusivity, then perhaps it is better to change. Whatever they need to do they should. But in the end it's up to them when it comes to competition. They have to deliver, not the coach.

I guess we'll have to wait and see. I'm curious what they will bring up. By the way, who is Filipp? Any relationship with Tarasova?
My understanding is part of Zhenya’s upset ness with Eteri was Eteri not giving her the super backloaded program lol


Well-Known Member
Not if they stay where they currently are. Their coaches completely abandoned them. People talk about Eteri prioritizing one over the others but Moskvina did it big time and favored M/G over them. It's clear they were a total afterthought to her (and it happened way before that disastrous world's)
I know everyone says Moskvina favors M/G, but she gave B/K the far better LP.


Values her privacy
Did something changed with her? I mean, I understand the break she wanted to take post Sochi etc. But is there something more to it?
I think at the beginning of this current season, she planned to return. She had two pairs that she was going to work with. One of them were Pepeleva/Pleshkov and the other was supposed to be a junior pair. Now I am not sure which one. She did work hard with Pepeleva/Pleshkov for a while, but when they were withdrawn from the senior nationals, I haven’t heard anything more. Maybe she is still working with them, I don’t know. P/P’s season were not that successful- their international scores were 174, 183, 162 and 190, but the last one was at the Warsaw cup and everyone there was overscored. So I am not sure what the next step will be, whether she will split them up, or whether she will decide not to continue coaching for a while until she has better skaters to work with.


Well-Known Member
I think at the beginning of this current season, she planned to return. She had two pairs that she was going to work with. One of them were Pepeleva/Pleshkov and the other was supposed to be a junior pair. Now I am not sure which one. She did work hard with Pepeleva/Pleshkov for a while, but when they were withdrawn from the senior nationals, I haven’t heard anything more. Maybe she is still working with them, I don’t know. P/P’s season were not that successful- their international scores were 174, 183, 162 and 190, but the last one was at the Warsaw cup and everyone there was overscored. So I am not sure what the next step will be, whether she will split them up, or whether she will decide not to continue coaching for a while until she has better skaters to work with.
I'm curious to see. I guess she's not lacking in funds. Is Stanislav still with her team?


Values her privacy
I know everyone says Moskvina favors M/G, but she gave B/K the far better LP.
Did she? I think both her pairs had programs that didn’t particularly suit them or showed their best skills.
Mishina/Galliamov’s SP was quite good last season, but watching it for two seasons, it became quite boring. Their FS was very ‘traditional Russian’ (not in the good sense). The music is quite heavy and they don’t have the skating skills to do this. It made their skating look heavy. (I am not talking about their weight, I mean the skating looked like it was a hard job.)

Boikova/Kozlovski- no matter how hard I try to push my imagination, Boikova just is not swan, and them doing ballet, they are not polished enough for that. Their FS - the program could be anything. Not related to music at all. If you switch off the music, you wouldn’t know what they are supposed to be skating. On the positive note, they could have kept the program and keep changing music for every competition, the program would fit into anything.(didn’t Tuktamysheva did that one season, using a program but changing the music?)

Amy L

Well-Known Member
Did she? I think both her pairs had programs that didn’t particularly suit them or showed their best skills.
Mishina/Galliamov’s SP was quite good last season, but watching it for two seasons, it became quite boring. Their FS was very ‘traditional Russian’ (not in the good sense). The music is quite heavy and they don’t have the skating skills to do this. It made their skating look heavy. (I am not talking about their weight, I mean the skating looked like it was a hard job.)

Boikova/Kozlovski- no matter how hard I try to push my imagination, Boikova just is not swan, and them doing ballet, they are not polished enough for that. Their FS - the program could be anything. Not related to music at all. If you switch off the music, you wouldn’t know what they are supposed to be skating. On the positive note, they could have kept the program and keep changing music for every competition, the program would fit into anything.(didn’t Tuktamysheva did that one season, using a program but changing the music?)

I pretty much agree with this. M/G's LP is such a nothingburger, the music literally goes nowhere, the program just ends. B/K have the better put-together programs in comparison, but Swan Lake and Malaguena, really?? How much time could it have taken to make those decisions? Their previous programs did a better job of hiding their iffy posture. The Montreal Worlds cancellation really messed with their career trajectory, but at least they made it to the Olympics, unlike Kostornaya, who probably lost her only shot. B/K took an emotional hit when M/G leapfrogged over them, but both teams are still quite young for pairs. T/M could do a whole week-long pairs retreat about longevity in the face of extreme competitive ups and downs.
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Well-Known Member
I better say nothing. I've been there and done that chit with my violin teacher too. lol
We all have. It is what it is there.
I pretty much agree with this. M/G's LP is such a nothingburger, the music literally goes nowhere, the program just ends. B/K have the better put-together programs in comparison, but Swan Lake and Malaguena, really?? How much time could it have taken to make those decisions? Their previous programs did a better job of hiding their iffy posture. The Montreal Worlds cancellation really messed with their career trajectory, but at least they made it to the Olympics, unlike Kostornaya, who probably lost her only shot. B/K took and emotional hit when M/G leapfrogged over them, but both teams are still quite young for pairs. T/M could do a whole week-long pairs retreat about longevity in the face of extreme competitive ups and downs.
While I think longevity matters teams need to be well matched to.

I think it’s sad Brandon and Alexa were not put together a long time ago.


These 2 posts seem more suited this THIS thread so copying over to here :):
T/M were happy to finally! win an Olympic medal.
M/G will be in good position to win the OGM in 2026.
So T/M now have two medals: silver (individual) and ? (team)

Not sure they'll hang around for another 4 years: she is 27 and he is 28. 31 and 32 are doable, but the competition at home isn't going to get any easier.
T/M won team silver in 2018 (won SP portion for OAR).
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